#hoping for a global quest/event ticket
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Hoenn Stickers and Rocket Leaders were added to the Quest NPC assets. c/o PokeMiners. Things are getting interesting!
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letsrilakkusu-blog · 9 months
My quest for Seventeen concert tickets
It's been just over a year since I slipped and fell HARD into the diamond life, and I have spent most of that year waiting and looking for a chance to see Seventeen in concert. My patience has been rewarded, and I'll be attending the Nagoya performance of their FOLLOW to Japan tour this December! It wasn't easy, and a lot of it really just came down to luck, but I thought I'd write about my experience trying to get tickets through various methods in case there's any international Carats who could use some guidance or encouragement.
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Missed opportunities and hoping for another world tour
I became a Carat right when Seventeen was in the middle of their Be the Sun tour in North America, but it was my peak busy season at work and I couldn't justify trying to make a trip to see them. It couldn't be helped but I really regretted it later on. In November/December 2022, I traveled to Korea but had short stops in Japan on both ends, precisely when Seventeen was doing their dome tour. At this point there was no legitimate way to get tickets so I resigned myself to at least enjoying some of the Seventeen pop-up events around Tokyo. I also met a fellow Carat living in Japan who was able to attend multiple dates of the tour and I got maaaaajor FOMO.
I told myself that 2023 would be the year - they would come back to the states and I would be willing to drop some dollars to get good seats to see them. I bought my Carat membership to take advantage of any pre-sale - I was READY. It seemed like everyone was anticipating a world tour announcement after the release of FML. I was already feeling pretty antsy because I know Seventeen had a crazy increase in popularity in 2022 (I mean, I'm a part of it) so I was psyching up myself and my wallet for a ticketing bloodbath.
THEN Pledis only dropped two Korea concert dates and 12 dates for Japan for the rest of the year, and Carats around the rest of the world sighed.
Failed attempts to FOLLOW to Seoul
With the FOLLOW (not world) tour announcement, I grew increasingly desperate, particularly because I know there's not much time left with OT13 before the big E period begins. The Seoul dates were at the end of July and not ideal since my work is already ramping up by that time, but I decided if by some miracle I could get a ticket, I would swing a quick trip to attend the concert.
The miracle didn't happen, haha. I applied for the fanclub lottery and missed. After hearing about how ruthless ticketing for Korean concerts is, I pretty much accepted that I wouldn't be able get a ticket during the fanclub pre-sale but I still had to try. I read up on tips and tricks, practiced buying tickets to other events on Global Interpark, and even enlisted my husband to try and help me when the sale started at 1 AM our time. After multiple errors loading the site, we got into the queue with 100,000 people in front of us :,) Needless to say, there was nothing left once we finally got in. I spent a few days after that checking religiously for cancelled tickets, but when Pledis announced that Seungkwan was going to sit out, I decided that it just wasn't meant to be. I ended up watching Seoul Day 2 online and it was such a bittersweet experience because the concert was so amazing, and I wondered when my chance to see them in person would come.
Jumping through hoops to try for Japan concert tickets as a foreigner
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After my complete failure in getting Korea concert tickets, I turned to Japan as my last hope to see the boys this year. I didn't know the specifics but I was aware that it's difficult, and sometimes impossible, for foreigners to get tickets to concerts in Japan. To curb scalping, tickets for many popular events are sold through a lottery system, where you apply for the dates/seat type you want, and everything is up to chance whether you get it or not. Popular artists will often have one or two lottery rounds reserved just for their fanclub, so being a member increases your chances. And almost all of this requires a Japanese phone number.
For Seventeen, they usually have a Lawson general lottery open to the general public after the fanclub rounds are over, so I considered using a proxy to try for that. I reached out to a reputable one, but he put me on a maybe list because he had already received an overwhelming amount of requests for the FOLLOW tour. ^^;
Then, the hero we didn't deserve appeared. An international Carat living in Japan posted a very detailed guide on Reddit (now deleted, RIP) on how to join Seventeen's Japan fanclub and the process of applying for tickets through the fanclub lotteries. I don't have a Japanese phone number and address, which is needed for the fanclub, so I didn't think too much of it until I saw other users commenting about borrowing said information from friends who live there. Fortunately, I have a friend in Japan who had previously helped me get a ticket to the Seventeen museum pop-up, and he graciously let me use his phone number and address to apply for the fanclub. I successfully signed up and paid my 6,000 yen fee.
The first round of the fanclub lottery for Saitama / Aichi / Osaka / Fukuoka was open for a little over a week from mid-August, with the results to be announced in early September. You are allowed to apply up to two times for each date, once for premium seats and once for regular reserved seats, but you can only win one type of seat per date. Premium seats are strictly for fanclub members and cost more because they are closer to the stage and come with extra benefits. After some hiccups and a lot of trial and error (needing a VPN, using a Japanese keyboard, Google translate messing with the page functionality), I submitted my lottery entries. I was open to attending five dates, so I applied for both seat types for each day, so 10 entries total. I just needed one to win!
Luck was on my side - success!!!
The day of the lottery result announcements, I was neck deep in work and also recovering from COVID, HAH. I was feeling miserable and trying not to get my hopes up so I wouldn't be too disappointed if I didn't win.
The results came out at 4 PM my time. The Reddit user who made the guide had said that typically, the losing emails come first all at once, and the winning emails will come a few minutes later. That is NOT how it went this time. xD I think there were so many entries and emails to send, the server was overloaded, so the emails just came trickling in, one or sometimes two at a time. I tried checking the results on my Lawson My Page but that was overloaded too, so I kept getting an error. All I could do was wait.
45 minutes and five rejections later, I was steeling myself for 0/10. Then, the sixth email came and I could tell right away that it looked different. I google translated and couldn't believe it - I won a premium seat ticket to Nagoya!!! I screamed and immediately told my husband, my mom, my sister, and my closest friends LOL. Four more rejection emails eventually came but it didn't matter, all I needed was one win and I got it! For this round of lottery, payment had to be made at a Lawson convenience store, so I had my friend go and pay for me. The actual ticket will be available for me to pick up at a Lawson closer to the concert date.
Overall, even with all the difficulties I had, I actually really like the Japanese ticketing system. Of course there are loopholes, but it's definitely a fairer way of making sure that fans can get tickets at a reasonable price. And I'd much rather lose out on tickets based on a random draw than actually trying to buy tickets and failing to get any because I wasn't fast enough. The ticket prices in Japan are also fixed and much, much cheaper than in America. Regular reserved seats for Seventeen were 14,000 yen. The catch is that for that same price, you could get a pretty close seat or a really far seat (and seat assignments are also random), but it is what it is. My premium seat cost 24,000 yen, which, with the very favorable exchange rate converted to $170. Honestly, even at a 1/1 rate, it's still cheaper than a much less desirable seat in America.
Can't wait to FOLLOW Seventeen to Japan!
I'm sooooo thrilled for my first chance to attend a Seventeen concert!! I'm a little nervous because it will be my first time attending a concert at such a huge venue, by myself, internationally, but of course my excitement completely outweighs that. The first thing I did after confirming my win was order the version 3 caratbong (I hate it but I caved because I don't want to be the only Carat in the premium section without a syncing lightstick) and a Hoshi picket (cuz all the Japanese fans have them). My trip is all booked, and December can't come sooner!
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freyayuki · 11 months
Dissidia Final Fantasy: Opera Omnia Lightning and Beatrix Banners
The From the End of a Long Road Intersecting Wills event just started in the Dissidia Final Fantasy: Opera Omnia (DFFOO) mobile game. This event came with 2 banners.
From the End of a Long Road Intersecting Wills Banner 1
The From the End of a Long Road Intersecting Wills banner 1 features the following chars and their weapons:
Beatrix from Final Fantasy IX - 15cp, 35cp, Ex, LD, Force or FR, and Burst or BT
Lightning or Claire Farron from Final Fantasy XIII (#ad) - Force only
Cyan Garamonde from Final Fantasy VI - 15cp, 35cp, Ex, and LD
Eight from Final Fantasy Type-0 - 15cp, 35cp, Ex, and LD
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Have everything on this banner except for Beatrix’s BT and Lightning’s FR. Have 1 copy of Beatrix’s FR that hasn’t been limit broken at all.
From the End of a Long Road Intersecting Wills Banner 2
The From the End of a Long Road Intersecting Wills banner 2 features the following chars and their weapons:
Lightning or Claire Farron from Final Fantasy XIII - 15cp, 35cp, Ex, LD, Force or FR, and Burst or BT
Beatrix from Final Fantasy IX - Force only
Prompto Argentum from Final Fantasy XV - 15cp, 35cp, Ex, and LD
Queen from Final Fantasy Type-0 - 15cp, 35cp, Ex, and LD
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Have everything on this banner except for Lightning's FR.
Thoughts about Lightning from Final Fantasy XIII
Have Lightning's 15cp, 35cp, Ex, LD, and BT fully MLB. Her Ex has been Purpled. She has triple real Spheres and triple perfect Artifacs.
She has her Bloom Stone. All of her Summon Boards and Character Enhancement Boards have been completed. She has her High Armor, and it's been Realized to 0/3.
But I haven't Greened her Burst yet. When it became possible to Green Lightning's BT, I opted not to due to lack of resources.
I do like Lightning though and would like to be able to use her again, so when I heard that she got her own Force weapon in the Japanese version of Dissidia Final Fantasy: Opera Omnia, resolved to pull for it when it showed up in the English or Global version of the game.
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Can't remember the exact date now but a few months or so ago, we got this lockout event. I think it must have been one of the Dare to Defy ones. I ended up using Lightning on one of the quests in said event.
To make it easier to get through that quest, and since I was planning to pull for Lightning's FR anyway, I decided to go ahead and spend the resources to Blue her High Armor and get all of her Force Enhancements. For some reason, still couldn't bring myself to Green her Burst though.
Now Lightning's FR is finally here. Don't want to spend gems on either of the From the End of a Long Road Intersecting Wills banners though so here's to hoping that I'll be able to get Lightning's FR using tickets. If I get her FR, will definitely go ahead and fully build her and complete here now.
Thoughts about Beatrix from Final Fantasy IX
Have Beatrix's 15cp, 35cp, Ex, and LD fully MLB. Her Ex has been Purpled. Her High Armor has been Realized to 0/3.
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She has her Bloom Stone. She has triple perfect Artifacts and triple RF Spheres. All of her Summon Boards have been completed. Unlocked parts of her Character Enhancement Boards, particularly the tiles that would give me her LD extension passive and LD Call.
As aforementioned, already have a copy of Beatrix's FR but said copy hasn't been limit broken at all. This is the first appearance of her BT.
Beatrix is good, and I do like her well enough, but never got 'round to fully building her since I was saving my resources for other chars. Even in this state though, Beatrix still does pretty well.
It'd be nice to get Beatrix's BT and even more copies of her FR for limit breaking purposes, but not sure if I'll fully build her even if I get a copy of her Burst weapon. If we had more resources, then I'd gladly build all of my chars but as it is, have to be selective in who to upgrade.
From the End of a Long Road Intersecting Wills Banner 2 Free First Multi-Draw Results
As part of some campaign or other, we get a free first multi-draw on both of the From the End of a Long Road Intersecting Wills banners.
Banner 2's free pull gave me nothing more than a dupe of Prompto's 35cp. Meh.
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From the End of a Long Road Intersecting Wills Banner 1 Free First Multi-Draw Results
The free first multi-draw on the From the End of a Long Road Intersecting Wills banner 1 gave me dupes of Eight's 15cp and 35cp and Cyan's 35cp. Also meh.
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From the End of a Long Road Intersecting Wills Banner 1 Free Multi-Draw Tickets Results
Have 3 multi-draw tickets that can be used on either of the From the End of a Long Road Intersecting Wills banners. Decided to use all 3 of these tickets on banner 1.
To my surprise, the first ticket gave me a Force orb. Hell, yes!
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Was so hyped until I remembered that there are actually 2 Force weapons featured on this banner. Now I could only hope that I was about to get Lightning's FR.
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Unfortunately, it wasn't meant to be. Ended up with a dupe of Beatrix's FR. Yeah, I haven't fully limit broken my first copy yet so this dupe isn't useless but still.
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Would have preferred to get my first copy of Lightning's FR instead. Besides, I do have enough High Power Stones to fully MLB Beatrix's FR if needed, so I don't really need more copies of her Force weapon.
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Anyway, my second ticket gave me a gold orb. This turned into dupes of Eight's LD, Beatrix's 15cp and 35cp, and Cyan's LD.
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To my complete and utter surprise, the third ticket actually gave me a Burst orb. OMFG! Also, hell yes! Super pleased to see this, especially since I had to pity the last 3 Burst weapons that I wanted to get.
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To be more precise, had to pity the Burst weapons of Cor Leonis from Final Fantasy XV, Rem Tokimiya from Final Fantasy Type-0, and Iris Amicitia from Final Fantasy XV.
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There's only one BT on this banner, so I already know that I'm about to get Beatrix's Burst.
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Really glad that I was able to get her BT from a free draw although still not sure if I'll fully build her or not. Will need to think about this some more. At least I already have her BT in case I need it.
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From the End of a Long Road Intersecting Wills Banner 2 Tickets Pulls Results
As aforementioned, want Lightning's FR but don’t want to spend gems on either of the From the End of a Long Road Intersecting Wills banners. And now that Beatrix's BT just showed up from a free pull, have even less reason to spend gems on these banners.
Currently have 797 tickets on hand. Here's to hoping that Lightning's FR will show up soon.
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Since I already have Beatrix's BT, opted to pull on the From the End of a Long Road Intersecting Wills banner 2 for a chance to get more copies of Queen's Ex weapon.
Queen's Ex gives one of the best D Spheres in the game. This Sphere will increase the party's ATK and MAX BRV by 5% for 3 turns every time its user inflicts break or attacks an enemy afflicted with break.
Got the usual bronze and silver trash and gold dupes. Even got 10-draws that didn't have even a single gold.
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Didn't take screenshots of everything since my pulls here seemed pretty bad.
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Kept on getting regular blue orbs and dupes and trash.
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So far, I was able to get 1 dupe of Queen's Ex.
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A bit later on, a 10-draw actually gave me 5 golds. Too bad they were all dupes. Ended up with dupes of Lightning's 35cp and Ex, Prompto's 35cp and Ex, and Beatrix's FR. Ugh, really wish that Beatrix FR dupe had been Lightning's FR instead.
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Also got a dupe of Prompto's Ex that I wish had been Queen's Ex instead.
