artoutoftheblue · 6 months
I'll digitalize these as refs when I get my phone working again
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original-cat-showdown · 11 months
Honeycloud (@rat-soup64) vs Briarfang (@plaguedbutch)
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such a slay
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Cat version of my fursona 😎
He’s just like me fr fr! He’s a fat transmasc lesbian & gay man AT THE SAME TIME he’s very sweet and kinda shy and also autistic 😎
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rat-soup64 · 1 year
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b2bcybersecurity · 9 months
Neue Ransomware und selbstreplizierender Wurm entdeckt
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Unit 42, das Forschungsteam von Palo Alto Networks, hat einen Forschungsbericht zu einem neuen Peer-to-Peer (P2P)-Wurm veröffentlicht, der die Cloud ins Visier nimmt und den Namen P2PInfect erhielt. Dieser Wurm zielt auf verwundbare Redis-Systeme mit containerwirksamen Exploits. Zeitgleich hat Unit 42 auch einen Bericht über die Ransomware Mallox veröffentlicht. Die Forscher beobachteten einen Anstieg der Aktivitäten um fast 50 Prozent, wobei MS-SQL-Server zur Verbreitung der Ransomware ausgenutzt wurden. Am 11. Juli 2023 entdeckten die Cloud-Forscher von Unit 42 einen neuen Peer-to-Peer (P2P)-Wurm, den sie P2PInfect nannten. Dieser – in der hoch skalierbaren und Cloud-freundlichen Programmiersprache Rust geschriebene – Wurm ist in der Lage, sich plattformübergreifend zu infizieren. Er zielt auf Redis ab, eine beliebte Open-Source-Datenbankanwendung, die in Cloud-Umgebungen häufig zum Einsatz kommt. P2PInfect – ein selbstreplizierender Peer-to-Peer-Wurm Redis-Instanzen können sowohl auf Linux- als auch auf Windows-Betriebssystemen ausgeführt werden. Die Forscher von Unit 42 haben über 307.000 Redis-Systeme identifiziert, die in den letzten zwei Wochen öffentlich kommuniziert haben, von denen 934 möglicherweise für diese P2P-Wurmvariante anfällig sind. Auch wenn nicht alle der 307.000 Redis-Instanzen anfällig sind, wird der Wurm dennoch diese Systeme angreifen und versuchen, sie zu kompromittieren. Der P2PInfect-Wurm infiziert anfällige Redis-Instanzen, indem er die Lua-Sandbox-Escape-Schwachstelle (CVE-2022-0543) ausnutzt. Dies macht den P2PInfect-Wurm effektiver für den Betrieb und die Verbreitung in Cloud-Container-Umgebungen. Hier entdeckten die Forscher von Unit 42 den Wurm, indem er eine Redis-Container-Instanz in ihrer HoneyCloud-Umgebung kompromittierte. Wurm attackiert Redis-Container in Honey-Pot Dabei handelt es sich um eine Reihe von Honeypots, die dazu dienen, neuartige Cloud-basierte Angriffe in Public-Cloud-Umgebungen zu identifizieren und zu untersuchen. Die Schwachstelle wurde zwar 2022 bekannt gegeben, ihr Umfang ist aber noch nicht vollständig bekannt. Sie ist jedoch in der NIST National Vulnerability Database mit einem kritischen CVSS-Wert von 10,0 eingestuft. Die Tatsache, dass P2PInfect Redis-Server ausnutzt, die sowohl auf Linux- als auch auf Windows-Betriebssystemen laufen, macht ihn außerdem skalierbarer und effektiver als andere Würmer. Der von den Forschern beobachtete P2P-Wurm dient als Beispiel für einen ernsthaften Angriff, der unter Ausnutzung dieser Schwachstelle möglich wäre. Mallox Ransomware: Deutlicher Anstieg der Aktivitäten Mallox, auch bekannt als TargetCompany, Fargo und Tohnichi, ist ein Ransomware-Stamm, der auf Microsoft (MS) Windows-Systeme abzielt. Er ist seit Juni 2021 aktiv und zeichnet sich dadurch aus, dass er unsichere MS-SQL-Server als Penetrationsvektor ausnutzt, um die Netzwerke der Opfer zu kompromittieren. In jüngster Zeit haben die Forscher von Unit 42 einen Anstieg der Mallox-Ransomware-Aktivitäten beobachtet. Seit Anfang 2023 haben die Aktivitäten von Mallox ständig zugenommen. Den Telemetriedaten und Daten aus offenen Informationsquellen zufolge ist die Zahl der Mallox-Angriffe im Jahr 2023 im Vergleich zu 2022 um 174 Prozent gestiegen. Die Mallox-Ransomware-Gruppe beansprucht Hunderte von Opfern für sich. Die tatsächliche Zahl der Opfer ist zwar nicht bekannt, aber die Telemetriedaten von Unit 42 deuten auf Dutzende von potenziellen Opfern weltweit hin, die sich auf verschiedene Branchen verteilen, darunter die verarbeitende Industrie, freiberufliche und juristische Dienstleistungen sowie der Groß- und Einzelhandel. Mallox nutzt doppelte Erpressung Mallox Ransomware folgt wie viele andere Ransomware-Gruppen dem Trend der doppelten Erpressung: Die Angreifer stehlen Daten, verschlüsseln die Dateien und drohen damit, die gestohlenen Daten auf einer Leak-Website zu veröffentlichen, um die Opfer zur Zahlung des Lösegelds zu bewegen. Jedes Opfer erhält einen privaten Schlüssel, um via Tor-Browser mit der Gruppe zu kommunizieren und die Bedingungen und die Zahlung auszuhandeln. Die Forscher empfehlen den Einsatz einer XDR/EDR-Lösung, um eine In-Memory-Inspektion durchzuführen und Techniken zur Prozessinjektion zu erkennen. Mittels einer Bedrohungssuche können Unternehmen nach Anzeichen für ungewöhnliches Verhalten im Zusammenhang mit der Umgehung von Sicherheitsprodukten, Dienstkonten für laterale Bewegungen und Benutzerverhalten im Zusammenhang mit Domainadministratoren suchen.     Passende Artikel zum Thema Lesen Sie den ganzen Artikel
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shadestar413 · 2 years
Okay so it would be your warrior cat name, assuming you completed your warrior cat training.
