#however despite that i'll like them more for their individual flares
zoroara · 7 months
Okay I'm curious, mostly after having to draw these uniforms so much.
I'm curious what people prefer more, the TYL Uniforms of the Varia or the Present ones. JUST the uniforms. I am NOT asking about the characters wearing them, only the clothes. If you can also explain in the tags that would be interesting!
If you need a visual refresher have some manga images of the best I could find to show off their outfits.(I apologize to Xanxus for the pose he's in)
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ignore the numbers these were from my redraw collections
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(apologies to Levi i really couldn't find a better TYL image to show off the whole thing)
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I'll put Fran and mammon beside each other just to save on space
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I feel the need to note the over use of wrinkles and shine was just amano's art style at the time of varia arc and the present designs when in rainbow arc don't have that as you can see with mammon. I just could not find good full body images from rainbow arc which is why they're all from Varia arc. so if that is your deciding factor I'm sorry, that is not part of the actual design of them as the exact same uniforms in rainbow arc do not have this situation to them.
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funkymbtifiction · 2 years
Hi again! Last time I asked smth (pretty recently), you typed me as ISTP 9w8. But I wcrually wanted to give you more info, and maybe get you insight on a possible type? When I was younger - ages 13-15 - I was typed as ENFP 2w3 (tritype 269/279). However, since it's been a few years and I've matured a bit (plus I, admittedly, struggle to trust my own judgement and I've drifted away from the group that typed me) I was hoping for some insight? <- this would suggest a strong 6w7 influence more than 2
[...] -This wasn't actually the first point that came to mind, but it feels the most important because it feels like it might be Fi-leaning? That would be that when it comes to self-representation in any form (writing, art), I don't like half-assing it. I mean, occasionally I'll add little flares to characters that are meant to represent "me", but even then, they're frequently just "exaggerations" of traits I gave. (i.e., a character I made who is a performer for her community - I'm nowhere near that, I've never performed on a stage. [...] <- do you self-insert into all your stories? Sometimes that is Fi, but I also know an ISTP who has to identify with all her characters.
I also often put said characters in life circumstances similar to my own, giving them similar backstories, etc <- this could indicate some Si (drawing upon my own life for storytelling)
-I struggle a lot with "organization" and "cleanliness" in general, mostly because as long as my environment is littered with actual dirt or trash I don't see much of point to intense organization. If I can find what I need at some point (even if I find a bit later than expected), it's fine. However, in those rare moments I work up the sudden motivation to rework things (usually when I'm putting something off or can't find smth better to do), I take great pride in it. But it's small things, like my room, doing menial chores on time, or just other small things other people (esp. my mom) seem really good with naturally. <- this could indicate low/or inferior Te (I neglect this and don't care, but it makes me feel proud to do it sometimes)
I also, to be blunt, don't see many of the Te leadership qualities in myself, as I don't enjoy bossing people around without reason. <- bluntness can be either high T or low T. This also rules out core 2 for you, since 2s know how other people "should" be doing things and are quite forceful in inserting themselves into their lives.
Maybe also low sp? <- maybe, yes
-Said reasons usually pertain to feeling attacked or overwhelmed. I consider myself rejection-sensitive, so sometimes it's from feeling unwanted or uneasy about "being liked" (despite believing a very "f-ck you haters" attitude, and also believing if what someone does/believes doesn't hurt people, we shouldn't judge them for those things). <- this sounds like attachment, so it may be more evidence for 6. (caring a ton about whether people like you, and adopting a f-ck off attitude as compensation for insecurities). But yes, "if what they are doing doesn't hurt people, it's none of my business" indicates high Fi.
-I have, what I've come to realize, is a notable dislike towards pessimistic attitudes towards humanity and the future (whilst also having strange feelings about individuals). Like, as a collective, I crave for progress, the betterment, and overall happiness of humanity - and I find it extremely annoying when people say things like "people can't/don't change". We can change, everyone can! And we'll some people won't, that doesn't mean you should discard the collective. <- this is honestly your best argument for NFP. Idealism, anger at "reality," annoyance at negativity, others' refusal to believe others can grow and change and improve themselves.