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After a few more 10-draws, got a Force orb. Was really hoping to get my first copy of Lightning's FR already but unfortunately, Beatrix's FR trolls me yet again. Sigh.
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Aside from yet another dupe of Beatrix's FR, this pull also gave me dupes of Queen's Ex and Lightning's LD.
Then another 10-draw gave me dupes of Prompto's 35cp and Beatrix's FR. Argh! It's so frustrating to see the animation for the appearance of a Force weapon only for it to turn out to be a dupe. Lightning FR, doko da?
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A bit later on, got yet another Force orb. Was already dreading having to see yet another dupe of Beatrix's FR, but thankfully, that wasn't the case this time.
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Yup, that's right, this time, this Force orb turned into my very first copy of Lightning's FR. Hell, yes! Really super pleased to see this.
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Now I can finally be done with this banner. Was down to 627 tickets when Lightning's FR came home.
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Glad I didn't have to spend so much just to get Lightning's FR. Guess the results of my pulls here weren't so bad after all. Maybe it just seemed that way since I kept getting regular blue orbs and lots of useless dupes and bronze and silver trash.
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Beatrix from Final Fantasy IX
Ended up with 4 dupes of Beatrix's FR. Only needed 3 more to be able to fully MLB said weapon without having to use High Power Stones.
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So I fused 3 of the Beatrix FR dupes to my first copy to fully MLB it.
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Also leveled up Beatrix's BT then equipped her with it. And that's all I've done so far. Still not sure if I'll fully max her out or not.
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Lightning from Final Fantasy XIII
Spent the High Power Stones needed to fully MLB Lightning's Force weapon.
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Then I spent the Book and 3 Ingots needed to Green her Burst weapon or get it to BT+ 3/3.
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Also completed the entirety of her Force Board, including unlocking access to her Force Echoes. Now my Lightning is fully built and complete. Can't wait to try her out in a Shinryu (level 300) quest.
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So, what about you? Did you pull on either of the From the End of a Long Road Intersecting Wills banners? What do you think about Lightning, Beatrix, and all the other chars featured on these banners? Feel free to share your thoughts and opinions by leaving a comment below or by reblogging or replying to this post.
screenshots are from my Dissidia Final Fantasy: Opera Omnia game account
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musicsustain · 4 years
The Growth of Live Music
Following quite a while of declining actual record deals, craftsmen, groups and record marks recently are zeroing in on unrecorded music shows. Record names are likewise giving their groups 360 arrangements. Sounds cool, what is it precisely? Beforehand, record marks primarily used to just support the way toward creating an actual record; otherwise called long plays, tapes and minimal plates. These days, marks are additionally financing and helping their marked groups and craftsmen coordinate and sell their live shows, and furthermore eating an enormous part of the benefits.
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  Much obliged (or not) to the web and the simplicity of pilfered music dispersion, the conventional public is not, at this point pestered, or in any event, ready to purchase actual music records. There is still expectation however; Johnny is as yet ready to spend his well deserved cash on music. Perhaps not on actual music records, but rather individuals appear to be going to shows significantly more than any time in recent memory. It appears to be that the sound quality is of no distinction to Johnny and the greater part of the populace, so he won't trouble in the event that he tunes in to MP3's on his PC.
Then again, setting off to a show is a social encounter where one can head blast and communicate with sweat-soaked individuals, some of which you've never observed. It's another experience, very surprising than when you're frequenting the standard, worn out decaying bar for quite a while. So contribute today. Rather than burning through hundred Euro, the bankrupt money, alone in a bar, should contribute some of it on a show pass and the lay on some super cold lagers to assist you with holding on for the warmth of indoor shows, or possibly as a chick speculation.
Notice the world's greatest demonstrations and you will see that despite the fact that the world economy is spiraling down, they are as yet figuring out how to sell out their reality visits. Global eminent electro band Depeche Mode and their Touring the Universe Tour, U2, who grasped the web like no other band, Lady Gaga and numerous other incredibly famous groups and craftsmen all figured out how to produce a fair pay, which you and I don't dream of. Explore through a few online ticket sites and you will see that there is at any rate a show of two in the city where you live, if not more!
Some time prior, the proofreader of one of the sites I compose for, composed a tirade about the music business. Shockingly his tirade was condemned by many, and not at all like other of his self-stubborn articles, its distributing on a few music news locales was dismissed for one straightforward explanation; empowering robbery of music over the web. It is somewhat amusing; it appears to be the editors of different sites don't have a clue how to peruse. In this tirade about music, Octave Shaper is basically expressing that like numerous other world businesses, the music business should quit pointing fingers, thoroughly consider of the container, and quest for its brilliant eggs goose elsewhere.
That is the reason I respect the music's business Father Christmas, Mr. Cowell's and his shows, for example, X Factor. Mr Cowell, rather than making a decent attempt to sell records, changed his plan of action and now is helping many hopeful specialists by giving them the possibility of having their own supported visits. On account of his global eminent shows, Cowell is raising unrecorded music mindfulness, and "brand mindfulness" for the craftsman and groups included, while as yet making truckloads of cash, most presumably like never before previously.
As I would see it, the music business wasn't right in pointing its fingers and reprimanding the web for its diminishing pay from deals of actual records. It's actual the web made it simpler for the conveyance of pilfered music, yet it likewise made it simpler for Johnny to purchase show passes. In the event that you need a container of milk, you actually need to leave your home, stroll to the market, and in the event that it is lapsed and you didn't see, you need to stroll back to bring it back. On the off chance that you need to buy a show pass, you can do it from the solace of your couch while keeping your butt warm and comfortable.
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Because of the web, informal communities and viral recordings, it is presently simpler for specialists and groups to get a handle on the consideration of new groups. With the torrent of new music being continually transferred on the web, it very well may be hard for non-set up craftsmen to penetrate the majority and get a major bit of the pie, however they will consistently have a lot of pieces. We should not additionally fail to remember that the web likewise made it simpler for effectively settled and widely acclaimed craftsmen to arrive at new skylines in the music business. Just examine the number of Facebook likes and Twitter adherents popular specialists have. Do you figure Lady Gaga would have had a similar powerful impact on the world as she has now without the web?
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abideen4real-blog · 5 years
Mission and Vision Statement
Products lines/ services
Pros and Cons of the company
Business Integration
Corporate Social Responsibility
Founded in 2016 by a team of African finance and technology veterans from Standard Bank, PayPal, Google Wallet amongst others, Flutterwave has grown to become one of the fastest growing payments companies in the world. Since inception Flutterwave has processed close to $2 billion in payments and 25 million transactions across over 33 African countries where it currently operates. It has its Headquarters in San Francisco, USA.
The birth of Flutterwave as a new emerging financial firm rewrite the history of Nigeria in style as 26 years old Iyin Aboyeji and his cofounder Gbenga Agboola took the whole world by surprise.
Flutterwave , a payment infrastructure has gotten approval from the Central Bank of Nigeria for the use of Unstructured Supplementary Service Data (USSD) technology for its product. This USSD is an addition to other payment channels it already offered and affirm the firm’s commitment to staying true to its promise to provide modern payment infrastructure that would empower Africans.
Flutterwave provides an end to end payments platform that covers all bases in payment process.
Mission Statement
At Flutterwave, our mission is to inspire a new wave of prosperity across Africa by building payment infrastructure to connect Africa to the global economy by building technology, tools, and infrastructure for businesses and banks who want to provide a more seamless and secure payments experience for their customers.
Product lines/ Services
Some of the popular products/services of Flutterwave are as stated below:
Rave – The payment solutions which makes it easier with secure and reliable tools. It is a complete integration system that includes mobilemoney, credit & Debit card, USSD, Cashless token and ACH
GetBarter – This app based offering is aimed at facilitating personal and small merchant payments within countries and across Africa’s borders. Existing Visa cardholders can send and receive funds at home or internationally on GetBarter
Moneywave – This is Flutterwave’s disbursement solution that allows you to transfer money to any bank account in Nigeria, Ghana and Kenya. It also allows you to build wallet solutions and mobile money solutions as it allows you to create wallets and enable you to do transfers between your wallets
Glovepay – Payment system called Glovepay which takes the of wearing a special glove to execute a handshake to care out a transaction
Flutterwave Pay with Bank Transfer – Flutterwave has just introduce another product to ease the mode of doing business in Nigeria is .This is what they called “Flutterwave Pay With Bank Transfer” payment method. In its first 9 weeks, Flutterwave Pay with Bank Transfer has witnessed 20,000+ transactions. It is currently operational in Nigeria alone and efforts are on-going to extend its service to other countries. The product is user friendly as it accommodate all to operate no matter the level of your education.
Partnership with PayAttitude – Another product from the stable of Flutterwave that worth mentioning is new partnership with PayAttitude, that only requires your customer’s phone number for a successful payment to occur. If the customer is not a PayAttitude customer yet, they have to get PayAttitude first to be able to use this payment method. This is yet another milestone for us in our quest to ensure that you have as many payment methods as you require for your business to grow exponentially. We hope that you will explore these methods and derive maximum value from them.
Flutterwave, which provides modern payment infrastructure for banks and businesses to make and accepts payment across Africa, announced that it has raised over $10 million in a Series A round of funding
Flutterwave has launched a technology which uses digital payments infrastructure that assist banks and business to build seamless, cutting edge and secured payment system for their customers.
Flutterwave has revolutionized the financial sector with their state of art technology used to work it and their integration with other financial firm across the world.
Pros and Cons of the company
In terms of pros which put Flutterwave over above its competitors, we can say that:
There is a low risk of fraud as long as you log on to their authentic website and not  clones. Just make sure it is https and not http. This assurance is enough evidence why people now prefer to carry out their any financial transaction where it is secure.
For the cons, this is the only issue raised by their customers which still subjected to further findings.
The only observation as regard to consumer dissatisfaction on their service is the genuine complaint about how the customer service centre handle cases of uncompleted transaction that sometimes occur which make them wait endlessly before solution come their way.
Business Integration
Flutterwave has carve an inch for itself and it is a business firm that has maintained a harmonious and symbiotic relationship with other world class accounting and online business firms. It has built business integration with other firms who share the idea of greatness with them. Some of them are listed below
Shopify – a company that has a single dashboard to manage orders, shipping and payments anywhere you go. Rave in many cases has been integrated with shopify to make selling online easier than you can imagine.
Quickbooks – This is a world class accounting firm with cloud accounting software, with this facility, you can be red assured that your data is safe and secured and it is always available at your fingertips. They deploy multiple devices technology to manage your book.
Zero – They are also world class innovators in online accounting software
Squarespace – They are basically online stores, to marketing tools and analytics, squarespace is the all-in-one platform to build a beautiful online presence.
Sage – This is another cloud solutions to manage finances
Zoho – It is all about managing any financial transactions
Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) of the Company
It has become one of the  core values of Flutterwave to give back to the society that made them. That is the reason why it has been embedded into their system to feature their banner and corporate symbol in any event which impart positively to human existence. Some of those events are featured in this article below:
Flutterwave partner with AfroPolitan to promote African value and heritage by organizing entertainment events among Africa and Africa in diaspora. This is particularly significant because it means that no matter where they are in the world, customers can secure tickets to attend events like Afro Nation, Afrochella and Detty Rave events and pay securely through Flutterwave.”
At Greenspring School in Lagos, they prepare the students for future engagement.This what formed the basis of the 4 week internship collaboration with Flutterwave, a leading Fintech company based in Lagos.
Last Saturday, the 21st of  September, 2019, Flutterwave organized a job fair tag “Flutterwave Developer  Job Fair 2019”. The event was a successful as it feature creme de  la creme in financial and tech industries. Check out their Social Media channels for more details.
Face App and Security Concern – As a responsible business entity, Flutterwave draw the attention of online user of internet App called “Face App” to their terms and conditions of the usage of that app which 90% of the users don’t bother at all to check and the usage of the App subjected users to cyber attack and undue exposure to security attack inform of hacking of their accounts to filter out their vital information.
I will advise the management to leverage on the new window of opportunity provided by the CBN on their cashless policy which has been in existence since 2011 but later reinforce recently. They should launch their state of the art technology they possess to leverage on this new opportunity as move people will be captured who will be in need of their service as it is now costlier now to transact business with cash.
In another dimension, they should venture into  sponsoring of sporting activities as it commands  large number of followerships in terms of its acceptability among the youths. this will bring the popularity of their products right to the door steps of their potential customers who may not have been aware of their existence compared with their closest rival in their industry.
In the same vein, sponsorship of educational programmes such as quiz competition among the higher institution of learning to discover new talents who may decide to take a career part in both financial and tech industries later in life and also educate Nigerians populate on the need to be financially conscious, prudent in the management of their scarce resources and how to manage their investment optimally.
There is no gainsaying that Flutterwave together with their products has become a household name. It has been proven that with the right environment, Nigerian youths can deliver at anytime. It is hard to believe that a project which was conceived, nurtured and developed by a 26 years old man has achieved so much within a spate of 3 years of its establishment.
For Flutterwave, the future is bright as they continue to build on their core value of their policy of transparency, financial inclusion, seamless and cutting edge technology to dispense financial transactions all over the world. We will continue to lend out our support for the firm to achieve its mission as they take us to the next level where distance and time will not be a barrier to transact business globally.
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FIFA World Cup: The new players in camp with the US Men's National Team
US Soccer Players – For individuals all over the planet, December is the period of gifts. The equivalent is valid for Gregg Berhalter and the US Men's National Team. For a program hoping to augment the recess between the initial eight Concacaf FIFA World Cup qualifiers and the last six games to figure out who will go to Qatar for the competition next November, December is an ideal opportunity to give and get.
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Doing his best Santa Claus, Berhalter passed out solicitations to 26 players for a drawn-out public group camp. The time frame will finish up with an amicable against Bosnia and Herzegovina on December 18, whenever this gathering will get an opportunity to substantiate themselves against outside contest. In a time when such a great deal the senior public group is youthful, Berhalter's call-ups aren't just an activity in the soul of giving.
His quest for players who can assist him with joining fit the bill for Qatar, or maybe make the outing to the Football World Cup itself, can't quit throughout Concacaf's colder time of year intermission. Berhalter is expecting to give himself something this December: The endowment of choices. There are a couple of veteran countenances in camp, players previously adding to the passing exertion.
Then, at that point, there are the ones returning from long-haul injury, similar to Jordan Morris and Aaron Long. All included getting the opportunity to show Berhalter they can be useful in later camps. Until further notice, the attention is legitimately on the new faces. A few of US soccer's most brilliant youthful abilities are in camp, prepared to make the following stride in their worldwide professions.
