#hotel hungaria
mioritic · 3 months
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A rather wordy postcard sent from Hamburg on Thursday, 29 August 1912 to a Captain Cesar Peretz staying at the Hotel Hungaria in Budapest.
According to an article in Românul newspaper (Bucharest) from 8 (20) May 1899, Peretz served in the cavalry of the Romanian army and was promoted from lieutenant to captain on 10 May 1899.
His name appears again in an article from Adevĕrul (Bucharest), on 2 July 1908, where he served as a witness alongside the surgeon Thoma Ionescu, and the politicians Mihail G. Cantacuzino and Ion Mitilineu, at a duel between the landowner George Ulise Negropontes and Mihai "Mișu" Marghiloman (the son of Iancu Marghiloman and brother of future Prime Minister Alexandru Marghiloman), apparently because of an insulting letter Marghiloman published in the newspaper Dimineața. The police attempted to stop the duel, and the two men made up, it seems:
"Those who witnessed this duel say that both combatants had a firm attitude on the field and showed great courage; it was an emotional scene. Negropontes extended his hand to Marghiloman, recognizing the latter's chivalry. Both adversaries reconciled, regretting what had happened and assuring each other that they would preserve their friendship in the future."
Cesar Peretz died in January 1929; a funeral service was held in Bucharest's Silvestru Church on 27 January of that year.
From my personal collection.
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Christoph’s Esquire 2023 Interview
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Here is a translation of Christoph's interview with Patrick Heidmann featured in the new Esquire Magazine :
Christoph Waltz is looking a little skeptical for our greeting on the terrasse of the time-honored Ausonia Hungaria hotel on the Lido di Venezia. Typical. During our conversation he expresses precise thoughts, formulated moodily. Just as typical.
Mister Waltz, a few years ago I asked if acting was a passion to you. You denied and said it was simply a profession. Is your view still the same?
Well, what do you mean, ‘denied’? I questioned it, or rather, I questioned whether it is something worth worrying about. In general, I think that the so-called passion that now likes to buzz through the vocabulary in conversation is grossly overrated. As if it was only about the extend of my emotions for or against a matter. That doesn’t strike me a particularly valuable or productive approach. Passion is an emotional matter which in my opinion fails to contribute to ascertaining the truth in most cases.
You sound like you have a very pragmatic view of your job.
Yes, I have.
Does that also mean you could live without acting? Or would you be missing something?
I don’t know, I haven’t tried, and I don’t intend to, I’m way too stubborn for that. Whether it is acting or something else, the significance may decrease over time, but what becomes increasingly important is that you deal with something in such detail that you spend a lifetime with it. I have to invest many, many years to reach a certain level. This investment is permanent, it isn’t suddenly completed from which point on I’ll be able to live on the interest. Of course, I suppose I could do that, but I don’t find that very interesting. For that reason alone, it's only logical that I continue to practice what I've been doing for the past 45 years.
Your new film Dead for a Dollar is a classical western in many ways. Do you have a special connection to this iconic genre?
No not at all. I have neither a great knowledge nor a special fascination for it. In general, genre is not a category that particularly interests me. I watch each film individually. Of course, certain regularities are unavoidable in westerns, which makes them a genre. But I don't really think about their requirements. I don't analyze it and I don't read anything about it either, although there is - guaranteed for good reasons - a lot of literature about it. However, I just care about the story at hand.
Do you have certain criteria that you use to decide whether a project or screenplay interests you? Is the story the most important thing? your specific role? Or the person behind the camera?
It's more of an amoeba thing. A combination of many aspects that always fluctuates dynamically. And it still fluctuates dynamically even while a film is being made. That is why I have no strict set of rules I follow point by point to reach a decision.
But are these more head decisions? Or is it mostly a matter of gut feeling? It's difficult to prevent gut feelings from playing a role.
Something that makes sense in every way, but I don't like wouldn't make much sense after all. And if you're thinking about something for too long and you're struggling with it, it's better to let it be.
The director of Dead for a Dollar is Hollywood icon Walter Hill. Does it make a difference for you to work with someone so experienced?
Of course. Not the fact that he is an icon, but the difference lies in what made him an icon. To work with someone who has been working as a director for over 50 years can’t be measured in gold. Few people have so much experience. I find that incredibly attractive. Because the start-up phase, the intermediate phase, the many ups and downs - all of that has long since been overcome. When someone is as experienced as Walter, they approach things in a much more direct way.
Conversely, directorial debuts are not really your thing?
