#hope you like these two @starri-skiies!!
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So we are starting off with these two!!!
They were basically my excuse to make some errink content
On the left: WAX ART
Oki let's start off with the ink of these two it's gonna be dot points from here on out
Has a SOUL , it's not tangible and is consistently melting , if it finishes melting, wax will die , it's also a human SOUL and I will get to why he has one in his backstory
Wax doesn't have any emotions due to the fact that they melted out of him long ago
He is consistently hot and a touch of his bones would burn you, but he feels cold
Uses a pencil named stabby , stabby is a her , stabby stabs people
Wax was originally a girl...I made stabby a girl instead
The dripping colours on his clothes are his emotions
He uses stabby to well stab and draw, he also uses the erasers on his belt to fix some drawing mistakes
The sash holds pencils as drawing with them helps him to feel (idk)
His eyes are green hearts because his SOUL is the same
Covers himself up because he doesn't want anyone to know he is melting
Backstory: wax was a normal ink sans made to protect the universe he was created in , sadly he wasn't very good at it and was cast aside for another ink to be made, he became lost and lost his purpose..
untill he found a human with red eyes and a rather glitched out shirt with purple and yellow stripes they offered him a SOUL and pleased to be able to have a probable new start somewhere in the multiverse accepted the SOUL and all was well
Untill that is after a few years later the SOUL started to deteriorate and melt which caused his own body to melt as well he was scared ...that is untill his emotions melted out of his body in different dripping colours staining his carpet (he got a house now) and his clothes now emotionless and without purpose once more
he fled to the doodle sphere that was once his now replaced with another him except this ink had a black shirt with light pink stripes at the ends , his sash being a bright yellow (and had square shaped vials with heart shaped stones as the tops) along with his scarf of which was decorated with blue stars at the bottom, the eyes were pink hearts and blue stars, the paint splatter on his cheek was constantly changing colours, the pants were denim decorated with different patches, the shoes were normal except when they moved the soles glowed and they wielded a marker
The strange new ink looked at wax with confusion and asked who he was, after explaining his story and what had happened the other felt pity for him and proceeded to help him or at least he tried to, before something came up and they said they had to leave , wax asked if he could come too and the other agreed
While trying to protect the au from two error sans wax met heartstrings who didn't want to fight and was being controlled by the other error wax saved him by cutting the strings with stabby and in return heartstrings helped with his SOUL wrapping pink strings around it keeping it together , wax was well he couldn't feel but he still was greatfull and expressed the gratitude be it not very clearly
And on da right we got: HEART STRINGS
Soo we gotts an error and we are using the dot points again
His SOUL along with his body is covered with red cracks and is split into pieces while being tied in his pink strings
Doesn't have much emotion, still got more than wax tho
He can't speak, can speak thru strings
His new clothes were made by wax (with the other inks help)
His strings can keep things together and fix things
I kinda don't know much about him
Backstory: he was chilling out in his antivoid (lying on a beanbag and watching tv) one day sending his puppets out to destroy Aus for him when something wierd happened the place started to rumble and some neon red strings came from nowhere covering the roof of his antivoid the red strings meeting with his own pink ones and tying themselves around them then his eyes were met with two >-shaped, red eyes so he was new huh?? Wonder why
After a while they became mates but since the newer was stronger (if only slightly) he became leader and went out to destroy Aus, sometimes asking heartstrings to help him with the annoying creator who was protecting the Aus
This day was one such day as the newer wanted to do it quickly so he didn't miss his favourite show , "magic markings" and he came with but the newer saw that he was a bit hesitant so he used his strings to control heartstrings SOUL and they headed out
When they were in the middle of destroying two ink sans came through a light pink portal one of them covered in light and neon colours with a highlighter on his back and the....other..he was well interesting he wore light colours as well but in darker shades and had a pencil on his back and erasers around his belt and his hands looked like they were melting, he looked as broken as much as he did and he instantly felt warm in his cheekbones, but instantly was sent to fight with the melting one which he didn't want to do they realised this and unseathed his pencil he was scared that he was gonna die so he closed his eyes instinctively waited for the pain from the sharp looking object
....It never came instead the melting one had severed the strings , now that he was closer he was able to see his damaged SOUL and felt pity so he used his strings to hold the melting, cracking green gear together and then immediately got tackle-hugged from him which made his face heat up even more ...he held in his breath then wrapping his pink strings around the one hugging him telepathically asked
"sooo uhh what's your name?, Mine's heartstrings, uhhh heart for short"
The melting skelly who had burried his skull in his sheet from the hug looked up at him with his green heart-shaped eyes making him look adorable and said in a very soft but high tone
"nice to meet you, names wax art or just wax" he felt his cheekbones heat up once more
There!! Done two of em ugghhh there are sooo many left welp better get started
Have a good day/night and stay safe!!
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