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Significant League Soccer's chance towards institute-created youth is delivering huge profits, and Berhalter's most recent program mirrors the new reality. Twelve of the 26 players in California have zero senior covers. Here is a gander at a couple of them as they set out on the journey for global greatness. For more to know about FIFA World Cup Tickets Click here
Gomez is a player between clubs right now. US Soccer's list records him as a Louisville City player, yet he'll be en route to join Real Betis of La Liga when the colder time of year move window opens in Spain. That the 18-year-old fullback was culled out of the second division of American soccer by a club in one of the top associations in Europe addresses his huge ability. Gomez took a whimsical course to genius soccer and a European exchange, however, every move is paying off up to this point.
One justification for additional consideration on Gomez is the Texas local is likewise qualified to play for Mexico. In any event, playing against Bosnia wouldn't cover tie him, so this December camp will not choose his global future? In any case, it resembles a positive sign that Gomez acknowledged the call-up. Berhalter will get an opportunity to present the defense for the USMNT to a gifted player at a place of need for the public group.
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Cowell is one more of the 18-year-olds in camp, one of six on the program. The San Jose Earthquakes forward endorsed as a 15-year-old from the club's institute is as yet in the beginning phases of setting up a good foundation for himself as a power in MLS. He acquired his first MLS minutes in 2020 and broke out in 2021, making 14 beginnings and gathering 1617 minutes.
Five objectives and five help put him second in the group in the two classifications in 2021. On the off chance that there's a player in Carson without a senior cap who could have a prompt effect in the public group, it very well may be Cowell. His colossal actual gifts make him a small bunch for safeguards, paying little mind to age.
Among the eminent parts of Berhalter's program is the measure of safeguards. All the more explicitly, the number of players who fill in as fullbacks and wingbacks with their club groups. Among that gathering is DC United's Paredes, an additional 18-year-old who broke out at the homegrown level in 2021. Joined's all-over season pushed Paredes' mission off the first page, yet the Virginia local dazzled enough to acquire MLS Team of the Week acknowledgment on three separate events.
Trusted from the get-go by first-year joined lead trainer Hernan Losada, Paredes set up a good foundation for himself as one of his group's most steady entertainers north of 19 beginnings and 24 all-out appearances. Paredes' capacity to cover the wing and contribute on the two sides of the ball makes him an optimal fit for Berhalter's framework. In Carson, he'll get an opportunity to demonstrate he's prepared for a greater stage.
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Like Gomez, Clark is going abroad when the exchange window opens. Clark's leap is a major one, moving from the New York Red Bulls to RB Leipzig of the Bundesliga in January, because of the association given by the worldwide organization of Red Bull clubs. The second-year expert showed glimmers of his gigantic potential in 2021, yet a crisis appendectomy implied missing the current year's Gold Cup. For more to know about FIFA World Cup Tickets Click here
Clark played with the U-20 group that went to Mexico for a three-game competition in November. In a senior camp with Berhalther's course, Clark can push for consideration in the developing rundown of youthful, powerful aggressors playing in qualifying.
The most youthful player on the program is 17-year-old Chicago Fire goalkeeper Gabriel Slonina. Slonina's quick ascent to conspicuousness is procuring him correlations with a portion of the world's top goalkeepers when they were at the beginning of their professions. In an association like MLS, mentors are frequently reluctant to go to unpracticed goalkeepers, especially when there are spending plan amicable choices accessible.
Slonina asserted the Fire's beginning spot for great in late September and dazzled down the stretch of the period with his shot-halting and development. In a year when the Fire battled, Slonina was an uncommon brilliant spot. His play procured him consideration from the USMNT, however Poland too. The Illinois local is qualified for Poland through his folks yet has up to this point acknowledged call-ups from the USA as it were.
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Slonina's chance with the USMNT could possibly get him his first worldwide cap. In any case, at 17, he's as of now well on the ball for players at his position.
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recentanimenews · 3 years
Mobile RPG Princess Connect: Re:Dive Introduces Ayane Ahead Of The Next Clan Battle Beta!
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  Heyas, Knights!
  We’re back with some more exciting updates! We hope you enjoyed all of the events in February. Today, we’re giving you another sneak peek of what’s been planned for the coming days.
  What’s coming up?
  Focus Gacha: Ayane (VA: Yu Serizawa)
Period: 3/4 23:00 - 3/20 22:59 UTC
Details: Meet Ayane of Sarendia, a little cub who disrupts the battlefield from the vanguard. Her Union Burst shakes up the enemy formation by sending foes flying with big damage and stun effects. Her hobbies are indoor activities. 
  The members of Sarendia—Saren, Ayane, Suzume, and Kurumi—will enjoy increased rates during the duration of the gacha and may be redeemed with Character Exchange points.
  Campaign: Thank You Login Bonus
Period: 3/4 13:00 - 3/14 12:59 UTC
Details: From 3/4 13:00 UTC to 3/14 12:59 UTC, we will be distributing the following daily rewards to all players who login during this period:
  800,000 Mana
300 Stamina
10 Gacha Tickets
  Please read more about the login bonus here.
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      Event: Clan Battle Beta 2
Period: 3/7 13:00 - 3/12 07:59 UTC
Details: We will be hosting our second Clan Battle Beta beginning from March 7th. As we continue to work out the kinks and evaluate the progress of the global server, we’ve decided that hosting another Beta is pertinent. The reward structure will remain the same as before for this event, but this time, Yori’s Memory Shards can be earned.
  Event: Main Quest - Normal Quest Double Drop
Period: 3/7 13:00 - 3/15 12:59 UTC
Details: During the campaign period, Normal Quest drops will be doubled! If you’re looking to strengthen your characters, now is the perfect opportunity!
  Event: Main Quest - Hard Quest Double Drop
Period: 3/15 13:00 - 3/19 12:59 UTC
Details: During the campaign period, Hard Quest drops will be doubled! Now’s the time to grab your favorite heroines’ Memory Shards!
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      Content Update: New Guildhouse Furniture
Period: 3/4 23:00 - 3/29 22:59 UTC
Details: The following new furniture will be available for purchase in the Guildhouse:
   Lacquer Chair
 Lacquer Table
 Lacquer Stool
 Tatami Mats
 Gold Leaf Screen
 Indoor Lantern
 Portable Tearoom
 Ceremonial Bell
 Cherry Blossom Tree
 Sliding Screen Wall
 Red Rug Wooden Flooring
  Content Update: Expansion Update
Release Date: 3/15 23:00 UTC
Details:  The details of the update are as follows:
  Level cap increased to Lvl. 88.
Rank 8 equipment slots x5 now equippable.
Main Quest Area 10 release.
  Please check the in-game notices for further details when they are announced in game.
  Addressing the Gacha Banner Schedule:
  Beginning with the Ayane Focus Gacha, we will be shifting the pace of the banner schedule and extending the duration of each banner. In addition, there may be a small gap of a couple of days in between banners moving forward. We believe this will provide a better experience for the global playerbase as we strive to ensure that each Focus Gacha will be available for an appropriate duration to give players ample time to aim for their favorite heroines. 
This is all subject to change as we continue to closely monitor the health of the game and the progress of the global community. We hope with these new changes, all players will be able to enjoy our wonderful world even more.
  As always, we have much more coming this month, so keep your eyes peeled! 
  See you in Astraea, Knights!
  — Crunchyroll Games
  By: Guest Author
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tomorrowedblog · 3 years
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Friday Releases for February 19
Friday is the busiest day of the week for new releases, so we've decided to collect them all in one place. Friday Releases for February 19 include I Care A Lot, Body Brokers, It’s A Sin, and more.
I Care A Lot
I Care A Lot, the new movie from J. Blakeson, is out today.
I CARE A LOT follows Marla Grayson (Rosamund Pike), a highly successful legal guardian with a knack for exploiting the law to her financial benefit. After discovering her seemingly innocent new client (Dianne Wiest) harbors dangerous secrets, Marla and her partner (Eiza González) come to find they have unknowingly triggered a battle with a ruthless adversary (Peter Dinklage).
Body Brokers
Body Brokers, the new movie from John Swab, is out today.
Utah and Opal are junkies living on the streets of rural Ohio until a seemingly chance encounter with the enigmatic Wood brings them to Los Angeles for drug treatment. Utah appears to find sobriety with the help of treatment center shrink, Dr. White, and tech turned love interest, May. They soon learn that drug treatment is but a cover for a predatory business, enlisting addicts to recruit other addicts.
Blithe Spirit
Blithe Spirit, the new movie from Edward Hall, is out today.
Best-selling crime novelist Charles (Dan Stevens) suffers from terrible writer’s block and is struggling to finish his first screenplay. His picture-perfect new wife Ruth (Isla Fisher) is doing her best to keep him focused so they can fulfill her dream of leaving London for Hollywood. Charles’ quest for inspiration leads him to invite the eccentric mystic Madame Acarti (Judi Dench) to perform a séance in his home. He gets more than he bargained for when Madame Acarti inadvertently summons the spirit of his first wife: the brilliant and fiery Elvira (Leslie Mann). Ready to pick up her life right where she left off, Elvira is shocked to discover the prim and proper Ruth is now married to her husband and running her household. Charles finds himself stuck between his two wives and their increasingly over-the-top attempts to outdo one another in this lethally hilarious comedy.
Test Pattern
Test Pattern, the new movie from Shatara Michelle Ford, is out today.
Part psychological horror, part realist drama, this exhilarating debut feature from Shatara Michelle Ford is set against the backdrop of national discussions around inequitable health care and policing, the #metoo movement, and race in America. Test Pattern follows an interracial couple whose relationship is put to the test after a Black woman is sexually assaulted and her white boyfriend drives her from hospital to hospital in search of a rape kit. Their story reveals the systemic injustices and social conditioning women face when navigating sex and consent within the American patriarchy.
The Violent Heart
The Violent Heart, the new movie from Kerem Sanga, is out today.
Fifteen years after the murder of his older sister, 24-year-old Daniel finds himself falling for Cassie, an outgoing high school senior, in this Romeo & Juliet-style thriller set in the American heartland.
Silk Road
Silk Road, the new movie from Tiller Russell, is out today.
Inspired by larger-than-life actual events, this riveting crime thriller follows the rise and fall of Silk Road, the infamous darknet site that sent a seismic shock through the World Wide Web. Young, idealistic, and driven to succeed, Ross Ulbricht (Nick Robinson) creates the internet’s first unregulated marketplace: Silk Road. But when it becomes a multimillion-dollar pipeline for illicit drugs, Ross is set on a collision course with Rick Bowden (Jason Clarke), a disreputable and dangerously unpredictable DEA agent, who will use any means necessary to take him down.
Paranormal Prison
Paranormal Prison, the new movie from Brian Jagger, is out today.
The impending demolition of an abandoned prison has the paranormal investigation team “The Skeptic and the Scientist” rushed to spend a locked-in night within the prison’s walls before the wrecking balls start swinging turning the now state historical building to condos.
Knowing their channel needs views, team leader Matthew (Todd Haberkorn) funds one last-ditch effort in hopes the device science expert Sara (Paris Warner) has invented will be their ticket to fame and fortune. Along with their sound technician Ashley (Coryn Treadwell), cameraman Jacob (Brian Telestai) and guided by their assigned park ranger, the team recorded everything, hoping to capture elusive spirits. What they captured instead will change paranormal investigation forever, and may have even solved a long-standing mystery.
Tribes of Europa
Tribes of Europa, the new TV series from Philip Koch, is out today.
2074. In the wake of a mysterious global disaster, war rages between the Tribes that have emerged from the wreckage of Europe. Three siblings from the peaceful Origines tribe - Kiano (Emilio Sakraya), Liv (Henriette Confurius) and Elja (David Ali Rashed) - are separated and forced to forge their own paths in an action-packed fight for the future of this new Europa.
It’s A Sin
It’s A Sin, the new TV series from Russell T. Davies, is out today.
It's 1981, and a gang of friends move in together in the heart of London. As the decade unfolds, we follow their hopes and dreams, highs and lows, all coming out and coming of age. But a terrible new virus is on the rise, and they’ll need each other more than ever as the fight begins.
Tell Me Your Secrets
Tell Me Your Secrets, the new TV series from Harriet Warner, is out today.
Emma is ready to start her new life in witness protection. When Mary, a mother searching for her missing daughter, discovers that Emma might be responsible for her daughter’s disappearance she hires an ex-serial predator to track Emma down. And no one is safe.
For All Mankind S2
The second season of For All Mankind, the TV series from Ronald D. Moore, Ben Nedivi, and Matt Wolpert, is out today.
Told through the lives of NASA astronauts, engineers and their families, For All Mankind presents an aspirational world where NASA and the space program remained a priority and a focal point of our hopes and dreams.
The Shore
The Shore, the new game from Ares Dragonis, is out today.
THE SHORE is a first person story driven game with an atmospheric environment and narrations, You will encounter mysterious creatures and unravel the secrets behind them. Strong elements of horror, struggle to survive an unknown world that will make you question your own sanity.
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aion-rsa · 3 years
The Biggest Geek Culture Moments of 2020
This article contains a spoiler for The Mandalorian Season 2
2020 has been a wild and unpredictable year for most of us, but it also brought with it a ton of key cultural incidents and shifts that kept online news and trade outlets pretty busy at their keyboards. As we finally grind toward the end of a very weird 12 months, we’ve been looking back at some of the more stand-out moments in geek culture, which we’ll recap with you here.
You may find that these cultural markers aren’t listed in chronological order. That’s because in 2020, time ceased to exist in its previously understood form. Wednesday rarely meant anything, Monday was still technically the worst but couldn’t be trusted either way, Saturdays were no longer reserved for the notion of relaxation, and any given Tuesday might as well have taken place in a different universe, such was the obliqueness of its concept. Is it December right now, or July? No one really knows anymore.
But things still happened in 2020! Things and stuff definitely happened, we’re almost sure of it. Here are some of the things and stuff that probably happened, several of which you’d struggle to explain to a past version of yourself without the board from Chernobyl and scheduled breaks…
Tom Hanks and Rita Wilson Get COVID-19
Shit got real on March 11 when beloved Forrest Gump actor Tom Hanks and his wife Rita Wilson both tested positive for COVID-19 while filming on location in Australia. 63-year-old Hanks, who has Type 2 Diabetes and a stent in his heart, was fairly sure he was in a high-risk group, but at the time we still knew very little about the virus.