This is actually a completely different situation. And no, they’re truly not my thing. Partially, because I'm not completely inexperienced myself. Certainly, there can be exceptions, with particularly interesting projects, where I think for special reasons that I can really make a good contribution and I'm willing to get involved with it for other reasons too. But as you can see, there are quite a few ifs and buts. Overall, I find it very rewarding to work with very experienced people. Simply because, as I said, the way to the core is a shorter one.
You’ve already directed yourself. Are you still interested in directing something in the future?
Yes, I have plans to do it again. But for now, they remain my plans. To turn them into more, they would have to become the plans of others too.
At the world premiere for Dead for a Dollar you spoke of discipline. Is that the A and O for an actor?
No, in this context it was only about the fact that Walter Hill as a director is a very disciplined worker. But I think taking a certain discipline as a requirement without making a fuss about it is a wonderful thing. It starts with that! All know what they have to do and are willing to do it, under conditions that should not be detrimental to the cause. That’s all. I never meant a Prussian military discipline. Just keep going, sensibly, that’s enough.
During your career, you have certainly come across colleagues who handle things differently. How do you deal with that?
That is certainly happening more and more often. The question is less how you deal with them and more how you get away from them! If, as is now occasionally the case, as the eldest on location, you simply do your job in a disciplined manner, completely independent of the magnificence of the art, then many more pull themselves together. And that's very good.
Why is it becoming more common for others to have a perhaps not-so-solid work ethic?
Because it's becoming more and more important for many people how they feel. Which brings us back to the question of supposed passion.
In Dead for a Dollar your character is asked if he is actually Swedish or Dutch. The dry answer is: I'm an American. Do you now also feel like an American?
No, but I also have no idea how one feels like an American. The culture is certainly becoming more familiar, but that is specifically the Californian culture. The differences within the country are at least as big as they are in Germany. I will never feel like an American. I arrived there much too late for that.
Is your connection to Europe still strong? Do you follow what is happening in the old homeland?
I follow the Bundesliga a bit. And otherwise, when crucial things are pending, such as the elections in Italy or the federal presidential election in Austria.
And the German-language cinema?
If things come my way that interest me, then of course I look at them. But I wouldn't call that active pursuit.
Do you sometimes still get offers for roles in German films?
Occasionally there will be more offers. But, only for films that I would not have accepted even 30 years ago. That's very strange.
Quickly following up because Mikhail Gorbachev died this year. Shouldn't you be in a miniseries starring Michael Douglas as Ronald Reagan?
That is no longer current.
But you will be seen as the great filmmaker Billy Wilder in a film by Stephen Frears, correct?
Yes, that is still happening. But it must be noted that it won’t be a biopic. I wouldn’t have agreed to one.
Why is that?
Because I'm stuck trying to imitate people. The audience then expects mimicry, and that's what an impersonator does. Some are incredibly good at imitating people, but I’m not. I don't like biopics that become a make-up opera that's all about the resemblance. I know there are many who find this fascinating, but it bores me terribly. Billy Wilder & Me is different, a very personal story in which I'm not even supposed to play the main character. The film is not based on a biography but on a novel, the protagonist is a fictional character, and the story is limited to a very specific period of time. That was important to me and deflated my fear of biopics
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budapestbug · 4 months
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Piece of Hungarian secession...entrance to Hotel Zara, former Hungaria Bath in Budapest
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nightofnyx8 · 11 months
🎁 and 📗 for the asks? :)
🎁 Have a piece of a WIP you want to share?
Lying was easy.
Being second nature by this point, Agent Twilight barely even thought about the words being said before they passed through his lips. Most people didn’t even care about his encrypted pleasantry as long as they felt secure in his presence. A loyal colleague, a devoted lover, even someone with the right amount of money was somehow worthy of becoming a trusted confidante.
Married women, especially, seemed to be the most guilty of this particular kind of trust. Often neglected and swept aside for a younger counterpart, it really wasn’t all that difficult to draw her in with a drink or two. Half past ten she’d be clinging to his suit lapels in the backseat of the car. Midnight kissed the soft swell of her curves as he deposited her onto the bed of whatever hotel happened to be the closest. And once one o’clock slipped past her stupor of drunken exhilaration, her tongue would finally loosen....... (spoilers here lol)
When she finally does whisper the name into his ear, he has one minute left to spare. He runs through every fragment of information he has on the name, connecting the pieces of the puzzle together in his mind. Twilight’s only vaguely aware of the pure fantasy he’s currently giving to the married wife of the general. It’s bothersome that he has to stay an extra hour just to leave her satisfied, but it’s much more optimal that she falls asleep blissfully unaware.