However, in the same vein, I...struggle to really connect with individuals, at least when emotions aren't involved. And don't misunderstand - I've realized that I felt so conflicted because despite feeling a disconnect, I still found myself enjoying talking to and discussing things with people I barely know - I can be friendly. But where a lot of people would consider that friendship, I don't - at least, not fully. I feel like to truly be friends with someone, you need an emotional bond. Or at least, that's what I find most comfortable. <- a strong social instinct within the Enneagram type / feeler stuff.
-A lot of my general interests are more abstract/spiritual in nature. Spiritual topics (astrology, numerology, tarot), typology, psychology - however, obviously sensing people can have these interests. So I wanted more perspective - I enjoy these things because they not only help give me a sense of identity (selfish, I know, but I like labeling myself - it helps me feel like I "know" myself), but also make it easier for me to "get" people. I feel like it's easiest for me to connect with people when I'm talking about these topics (once I work up the courage too, anyway >//>). I also just enjoy knowing how these things affect people's worldview and reality, as I want to understand as many people as I can as I want to be respectful. <- general N interests, yeah.
-I have mixed feelings towards change and the future in general. On one hand, I crave positive change, like seeing others and myself improve, and eagerly await a good future. <- strong N
However (due to a LOT of external factors), I also have great anxiety - worrying I won't make it. Generally, I avoid thinking about the future for this reason - this especially applies to things like higher education. I hate the question "so what about college?" because I don't wanna say "I don't wanna go". I'd love to go! But that's so much money and so much time paying it off, that it doesn't seem worth it, because then I'll be stuck in debt. Things like that give me anxiety, yknow? Practical matters is where I've felt insecure for a while. <- this isn't sp-blindness, but it could prove low/inferior Si, yes.
-I feel like I'm very odd socially. Like, I know I said I'm an introvert, but I really, really enjoy socializing. At least, in the goofy, fun way. When I can just hyperactive, over-the-top, and generally just go "off the rails" is when I'm happiest socially. I love saying off-the-walls stuff, making silly noises and confusing people (all in good fun!) Teasing and being mean is practically a love language. Of course, this demeanor is also a part of a big insecurity too, though - that I'm too much to handle. I seem to flip between trying to make myself trying to be nice, palatable, and polite and then back to over-the-top, excitable, and quirky/intense. At times, the former will end up turning into intense hurt when I feel ignored/like people don't care (rejection sensitivity).
This sounds like ENFP 6w7 with a strong 7 wing (fun, loud, humor, draw attention > insecurity, am I too loud?, I need to be nice!).
-I feel in general I might be SP-blind? The most recent example is when I waited a week to go to the doctor's for a pain I kept having because I was nervous about going in and just wanted it to "go away on it's own", but I'm also just not the best with daily tasks and "self-care". I don't really keep track of important things - like my monthly cycle, last time I showered, what I eat in a day - but moreover, I just have a poor relationship with my boundaries. I only recently (upon request of my partner, past few months) have been trying to get more in-touch with my boundaries. Part of it for me is that I don't know where a lot of my boundaries are, and that in general I only know something makes me uncomfortable once it happens a lot of the time. <- I would say so/sp and inferior Si. The latter stuff is very common in ENPs (neglect of their physical body, of remembering stuff, etc) with or without strong sp. Only knowing if something makes you uncomfortable once it happens is Ne over Fi.
ENFP 6w7 / 692 so/sp, IMO.
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lover-of-skellies · 4 years
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Introducing: Valence Bandersnatch. Or Val, if you'd prefer that
He's a British boy (complete with the accent), he lives in Nep's forest by himself, and he's a murderer, getting random people to go back to his little cottage for tea and crumpets or whatever before killing them. From there, he has to dump the bodies in Nep's lake, since he's indebted to Nep (the family of lake dwellers are allowing him to live on their land, so he has to repay them somehow to keep the peace)
He's a flirt with a weird set of morals. Like,, he'll flirt with a person and do sinful things with them if he's in a good mood, but forcing yourself on someone who doesn't want it though? That's a big no no, and if he finds out that someone's done that to someone else before, he will literally kill them on the spot. He’s also got this weird ability that involves changing his appearance, so he can make himself look like anyone he wants. The only thing he can't do from there is mimic their voice. As far as a job goes, he's a hunter and an herbalist, and he sometimes even lends his ability to enchant things to people as well, though that's more expensive for them
Because I was bored and had some free time, I went and wrote a thing to kinda introduce him a little :P it's kinda long though, hence why there's a cut here. Just be warned though,, there's violence, one scene gets a little suggestive (nothing more than kissing happens though, soooo??), and I guess there's some drugging? Some weird aphrodisiac-like substance and a poison, used separately on different things
You'd been minding your own business, absentmindedly swishing your bare feet back and forth in the water as you laid on your back on the wooden dock, looking up at the canopy of trees that seemed to loom over you. The air was a pleasant temperature, not too warm, not too cold, as it drifted through the leaves, occasionally blowing an individual leaf loose and causing it to come fluttering down to the ground. As you listened to the sound of the leaves being caught by the gentle breeze, you let out a soft sigh. You'd been so stressed lately with life; between work and family, you'd felt as though you were dangerously close to snapping and committing murder. Not that you actually would, though.