Hanks’ updates on he and Wilson’s recovery were little lights in the darkness over the next few weeks, and when the pair appeared to have made it through the worst, there was a sense of relief that 2020 would – at the very least – not steal him, but Hanks said he was way more relaxed than us about the whole thing. “I’m not one who wakes up in the morning wondering if I’m going to see the end of the day or not,” he told The Guardian. “I’m pretty calm about that.” He’s since become a strong advocate for social distancing measures. – KH
Tiger King of the World
Tiger King: Murder, Mayhem and Madness debuted on Netflix globally on March 20, becoming the first quarantine binge of the pandemic. A problematic series from the get-go, there was comfort to be found in its existence, as it became apparent that even if things were really quite shit at home, at least you hadn’t been fed to a tiger yet. Or sent to jail for arranging a hit on your nemesis. Or had accidentally shot yourself in the head. Or, etc and so on. – KH
The Snyder Cut Rises
They said it would never happen. And by “they” I have to confess, I mean “we.” But it’s true, Warner Bros. actually is spending tens of millions of dollars to let Zack Snyder finish his Justice League movie as he originally intended it. And the fans who have kept hope alive since the disappointing Joss Whedon-helmed theatrical cut of the movie are getting even more than they bargained for, since the no-longer-mythical “Snyder Cut” isn’t just a movie, it’s a four hour long miniseries event headed to HBO Max.
The early 2021 release of the Director’s Cut of Justice League (which now appears to be its official title) will mark the culmination of five years of fan demands, and will finally put a bow on Snyder’s original vision of the DCEU, completing the trilogy he began with 2016’s Man of Steel. Hopefully it lives up to everyone’s expectations. – MC
Next-Gen Gaming Breaks the Internet…Literally
2020 turned out to be a very important year for gaming. Not only did it see the release of many highly-anticipated titles, such as The Last of Us Part II, Cyberpunk 2077, Animal Crossing: New Horizons, and Ghost of Tsushima, but it also ushered in a new generation of gaming with the arrival of the Xbox Series X and PlayStation 5 as well as new PC graphics cards from NVIDIA and AMD.
Unfortunately, when it comes to next-gen gaming in 2020, all other topics of discussion are eclipsed by just how difficult it’s been to actually buy any of these new consoles or GPUs. From the moment pre-orders opened, getting one of these next-gen products has been a nightmare. Retail sites like Amazon, Best Buy, and GameStop went down almost immediately on day 1 of pre-orders for both consoles, and have remained generally low in stock ever since, servers shaky at best. And the scalpers who used bots to buy up consoles and graphics cards to flip for exorbitant prices certainly haven’t helped.
If you got that next-gen gaming experience you wanted for Christmas this year, count yourself lucky! – JS
Trolls World Tour Starts a War
Universal’s Trolls World Tour was the first major movie to properly break and go straight to go streaming in 2020. Whether this was a movie you’d have personally sought out or not, it would have made a ton of money in a non-pandemic year. After that, eyes turned to the big studios, as we waited to see whether the likes of Black Widow, Bill & Ted Face the Music, or Mulan would follow suit.
Warner Bros., who had strenuously backed Christopher Nolan’s Tenet for a theatrical release, did a handbrake turn late in 2020 when it announced – to much industry outrage – that its full schedule of big budget movies, including Dune and The Matrix 4, would see a “day and date” streaming release on HBO Max in 2021 after Wonder Woman 1984 would do the same on Christmas Day. Disney has so far refused to match this gambit, but there are big changes and repercussions afoot for the theatrical release model, even when this is all over. – KH
Disney Doesn’t Throw Away Its Shot
While the first couple of movies to crack the theatrical window such as Trolls: World Tour and Onward were treated as relatively low stakes and aimed at a younger demographic, no early release came earlier, or made as much noise, as Hamilton going to Disney+ over Independence Day Weekend. The filmed version of the original cast performance dropped on the streamer a full 15 months ahead of its planned theatrical release, and it was by any measure a roaring success, finally enabling millions of people who had long been enamored with the soundtrack but been shut out of ticket lotteries and prohibitive Broadway pricing to experience Lin-Manuel Miranda’s history lesson in the comfort of their own home.
Early data suggests that his was the biggest direct-to-streaming release of the year, which should surprise exactly nobody. – MC
Of course, the success of Hamilton emboldened…
Borat 2 Sex Lawyer
Donald Trump’s most visible lawyer Rudy Giuliani already had a bad rep, but in late October he was literally caught with his hands down his pants in a New York City hotel room after being tricked into comedian Sasha Baron Cohen’s Borat sequel, Subsequent Moviefilm. During one particular scene, Borat and his ‘daughter’ Tutar (Maria Bakalova) tried to seduce Giuliani.
“Rudolph was Donald’s best buddy in the whole world,” Borat narrated. “And also very dignified statesman of the highest order. This would not be easy.”
If you’re really serious about legally challenging the vote you don’t send your two worst kids and the Borat sex lawyer.
— Ned Hartley (@NedHartley) November 6, 2020
It was in fact very easy, and he reportedly thought she was only 15. Still struggling with the knowledge that Giuliani got away with it? You and everyone else, pal. Still, at least he might go down in history as “the Borat sex lawyer.” – KH
Timthetatman’s Fall Guys Twitch Gauntlet
Timthetatman’s August quest to win a crown on Mediatonic’s smash hit battle royale knockout game Fall Guys was a supremely satisfying highlight of the year. Streamer Timothy Betar, who can typically be found playing slightly more ‘grown up’ games like Call of Duty: Modern Warfare on Twitch, simply got a bee in his bonnet about not being able to win at Fall Guys. Betar spent nearly two weeks playing the game for long stretches of time as his audience grew exponentially, almost always failing at the very last moment, while a huge chunk of the gaming community trolled and encouraged him in equal measure – including the official Fall Guys Twitter account.
In the end, almost 340,000 viewers were watching Tim live on Twitch as he finally snatched a single Fall Guys crown, giving those of us trapped at home a chance to experience a single vicarious moment of pure exhilaration. Truly wonderful. – KH
“Crisp Rat”
It was a big year for Chris Pratt on social media, despite the fact that he didn’t really do much of note except have a baby and finish filming Jurassic World: Dominion. The fallout from 2019’s accusations that the actor attends an anti-LGBT church was the blood that pumped through the veins of Twitter’s 24/7 cancellation machine, refueled by Pratt’s non-appearance at Joe Biden’s virtual fundraiser alongside other MCU castmates.
Some saw this as “evidence” that the actor was deserving of a cancelation, and he was dubbed “the worst Chris” in Hollywood. Robert Downey Jr. and other Marvel stars jumped to his defence, declaring Pratt “a real #Christian who lives by #principle” and who has “never demonstrated anything but #positivity and #gratitude”, but Twitter had made up its mind, and it was soon recasting Jack Black in every role Pratt had filled to date. – KH
His Name …Is Grogu
It’s rather surreal to think that The Mandalorian’s powerful pop culture impact was mostly attributed to a character who had no proper name, only officially referred to as “The Child,” and colloquially—for lack of a better term—dubbed “Baby Yoda.” However, this year’s Chapter 13 would see Rosario Dawson’s debuting live-action version of animated favorite Ahsoka Tano use the Force to child-whisper the name of “Grogu.” In doing so, fans, Star Wars-driven SEO, and the Disney merchandising apparatus received an early Christmas present. However, even with the emotionally evocative Season 2 finale in the rear-view mirror, breaking the habit of calling him Baby Yoda is going to be a process as tough as worrying about his safety, especially given his new destination, and with whom it will likely have him come into contact. – JB
Tenet-cious C
Christopher Nolan was the butt who wouldn’t quit in 2020 as he sought to Save Cinema with his highly anticipated blockbuster about time travel, heists and many guns going pow-pow-pow. Whether it was his intention or not, he seemingly encouraged punters to ignore escalating scientific evidence to avoid indoor public spaces and trot along to their local theatre to watch the film. Nolan’s heart was probably in the right place, but it was a bad look for the director overall, compounded by Tenet’s eventual release on streaming, when the majority of keen audiences finally got a chance to clap their eyes on what turned out to be …well, let’s just say “not exactly a masterpiece.” – KH
Actual footage of people responding to Nolan’s pleas.
DC FanDome
Fandom has collectively been at a loss as far as how to replace the convention experience during the pandemic. And so far, attempts by heavy hitters like San Diego Comic-Con and New York Comic Con to replicate the buzz of a weekend packed with fan experiences and big news drops were tremendous disappointments. Pre-recorded Zoom panels don’t excite when all we do all day as a society is stare at that cursed app, buggy launches make it worse, and the fact that studios/networks/publishers didn’t really help put their best foot forward didn’t help.
But then along came DC FanDome.
What many (including this writer) expected to be a weekend-long infomercial about DC Universe intellectual property and how wonderful new corporate overlords AT&T would be for all these juicy brands was instead the slickest, most exciting, and yes…even newsworthy virtual event of the year. Rapid fire announcements from the big screen debut of the Justice Society in Dwayne Johnson’s Black Adam movie to concept art from the long-awaited Flashpoint film were only the appetizer, with Warner Bros. unveiling a stunningly cool trailer for The Batman, and delivering the equivalent of a Saturday night in Hall H to fans who have been mostly confined to their homes since the spring. – MC
Meet Elliot Page
In a year when so much of the news was bad, joyous announcements felt that much more sweet. This was the case for Elliot Page’s sharing that he is trans, and uses “he” and “they” pronouns.
“I feel lucky to be writing this. To be here. To have arrived at this place in my life,” the 33-year-old Canadian actor, who is perhaps best known for their work in Juno, the X-Men prequel films, and Netflix’s Umbrella Academy, wrote on Instagram in early December. “I feel overwhelming gratitude for the incredible people who have supported me along this journey. I can’t begin to express how remarkable it feels to finally love who I am enough to pursue my authentic self.”
While it was a moment of celebration and affirmation, Page also used the opportunity to educate the public on the ongoing epidemic of violence against Black and brown trans women in particular, at least 40 of whom have been killed in the U.S. this year. Page wrote: “To all trans people who deal with harassment, self-loathing, abuse and the thread of violence every day: I see you, I love you and I will do everything I can to change this world for the better.” -KB
The Diamond Monopoly Breaks
Diamond Comics Distributors has for years been a uniter in the comics industry for years. It didn’t matter how much DC or Marvel heads would be at each other’s throats – when a damaged box with only 70% of the comics your shop ordered rolled in a day late, everyone agreed that Diamond was terrible. 
Until April, when, in the middle of the pandemic, DC backed two new distributors. Then, a contingent of fans couldn’t rush to Diamond’s defense fast enough. 
Lunar Distribution and UCS Comics Distribution were new comics distributors created by DCBS and Midtown Comics, respectively, and stood up by DC to create competition against Diamond’s not-technically-but-really monopoly. This was an enormous shift decades in the making, and coupled with DC’s move to a Tuesday NCBD, represented the biggest change in the comics industry this century. – JD
Dr DisRespect Gets Kicked off Twitch
The live streaming community was rife with controversies this year, especially when it came to Twitch: misconduct allegations lodged at many of its most high-profile streamers, a reportedly toxic and abusive work environment within the company, and a DMCA fiasco that saw streamers’ content disappear over night. And then there was Dr DisRespect’s exit from the platform.
Booted from Twitch at the end of June despite a hefty multi-year, multi-million dollar contract, the streamer, whose real name is Guy Beahm, suddenly found himself completely erased from existence, his channel and content deleted from the service. But why? At first, many in the industry assumed the worst, especially since it came just as Twitch was beginning to address misconduct in its community.
But despite the high-profile break up between Twitch and one of its key stars, we still don’t actually know why Beahm was kicked off the platform all of these months later. All Twitch has said on the matter is that Beahm “acted in violation of our Community Guidelines or Terms of Service,” while the streamer himself has remained largely silent on the matter. For now, Beahm’s exit from Twitch remains one of the streaming community’s biggest mysteries. – JS
The Depp-osition
In the #MeToo era, it is still incredibly rare for powerful men to be held accountable for the abuse of their power, but there are signs that this is beginning to change. The November announcement that Johnny Depp had been asked to resign from the Fantastic Beasts series was one of those signs. The announcement, via Depp’s Instagram, came only days after a U.K. court ruled that British tabloid The Sun was not committing libel when they described Depp as “a wife-beater” in 2018.
While the decision by Warner Bros. to fire Depp is an important step forward, it could still be described as a baby one. Depp will still be getting his full $16 million salary for his Fantastic Beasts 3 role, even though Mads Mikkelsen has been recast in the role of Grindelwald, because there was no morality clause in his contract. (It should be noted that Depp’s contract for the third film was finalized well after allegations against Depp first came to light.) Following the announcement, Amber Heard, Depp’s ex-wife and the survivor in this “wife-beater” scenario, has had to face a wave of online harassment that includes a petition to have her fired from her role as Mera in the DCEU.
The whole thing demonstrates just how ill-equipped Hollywood is as an industry and we as a culture still are when it comes to dealing with abuse. Let’s hope, in 2021, we do better when it comes to holding alleged abusers accountable and supporting survivors. – KB
The Last of Us Part II Leaks
Arguably the most highly anticipated game of 2020 (and our Game of the Year), The Last of Us Part II faced a mountain of seemingly insurmountable expectations. Could Naughty Dog not only follow up one of the greatest games ever made but top itself? Many fans learned the answer much sooner than expected when the game leaked weeks before its release in June.
Despite rumors that the leak was the work of a disgruntled employee, the security breach actually turned out to be courtesy of a hacker, who published most of the game’s cinematics and story beats on the internet for all to find. All of its big twists, reveals, and emotional moments lay bare before we were really ready for them. – JS
Marie Javins Becomes Editor in Chief of DC Comics
After a year of massive changes at DC Comics – which saw long-tenured co-publisher Dan Didio fired, a new new comic book day established through new distributors, and a merger with AT&T bear bitter fruit – DC’s year started to turn itself around when they pulled off the only successful online convention with FanDome.
