#hope you don't mind the @'s ;;
yellowymellon · 3 months
Holy, I just saw myrid Celestia so here's a bit of rambling and a silly theory :
As we learned from HI3, honkai is a phenomenon that happens to civilizations as they grow advanced, it's basically a system in the imaginary tree, in theory, all worlds should be a target to the honkai, and each world may name it a different way.
So far everyone agrees that Acheron did come from a world very similar to HI3, some think there's 2 eras too but based on the caption saying "the dual planets were intertwined in each other's tragic destiny" I'll assume they were, well, dual planets.
//"Kevin" says that takamagahara is the one that fell first, and Izumo created the blades, but if we go by prev era then takamagahara didn't serve the same purpose as HI3, and the current era has been the one to do everything, except if it wasn't explicitly said that the herrschers were slayed in PE and only now did Izumo use them to forge the blades//
Izumo was plagued by the honkai, won against the herrschers and took their powers, creating weapons (blades) out of them, each representing the 12 herrschers powers that are later wielded by the flamechasers, who in the end, were defeated, and the blades were broken. It seems like unlike HI3 Acheron was a flamechaser, presumably along with Kevin.
So then, the last blades were Forged, the origin and the end, Acheron being the origin did break the end. And that should've been the end of the honkai, it didn't end there, because honkai alone was no longer the threat to izumo.
I think it's pretty deductable from the trailer but just in case: spoiler for acheron's identity
At the very end, she stood under a sky with a black sun (dark hole) , she says "we long since strode in THEIR Shadows" as the last blade gets forged "naught" , and her form changes.
Is that not...when she becomes nihility's emenator?
Would that black hole not be IX's? Would Izumo not be under IX's governance after all has happened?
The last thing acheron does was, slash IX.
That black sun, ix, has always been there from the beginning of the trailer, meaning that, it's not that the despair drew IX, but it's IX who rendered the dual planets efforts useless. You know it's true when even Kevin says that salvation isn't possible.
The pioneer diver of dead waters, a relic set that talks abt Acheron, we know that's true because the flower motif is the same as acheron's. it talks Abt a nameless who was her friend, her goal was to dive in IX, knowing that it's lethal but believing that the journey matters more than her upcoming end.
Acheron's LC's description basically confirms one thing, Acheron acts as a guide to those lost in nihility in an in-between place (existence and nothingness), that very much could be inside IX, since it's a popular sci-fi theory that black holes lead to other dimensions/worlds.
Her LC quotes her friend, in saying that Acheron still has a lot of paths and choices to take before she reaches the end. I'd say that that's proof her friend left a mark on her.
From all of these we can theorize that acheron's current goal could very well be to kill IX, she has the motive to do so after all.
I sadly can't find izumo's ornament story anymore so I can't add more to this xd
What personally peaked my interest is, the existence of IX throughout izumo. Considering HSR to be the higher world, I just recently joked Abt how hooh is cooking With creating the honkai as it's logically under their authority. And that very much can be still be true, but so far, for a world that's supposedly much more advanced such as hsr's, we haven't even heard of a honkai phenomenal. There were early theories that khaenriaah's destruction was means to stop them from attracting honkai into teyvat, Even tho by HI3 standards teyvat isn't developed at all (heck they have every source of energy except electricity), soooo can we blame hi3's inconsistent writing or is their understanding not correct?
I just think it would be interesting that IX's influence might give rise to honkai, as it's basically a death sentence to a world, the faster finality came, the more aligned the world is with IX.
Speaking of which I've also talked Abt how IX is most linked to the path of finality, so there's that
If you read so far, congrats! You're one of the few, here's a cookie : 🍪🥛
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stellasolaris · 5 months
brandon! 10, 16 (and 17-18 too, because why not!)
10. Describe the character in one sentence paragraph
charming and caring and loyal to the core. calm and collected, rarely loses his cool, but can slip into a rampage of words and fury when angered or frustrated. extremely honest and patient with an innate ability and willingness to listen and understand. has a strong sense of duty and clearly defined moral principles. can read the room like no other and is quite good at mediating conflict. appreciates all things fitness and fashion and can be a bit vain. does not conflate failure or disappointments with his self-esteem or self-image. ruthlessly teases his friends, mostly sky but riven is a close second. enjoys all kinds of sports from swimming to martial arts and everything in between. if flirting was an olympic sport, brandon would win every single time.
