#however i can't simply put a screenshot of your actual ask on here because tumblr hasn't been letting me upload images
@imsoglitter asked: Not a series but repo for the ask game in honor of Halloween! Also wwdits
Favorite character: Mag my beloved my everything
Second favorite character: Graverobber! I think it's fun when characters turn to the camera and get a fourth wall moment
Least favorite character: Tie between Pavi and Luigi I don't dislike them I just do not care
The character I’m most like: Shilo Wallace because I too was 17 with problems
Favorite pairing: Mag/Marnie do you see my vision we keep the story the same but swap Nathan and Marnie's roles
Least favorite pairing: honestly I am. Not a shipper I don't properly care for any pairing gjfjskf
Favorite moment: Everyone's A Composer! It's the short song that Mag, Nathan, and Shilo sing directly after Chase the Morning
Rating out of 10: 10. That doesn't mean it's perfect it just means I like it :]
Favorite character: Guillermo <3
Second favorite character: Shout out to Nadja I love women
Least favorite character: I do not care about Sean (Shaun? Shawn?)
The character I’m most like: I am just like Lazslo in the sense that I am British and talk funny alas I do not have a beautiful lady wife
Favorite/least favourite pairing: Could Not Tell You Either I Have No Strong Feelings
Favorite moment: Not caught up with s5 but I have watched the one where we see Guillermo get turned and like what a scene
Rating out of 10: 7
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aerelin · 3 months
Questioning Tumblr Ethics just before I sleep. Basically: there's an option to opt-out of being included in AI Scraping (which I have learned is actually illegal in European Countries but I guess the EU hasn't slapped Tumblr on the wrist for this), but TOS still states that Tumblr has the right to do absolutely whatever the fuck they want with anything you post.
Compare this to the scare a few years back with DeviantArt's TOS:
Paraphrasing, DeviantArts TOS stated in what may have been a poorly worded section that "we can't be held responsible if your content is stolen by third parties outside of DeviantArt's reach", and this was misinterpreted to being something like "we have all the rights to use your content without permission" of course, paraphrasing, but when reading the TOS yourself it was clear (despite being poorly worded) that they were indeed denouncing(?) Responsibility certain uses of hosted art, the unclear part was who was using the art in the art theft basically. I dunno this was a good few years back, I haven't seen the post since maybe like 2018.
But the scary thing is that Tumblr is NOT being vague or poorly worded in their TOS and how they can just do whatever the fuck they want with your content. If you make a viral hit post like the fuckin shoelaces from the Prez meme, they can make money off it without your permission and without monetary compensation for creating the meme for them basically. And I recall them not only selling the shoelaces meme idea as actual shoelaces, but several people were stating that they not only did not ask permission but didn't even monetarily compensate the original creators behind that post.
And that's okay in accordance to the Tumblr TOS.
From my understanding of the following screenshot of the section I'm referring to in the TOS:
Tumblr media
That's allowed because it helps promote the services and, through them acquiring money and payments, helps improve the service (or so we'd wish they would lol).
That is to say that even if we opt out of AI scraping (which is extremely evil of Staff to make it Opt-Out and not Opt-In. They know they're catching the hundreds of fanart blogs that haven't logged in in years. They know they're catching literally thousands of deactivated blogs that technically no longer exist as profiles but their POSTS all still exist and by default they have access to scraping their posts because those posts *still* exist and the original Poster doesn't exist in order to Opt that content OUT of being scraped (could be misunderstanding this technicality of deactivated blogs but this does make more sense to me than staff being nice and like "oh we won't include deactivated blogs uwuuu" leave)), with Tumblr having some shitty AI service deal, they could really just argue that they can STILL! Scrape our content if the AI is used on Tumblr itself or somehow Benefits Tumblr in any manner. Because that's considered appropriate use of our content in the TOS regardless of AI involvement.
I may be overreacting, but either way I think this AI partnership bullshit is just that. It's actual fucking Bullshit. Those blogs I no longer remember the password for are all fair game for AI scraping and even if I remember the password I know I'm still at risk for my content being used however the fuck Tumblr wants to.
AND THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN like, a third party stealing content and Tumblr doing all this is that, third parties can be DMCAd. Tumblr has your permission to use anything you post for monetary gain simply by you signing up and using their services. And sure, they state this in the TOS. we agree to it. Technically they saved their ass here because we AGREE to this by using their platform. But just because they put this in TOS and therefore "we are not the bad guys, we told you clearly", does not mean this is all scummy and shady and simply a jerkass move.
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