And hot on FanDome’s heels was the historic announcement of their new EIC: Marie Javins, a longtime comics pro who worked her way up from colorist to become the first woman to serve as DC’s Editor-in-Chief since Jenette Kahn. Javins’ keen eye for talent and long history in the industry inspired a good deal of confidence in DC’s future, and the new talent lined up for DC’s Future State initiative and beyond have only reinforced that. – JD
George R.R. Martin Jailed in Theory
George R.R. Martin’s self-imposed deadline for finishing The Winds of Winter passed in July, and with it came the knowledge that he could now be jailed for his lackadaisical approach to completing the long-in-gestation addition to the A Song of Ice and Fire series. See, ol’ George had previously told Game of Thrones fans that they had “formal written permission” to imprison him “in a small cabin on White Island, overlooking that lake of sulfuric acid” until he was done writing, should he not produce his manuscript by July 29. A little bit of fun was had online that day, as people threatened to frogmarch Martin straight to jail. We were pretty desperate for something to do at that point, tbf. – KH
Cyberpunk 2077 Is a Disaster
CD Projekt Red’s Cyberpunk 2077 went from one of the year’s most anticipated games to a title that had fans genuinely begging for refunds when it was finally released in December, after they discovered it was virtually unplayable on PS4 and Xbox One, riddled with occasionally hilarious bugs, missing big features, and packed with potentially offensive characterizations and broken AI, leading to an online meltdown from gamers that didn’t even really compare to the similar release troubles of titles like Anthem and No Man’s Sky. What a mess.
Whole game is going to be a meme.
— Cyberpunk 2077 (@CyberpunkGame) July 2, 2018
They really called it. – KH
Chris Evans Posts His Dick
If you’ve ever accidentally posted something online that you definitely didn’t mean to post online, you’ll know the pure, heart stopping panic that Chris Evans must have felt in September when he shared a screen-recorded video to Instagram that he’d forgotten to crop, revealing his personal camera roll. Yes, the Avengers: Endgame actor had indeed just shown a rabid fan base his (surprisingly thick) cock, and there was no going back, because so many people took a screenshot at once that the collective noise probably triggered a spike in seismic activity visible on the Richter scale.
Evans removed the video and likely cringed so hard that he collapsed in on himself like a dying star forming a black hole, but took it on the chin and used his eventual response to encourage people to vote in November’s election. – KH
Now that I have your attention 🤦🏻‍♂️🤷🏻‍♂️…. VOTE Nov 3rd!!!
— Chris Evans (@ChrisEvans) September 15, 2020
Rick Moranis Attacked
Ghostbusters and Honey, I Shrunk the Kids star Rick Moranis – by all accounts a total sweetheart – was randomly attacked near Central Park at the start of October. The formerly-retired actor was punched in the head and knocked to the ground by a man wearing an “I Love NY” hoodie who was later apprehended and charged. Violence on the streets of New York isn’t exactly unheard of, but when the geek community heard of the attack on Moranis, it went full on Taken in under a minute. “I will look for you, I will find you, and I will kill you.” How DARE. – KH
John Boyega’s Black Lives Matter Speech
On May 25th, George Floyd, a 46-year-old Black father, grandfather, son, and brother—a human—was killed by Derek Chauvin, a white member of the Minneapolis Police Department, as three other policemen stood by. Chauvin kneeled on Floyd’s neck for 9.5 minutes as Floyd begged, “I can’t breathe.” The video of the killing launched a wave of Black Lives Matters protests across the United States and world, aimed at eradicating white supremacy in all of its forms.
George Floyd was neither the first nor the last Black person who died at the hands of a police officer in 2020. (Say Their Names is an ongoing, work-in-progress list of all the Black men, women, and children killed in the U.S. by police and civilians.) And there is not just one moment or human that has defined the ongoing Black Lives Matters movement in 2020, which is made up of many people, including the many activists who organize within the decentralized movement. One of many moments, however, came when John Boyega took up the megaphone to give an impromptu and emotional speech during a Hyde Park demonstration about the death of George Floyd in early June.
“Black lives have always mattered. We have always been important. We have always meant something. We have always succeeded regardless. And now is the time. I ain’t waiting,” said the British-Nigerian actor and producer, who was visibly holding back tears, to the other protestors gathered.
Boyega has continued to use his celebrity to speak out against racism in the industry and beyond, all while knowing that it could affect his career. In September, Boyega did an interview with GQ in which he spoke about the unequal narrative treatment he and other actors of color got in the Star Wars franchise compared to the white actors in the film.
“You get yourself involved in projects and you’re not necessarily going to like everything,” Boyega said. “[But] what I would say to Disney is do not bring out a Black character, market them to be much more important in the franchise than they are, and then have them pushed to the side. It’s not good. I’ll say it straight up … You knew what to do with these other people, but when it came to Kelly Marie Tran, when it came to John Boyega, you know fuck all.” – KB
Quibi? I Hardly Knew Ye
“Is it better to burn out than fade away?” could have been a question knocking about in the heads of Quibi’s founders during 2020. The newbie streaming service, which developed content as “quick bites” consumable in 7-10 minute increments, ended up being a flash in the pan as it struggled to rustle up subscribers in a year very much not suited to the concept of “I don’t have time to watch anything”.
Quibi had initially raised $1.75 billion in pre-launch funding and had more than 175 shows and movies lined up for viewers, but none of it was enough to counter the madness playing out behind the scenes of the hopeful, and ultimately hopeless, platform. RIP to a real one. – KH
Whedon Under Fire
It’s safe to say that the one-time King of the Nerds has not had a pleasant last few years, and that’s even before COVID-19 struck. But much of Joss Whedon’s troubles seem increasingly to be of his own making. As if the disapproving response to his version of Justice League wasn’t enough, Whedon was accused by actor Ray Fisher (Cyborg) of fomenting racism and toxicity on the set – a claim indirectly backed up by co-stars Jason Momoa and Gal Gadot.
The fallout, true or not, seems to have landed close enough for Whedon to depart his upcoming HBO fantasy series The Nevers, a project he created but won’t see through to its launch after three years of work. The Whedon-produced Pippa Smith: Grown-Up Detective was also quietly scrapped at Freeform. – DK
— Patty Jenkins (@PattyJenks) December 10, 2020
Patty’s Squad
At the moment, the future of Star Wars would seem to be on television. The success of The Mandalorian and the galaxy of spinoffs (more on those in a moment) announced by Disney and Lucasfilm would seem to indicate that. But Star Wars is far from finished on the big screen, and when it returns in 2023, it’s going to make history, with Patty Jenkins finally shattering the glass ceiling of Star Wars directors with her take on the fan favorite Rogue Squadron concept.
Jenkins is, of course, no stranger to big franchise projects, having helmed both Wonder Woman movies for Warner Bros. The announcement of a coveted director taking on a big franchise competitor coming in the wake of WB’s troubled relationship with talent after sending their entire theatrical slate to HBO Max for 2021 sure feels like a victory for Disney, even as Jenkins is still confirmed to direct a third Wonder Woman film for WB. Regardless of studio politics, Jenkins promising to deliver “the greatest fighter pilot movie of all time,” albeit one set in the Star Wars galaxy is a wonderful promise, and we’re looking forward to seeing how she keeps it. – MC
Disney Goes Even More Franchise Crazy
Disney’s December investors call didn’t produce the kind of announcements expected – there were rumors that a global 18+ streaming element was in the wind and that Black Widow would go straight to Disney+ – but the Mouse House tried to make up for it by revealing a fistful of new projects that included ten (10!) new Star Wars series, a bunch of new Marvel series and movies, a Toy Story spinoff film called Lightyear and a sequel to Enchanted. That’s not even the half of it, though, as the reveals just kept on coming, to the point where even a dedicated Disney fan felt downright exhausted, and prompting many a “how much is too much?” think piece. – KH
This is by no means an exhaustive list! Feel free to share your own big geek moments in the comments.
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The post The Biggest Geek Culture Moments of 2020 appeared first on Den of Geek.
from Den of Geek https://ift.tt/34U7kp5
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freyayuki · 2 years
Final Fantasy Record Keeper Autumn Festival Free Relic Draws
The Autumn Festival event just started in the Final Fantasy Record Keeper (FFRK) mobile game.
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As part of the festivities, each day you log on to the game, you get 1 ticket. You can use this ticket on the Autumn Festival banner to get a free x10 draw. You’re guaranteed to get at least one 5-star or higher relic from this pull.
IIRC, this banner includes basically all the available relics on Final Fantasy Record Keeper so the chances of getting something good are slim to none, especially considering how crappy the rates here are. 
It also sucks that, even now, these kinds of banners are still only guaranteeing a 5-star item. 5-star Soul Breaks have long since been powercrept and outdated. It would have been really nice if we were guaranteed to get at least one 6-star item, especially since it’s not like all 6-stars are good anyway.
But, ah well, at least the pulls are free. Hopefully, I can get something good from these draws. Gonna be skipping the entirety of this fest because the banner that will feature Genesis Rhapsodos’s1 True Arcane Soul Break (TASB) or Arcane Dyad Soul Break (ADSB) is gonna be coming soon.
1 Genesis Rhapsodos from Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII (#ad) is currently my absolute, most favorite Final Fantasy char. He’s the reason why I’m playing FFRK. 
Besides, since the Global or English version of FFRK is a few months behind its Japanese counterpart, I already know that the fest after this one is way better. 
Heck, the anniv fest, which is around 2 fests from now, is even better. So my plan is to just save for the anniv fest after getting Genesis’s TASB.
Anyway, so my first ticket pull on the Autumn Festival banner gave me 1 disco orb. At least it wasn’t a rainbow orb. Also, Dr. Mog actually showed up so got pretty hyped. 
A dress showed up and then I was promptly greeted by the sight of this -
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Just got a dupe of Y’shtola Rhul’s (from Final Fantasy XIV) Synchro Arcane Soul Break (SASB), Scion’s Flare, so it went from Rank 1 to Rank 3 of 5.
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Ugh. Disappointed doesn’t begin to cover it. This pull was free but still. Was so pleased when Dr. Mog showed up only to be horribly and utterly disappointed when I only got a dupe. 
I don’t even use Y’shtola because, AFAIK, the only other relic I have for her is her healing Ultra Soul Break (USB) so it doesn’t even synergize with Scion’s Flare, which turns Y’shtola into a DPS.
Was hoping my second ticket will give me something good but, instead all I got were 2 rainbow orbs. Was so pissed and disappointed that I didn’t even bother to take a screenshot. 
Just quickly logged out of the game after doing all the required daily missions and getting the rewards associated with those missions.
To be honest, I’ve been getting really bored with Final Fantasy Record Keeper lately. These crappy pulls don’t help at all. There’s not much to do. Most events can be autoed, which is good, but also undoubtedly boring. 
There are hard fights but those are way too difficult if you don’t have a lot of good relics. So you need to pull if you want to beat these quests but there’s no pity system and the rates are trash so there’s always the possiblity that you’ll end up with useless relics.
I wish there was more interesting content to go through. There’s this new mode called Labyrinth but that was just a slog to get through. 
Yeah, it can be autoed, and I have autoed it but that didn’t make it any less boring. Now I just auto it once a day because it’s part of the daily missions. Wouldn’t bother with it otherwise.
Speaking of the daily missions, I find it annoying how you need to clear like 3 quests to get all the rewards, including 1 mythril. Even if I can auto quests, that still takes way too much time. 
I prefer how the Dissidia Final Fantasy: Opera Omnia (DFFOO) mobile game does things wherein you only need to clear 1 quest to be able to get all the daily mission rewards. 
I can auto fights on that game too, and it feels like DFFOO respects my time more. Plus it’s way more generous when it comes to giving free draws and pullingresources. 
I really wish FFRK would take a page from DFFOO’s book such as introducing a pity system, having more content, giving more mythril, having more campaigns that give free pulls, and more.
Ahh, if Genesis wasn’t in FFRK, I’d probably - most likely - just quit. Man, I wish DFFOO would introduce Genesis as a playable char there already. That’d be really freaking awesome.
Welp, looks like I got a bit distracted. But, well, can’t help being annoyed with FFRK thanks to all these crappy pulls and the way things are going there. 
It’s frustrating and makes me just log out as soon as possible so I could get back to DFFOO where things are way more interesting and fun.
Anyway, so I’ve been doing the free pulls on FFRK but since I just keep getting trash, don’t even bother taking screenshots anymore. Don’t want to remember these horrible draws. Bleh.
Well, one day, I got 3 items from this free draw - 2 rainbow orbs and 1 disco orb. Dr. Mog didn’t show up, as usual. And, as usual, was already prepared to be disappointed and pissed.  
One of the 5-stars I got was Ysayle Dangoulain’s (from Final Fantasy XIV) Legend Materia Relic (LMR), Lady Iceheart. Have nothing for her so this is useless. 
The second 5-star I got was Ultimecia’s (from Final Fantasy VIII) LMR, Existence Denied. Have a few relics for Ultimecia, including her wind Sync, but that doesn’t make this LMR useful or helpful to me. That’s because this LMR is for her dark kit but don’t have her dark Sync or AASB.
The 6-star item I got was a hammer. Was already thinking that this was probably nothing more than an Ultra Soul Break or a Glint+ Soul Break or something. 
So when I got to the draw results screen, was pleasantly surprised to see that I actually got an Awakened Arcane Soul Break (AASB) and a new one at that. Welp, who’d have thought, huh?
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Ended up with Galuf Halm Baldesion’s (from Final Fantasy V) AASB, Laws of Nature. It’s for the earth element. 
Have Galuf’s other Awakening so it was nice to get a second BDL relic for him. Now if I could just get his Sync and his other relics, that’d be really awesome.
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When I did this particular pull, wasn’t paying attention as the orbs started revealing themselves one-by-one. Already been disappointed by previous draws so was expecting more of the same for this one. 
Was therefore pleasantly surprised when I looked at the screen and was greeted by the sight of this -
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Welp, totally missed it when Dr. Mog apparently showed up. Super glad to see a 7-star relic though. It was definitely way better than getting nothing more than a 5-star relic. 
The rank-up screen didn’t show up either so this appears to be new. Hopefully, it’s a Sync and not just a Limit Break Overstrike (LBO) or Limit Break Over Flow (LBOF). 
So I got to the draw results screen and that was when I discovered that I just got -
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Garland’s (from Final Fantasy I) TASB, Apex Soul of Chaos. Also got Celes Chere’s (from Final Fantasy VI) Ultra Soul Break, Mystic Blade.
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Well, a TASB is certainly better than a LBO and a 5-star item and I even got a USB. 
Plus, both Soul Breaks were new. So compared to my previous crappy draws, this one was pretty good, all things considered.
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However, I can’t honestly say that Garland’s TASB is all that useful to me, at least not right now. 
Because at the moment, the only things I have for him are his dark Chain Soul Break (CSB), one of his USBs, and his Unique Soul Break that only costs 1 bar and that can imperil the dark element. 