16. A childhood headcanon
brandon once lost a bet with a school friend and had to sign up for a ballet class. although he only attended one class, he came to appreciate the art form to the extent that he began to incorporate his own version of ballet leaps into his workout routines, as depicted in season two, episode eleven.
18. How do you think they were as a kid?
very easygoing and exuberant. could effortlessly talk himself out of any situation due to his natural charisma and sense of humor. had a deep understanding of who he was and what he wanted to become from a young age, which gave him a sense of direction and purpose in his life but also forced him to experience a series of setbacks and mature quite fast.
character ask game
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waterfallofspace · 1 year
9, 42, and 45 for a sick, sneezy vash please, if that’s okay? 😄
Thank you for the ask, of course that's okay!! (it does feature a hint of W/olfwood action too, just a smiiidge, hope that's alright hehe~ It's also a V/ashwood story since, well, I figured that would be alright~!) 1.9k words, prompts 9, 42, and 45, story under cut! 9. “You’re trembling.”  42. “Baby, you’re all sniffly.”  45. “Your nose is literally twitching.” (Brief mentions of anxiety just incase anyone doesn't like that!)
“hn’chh-! hh’keshh-! ‘Scuse me, sorry.”
“I told ya, no need for the ‘pologies.” 
“Y- you did but it’s a hahh... habit. hek’ishh-! Sor-”
A dark look from Wolfwood cuts off the apology, Vash being reduced to stuttering out some nonsensical syllables in his effort to recover. His leg is still, but there’s constant movement in his hands as they attempt to find something to grab onto. Anxiety was never a stranger to the man, despite apparent lack of concern for his own safety most of the time.  
The town they find themselves in doesn’t have a motel, which isn’t that unique in these parts. They’ve grown quite used to sharing a room, or even just a bed, wherever they could find one. For instance, they’re currently sharing a guest room above the town bar. Not an awful crashpad, a couch, nice radio, their own bathroom. 
It’s secluded from the rest of the bar too, giving them a bit of privacy. Sliding onto the bed, Wolfwood motions for Vash to join him. Surprise crosses his sharp features as the request is denied. Instead, Vash points himself towards the couch, offering a wave over his shoulder as he spins away. ‘Well that’s new…’ 
“What, suddenly too good to share a bed with me, Blondie?”
“Wh- what? No, not at all! I just… I figured you’d- en’chh-! ih’tshhie-! Excuse me, sorry. Where was I..? Oh right, m- maybe you’d want it to yourself this time and I don’t mind t- taking the couch.”
“‘Cause of your cold? I don’t care, now get over here.”
“Because of my- what? I’m… I’m not sick?” 
Wolfwood doesn’t reply, instead he lets the uncomfortable silence settle over the room as he watches Vash. ‘Either he’s playing dumb, and doesn’t want to admit it, or the needle noggin really didn’t notice. Gotta know which before I make my move.’ Under the weight of tension starting to spread through the air, Vash gives a heavy sigh. The breath comes out shaky as his body vibrates, hands starting to rub his arms.
“You’re literally trembling. You tryna tell me that ain’t shivers?”
“It’s not! Well okay… I mean it is shivering, but not from sickness, it’s just cold in here, that’s all! ennchh-! Sorry, excuse me.”
The sneeze brings a fresh round of shudders as Wolfwood raises a brow at the display. ‘So denial it is then. If it was cold in ‘ere I’d’ve noticed long before him.’ A blessing almost slips out, but that’ll just lead to a new round of apologies. Right now it’s more important to get an admittance and go from there.
“Blondie, we’re in a fuckin’ desert. It’s not cold anywhere.” 
“W- well they must have the air on! Or… or something… probably the air, b- because it’s so hot out, so they uh… they want it to be cool indoors.”
“Guess I should go ask ‘em to turn it off-”
“Hey- wait no, uh… it’s- it’s actually starting to uh… warm up..? D- don’t bother them. hk’ishiee-! Sorry. They let us stay here, I don’t- I mean we don’t want to be a burden on them-”
A hint of pride starts to break through Wolfwood’s mind as he grins. ‘And there it is. Gotcha.’ Vash has always been hesitant to be a burden. Not a horrible mindset to have for most people, ‘Hell, a few could use more of it’. The problem is that his definition of ‘burden’ includes things such as eating, sleeping, breathing, or simply existing when he’s not actively helping in some way. 