You'd been so stressed lately with life that when you arrived here and settled down on the dock, you didn't register the pair of solid white sockets that watched your every move, calculating when to strike. 
A low growl in some nearby brush caught your attention and you immediately shifted your gaze to them, your brows furrowing; what the hell?... It sounded like it came from some sort of large predator, but the biggest predators that resided in this forest were the simple bobcats. Not even bears called this place their home. Sitting up, you pulled your feet out of the water and fumbled with your shoes and socks, scrambling to slip them on as the growling began to grow nearer and nearer. As soon as you'd successfully put your socks and shoes back on, you stood, narrowing your eyes slightly as you strained to see the shape that was huddled in the brush better. From where you currently stood, all you could see was black and white. Though... If you didn't know any better, you'd say it looked humanoid. How strange.
You took a small step toward the creature, and then a second, and then a third, but it remained almost perfectly still. Another growl made you freeze in place, though this was different from what you'd heard before. This growling sounded more like the sound your stomach would make whenever it called out for food. A pair of solid white sockets, entirely focused on you, narrowed slightly in what could've been considered joy, and you'd somehow edged close enough to be able to watch as a wide grin stretched across the creatures face, displaying a row of serrated, sharp teeth. And then the creature rose to his feet, tilting his head as he stared at you.
It was a skeleton, clad in a pair of baggy basketball shorts and a white t-shirt. His shirt, however... you frowned, your eyes locking on the vivid red that stained it. Right over where his sternum would be, there was a red blotch that resembled a hand print, and you felt your blood run cold. The skeleton watched your expression twist from confusion to fear, and he let out a raspy chuckle, stuffing his hands in his pockets. He then bared his teeth, still smiling widely as he asked, "Hey there, pal. You up for a game of tag?" You were lost for words, shaking your head as you stepped off the dock onto the earth, your eyes wide with fear. His body warped through the space between the two of you and he roughly grabbed your arm, digging his claws into your skin. You yelped as they broke the skin, your eyes watering up as he proceeded to lift your arm. He locked gazes with you as a deep teal tongue slipped past his maw, trailing up your arm and licking up a droplet of blood. Feeling yourself begin to tremble, you whimpered, your voice much weaker than normal, "P-Please... stop..." He licked a bit more of your blood up, his sockets hooded as he leaned even closer, his hot breath fanning over your face as he purred, "I'm it, ok? I'm gonna let you go and give you a ten second head start before I come after you. If I catch you, it's game over. Now," he released your arm, excitement flickering in his sockets, "run, human. Run as fast as you can." 
Feeling your heart jump up into your throat, you turned and began to run, hearing the skeleton burst into laughter as he watched you. In your frenzy, you abandoned the established path, running through the brush in a random direction and crying out as you felt thorns scratch at your exposed skin. Whatever it took to get away from that monster, you'd do it without regret.
Still running as fast as your legs would allow, you glanced back over your shoulder, not noticing rays of sunlight momentarily pass over something metallic. You put your foot down, hearing a click, and then you screamed, collapsing in pain as tears streamed down your face. You sobbed loudly, reaching down to pry at the "jaws" of the trap that'd clamped down on your leg just above your ankle, ignoring how the metal teeth sliced the skin of your fingers. Just as you felt the trap loosen a hair bit, your grip on it slipped, and you screamed again as it latched down on your leg, once more at full force. You let out a choked sob as you heard the brush begin the move nearby, a cry for help ripping from your lungs. This was it. This was how you'd die. The trap very clearly wasn't going to budge, and with even the smallest of movements, a searing pain ran up your leg, causing you to cry out in agony yet again. You curled in on yourself, trying to tune out the throbbing from your leg, and in doing so, you failed to see a second skeleton step out of the brush nearby. Upon seeing you on the ground, your entire body shaking as you sobbed loudly, he froze, letting out a long, low whistle, as if impressed on some level, "Oh dear."