His Chain is basically the same as the Roaming Warrior Chain which isn’t good at all. I’d need his Sync and Awakening to really make him usable. 
As it is, I sometimes just drop him in favor of bringing another dark DPS and just making do with the Roaming Warrior Chain.
As for Celes, her USB’s more useful than Garland’s TASB since I have her Sync and her ice Chain. Her Chain’s better than the Roaming Warrior one so she’s part of my physical ice team. 
With her USB, I now have something else to cast once the effects of her Sync run out and I don’t need to refresh her Chain yet.
Another one of these tickets gave me 2 6-star items - Xezat Matias Surgate’s (from Final Fantasy V) Arcane Overstrike Soul Break (AOSB), Glacial Spark, and Rinoa Heartilly’s (from Final Fantasy VIII) Awakened Arcane Soul Break, Cherubim Shot.
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Can’t remember ever using Xezat in this game. I think this is my first relic for him. 
Too bad it’s useless since AOSBs can only be used once, they cost 3 Soul Break gauges (unless honed), and they don’t really offer anything other than damage.
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Have Rinoa’s ice Chain and one of her USBs. My magic ice tech is severely lacking though so it’s great to have gotten Rinoa’s AASB even if I won’t be able to use it right now.
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So what about you? What kind of relics did you get from the Autumn Festival Relic Draw banner? Do you think FFRK should have banners that will guarantee that players will get at least 1 6-star or higher rarity relic? Feel free to share your thoughts and opinions by leaving a comment below or by reblogging or replying to this post.
screenshots are from my Final Fantasy Record Keeper game account
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olympictickets · 4 years
Olympic Boxing: Olympic Channel to Cover Boxing Olympic 2020 Games Qualifiers
The International Olympic Committee’s Olympic Channel will provide exclusive global digital coverage of the five boxing qualification events for Tokyo Olympic taking place between February and May. Olympic fans from all over the world are invited to book Olympic 2020 tickets from our online platforms for Olympic Tickets. Olympic Boxing fans can book Olympic Boxing Tickets from our ticketing marketplace exclusively on discounted prices.
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The Tokyo Olympic Channel will provide live streaming coverage of all men’s and women’s bouts across all weight categories, plus highlights, news, and live studio show ahead of the quarter-finals, semifinals and finals of each event.                     
Coverage will be available for free in all territories worldwide via the Olympic 2020 Games Channel website and apps for mobile and television. The choice is difficult. We will bet on those athletes who, first of all, show stable results. Those who are better prepared and healthy, 100 percent, they will go on to win.
The qualification competition consists of four continental events and a final. The schedule is:
20-29 February – African qualifying event in Dakar, Senegal commentary in English and French
3-11 March – Asia/Oceania qualifying event in Amman, Jordan commentary in English, Hindi, Mandarin and Russian
13-23 March – Europe qualifying event in London, Great Britain commentary in English and Russian
26 March-3 April – Americas qualifying event in Buenos Aires, Argentina – commentary in English and Spanish
May - 13-24 Final qualifying event in Paris, France – commentary in English and French.
The succeeding events and the Tokyo Olympic boxing race at Olympic 2020 Games are being organized by the IOC’s Boxing Task Force, which was created following the suspension of the International Boxing Association last year.
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Mark Parkman, general manager of the Olympic Channel, Boxing fans about the world will be enthusiastic to know that there is one loyal place to follow the journeys behind their favorite athletes and Tokyo Olympic hopefuls in their quests to achieve their Olympic 2020 Games dreams. We look forward to showcasing the game of boxing and carrying these stories to life through our inclusive coverage to a worldwide audience.
He working group on boxing at the Tokyo Olympic established new selection rules for the Olympic 2020 Games, which state that boxers will have the opportunity to participate at the four continental qualifying competitions from February to May 2020.
Olympic 2020 supporters can get Olympic Tickets through our trusted online ticketing market place. OlympicTickets2020.com is the most consistent source to book Olympic Packages.
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3 Reasons Why Singaporeans Must Watch ONE: DREAMS OF GOLD
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This Friday, 16 August, ONE Championship will return to Thailand with ONE: DREAMS OF GOLD at the Impact Arena in Bangkok.
A collection of World Champions, elite contenders, and rising stars will grace this momentous event and deliver what looks to be an epic showcase of martial arts glory in “The Land Of Smiles.”
Here are three reasons why Singaporeans should not miss the action from this star-studded event.
#1 Evolve Fight Team Duo Returns To Action
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Despite the recent infusion of youth into the Evolve Fight Team, Alex “Little Rock” Silva is not ready to pass the baton just yet.
The Singapore-stationed Brazilian is one of the Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu veterans at Evolve. The Copa do Mundo World Champion will pit his BJJ skills against BJJ brown belt Stefer Rahardian on the main card in Bangkok. Expect a high-level grappling showcase, especially for BJJ fanatics. This is a must-watch contest.
Also, his teammate - and highly touted Japanese shooto and wrestling sensation - Ryuto “Dragon Boy” Sawada makes his promotional debut against Aziz Calim in the prelims. An alumnus of Rich Franklin’s ONE Warrior Series, Sawada earned his way into a coveted spot on the Evolve Fight Team via the global tryouts last November.
The duo will further add to their team’s accomplishments if they can both score clean sweeps over their Indonesian rivals.
#2 A Pair Of ONE Featherweight Kickboxing World Grand Prix Semifinals
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Good things come in pairs, and we are now in the final four of the ONE Featherweight Kickboxing World Grand Prix.
The is no shortage of star power in these two semifinal bouts.
Kickboxing czar Giorgio “The Doctor” Petrosyan will meet “Smokin” Jo Nattawut for the second time in hopes of securing a repeat victory against the Thai hero.
Petrosyan, having maintained a decade-long dominance in kickboxing, knows that winning it all in the World Grand Prix will put him in rarefied air among the game’s all-time greats.
That being said, “Smokin” is known to pack heavy hands and quick feet, and “The Doctor” could be left licking his wounds if he slips up against the wily Thai native.
The other side of the bracket will see Russian powerhouse Dzhabar “Genghis Khan” Askerov squaring off against Frenchman Samy “AK47” Sana.
Sana showed he had the heart of a lion and the firepower to match in his huge upset victory over the legendary Yodsanklai IWE Fairtex earlier in May.
The tournament’s US$1-million-dollar grand prize is a life-changing sum of money, but the Frenchman has to first get past Askerov to book his ticket to the final in Tokyo.
If Askerov can pull out his rolling thunder heel kicks and spinning backfists, he may well turn the tide against his rangy French rival and steal the victory.
#3 Stamp Fairtex Begins Her Quest For 3-Sport World Title Glory
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Two-sport World Champion Stamp Fairtex has trailblazed a path in ONE Super Series, winning belts across two different sports. The undefeated Thai starlet is not resting on her laurels just yet and is gunning for a third World Title in mixed martial arts.
Undefeated atomweight Asha “Knockout Queen” Roka is ready to welcome Stamp into the deep waters of mixed martial arts.
A deadly finisher who holds a 4-0 record in mixed martial arts and a 7-0 record in boxing, Roka poses a stern test to Stamp’s mixed martial arts ambitions.
However, competing on home soil in front of her compatriots might just give Stamp the support she needs to get the win.
Both young athletes have tremendously high upsides and it is up to each woman to make the best of this opportunity as they attempt to ascend the atomweight ranks.
Want to catch the latest action from ONE Championship? Watch ONE: DREAMS OF GOLD on Friday, 16 August on Toggle at 8.30pm Singapore Standard Time.
At 10:00pm SGT, Channel 5 will cut into the live broadcast, just in time for the co-main event and main event.
To see the prelims, download the ONE Super App and tune in 6:30pm SGT.
Read More From ONE Championship:
Stamp Fairtex Says Her Striking Can Take Out ‘Knockout Queen’
After Yodsanklai Win, Samy Sana Sure He Will Defeat Dzhabar Askerov
3 Bouts That Could Steal The Show At ONE: DREAMS OF GOLD
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vileart · 7 years
Osama Bin Dramaturgy: Knaive Theatre @ Edfringe 2017
Explosive Osama Bin Laden Show Returns To Edinburgh Fresh From US Tour
“Tonight, ladies and gentlemen,
I am going to show you how to change the world”
BIN LADEN: THE ONE MAN SHOW returns to the Edinburgh Fringe Festival from 2nd-28th August at C (Venue 34).
The world’s most notorious terrorist tells his story in BIN LADEN: THE ONE MAN SHOW a remarkable, provocative and multi-award-winning production from Knaïve Theatre. 
The twist? Bin Laden is 28 years old, White British and charming as cream teas in summer. After a critically acclaimed and highly successful American Tour, this ‘must-see’ production returns to the Edinburgh Festival Fringe, where it originally premiered, from 2nd-28th August before beginning a UK tour that includes The Royal Exchange Theatre, The Sherman and The New Wolsey.
What was the inspiration for this performance?
We don’t want to give away too much of the show, but what we can say is that we believe that the best theatre tries to understand the world, and even the most terrible actions within it. A quest for understanding was the starting point for this show.
Is performance still a good space for the public discussion of ideas? 
We hope so! In our experience audiences are becoming more and more eager to see work that provokes them to discussion. Theatrical performance can – like very little else - combine the messy and personal with the universal and academic, the imaginative with the factual; and immerse you in a dialectic world of ideas, images and stories and confront you with things you might have never wanted to consider before. That, to us, provides very fertile ground for the public discussion of ideas – particularly ideas we might rather not discuss.
How did you become interested in making performance?
We were both engaged with performance making from a frighteningly young age. At age 3 Sam (the actor) spent whole days as his female alter-ego, Madam (complete with pearl necklaces and red leather handbags). He would also put on strange musical comedies with his two older brothers for their parents’ “benefit” which mostly involved Sam flinging himself about the living room trying to catch an imaginary cow and milk it. 
Tyrrell (the director) spent his early years refusing to wear anything but his Thunderbird Two costume and spent his university days (while apparently studying politics) refusing to do anything but theatre. We met in 2012 working for the Barbican Theatre in Plymouth and began making theatre together in 2013 with this show!
Is there any particular approach to the making of the show?
This show came about through heartbreak, particularly awful accommodation in London and a lot of rum – a long story we will happily tell when asked! It was made through 3 months of intensive research, reading and watching everything we could lay our hands on related to Bin Laden. 
Then we locked ourselves away in various parts of the world (to stave off insanity) and experimented with the source material, wrote, improvised, invited some people to impart some thoughts with us and eventually we had something looking like a show and opened it – terrified – at the Buxton Fringe. Since then we have rewritten, developed and taken further risks every time we have taken the show out. So not a particular approach, more a desire to provoke the most exciting debate we can with the extraordinary story of this man.
Does the show fit with your usual productions?
We haven’t yet tied ourselves to an approach as a theatre company. We try to let the form be governed by how best to communicate the content of the piece. We have, since Bin Laden made immersive games-based theatre (Power To The North), a Dance-Theatre adaptations of Baal with Impermanence Dance Theatre, Public Understanding of Science Theatre (Pain, The Brain & A Little Bit of Magic) and we are currently working on an adaptation of 1936 apocalyptic Sci-Fi novel, War With The Newts, with writer Tim Foley. 
Although in form our work is broad, we have a very focussed intention which unifies all of the work we have created so far: to create dangerous theatre which engages and empowers audiences into vibrant discussions around the political dialectics of our time. 
What do you hope that the audience will experience?
The audience will experience, not just watch, an incredible story and a world-changing journey. We hope they will experience, as we have done, something that will change the way they view the world, perhaps in some small but very real way. 
We hope they will experience something they never expected. But mostly, we hope they experience an unforgettable evening that lasts far longer than the Edinburgh hour; long into the night with fellow audience members, and long into their lives as they share their experience with others.
What strategies did you consider towards shaping this audience experience?
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Let’s just say that we did a lot of research into American self-help culture…but what that means, you’ll have to come see to find out. The audience experience is still evolving, in front of our very eyes. The more we have performed the show (the 28th August is our 100th performance) the more we have realised that the audience experience is key to the success of the show. 
So we have crafted and honed that experience over 4 years, and it is still growing. Every time we tour the show we challenge our assumptions about the last time and challenge ourselves to see if we can go further.
With populist rhetoric playing an ever-increasing role in Western politics, Knaïve Theatre’s Tyrrell Jones and Sam Redway pry apart what it is that draws us to follow demagogues, asking if the world’s most wanted terrorist might have been more persuasive than we ever imagined. They ask audiences to re-examine their own information and prejudices from a naïve perspective, just as the company have.
The award-winning hit of the fringes in San Diego and Hollywood, Bin Laden returned home to perform a sell-out show at the Royal Exchange Theatre in Manchester. Knaïve Theatre are now Supported Artists at the Exchange and have redeveloped the show with the help of the theatre’s creative team ready for a return to Edinburgh before the company’s first national tour.
Having provoked important and timely debate surrounding Middle East conflict and the War On Terror internationally, they will now bring that discussion to a national audience. Though they expected this story would become less relevant, current global tensions and recent events have galvanised an ever-increasing appetite for the debate they inspire.
Bin Laden was made in 2013 on a shoestring by Tyrrell Jones and Sam Redway. After previews in Buxton and London, it opened at Edinburgh and the show was awarded the first Broadway Bobby of 2013. It was in The List’s Top 5 Theatre Shows To See and received a host of first-rate reviews. Quickly, the show started selling out, and before long it was a hit. With the success of Edinburgh 2013 behind them, Tyrrell and Sam undertook formal training (Birkbeck MFA in Directing and RADA MA Theatre Lab respectively). They then redeveloped and toured the show, this time around USA with Arts Council AIDF funding.
Encore! Producer’s Award – Hollywood Fringe Festival 2016
Critic’s Pick Of The Fringe Award – Hollywood Fringe Festival 2016
Outstanding Actor in a Drama – San Diego International Fringe Festival 2016
Gold Award – Tvolution Los Angeles 2016
Broadway Bobby (Sixth Star) – Broadway Baby, Edinburgh Fringe Festival 2013
Top 5 Shows at the Fringe ­– The List, Edinburgh 2013
Venue: C, Adam House, Chambers Street, EH1 1HR, venue 34, Edinburgh Festival Fringe
Dates: 2-28 Aug (not 15)
Time: 18:30 (1h00)
Ticket prices: £9.50-£11.50 / concessions £7.50-£9.50 / under 18s £5.50-£7.50
C venues box office: http://ift.tt/2tQxW68017/bin-laden-the-one-man-show or 0845 260 1234 
Fringe box office: www.edfringe.com or 0131 226 0000 
Full Tour Dates:
2nd – 28th August – C Venues, Edinburgh Fringe Festival
5th- 7th September – Royal Exchange Theatre
21st September – Square Chapel, Halifax
28th September – New Wolsey, Ipswich
5th October – CAST, Doncaster
19th- 20th October – Sherman, Cardiff
24th- 28th October – Bike Shed, Exeter
3rd November – Litchfield Garrick
9th- 11th November – Mercury, Colchester
from the vileblog http://ift.tt/2veZJAt
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celticnoise · 4 years
Someone in Scottish football seems to have studied Cold War American politics.
