#how to win over a silly sith's loyalty in three words (and they're not i love you!)
tennessoui · 1 month
Fix-a-Sith AU, my beloved. Does Obi-Wan attend Council meetings with his Sith glaring suspiciously at everyone over his shoulder?
honestly i feel like it's a watershed moment for sith anakin when he attends a council meeting with obi-wan (glowering over obi-wan's shoulder the entire time with Massive Bad Vibes shooting out from all corners of his force signature) and the council is like 'whoa obi-wan, sith in the middle of rehabilitation do NOT attend council meetings??' and obi-wan just shrugs and is like 'oh who is he going to tell? he's temple bound and his comm link is baby sith-proofed.'
and that bugs the hell out of vaderkin for most of the meeting but he can't put his finger on why.....at the end of the meeting, when they're back in their quarters, he's like 'you know i could still contact sidious and tell him everything i just learned. it wouldn't be easy but it wouldn't be extremely difficult. i AM good with technology, you know.'
and obi-wan is like 'oh yes dear, so you've said. i know you're very clever. but you see, what i couldn't say to the council at the time is that i trust you completely to not betray me the way you so easily could.'
and vaderkin bluescreens because trust??? obi-wan trusts him?? his husband?? trusts?? TRUSTS??? he trusts him?? him???
and obi-wan sighs and gives him a very fond only slightly sad smile and he's like 'i know you've been hounding me to fall in love with you, but which one do you think is more damning, darling - to love a sith or to trust one?'
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