Hearing a new voice, you bolted up from your current position, forcing yourself to stand as you faced him, whining loudly, "Please, help me. I need help, I don't wanna die." The new skeleton frowned, setting down the basket he was carrying and making his way over to you, "It's gonna be alright, I promise. I'm gonna lean down to open the trap, and I need you to hold onto me. Do you think you could do that for me, human?" You nodded, reaching out to the stranger and tightly grasping his shoulders as he squatted beside you, curling his phalanges around the jaws of the trap, and with what looked like no effort at all, opened it, freeing your leg. As he rose to his feet again, his grip was gentle yet firm as he wrapped an arm around you, tugging you flush against his side and sighing, "Here, I'll carry you. You're pretty badly hurt and I wouldn't wanna see you make the injury any worse." Despite not knowing this man, you nodded and gave your consent, wrapping your arms around his neck vertebrae as he lifted you, one arm supporting your back while the other was tucked under your knees. He then began to walk, one of his sockets going dark as the other flared up with cyan tinted magic, encasing his discarded basket and making the item begin to float. As he carried you, you lightly rested your head against his shoulder, looking up to admire the color of his magic. He kept his attention forward, pausing to glance back over his shoulder as a twig snapped, worry briefly crossing over his expression. He then stole a quick glance down at you, offering you a small smile, "Human, I need you to close your eyes, please." 
You wanted to ask why, but with the way your throat burned from your screaming and sobbing, you decided that questions could wait. You closed your eyes, and then you winced, feeling your stomach turn. Your head spun and for a brief moment, you felt as though static teased at your skin. Although you felt the skeleton shift you in his arms, you kept your eyes shut, waiting for the ok to open them again. Glancing around his small living room, the skeleton watched as his magic lowered his basket to rest on the coffee table and then faded from sight, breathing in deeply as he very delicately lowered you onto the sofa, his voice a mumble, "Alright... you can open your eyes now, friend." 
You slowly cracked open your eyes, your heart thudding harder at how close your companion now was to you, offering you a small smile again, "I apologize for that... I needed to use a shortcut to get here faster, where you'd be safe. The only problem is that the transition wouldn't have been pleasant for you, had you kept your eyes open." You nodded slowly, swallowing a lump in your throat as you tore your gaze from him and began to look around, your voice cracking, "W-Where are we?... What's a shortcut?" You looked back to him before continuing, "Who are you? Was that your trap I got caught in? What were you-" He pressed a single phalange over your lips to silence you, his expression softening, "This is my cottage, and a shortcut... well, let's see... it's like teleportation, essentially. To answer your other questions, my name is Valence Bandersnatch, but you're free to call me Val, if you'd like. And no, that wasn't my trap. Believe me, I wouldn't put a trap in such a place, if I had any. While I understand that you likely have many more questions for me, you need to take it easy now. I'm gonna heal up those injuries of yours, and then we can have some tea while we wait for that deranged maniac to pass by. He won't find you here, I promise. All you need to do is keep your voice down."
You nodded in understanding, watching Valence curiously as he lowered himself to his knees, gently moving your injured leg and holding a hand over where the trap had caught you. One of his sockets flared up with magic again, and more similarly colored magic surrounded his hand. As your injury began to rapidly heal, your eyes widened in a mix of shock and awe, your voice barely a whisper, "Whoa... that's so cool..." His cheekbones became flushed, a faint blush beginning to stain them as he smiled sheepishly, releasing your leg as it finished healing, "Thank you... I'm very happy you think so, human." He climbed up onto the couch beside you, holding his hand over the scratches on your arm. Your gaze followed his motions and you continued to watch in awe as the scratch healed before your eyes, just as they'd done before. 