In 1950, Senator Joseph McCarthy gave a speech where he claimed he was holding a list naming the Communists who had taken over the US government.
A media frenzy followed but the actual ‘proof’ was never published.
The allegations instead were enough to trash reputations and destroy lives.
The event became known as ‘McCarthyism’ and it led to huge numbers of Americans in political and public life being hounded from their jobs.
And, as noted above, all of this achieved without actually having to reveal the original ‘evidence’.
Recent developments in the ongoing SPFL civil war seem to mirror the McCarthyite trials of the 1950s.
The back story is well known.
The SPFL board put forward a motion to all members clubs asking to end the season in the bottom three divisions, and possibly do the same in the top league.
The purpose of this was to let the SPFL pay monies to all clubs, allowing them to continue to function during the Covid-19 shutdown.
However the vote was a debacle. False deadlines were announced, results given before there was actually a result and, most notably, Dundee changed their vote.
Anyone wishing to criticise the SPFL board for this moger would be on strong ground. But that wasn’t enough for some.
Instead we have seen various on- and off-the-record media briefings, revealing private conversations and making claims about the honesty of key SPFL figures.
And most explosively of all, we have the now infamous – and as yet unpublished – dossier.
The Ibrox club claim that they have evidence of intimidation and potentially even corruption in the voting process.
Yet strangely – and like the McCarthy experience – this proof has not yet seen the light of day.
Ahead of a special SPFL meeting on 12 May, the dossier will be presented to all member clubs.
If there was truly clear evidence of something amounting to corruption, it would surely already be in the public domain, whether officially or leaked to a friendly journalist.
As with Joseph McCarthy, that was never the point; SPFL clubs are not the target audience.
Instead this is all about Sevco’s fans and their club’s footballing failings.
The start of season 2019-2020 offered much hope to those that frequent Ibrox; it contained a genuine belief they were ‘going for 55’.
And the season’s opening seemed to back this up, so much so that Celtic’s Ibrox visit in August was being touted as a potential walkover.
Which it was, just not for the team that play in blue.
Still, Sevco regrouped. They enjoyed success in Europe, reached (but lost) a cup final, and won at Celtic Park in the final game of 2019.
Their Holy Grail was in sight. The excitement was palpable. And then off came the wheels.
2020 was a domestic disaster for everyone at Ibrox.
Knocked out the Scottish Cup by the Premier League’s bottom team, numerous points dropped and trailing well behind a near unstoppable Celtic.
Questions were now being seriously asked of Steven Gerrard, his management team and many of the expensively assembled squad.
Without hope of silverware, fan anger was building.
There was even worries about how they could be inspired to part with the cash desperately needed for season 2020-2021.
How do you inspire fans with the prospect of watching their great rivals make footballing history, possibly after having already secured a quadruple treble?
And then came a global pandemic, bringing with it the chance to do what they couldn’t do on the park: stop Celtic.
Voiding the season – clearly the preference for many associated with Ibrox – would stop Celtic’s nine-in-a-row and give them another season to try to ‘stop the ten’.
And even if that was never going to get footballing support, it had another advantage.
Now the club had a way to rally the fans, with talk of conspiracy and cheating, and an implication that this was being secretly orchestrated by Peter Lawwell and Celtic.
There doesn’t have to be any evidence, the very thought that it could be true would be enough to galvanise the support to stand up against Celtic.
And renew their season tickets. And buy next season’s strips. And on and on and on…
The SPFL’s response to this has been significant.
Often these events see the accused side hide, preferring to not engage in public battles, possibly in the hope that the issue will simply disappear.
Given that this was clearly not going to happen instead the SPFL came out publicly swinging.
Neil Doncaster’s Saturday appearance on BBC Sportsound was impressive for its simple clarity.
Each point put to Doncaster was easily batted away and disproven.
Even if some on the panel seemed desperate to create a ‘gotcha’ moment, which never came.
For instance, the inability to understand the definition of ‘loan’ was a bizarre experience.
Either many of the people promoting claims of intrigue don’t understand basic legal and financial rules, or do but choose to ignore them.
One jibe which has long existed in Scottish football is that Celtic fans are paranoid, believing in conspiracies where none exist.
There are times when this is possibly true for some fans.
But when Celtic as a club have officially complained it has been backed by a weight of evidence.
Fergus McCann is remembered for taking on the SFA and its then Chief Executive, Jim Farry.
McCann claimed Farry had stopped Celtic registering Jorge Cadete, and at first were ridiculed for this.
Except McCann was proven exactly right, and Farry exited stage left.
More recently – in 2010 – Celtic claimed a referee had lied about the reason behind a penalty decision.
Again there were cries of paranoia, before the evidence once more showed otherwise.
Which presents Rangers – and the media – with a challenge.
If publication this coming week of the dossier confounds expectations and includes real substance to Sevco’s complaints, it will cause an earthquake.
The media will lead with the story for days, and there will no doubt be attempts to reverse the earlier vote.
But if not, then the scale of the coverage must be no different.
Joseph McCarthy’s career eventually came to a shuddering halt, his own political institutions condemning and casting him out.
If Sevco have exaggerated or outright made up their evidence, this cannot simply be a story which is allowed to die.
The Ibrox club would deserve the same fate which eventually befell Senator McCarthy.
Matthew Marr is a Celtic fan and blogger. He is a regular contributor to this website.
As Scottish football goes through the current crisis it is important to keep up with developments and the key issues. We are determined to do so, and to keep you informed as well. Please subscribe to the blog.
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[JPUL] 9/7/2016 - Hatsune Miku Collab Event Release, Legend Medal Weapon Gear Info
09-07-2016, 03:43 AM
Originally Uploaded by Forum User: TaikunZ
Hatsune Miku Collaboration Event begins in JPUL, and is also confirmed to come in Global! (Source: https://forum.a-tm.co.jp/forum/uniso...s-hatsune-miku) Special thanks to Hysteria Guild, for the screenshots provided and their assistance on translations.
Please be aware that I may or may not have made some mistake(s) in translations. Thank you!
1. Hatsune Miku Collaboration Spawn First off is the Hatsune Miku Collab Spawn. Spawn Bonuses: x100 Gems = 10x, Comes with Bonus 1 UR Level Maxed Gear, 2 EXP Quest Keys, and 1 Drops of Ether. (1 time only) x30 Gems = 10x, Comes with Bonus 1 SSR Collaboration Weapon Gear (1 time only) x30 Gems = 10x, Comes with Bonus 1 EXP Quest Key (Limited to 1 per day) x30 Gems = 10x, 1 SR Gear or higher Guaranteed x3 Gems = 1x x0 Gems (Free) = 1x, Chance to obtain Hatsune Miku Collaboration Gear (Limited to 1 per day) Featured Gear:
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[V3] Hatsune Miku Reforges from: Hatsune Miku Element: Wind Stats: ATK and MATK Type: Character Skill: Ability Power 100. Damages all enemies 3 times with magic wind damage. Added effect: Increases stats of all allies by 40% for 60 seconds, heals all allies for 5% of their maximum HP every 5 seconds for 60 seconds, and casts elevate on yourself for 60 seconds. Level bonus: Magic Ability Power boosted by 10 for each increase in Skill level. [V4X] Luka Reforges from: Luka Element: Dark Stats: MATK and MDEF Type: Character Skill: Ability Power 100. Damages all enemies 3 times with physical dark damage and reduces all stats of targets by 40% for 70 seconds. Added effect: Ability Power 80. Removes debuffs and heals HP of all allies. Level bonus: Physical Ability Power boosted by 10 for each increase in Skill level. [V4X] Rin Reforges from: Rin Element: Fire Stats: ATK and DEF Type: Character Skill: Ability Power 160. Damages all enemies 2 times with physical fire damage and increases critical hit chance of all allies by 40% for 60 seconds. Added effect: Ability Power 40. Removes status ailments and heals HP of all allies. Level bonus: Healing Ability Power boosted by 10 for each increase in Skill level. [V4X] Kagamine Len Reforges from: Kagamine Len Element: Water Stats: DEF and MDEF Type: Character Skill: Ability Power 160. Damages all enemies 2 times with magic water damage and removes buffs from all enemies. Added effect: Ability Power 40. Increases critical hit chance of all allies by 40% for 60 seconds and heals HP of all allies. Level bonus: Healing Ability Power boosted by 10 for each increase in Skill level.
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[Hope] Hatsune Filo Reforges from: Hatsune Filo Element: Light Stats: MATK and DEF Type: Character Skill: Ability Power 220. Damages all enemies with physical light damage and reduces the Unison gauge of all enemies by 10. Added effect: 80% chance to cast despair on all enemies for 40 seconds. Level bonus: Ability Power boosted by 10 for each increase in Skill level.
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Weapon Gear #1 Type: Sword Skill: Increases the amount of Prestige obtained in "Magical Future 2016" and "Magical Mikumin" Quests by 30% (rounded up to the nearest whole number). Added effect: High chance of massively increasing damage to Hatsune Miku collaboration Quest enemies when using an Ability. *Skill will be changed to Physical Testament XL after the Hatsune Miku collaboration period ends. Weapon Gear #2 Type: Lance Skill: Increases the amount of Prestige obtained in "Magical Future 2016" and "Magical Mikumin" Quests by 30% (rounded up to the nearest whole number). Added effect: High chance of massively increasing damage to Hatsune Miku collaboration Quest enemies when using an Ability. *Skill will be changed to Physical Testament XL after the Hatsune Miku collaboration period ends. Weapon Gear #3 Type: Gun Skill: Increases the amount of Prestige obtained in "Magical Future 2016" and "Magical Mikumin" Quests by 30% (rounded up to the nearest whole number). Added effect: High chance of massively increasing damage to Hatsune Miku collaboration Quest enemies when using an Ability. *Skill will be changed to Fatal Testament XL after the Hatsune Miku collaboration period ends. Weapon Gear #4 Type: Staff Skill: Increases the amount of Prestige obtained in "Magical Future 2016" and "Magical Mikumin" Quests by 30% (rounded up to the nearest whole number). Added effect: High chance of massively increasing damage to Hatsune Miku collaboration Quest enemies when using an Ability. *Skill will be changed to Magic Testament XL after the Hatsune Miku collaboration period ends. Weapon Gear #5 Type: Relic Skill: Increases the amount of Prestige obtained in Hatsune Miku Quests by 30% (rounded up to the nearest whole number). Added effect: Chance to massively increase the effect of all Healing Abilities. *Skill will be changed to Recovery Testament XL after the Hatsune Miku collaboration period ends. Def Gear #1 Type: Hat Skill: Increases the amount of Prestige obtained in Hatsune Miku Quests by 30% (rounded up to the nearest whole number). Added effect: High chance of massively reducing physical/magic damage taken from enemies in Hatsune Miku collaboration Quests. *Skill will be changed to Magic Damage Down XL after the Hatsune Miku collaboration period ends. Def Gear #2 Type: Helm Skill: Increases the amount of Prestige obtained in Hatsune Miku Quests by 30% (rounded up to the nearest whole number). Added effect: High chance of massively reducing physical/magic damage taken from enemies in Hatsune Miku collaboration Quests. *Skill will be changed to Magic Damage Down XL after the Hatsune Miku collaboration period ends. Def Gear #3 Type: Clothing Skill: Increases the amount of Prestige obtained in Hatsune Miku Quests by 30% (rounded up to the nearest whole number). Added effect: High chance of massively reducing physical/magic damage taken from enemies in Hatsune Miku collaboration Quests. *Skill will be changed to Magic Damage Down XL after the Hatsune Miku collaboration period ends. Def Gear #4 Type: Armor Skill: Increases the amount of Prestige obtained in Hatsune Miku Quests by 30% (rounded up to the nearest whole number). Added effect: High chance of massively reducing physical/magic damage taken from enemies in Hatsune Miku collaboration Quests. *Skill will be changed to Magic Damage Down XL after the Hatsune Miku collaboration period ends.