Sickness was high on his list of ‘things that make me a burden on everyone I come in contact with’, despite Wolfwood’s constant reminders that he doesn’t mind. However, there is something above it, and that’s ‘bothering someone else’, especially when it’s for a made up reason. Given the choice between admitting sickness or waking the bartender to ask them to turn off the ‘air’ that doesn’t exist, well…
“-Okay fine. I might be… a little bit sick… but- hh’ishh’iee-! hehh- en’chhh-! heh’kshh’iew-!” 
“Thank you, sorry, it’s really not that bad!”
“Then get in bed ‘fore it gets worse.” 
“I uh… I really don’t think that’s-”
“I’ll even read from the book I’ve been finishin’. But that's a limited time offer, Blondie. Goin’ once, goin’ twice-” 
Before he can start the next word, Vash hurls himself towards the bed, an excited set of vibrations starting to replace the shivers. Wolfwood chuckles, lifting the blanket from his legs to wrap it around Vash, giving his shoulders a light squeeze. In response the huddled form leans into his lap, head resting against his chest. 
“Yehh… yep!” 
“Alright. The second reason he realized she was gone was from the smell. The air had lost a sweetness. One he’d grown so used to he hardly recognized it anymore. That is, until it was gone. -----” 
Wolfwood continues reading, his focus being drawn away from the world once more. ‘Would’ve thought romance books were more Blondie’s thing, but… well… after he gave me that one about the garden love story… I guess I could understand the appeal… But only because Vash likes it when I read them. That’s all.’ No one else can hear him, but Wolfwood still feels the need to justify the surge of emotion starting to creep through his heart. 
Maybe it was the fact Vash had given him them. Maybe it was the fact that blondie was gazing up with a hazy adoration as each word leaves his throat. Doesn’t really matter why. All that matters is how the words seem to glide off the page, through his deep voice to dance around their heads, playing out each scene as he reads them. This sensation is short lived though, as soon he feels himself snapping back to the bedroom where a soft sound has begun.
“hkk-! guhh…” 
“Brushing the branches from his uh… from his face, he starts to cut through the dense forest.”
“heHh-! hhh… Snnff-”
“T- the branches, oh wait read that already, ah here we go. The dense forest. Eyes seem to be peering at him through the-”
“hahHhh- snff- hkIH-! hehh…”
“Through the, uh, the-”
“Christ, Blondie. Just sneeze already.” 
Vash’s head pops out from its blanket cocoon against Wolfwood’s chest, a pink tint spread across his cheeks that has nothing to do with his cold. Bringing up a single finger to lightly rub his nose, Vash tries to offer a sincere smile. What instead crosses his face is a look that just screams itchy. Wolfwood feels a sympathy tickle through his own nose. 
“Wh- what?”
“Your nose is literally twitching. You’re makin’ me itchy from the look of it. Jus’ sneeze, it’s okay. I’ll even pause my readin’.” 
“I- I don’t… okay yehh… yes I do- I’m so sorry ehH-!”
“Don’t ‘pologize. Nothin’ to be ‘shamed of.”
“eH’tmmfshh-! hh’mmshhii-! hk’ishh’ieee-!” 
He attempts to muffle the first two into his hand, the third escaping with a pitch that sounds incredibly unsatisfying. ‘No wonder he always has these long drawn out fits. Those sound like they do nothin’ to relieve the itch.’ Pausing his analysis, Wolfwood leans towards the nightstand, grabbing a handful of tissues and pressing them into Vash’s unused hand. 
A timid smile meets the gesture as Vash brings them to his nose, humming a sigh. The action seems to bring a new level of irritation, his breath snaring as the tissues are gripped tighter. It teases him for a minute, Wolfwood choking back a laugh at the whimper the tissues barely muffle. Finally, after what seems like a lifetime, a desperate “hnnchh-! ih’tishiee-! keshh’ii-!” break through. Wolfwood lets a knuckle crush his own nose, sympathy waves running through it again.
“Thanks. Sor-”
“You’re only welcome if you don’t finish that apology.” 
“-So are you gonna keep reading..? hih’ishhiee-! hk’ieshh-! Excuse me.”
“Blessin’s. Good save, Blondie. Remind me where we were?”
“Eyes in the- eh’kshhiee-! forest.”
“Blessin’, alright. So- wait… hold on a sec.”