His magic faded away and his second socket returned to normal, both irises present once more. Your gaze met his and it was silent for a moment, his multicolored, swirled eye lights captivating you. His faint blush darkened slightly and he cleared his throat, glancing away from you and sheepishly scratching the back of his skull, "I uh... how about I get us some cake and tea? The cake is fresh, just made this morning, and I can whip up a kettle of tea in no time at all." A soft blush teased at your own cheeks as you smiled softly, "As long as it wouldn't be a problem or anything, I'd really like that." The skeleton returned your smile and shook his head as he stood up, "Of course, it's not a problem. Not in the slightest," he paused, tilting his head and playfully winking at you, "especially not for a human as lovely as yourself." 
Your blush darkened a small bit and you looked away from him, trying to tune out the way he chuckled at having been successful at flustering you. As he turned and exited the room, you let out a deep breath that you weren't even aware you'd been holding; sure, you'd only just met Valence, but he was such a gentleman to you. He was so gentle and considerate, and his magic was beautiful. He was also quite attractive now that you thought about it. His smile gave you butterflies and his eyes (eye sockets?) were mesmerizing, and there's no way you could forget that sexy British accent he had. You blinked. Wait, what was happening right now? Were you seriously developing a crush on him? He was a stranger, but he'd also saved your life, too. As thoughts raced in your head, you failed to notice as he appeared in the doorway, a small plate in hand that held a fork and a piece of cake. Seeing that you were lost in thought, he briefly paused to admire the look on your face. Excitement bubbled up in his very soul, and he grinned to himself; he'd saved you once, but before the day was over, he'd save you yet again. 
He quickly rearranged his expression, his smile smaller and more genuine in appearance as he approached the couch and cleared his throat, gaining your attention as he offered you the slice of cake, "Here's your cake. The tea is almost ready, and I can bring it to you once it's done." You accepted the cake and couldn't help but smile at him again, "Ok... thanks Val. I really appreciate you doing all this for me." The skeleton waved off your words, nearly beaming at you as he returned your smile, "Oh, don't mention it. Anything for such a darling human." Your cheeks flushed again and your smile turned shy as you sheepishly refocused your attention on the piece of cake. Val was quick to vanish from the room again and you grasped your fork, slicing off a small bit of the cake and popping it into your mouth. As it hit your tongue, your eyes widened in pleasant surprise and you practically moaned at the flavor. It was perhaps the best cake you'd ever had in your entire life.
So not only was Val your savior that happened to be attractive and sweet, but he was also a great baker too. Talk about a catch.
You'd eaten about half of the slice before you began to notice the way heat coarsed through your body. You repressed a tiny mewl as it reached your core, causing you to press your thighs together. He wouldn't have done something to cake… would he?
As Val crossed into the living room again with two cups of tea, your scent invaded his senses and he inhaled deeply, nearly purring in delight. There were no words to describe how amazing you smelled right now, but it left him wanting to just... eat you right up.
He settled on the couch beside you, leaning forward to set the cups of tea on the coffee table, his sudden movement making you jolt in surprise as you looked up at him. He cleared his throat, offering you an apologetic smile, "Sorry, sorry. I didn't mean to startle you." You shook your head and sighed, offering him a slight smile in return, "N-No, it's alright, don't worry about it, Val." Noticing the way you tried to be very subtle with your squirming, he feigned concern, frowning, "Are you alright, human? You're all red, and you don't look so good." Shaking your head, you hummed, "Nah, I'm ok... just a little warm, that's all."
To your confusion, he swiped your piece of half eaten cake from you, setting the plate beside your cup of tea before gently capturing your jaw, making you unable to turn away from him. Lifting his free hand, he delicately rested it on your forehead, as if checking to see if you'd caught a fever. With him being in such close proximity, you fought the urge to kiss him. Sure, you just met him, but in your current state, kissing him felt like something that needed to be done. He hummed, sliding his hand from your forehead to your cheek, his thumb gently stroking your skin as he met your gaze. That was what destroyed your last bit of self restraint. Without a warning, you leaned closer, pressing your lips to his teeth and kissing him. As expected, he momentarily tensed in shock, but then to your utter delight, he began to kiss you back. It wasn't long before his teeth coaxed apart your lips, allowing his cyan tongue to pass through and greet yours. 