For he’ll be gone long before she wakes up. Lionel will cease to exist, and Agent Twilight will be on the next train to Hungaria for an entirely new identity. Perhaps he should feel a little more guilty for the fate of Mrs. Paulus, cast aside like the many dozens before her. But she’ll be forgotten soon enough. It’s hard to remember the presence of someone he hardly even bothered to look at.
Twilight doesn’t get back to his designated safe house until the very early hours of the morning. Lionel’s crumpled uniform lies carelessly on the bathroom floor, and Twilight spends the better part of an hour underneath a scalding hot shower. He scrubs his skin raw until it turns bright red, but still he cannot seem to rid himself of her unwanted touch. The soap suds disappear down the drain, as do the rest of his turbulent emotions he doesn’t dare even begin to name.
-from a Twilight demisexual-centered piece I've been playing with
📗 Do you want to write something outside of fanfiction? If so, what about?
Oh, I would love to write some original fiction someday :) Yes, it's cliche, but holding a book in my hand that I wrote is something I've always dreamt about. I have a couple ideas in my head, I have a special fondness for historical fiction, especially romances that fight to stay together when the world falls apart around them. Maybe someday when my obsession for twiyor and royai spurs me to write something of my own.
from the fanfic asks
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aubhyzephyra · 16 days
trip to Budapest, Hungaria! 🛩️
jadi, aku baru aja beli tiket liburanku, ke Budapest, Hungaria! kenapa aku milih kesana? karena menurutku banyak tempat wisatanya, aku emang mau liburan ke banyak tempat wisata. yuk liat apa aja sih persiapanku dan apa aja yang aku lakukan disana!
𖥔 ִ ་ ، ˖ ࣪ ་ ˖ ʿ𖥔 ִ ་ ، ˖ ࣪ ་ ˖ ʿ𖥔 ִ ་ ، ˖ ࣪ ་ ˖ ʿ𖥔 ִ ་ ، ˖ ࣪ ་ ˖ ʿ𖥔 ִ ་𖥔 ִ ་ ، ˖ ࣪ ་ ˖ ʿ𖥔 ִ ་
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persiapan untuk berpergian sudah selesai, aku membawa perlengkapan yang menurutku butuh aja sih, gak banyak kan? ehe. okay tanpa berlama lama lagi, yuk kita pergi ke airport, pakaiannya yang biasa aja deh, gak usah yang heboh.
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sudah sampai, lagi nunggu pesawatnya datang. 🛩️
🦕 𓍼 ִ 🌧 ✩ ✈️ ׂ 𔗫 🧊 ׁ ⸼ 𓍼 ִ ✩ ✈️
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🦕 𓍼 ִ 🌧 ✩ ✈️ ׂ 𔗫 🧊 ׁ ⸼ 𓍼 ִ ✩ ✈️
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UDAH SAMPAI TUJUAN!! ini langsung jalan jalan setelah sampai hotel, hehehe gak bisa nih kalau istirahat dulu, jadi harus cepet cepet kita mengitari negara ini!
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hari berikutnya kita masih jalan jalan, banyak tempat cantik disini, sangat worth it kalau kalian mau liburan ke Budapest, Hungaria!
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jangan lupa untuk nyomie ~ 🩷
𖥔 ִ ་ ، ˖ ࣪ ་ ˖ ʿ𖥔 ִ ་ ، ˖ ࣪ ་ ˖ ʿ𖥔 ִ ་ ، ˖ ࣪ ་ ˖ ʿ𖥔 ִ ་ ، ˖ ࣪ ་ ˖ ʿ𖥔 ִ ་𖥔 ִ ་ ، ˖ ࣪ ་ ˖ ʿ𖥔 ִ ་
wah gak terasa udah waktunya pulang ke Korea, boleh gak sih aku pindah aja ke sini? huhu gak mau pulang tapi kewajibanku di Korea udah teriak teriak.
okay jadi segitu dulu ya keseruan sama aku di Hungaria! aku gak ambil foto persiapan pulang soalnya udah capeeek banget T___T
dadah, see you next trip, yorobun! 🩷
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merulast · 2 months
It's all about the routing baby!
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(Weird Al - It's all about the pentiums -- Great song ^^)
When I first started to plan this "road trip" I had various options and decided to go the straight way be following the E40 (european lane 40) to almost the borders and China. Of course by then I had no Idea that this would never be possible later on. Why? Lets have a short dive:
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Source: Wikipedia E40
We don't need to talk about the fact that this road is crossing the Ukraine. The whole situation is simply terrible.
Had you ever wonder why tools like google maps route planer and others don't offer routes crossing the Chinese border? It's simple - You are not allowed to cross it by car. Not even the international driver license is valid in china. Except for some special areas. And except for you to hire some 'people' that make it 'possible'. The Overland travelers do this aaalot this days but be warned: That's NOT official! You will be stuck to the 'guides' and this is NOT legal. It is simply not. For you driving there will be illegal. The police just let you pass for 'reasons'.