Wolfwood lets the book rest on his knees, staring up through his sunglasses at the ceiling. Vash attempts to follow his gaze, but can’t notice anything worth staring at. Deciding to ask, Vash leans up to meet his eyes. Hardly a noise escapes before Wolfwood holds up a finger to silence him, tilting his sunglasses down and blinking through the brightness. 
“huh’yIEZzshh’oo-! ai’GNZSHhh’oo-! Whew, that’s better.” 
“Oh- bless you! Did- did I get-”
“No you didn' get me sick. My immune system ain’t nearly as fragile as yours.”
“Hey! Well then, is- hh’tieshh’ii-! Excuse me. Is something bothering you?”
“Nah, jus’ a tickle. Think it was ‘cause of the itchy look you were wearin’.”
“Oh, okay! S- sorry…”
“Nothin’ to be sorry for, Blondie. Now, back to the book?"
"Eyes seem to be peering at him through the darkness. Watching his every step, daring him to come closer. Daring him to betray his heart alongside his kingdom. What did they know? Surely not his heart. That was something that couldn’t be known by anyone, not after her. ------.” 
Wolfwood feels the words flow from him once more, almost before his eyes can trace their forms on the page. Figures begin their dance, chasing each other in beautiful patterns through the humid air. The only thing pulling him from the daydream that he finds himself in far too often with Vash is the sound of constant sniffles. 
There is an outright refusal to address the noises, so instead Wolfwood continues reading, making it through another two chapters before giving in and setting the book back down. Vash looks up with an innocent gaze, absentmindedly rubbing his palm against his nose as another sniff breaks free.
“Baby, you’re all sniffly. You can blow your nose.”
The pet name gets the reaction it was meant to, Vash suddenly laser focused on Wolfwood’s every word. ‘Alright, easy now with this next part. He’s jus’ about there, gotta be delicate. Which… has never really been my strong suit.’ There’s a hint of unease beneath Vash’s smile, palm crushing against his face again. 
“I know you’re sick, Vash. You told me that earlier. So you can drop the ruse.” 
“We- well…”
“It’s just us.” 
Vash flushes as Wolfwood passes him another handful of tissues, but brings them to his nose anyways. He turns away, ever mindful of others, and blows a couple times. The first seems unsuccessful, but by the third he manages to get a semblance of airflow through his sinuses. 
Giving a heady sigh of relief, Vash turns back to Wolfwood, mouth open as if to form words. He never gets the chance, the next breath through his sensitive nasal passages bringing his hands up to his face by instinct. Wolfwood chuckles, letting a hand drop to rub his back through the fit. 
“hH’ieshh’ie-! keshhh’iee-! hihh- tnnshhii-! Ih’tieshhiee-!”
“Blessin’s. Heh, you’re awfully adorable at times, Blondie.”
“I am no- heH’ishh-! hk’ishh-! tieshh’iee-! not!” 
Humming out another laugh, Wolfwood brushes the hair from Vash’s warm skin, planting a kiss on his forehead. Vash responds with a sigh, airy and light, before he sinks back into Wolfwood’s chest, wrapping himself deeper into the blanket. A smirk crosses Wolfwood’s face, ‘Not cute, huh?’ before he lifts the book once more.
There, in the safety of Wolfwood’s embrace, Vash finds himself drifting off to sleep, figures dancing through his mind as the deep voice fades off into a peaceful darkness.
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yuriyuruandyuraart · 1 year
.shattered dream.
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-buy the newest shampoo and make your hair wavier than our favorite dark angel's-
there's gotta be a secret to her looks! >:'Dc
shattered belongs to @galacii
dark cream/studio au belongs to @zu-is-here
fem!studio au designs are made by me
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elevant39 · 1 month
Narrative in ACZ
So this time I want to talk about the narrative in ACZ and why I personaly love it. So what I love about ACZ (and the reason why it´s my favourite in the main line series) is how it kinda works like a legend or a fairy tale. What I mean by this is that there is not a single "correct/canon" version of the game. This is possible because the gameplay isn´t actually taking place durring Belkan war. What we are playing is what Brett Thompson´s documentary thinks happened in it. The problem is that he doesn´t really have all the details. The closes he can get to them is Pixy, since he actually knew Cipher more personally and was with him the longest time, the only other people being Eagle Eye and PJ and.... yeah... But even then it´s been 10 years so most Aces will not remember everything. All that remains it´s their emotions and memories about Cipher and the effect that he had on them by shoting them down.