As the kiss grew more heated, you whined, fisting at his shirt and fumbling with the buttons on his vest. You'd managed to undo maybe half a dozen before he broke the kiss, letting you catch your breath. While you watched him, your eyes clouded with obvious lust, he reached out, lifting one of the cups of tea and offering it to you, his slightly hushed voice now holding a husky edge, "Drink, darling. It'll help you cool down." You whined, squirming in your seat as you caught the tone he spoke to you in, "B-But Val... please. I need you-" Grinning shamelessly at you, he chuckled, leaning closer to peck your lips, "And you can have me. Drink some of your tea first though." Though you would've liked for him to forget about the tea and take you right there on his couch, you nodded slowly, almost pouting as you accepted the drink. 
Raising the cup to your lips, you took a sip, your eyebrows raising in surprise. Once again, you'd not expected the flavor of what he'd handed you. Humming in curiosity, you glanced up at Valence, "What kinda tea is this?... It's really good, Val." The skeleton watched you as you took another sip of your beverage, "Golden Flower." Blinking, a realization hit you and you raised an eyebrow, visibly interested, "Wait.... as in 'Golden Flower Tea'? The tea that Asgore supposedly loves?" He hummed in confirmation, "Exactly so. I'll say, I'm a little surprised you know about that old goat and his tea preferences." You smiled bashfully, shrugging and taking another sip, "Well... yeah. When the monsters came to the surface, I did my research. I wanted to learn what I could, y'know?" 
He nodded in understanding and offered you a playful grin, "So you're a bit of a nerd then, it seems." You rolled your eyes, lips still curled into a smile as you flicked your tongue at him, "Yeah, maybe I am. Is there a problem with that, mister?" You made sure to make it clear you were only teasing, and in response, Valence laughed softly, "No, no. Of course not. For a nerd, you're actually really cute." Your cheeks immediately gained a bright blush and you squirmed in your seat, smiling sheepishly again. He watched you quietly for a moment, allowing you to continue enjoying your drink before he spoke again, still smiling slightly, "If you read about Asgore and his love of Golden Flower Tea, I wonder... did you happen to read anything about what the tea is made from?" You hummed, tilting your head and nodding, "Mhm. Isn't it made from the seeds and stems of Golden Flowers?" The skeleton nodded, arching a brow bone as his grin suddenly became mischievous, "And did you learn about what'd happen if the petals were used, too?" You paused, furrowing your brows, "Doesn't it become poisonous?..."
Something flickered in his sockets and he purred in satisfaction, "Right on, Cutie." You opened your mouth to question him but froze, pressing a hand over your mouth as you began to cough violently. You reached out, intending to place your cup on the coffee table, but both of your arms went limp, causing you to drop your cup and spill what was left of the tea on the floor. Unable to force your body to cooperate, you slouched to the slide, now leaning against Val. He sighed, feigning a look of concern again as he tsked, reaching into the breast pocket on his vest and withdrawing a handkerchief, lightly dabbing it along your mouth as he hummed, "My my, look at you... you're making quite a mess of yourself, you know." As he pulled the handkerchief away from your mouth, you glanced down, your eyes widening in fear and beginning to water up as you took notice of the red that now stained it. Unable to lift your head to even look at Valence properly, you whimpered, a tear rolling down your cheek, "W-Why, Val?... Why would you do this to me?..."
The skeleton hummed, merely smiling at you, "Because I'm a little overdue on paying my debt to the lovely family of lake dwellers that have allowed me to live on their land." Your voice cracked, and you tried your best to force back the impending need to cough again, "Y... You're using me to pay off a debt?" In a much too cheerful tone, the skeleton monster gave you confirmation, "Pretty much, yeah. Don't take it personally though, ok? I like you. If I didn't, I would've killed you sooner, and I wouldn't have been so nice about it." 
Your eyelids began to feel heavy and you croaked, "How does killing me pay off that debt?" He merely smiled, lightly cupping your face and stroking your cheek with his thumb, "They're a bunch of human eaters." Your mind replayed the look that the first skeleton you encountered had worn and a chill ran through you, "But the tea... It'll poison them too." He chuckled, lowering his voice to a murmur, "No it won't, silly. It doesn't affect monsters the way it does humans. Guess you didn't get the memo, huh?" You felt yourself break, letting out faint sobs as you tried to look away from him. Reading your expression, he sighed, "Come here, darling. Let me ease your suffering a bit." You wanted to shove him away and scream, tell him to get lost, but as the world began to fade away before you, the last thing you felt was his teeth against your lips
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