You might get an full chinese driving license and import and re-register your vehincle on the borders. Anyway.
So Obviously this whole route is out of scope by now. Let's come to the public transport routes. If you want to plan routes, have a look at www.rome2rio.com - More on them later.
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(yes, this picture again)
With the Ukraine as something you don't want to cross there is no alternative but to avoid it. But besides of war there is also an second thing that you would like to avoid. Visas. They may come in very difficult to get. Thats why, for example, I decided to also avoid Belarus.
The red Line
Germany -> Poland -> Lietuva -> Latvija -> Estonia -> Russia -> Kazakhstan
With avoiding of Belarus there is no big hassle on the first parts of this route. All EU Members share the same Visa rules, mostly the same money and the same ATM zone. So if you have a western credit or debit cards you wont even notice any issues at all. The only negative point is, that it's expensive to travel and stay there. At least compared to the other route.
With the Russian border this will change. Now you need a Visa. You can most likely get an E-Visa that is valid for 2 weeks and cost 50€ if you fill out the form by yourself. But because of certain 'things' you might get in trouble obtaining money. As least in most parts of the EU its not possible to obtain the Russian currency. Booking is not listing Russian Hotels anymore. And you never know if any credit card will still work in the urban areas. Henche. I would not even expect anyone to take electronic cash on the countryside anyway. With other words. This is, political stuff aside, a pretty red Flag.
Im not sure about Kazakhstan at the Moment. I also was not able to obtain Tenge anywhere in central europe at the moment. But I think that there will be no issue with visa and mastercards....
The blue Line
The original plan was to drive up to the Black Sea just by Flixbus. For me no Visa or money-changing issues ha been visible. You can relay on the Credit Card system and most of the time even on the european debit card systems.
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I for myself decided to travel by
Germany -> Bavaria -> Austria -> Hungaria -> Romania -> Bulgaria -> Georgia
I wanted to also have a stop on Serbia .. But Flixbus had changed its traveling times to be as much overnight as possible. And this brings us to another thing: Never Travel more than 8 hours a day! We will spend an entire Month on transports. DO NOT exhaust yourself too much! Thats why I will take an sleeper train from Budapest to Bukarest.
Another negative point comes into count if we speak about the black Sea. I would love to cross it by ferry! More space to walk, to sleep and to watch dolphins. How could you not love to travel by Ship? But be aware: Black Sea Ferry Companys are .. special.
I would not need any Visas for the entire blue route. Thats a big plus, of course.
This post already had been MUCH longer then planed. Time to End it. The blue route it is. Next time we talk about preparing stuff that need to be done in before-hand.
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turisindo · 10 months
W Hotel Resmi Hadir di Hungaria
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turisiancom · 1 year
TURISIAN.com - Indonesia masuk negara percontohan dalam daftar 20 negara  yang dipilih untuk program percontohan  destinasi wisatawan China ke mancanegara. Selain Indonesia, beberapa negara lain yang masuk dalam daftar tujuan wisatawan China adalah Thailand, Kamboja, Filipina, Malaysia, Singapura. Kemudian ada juga, Laos, Maladewa, Sri Lanka, Uni Emirat Arab, Mesir, Kenya, Afrika Selatan, Rusia, Swiss, Hungaria, Selandia Baru, Fiji, Kuba, dan Argentina. Bahkan media-media China, Rabu, menyebut Indonesia, Filipina dan Vietnam sebagai negara yang paling menyambut hangat wisatawan China selama musim liburan Tahun Baru Imlek 2023. BACA JUGA: Sejumlah Restoran China di Bali Buka Kembali Sambut Kedatangan Wisatawan Kementerian Kebudayaan dan Pariwisata China (MCT) pada Jumat (20/1) meluncurkan program percontohan pengiriman wisatawan China secara berkelompok ke mancanegara. Program percontohan tersebut akan dilaksanakan mulai 6 Februari mendatang. Dengan peluncuran program percontohan itu, agen perjalanan di China diizinkan menjual paket penerbangan dan hotel kepada para wisatawan, menurut surat edaran dari MCT. Keputusan itu dikeluarkan atas permintaan Dewan Pemerintahan China dan Satuan Tugas Tanggap COVID-19. Serta berdasarkan pertimbangan terhadap langkah-langkah pengendalian COVID-19 dan pemulihan pembangunan sosial ekonomi. BACA JUGA: 210 Turis Asal Tiongkok Akhirnya Mendarat di Bandara I Gusti Ngurah Rai Bali MCT mengingatkan penyelenggara perjalanan wisata untuk mematuhi kebijakan COVID-19 China dan negara-negara tujuan. Wisatawan juga diingatkan untuk memastikan tidak tertular COVID-19 sebelum berangkat ke negara tujuan. Termasuk, memperhatikan keselamatan dan kesehatan diri selama dalam perjalanan. Dan mematuhi persyaratan yang ditentukan setelah pulang ke daerah asalnya. Trip.com, penyedia jasa pariwisata terkemuka di China, menyebutkan bahwa setengah jam setelah MCT merilis pengumuman pada Jumat 20 Januari 2023. Volume pencarian tiket penerbangan dan hotel di luar negeri mencapai level tertinggi dalam tiga tahun terakhir pada mesin pencarian di platform itu. Pada 2019, warga China melakukan 155 juta perjalanan ke luar negeri, menurut data MCT. ***
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yoeridesloovere · 6 years
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Fan art of Ketnet-sensation 'Olly Wannabe' in honor of the second season that premiered this month. 🐵 Ketnet is a Belgium children’s channel.