Even Pixy himself isn't really that reliable (It´s funny because he is also partly a narrator of the game with Thompson). Not only did he knew Cipher only up to Stage of Apocalypse, but Cipher literally changed his life by preventing him from launching V2 (and causing all the suffering that he later witnessed on the ground Zero). Cipher in a way saved Pixy, by stoping him from something he could never come back from. So I wouldn't be surprised if Pixy´s view of Cipher probably isn't completely objective. And this ties to Cipher and the Ace system. Cipher isn´t really a character. He is a perfect vessel for player, he is like a rorschach test. He is what ever we want him to be. And this is thanks to the Ace system and how it allows the player to roleplay Cipher how ever the player wants. Do you believe Cipher was a total merc?; Do you think that the Razgriz route is the one for you?; Or do you want a mercenary that becomes a knight but after Pixy´s betrail falls back to his merc ways?; Or maybe you like a knight that becomes merc and after a lot of retrospective after Pixy´s betrayal becomes a soldier? All of these and infinite more are possible. Which is why I kinda hate when some people in the fandom insist that there must be canon route. Because having one defined route would kinda kill all of this. Sure people might still talk about them, but why waste your time on all of these non-canon routes? When merc is totally canon because of AC5? Why try to analyse your story in your own route when the only that matters is the canon one? So why I am bringing this up? Becuase this (infinite interpretation) combine with complete erasure of who or what Cipher did is what makes ACZ acts almost like a legend of fairy tale. Because the only way Cipher can live on is throw the stories of others like Pixy and other Aces. But since it´s been so long nobody will ever trully know how it all went down. Simular thigs happens with fairy tales and legends like Cinderella, there isn´t one true story. In some versions the fairy godmother doesn´t even exist and she got her dresses from hazel nuts. In others there were 3 nights with balls that Cinderella went to. Sometimes she has help from all sotrs of animals others it´s just pigeons. Sometimes her step mother locks her up, other she is given the task to separate peace from ashes perfectly. But still there are some constants, because these constancs are what make it a tale of Cinderella. And same could be said about the Belkan war. Cipher and Pixy will always win in B7R. They will liberate Directus and destroy Excalibur. Pixy will always leave for AWWNB. PJ will always buy flowers for his girlfriends. And Cipher will always fight Pixy in the end. But everything else? We simply don´t know and more importantly can´t know. And that is what is so beautiful to me. Because then the interpretetion of the story and Cipher can be anything you personally believe. And the story doesn´t force you to one interpretation of it. But it encourages you to think about the story and why your version is the one that you like specifically. So yeah this is why I love this game so much and why it´s my favourite in the series. Thanks for reading.
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andy-clutterbuck · 1 year
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Offending Angels (2000) | requested by @grimgrimygrimes
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extraliga-related · 2 months
MIC vs NIT -> Game 1 | APR 3, 2024
↳ Someone's excited about the win.
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glitzybunny · 1 year
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Some assorted doodles that I drew from the Magma that @fernzwing hosted!
dsfkjgbnskdfjbgkldfggdfsgsdfh vibes ong
Including random @omoriboii dreamscape au doodle lmao
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dsafenthusiast · 5 months
Dave: "V E G A S"
Jack: "No! You're gonna randomly yiff people there! You're still an incubus till like- 3 asks- I lost track. Besides, you're m i n e ."
Dave: *flustered*
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josiejohnscn · 6 months
text - 𝓂𝒶𝓇𝑔𝑜𝓉 & 𝒿𝑜𝓈𝒾𝑒
margot: good morning, mummy! I think you might be one of the few I know who are up at insane hours like me because of the kiddos. are you free this week for a playdate?! josie: haha, to be fair i was up at weird hours pre-babies! early call times, late night workouts, you name it! josie: are you in la? if so, we should definitely get the kids together! collins is solid on her feet now so she'll be running circles with axel & piper.
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waterlinkedgirl · 2 years
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Musical Touken Ranbu: Kotobuki Ranbu Ongyokusai (Sengo ver) english sub
More out of a whim than anything else, I present! My subtitles for the concert that left me in tears the most, Kotobuki! I would be glad if you could keep me in mind whenever Mikazuki and Kogitsunemaru are on screen 🥺
Keep in mind that this is only the subtitle file, timed and tled to the BD/DVD Sengo senshuuraku. (I may do the Hizamaru performance as well, at one point, if I have the time and want)
You can download the subs for the BD/DVD version here!