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[V4X] Rin's Headphones Reforges from: Rin's Headphones Type: Hat Skill: Added effect: High chance of massively reducing physical/magic damage taken from enemies in Hatsune Miku collaboration Quests. *Skill will be changed to Magic Damage Down L after the Hatsune Miku collaboration period ends. [V4X] Kagamine Len's Headphones Reforges from: Kagamine Len's Headphones Type: Helm Skill: Added effect: High chance of massively reducing physical/magic damage taken from enemies in Hatsune Miku collaboration Quests. *Skill will be changed to Magic Damage Down L after the Hatsune Miku collaboration period ends. [V4X] Luka's Headphones Reforges from: Luka's Headphones Type: Helm Skill: Added effect: High chance of massively reducing physical/magic damage taken from enemies in Hatsune Miku collaboration Quests. *Skill will be changed to Magic Damage Down L after the Hatsune Miku collaboration period ends. [V4X] Rin's Headphones Reforges from: Rin's Costume Type: Clothing Skill: Added effect: High chance of massively reducing physical/magic damage taken from enemies in Hatsune Miku collaboration Quests. *Skill will be changed to Magic Damage Down L after the Hatsune Miku collaboration period ends. [V4X] Kagamine Len's Headphones Reforges from: Kagamine Len's Costume Type: Armor Skill: Added effect: High chance of massively reducing physical/magic damage taken from enemies in Hatsune Miku collaboration Quests. *Skill will be changed to Magic Damage Down L after the Hatsune Miku collaboration period ends. [V4X] Luka's Costume Reforges from: Luka's Costume Type: Armor Skill: Added effect: High chance of massively reducing physical/magic damage taken from enemies in Hatsune Miku collaboration Quests. *Skill will be changed to Magic Damage Down L after the Hatsune Miku collaboration period ends. 2. Hatsune Miku Collaboration Step Up Spawn Apart from the Spawn above, there's another Step Up Spawn for the Hatsune Miku Collab Event. Featured Gear above are also obtainable in this Spawn and has the following steps: Step - Requirement - Reward 1 - Spawn x1 Gem (gives 1 Gear) for 1 time - None 2. - Spawn x5 Gem (gives 3 Gear) for 1 time - None 3. - Spawn x15 Gem (gives 6 Gear) for 1 time - 1 SR or higher Guaranteed 4. - Spawn x30 Gem (gives 10 Gear) for 1 time - 1 SR or higher Guaranteed 5. - Spawn x30 Gem (gives 10 Gear) for 1 time - 1 SSR Guaranteed 6. - Spawn x30 Gem (gives 10 Gear) for 1 time - SSR Collaboration Gear Rates Increased 7. - Spawn x30 Gem (gives 10 Gear) for 1 time - SSR Collaboration Gear Rates Greatly Increased (lies) 8. - Spawn x30 Gem (gives 10 Gear) for 1 time - 1 SSR Collaboration Gear Guaranteed 
3. Miku Box Spawn Miku Tickets can be obtained as a reward in the Event Quests. It can be obtained as a Time Bonus, Bonus Chance, and Ranking rewards, which can be used to spawn in the Miku Collab Box Spawn. Unused Miku Tickets at the end of the event's duration will be exchanged to 1000 Gold. Featured Gear:
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Moment Frozen Tuna Reforges from: Tuna Type: Sword Skill: High chance of greatly increasing damage to Hatsune Miku collaboration Quest enemies when using an Ability. *Skill will be changed to Physical Testament L after the Hatsune Miku collaboration period ends. Hatsune Miku (Package) Poster Type: Wall Sub Effect: Poison Resistance Up Hatsune Miku Motif Mike Stand Type: Small Sub Effect: Confusion Resistance Up Mikumin Element: None Stats: MDEF and ATK Type: Character Skill: Ability Power 120. Damages all enemies with physical damage. Level bonus: Ability Power boosted by 10 for each increase in Skill level. This Hairstyle Cosmetic Item, along with Tickets, are also available in the Box Spawn.
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After clearing event quests, a bonus chance reward is given to the player. Players can select one card from the nine cards shown. Rewards can range from Gold, to Augment Materials, Proficiency, Miku Tickets, and the Key to Mikumin Quests. Players can also choose to spend 3 Gems to obtain all nine rewards. Note: Looks like hoarding large amounts of Keys for this event won't be possible anymore as they have limited the Key capacity players can carry to 50x. Additional keys that players obtained will be sent to the Present Box until there is room for them in your Items menu. They'll be there within 24 hours and will expire afterwards. 4. Mikumin Quests This event quest requires the aforementioned key to be able to access. This quest features the Mikumins as enemies, and the main purpose of the quest is to be able to efficiently farm more Prestige. Main Rankings Rewards:
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Magical Mirai 2016 Hatsune Miku Element: None Stats: Players can choose from the following combinations: ATK and DEF, DEF and MDEF, ATK and MATK, MATK and DEF, MATK and MDEF, and MDEF and ATK Type: Character Skill: San-ju kyu Music! Increases the amount of damage done by a critical hit by 20% for 40 seconds and heals all allies for 6% of their maximum HP every 5 seconds for 40 seconds. Added effect: Removes status ailments from all allies. Level bonus: Constant Heal boosted by 1% for each increase in Skill level. [Diva] Magical Mirai 2016 Hatsune Miku Element: None Stats: Players can choose from the following combinations: ATK and DEF, DEF and MDEF, ATK and MATK, MATK and DEF, MATK and MDEF, and MDEF and ATK Type: Character Skill: San-ju kyu Music! Increases the amount of damage done by a critical hit by 20% for 50 seconds and heals all allies for 6% of their maximum HP every 5 seconds for 50 seconds. Added effect: Removes status ailments from all allies and increases the max HP of yourself by 30% for 60 seconds. Level bonus: Constant Heal boosted by 1% for each increase in Skill level. SSR Magical Mirai 2016 Hatsune Miku cannot be reforged into UR Magical Mirai 2016 Hatsune Miku as they are separate Monster Gear. Normally on Collab Ranking Events, both UR and SSR Magical Mirai 2016 Hatsune Miku can be obtained from Top 1-500, while Top 501-2000 will get SSR Magical Mirai 2016 Hatsune Miku only. BUT for this event, the player that places in Rank 39 will get 2 UR Magical Mirai 2016 Hatsune Miku, along with the rest of the rewards, while the player that places in Rank 3939 will still get an SSR Magical Mirai 2016 Hatsune Miku. This is in reference to the song (Thanks for pointing this out!).
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Hatsune Miku Motif Short Guitar Type: Small Sub Effect: Paralyze Resistance Up Magical Mirai (2016) Poster Type: Wall Sub Effect: Blind Resistance Up Hatsune Miku Stage Background Type: Background Sub Effect: Curse Resistance Up
5. Wachu I Miku Quests This quest only appears at certain times of the day. For JPUL, the schedule goes: 00:00 to 00:59 07:00 to 07:59 16:00 to 16:59 19:30 to 20:29 This quest is a United Offense-type Quest with Wachu I Miku as the Boss Monster. Exclusive Bonus chance rewards (from the cards) can be obtained from this quest, such as:
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[Gokumune] Wachu I Miku Green Onion Reforges from: Wachu I Miku Green Onion Type: Staff Skill: High chance of greatly increasing damage to Hatsune Miku collaboration Quest enemies when using an Ability. *Skill will be changed to Magic Testament L after the Hatsune Miku collaboration period ends. Wachu I Miku Doll Type: Small Sub Effect: Confuse Resistance Up 6. Daily Login Bonus Certain exclusive Gear and Cosmetic Items are available in the Daily Login Bonus. Log on everyday in order to obtain them all.
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Skill: Ability Power 50. Heals HP of all allies. Added effect: heals all allies for 5% of their maximum HP every 5 seconds for 60 seconds. Level bonus: Healing Ability Power boosted by 10 for each increase in Skill level.
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7. Campaigns GEM bonus campaign Maximum 100 Gems bonus total to Gem at the time of purchase free! Lobby Background Change The lobby background has been changed to fit with the Hatsune Miku Collaboration Event.
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Adventurers Support Campaign
Great Success Rates Up!
EXP / Proficiency / Gold x1.5
Augment and Reforge Quests AP cost halved
All of these Last from September 7 (Wednesday) 17: 00 ~ September 21 (Wednesday) until 1:59 pm
Changes to EXP Key Quests
Ally CPUs now appear alongside you during EXP Key Quests.
Level Cap Increased
Players' Level Cap has been raised from Level 135 to 140.
8. New Medal Exchange Weapon Gear Details Here's the information for the new Medal Exchange Weapon Gear. Each Weapon Gear costs 230 Legend Medals. As assumed, there are no new Medal Exchange Def Gear. Legend Medal costs for previous Medal Exchange Gear remain the same.
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Weapon Gear #1 Type: Sword Skill: Chance to massively increase the Ability Power of Antagonize, Dual Impact, and Rage Slash. Weapon Gear #2 Type: Lance Skill: Chance to massively increase the Ability Power of Severe Sting, Cross Assault, and Death Pierce. Weapon Gear #3 Type: Bow Skill: Chance to massively increase the Ability Power of Etude Snipe, Qwaser Waltz, and Deadly Arabesque. Weapon Gear #4 Type: Staff Skill: Chance to massively increase the Ability Power of Undermine, Blood Oath, and Calamity. Weapon Gear #5 Type: Relic Skill: Chance to massively increase the Ability Power of Area Recovery, Dignity, Aid, Greater Aid, and Cleanse Healing. 9. Official Collaboration Website http://app.a-tm.co.jp/unisonleague/campaign/miku/
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majornelson · 5 years
Inside Xbox News Recap, September 2019
Mike Nelson, Xbox Wire Editor, posted a recap of today’s Inside Xbox September 2019 episode. Read it below:
Today, on our September episode of Inside Xbox, we got a look at the upcoming single-player sci-fi RPG The Outer Worlds, the latest details on the first public test for Project xCloud, an exclusive interview with Jon Bernthal on Tom Clancy’s Ghost Recon Breakpoint, and the scoop on tickets for X019, coming to London November 14.
We told it to you here first: Grapeshot Games’ Atlas is coming to Xbox Game Preview on October 8! This episode of Inside Xbox also featured DayZ, Hitman 2, Afterparty, Code Vein, Felix the Reaper, Children of Morta, the next round of Xbox Game Pass for PC titles and more. For a full recap, read on below or watch the replay of Inside Xbox episode above when the VOD is available.
Project xCloud Preview
Project xCloud is working to empower more choice to play where and when you want. No more waiting for downloads or updates because of streaming directly from the cloud. October signals the start of the first phase of technical preview for US/UK/KR. We’re only starting as an invite-only preview with a limited number of spots available for mid-October but will add more people to the preview throughout the year as well as add more games. Go to Xbox.com/gamestreaming to learn more about our vision and register for the preview.
Atlas Coming to Xbox Game Preview
Sail the globe and stake your claim to become a legendary pirate. That’s the mantra for Atlas, one of gaming’s largest open worlds where players embark on a grand adventure alongside thousands of other players. In today’s episode of Inside Xbox, Lead Game Designer Erik Waananen shared how you can help Atlas become the ultimate pirate experience when it comes to Xbox Game Preview on Xbox One starting October 8 with cross-play between Xbox One and Steam.
The roadmap for development will come in phases, starting with life improvements, bug fixes, performance increases, and then moving onto sea, ship, and sailing updates. Future updates will also add Xbox Play Anywhere support with Windows 10 PC, along with keyboard and mouse support for Xbox One and full game parity between Xbox and PC. Stay tuned to Xbox Wire for future news and updates about Atlas.
Xbox Game Pass for PC
On today’s Inside Xbox we found out about four new titles coming soon to Xbox Game Pass for PC (Beta):
DiRT Rally 2.0
Bad North
Cities Skylines
Saints Row IV: Re-Elected
Read the standalone article here for complete details on these titles and their availability on Xbox Game Pass for PC (Beta). We also revealed new info on the progress we’ve made in our beta, and the future updates that will continue to improve your gaming experience on Windows 10.
Children of Morta Trailer
We showcased a new trailer for Children of Morta that debuted new family members for this upcoming title. Family is key in this roguelike where you gradually meet members as you progress. Children of Morta is a story-driven action RPG game about an extraordinary family of heroes. Lead the Bergons, with all their flaws and virtues, against the forthcoming Corruption. Will you be able to sacrifice everything to save the ones you care for? Find out when the game launches October 15 on Xbox One.
Code Vein Trailer
You thought your living nightmare in Code Vein would come to his end? In this episode we saw a trailer showcasing two bosses you will encounter in Code Vein, one of them (the Blade Bearer) has already crossed your path in the early stages of the game. The Cannoneer is a new one. Those two bosses are what is still awaiting you in your journey… Ready to take on the challenge?
The Outer Worlds Deep Dive with Obsidian
Senior Narrative Designer Megan Starks was on set to showcase the player driven, single-player RPG The Outer Worlds, the new franchise from famed developers Obsidian.
A few of the topics discussed on today’s show was how the story plays out (you can choose what quests you’d like to do; or not do). For example, the characters you encounter may offer a quest that goes off “the critical path” and its entirely up to you on how you’d like to proceed. Additionally, players can approach each quest by sneaking, talking, or shooting their way through.
Also demoed today was the leadership role, which allows gameplay benefits for the companions that you take with you. Not only can companions interject in conversations or say things about what they’re seeing in the world, but also they can become a force against any enemies you run across through companion abilities and their personal perks.
Lastly, we got a look at a few of the science weapons hidden in the game that have a wide range of attacks. Like the Mandibular Rearranger that will change the size of heads that it strikes, as well as the Shrink Ray that will shrink down enemies and make them weaker. We look forward to locating more of these weapons as we explore the Halcyon colony when The Outer Worlds launches on Xbox One and with Xbox Game Pass on October 25.
Ghost Recon Breakpoint Interview
Inside Xbox digs deep into Ghost Recon Breakpoint with actor Jon Bernthal who plays the pivotal role of Cole D. Walker, the leader of the rogue force known as the Wolves. Discover what it’s like to work with trained professional soldiers to add authenticity to the character and see how motion capture brings Cole to life, and most importantly, get John’s take on why Cole has gone rogue.
Hitman 2 DLC Preview
Who doesn’t love new additions? In this episode we featured the new DLC Haven Island (The Resort).  This new sandbox location welcomes players to the warm beaches and tropical paradise of The Maldives. This latest installment picks up directly after the events in the previous mission (New York) and brings an exciting conclusion to the Hitman 2 Expansion Pass content. Haven Island is available today for Hitman 2 Expansion Pass and Gold Edition owners!
Felix The Reaper Preview
We also debuted a behind-the-scenes look at Felix The Reaper. In this quirky vidoc, the developers from Daedalic show us what went into creating this equally quirky game. We also find out that it’s more than just Felix the Reaper’s killing abilities that make him special. He dances his way through this game with ease and moves that make you consider joining in. But don’t let his moves fool you; he’s still a killer. We’re looking forward to this romantic comedy about life of death when it comes to Xbox Game Pass and Xbox Game Pass Ultimate October 17.
Afterparty Preview
Think you can outdrink Satan? That’s one hell of a challenge! That’s exactly what Milo and Lola must face in Afterparty. We interviewed Studio Director Sean Krenkel to find out everything you need to know about this game from the creators of Oxenfree. Prepare yourself and your livers for this when this title comes to Xbox Game Pass October 29.
Ace Combat 7: Skies Unknown Trailer
Three Strikes, you are recalled into skies! We debuted the newest trailer for latest DLC Operation Sighthound, which becomes available on Xbox One September 25. Take on all new objectives in this new mission to capture an advanced submarine lurking in the harbor. Maybe you’ll be able to pull it off, thanks to all new weaponry in the form of electronic-warfare aircraft!
Dayz Livonia
Introducing Livonia! In today’s Inside Xbox episode we also unveiled a trailer featuring all-new DLC content for DayZ. This terrain is set in Summer with lots of forest locations as well as additional content that will also come to the main game, like one of the core new items will be a bear who we are using as Livonia’s mascot.
We hope you enjoyed the show, and we’ll see you for our biggest Inside Xbox of the year at X019 in London, on November 14. For more details on X019, our global celebration of all things Xbox, be sure to visit xbox.com/x019.
via Xbox Live's Major Nelson https://ift.tt/2kVqtDm
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