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menubot · 4 years
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Welcome to Grand Hotel Hungaria, may I recommend the Gorgonzola et beurre? http://menus.nypl.org/menus/16370
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coffeenewstom · 3 years
Royusch Projekt „Wöchentliche Fotochallenge“ #Kunst
Royusch Projekt „Wöchentliche Fotochallenge“ #Kunst
Mein zehnter Beitrag für die Fotochallenge von ROYUSCH-UNTERWEGS. Er schreibt in seinem Blog: “Bei diesem Projekt soll des darum gehen, dass ich einmal pro Woche (Sonntags) einen Begriff vorgebe und Ihr dann die Woche über Zeit habt für Euch einen Beitrag zu erstellen und auf meinen zu verlinken; aber das kennt Ihr ja schon. Auch für dieses Projekt gilt: keiner muss, jeder kann und wie immer nur…
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uomo-accattivante · 3 years
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Il materiale di origine: @joelryanphoto (Instagram) / #oscarisaac From shooting in Budapest to the Hungaria hotel in Venezia, there’s a theme developing here... #thecardcounter #venicefilmfestival”
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easternblocrelics · 3 years
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Travel agencies, tickets, currency exchanges, camping sites, resorts, hotels, paid guest services, tours, information Somogy county tourist office Back side: Somogy county council’s tourist office Office de tourisme de Balaton sud Siófok, 6 Freedom square phone: 81 and 132, Telex: Siotour 03354 Branches: Hotel Hungaria, Siófok, Balatonszéplak-Felső, Balatonföldvár, Balatonlelle, Balatonboglár, Fonyód, Kaposvár, Nagyatád 1969
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budapestbug · 3 years
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The history of #Continental Hotel dates to the early 20th century, when the first baths were built on site in 1827, then washed away in the Great Flood of 1838, but the building which still remains standing dates back to 1910. The current premises of the hotel used to be home of the former #Hungaria Bath, one of the most important spas of Pest and later to those of Budapest, and to the contemporary Continental Hotel which was opened in the Nyár utca wing.] In 1970, Continental Hotel closed its doors and during the 1980s the building which served as a hotel and spa for many years in the past, became in a perilous state. Then after many years of negotiations and controversies of demolishing the building, in the summer of 2004, the National Office of Cultural Heritage ordered the interim protection of buildings at risk in the area of the former Pest Jewish ghetto, including the Hungária Bath. On February 7, 2005 the remaining section of the spa was declared a listed building. Finally, on April 7, 2009, after years of neglect, ZeinaHotel Ltd promoted a 50 million Euro construction project to revive the accommodation.
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fovarosiblog · 4 years
Robert Capa, Budapest, 1948
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Café among the ruins in Erzsébet square. Budapest, 1948. 
Kávézó a romok között, Erzsébet tér, Budapest, 1948. 
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A worker on the ruins of the bombed Hotel Hungaria. Budapest, 1948.
Munkás dolgozik a második világháborúban lebombázott Hotel Hungárián, Budapest, 1948.
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Workers pull down the building of Hotel Bristol. Budapest, 1948. 
Munkások a Hotel Bristolt bontják, Budapest, 1948.
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The Southern railway bridge above the Danube. Budapest, 1948. 
Déli vasúti összekötő híd a Duna felett, Budapest, 1948.
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grofjardanhazy · 5 years
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A Rákóczi út végén álló Hotel Hungaria City Center, illetve elődje, a Központi Szálloda Baross tér felé mutatott képe
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