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thegranddewru · 2 years
Not Netflix and the Persuasion 2022 writers seeing Anne exactly the same way all the shitty characters in the book saw her and therefore needing to change her into someone else entirely.
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snowlilly · 1 year
Młynar: *exists* Every enemy on the stage: UNAUTHORIZED FUCKING HORSE BLOW HIM UP NOW
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butwhatifidothis · 2 years
Me: Man, even if I prefer other ships, I can at least appreciate Claude///leth for finally having a lord/leth ship have the two be on equal standing with each other growth wise, where the two actually show off traits to the other that signify them as nice stand-alone characters that also happen to grow with each other quite well. It’d be a shame if any spinoff media were to completely fuck with the one thing I like about this ship-
Hopes: *heavily implies, if not outright state, that Claude only has any semblance of curiosity, morals, or trust if and only if he is in the general presence of Byleth and that he’d be literal garbage without them giving him good traits through osmosis*
Me: well that’s unfortunate
#Fire Emblem Warriors Three Hopes spoilers#Fire Emblem Warriors: Three Hopes spoilers#anyway 3H!Claude///leth >>>>>>>>> Hopes!Claude///leth you cannot change my mind#Hopes' version is literally why I don't like Dimi///leth or Edel//eth#because so much of the lord's growth is strictly given to Byleth while Byleth themselves barely exists as a character#is was GOOD that Claude///leth was different!! that Byleth made distinct choices for Claude that they didn't do for others!!#Claude is legit the one non-Nabatean other than BYLETH'S DAD to ever learn of Sothis straight up living in Byleth's head#He helps Byleth find Rhea for his own curiosity AS WELL AS Byleth's sake (and their ACTIVE WANT to find Rhea)#They joke around with and open up to each other MUTUALLY#It's not just Byleth acting as a brick wall for others to dump their backstories onto - they share parts about themselves to Claude#And in return Byleth encourages Claude's ALREADY FUCKIN' EXISTANT curious nature - they don't CREATE it#''I feel a pull towards you'' and ''different personalities without Byleth/Garreg Mach'' RUIN Claude///leth imo#because it gets rid of their unique and equal dynamic#for the typical and boring ''Byleth Stood There and magically changed [insert character here]'s life forever''#and fucks over Claude's character so that he's a completely and utter shitstain#who somehow COMPLETELY CHANGES ENTIRELY if Byleth is within a 500 ft radius of him#anyway just wanted to rant a bit lmao ignore me being madge over a ship that's not even an OTP of mine lmaoooo
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onekisstotakewithme · 2 years
Marriage in M*A*S*H
so following up on an excellent series of posts (1) (2) by @thebreakfastgenie about the Potters and their mature marriage, I just wanted to comment quickly on how we’re shown marriage in M*A*S*H, particularly later and more serious M*A*S*H.
By the later seasons of M*A*S*H, we have two great examples (although at different time points marriage-wise) of a long-distance marriage. You’ve got Sherm and Mildred, and you’ve got BJ and Peg. And we’re shown and told how much Sherm and BJ miss their wives, and how they worry about them back home (BJ worries more about being needed, which is something Sherm would likely be more secure about).
M*A*S*H doesn’t necessarily sugarcoat it, and that’s part of what makes it a great portrayal. It shows the harder parts of being married, especially over a long distance, and reminds us that while yes, marriage is about love, it also takes work to keep up and maintain.
We see that with BJ and Peg, we see that with Sherm and Mildred, and we even see it in relationships like Donald and Margaret, short-lived as they are. Marriage is great! But it also takes work. 
We see Sherm and Mildred, and BJ and Peg putting in that work, we see the harder moments (the letter from Mildred in “Too Many Cooks”, BJ worrying about being needed in “Mail Call Three”), but M*A*S*H also never hesitates to show us the joy too - Sherm and Mildred meeting up in Tokyo in “The Colonel’s Horse”, or the camp conspiring with Peg to give her and BJ an anniversary celebration in “Oh, How We Danced”.
In short, marriage in M*A*S*H is a great thing, and we see couples at all points of their marriage. And it’s never easy, but M*A*S*H showing us loving marriages that work is just something that can be so personal. And they didn’t have to do that, they could’ve kept up the more easygoing energy of the earlier seasons. But nah, Mike Farrell committed to playing BJ as absolutely smitten with his wife, and Sherm and Mildred are a wonderfully mature couple who still love each other a hell of a lot. 
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hzdtrees · 2 years
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Grey and green
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