So Jaywind has always been my sorta stand in name for you, Jay meaning collected, skilled, intelligent, similar to a Jay, and wind meaning open, carefree, swift.
But I also like Rainwatcher for you, Rain meaning calm, quiet, playful or friendly, or even similar to rain (idealized?), with watcher meaning observant or analytical, which ties in nicely for your weatherm’n thing.
I’d say Cloudwatcher for you, but I like Honeycloud for your wifey and I didn’t wanna reuse cloud. (Honeycloud meaning sweet friendly or kind, and similiar to honey with cloud meaning quiet, caring, or meek as a suffix.)
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freakpaw · 4 years
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sharpilu · 3 years
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some doodles i did the other day, featuring my fursona and some ocs from an rp with my partner
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creamflam · 5 years
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my character honeycloud
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peace-coast-island · 3 years
Diary of a Junebug
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A snowy day in Honeycloud
There's nothing satisfying like watching a huge - and I mean huge!- pile of boxes gradually dwindle down until the room's empty. They say it takes a village and I think we delivered - and I mean that in a literal sense as well.
The camp coming as reinforcements for Estella was one of those things that happened to work out perfectly. Daisy Jane and I were considering the idea of dropping by for a visit when she called us over for help. A lot of things have been happening with her lately so she's been swamped with the shop and is need of extra hands. So we invited some campers to tag along and help with the heavy lifting.
It's good to see Estella after all this time. In an unexpected turn of events, fortune showered down her. All of it was unexpected - basically a result of a fallout resulting in someone getting their comeuppance in one of the best ways possible. The whole story's kinda unbelievable but it's all true.
Estella, by chance, happens to be related to Catherine von Schnapp, the ex fashion designer. It's not a well known fact and Estella prefers to keep it that way. Catherine has another daughter, one who overthrew her and took over her fashion empire, effectively running her brand further in the ground as if the bar couldn't be any more lower. The new heir was the infamous Bella Wembley, aka bellestyle, the annoying influencer with some of the worst takes you'll ever see on social media. I don't know too much about her other than she's annoying and racist, the kind of person who likes to play victim for clout.
I find it hard to believe that she and Estella are related. Estella only met her once - before Bella exposed Catherine - and immediately didn't like her. Right away she knew they weren't going to get along - Estella's good at reading people like that. Out of curiosity, I looked up Bella's twitter and I think I lost some brain cells reading her posts. Performative, entitled, fake woke, mind-numbingly ignorant - she's the kind of influencer who legit does harm. I don't blame Estella for not wanting to have anything to do with her.
So, what happened with Bella was that it turns out she's bad with money. Years of making bad investments caused her to go broke, finally burying the von Schnapp brand for good. All I know is that it's one of those overpriced fashion labels with poor quality, drab designs, and unethical labor - all kinds of bad and shady stuff. Now Bella's facing jail time too (not sure if related to financial issues) so she's basically getting what she deserves.
As sort of revenge, Estella brought her mansion for practically nothing. There's nothing special about it actually, other than being ridiculously overpriced and overhyped back in the day. It used to be the center of elaborate parties, the snobby VIP kind. Then Bella took over and like her predecessor, used the place to show off her arrogance. According to Estella, the mansion used to be an interesting piece of history before the von Schnapps stripped it down. It's a shame, she says, as the family who built the original mansion has been forgotten.
Now that she has claimed the mansion, Estella wants to turn it back into how it was before. She managed to find some pictures of the original, though not in the best quality. In other words, Catherine and Bella gentrified the hell out of the place. So Estella plans to tear down the mansion and start from scratch. It's an ambitious project, one she is set on starting and finishing. After all these years, she's finally putting her architecture talents to good use!
The problem, though, is the timing. While all that was going on, the shop has been going through stuff, mainly with staffing. With people getting sick and/or leaving, the place has been really short staffed. Estella volunteered to work overtime because she needs the money but it's starting to get to the point where it's too much for her to handle. Not to mention the boss is kinda neglectful - which explains why it's basically Estella doing all of the work most of the time.
At least with the mansion project, which will hopefully open up more opportunities for her in the future, Estella won't have to rely solely on the shop any longer. With the door wide open, there's no reason for her to just settle with just what's there anymore. It's about damn time she gets her lucky break!
And as expected, there has been some backlash with Estella's project. Aside from Bella's associates and stans (ugh) whining about it, her family members aren't supportive either. Estella says they mean well most of the time - and did their best - but they weren't meant to be parents. It was a they only got married because they had to situation so although they provided for her, it was far from a warm and caring household. Considering that the alternatives are being raised by Catherine or ending up like Bella, Estella believes she dodged a bullet.
While her parents wanted her to succeed, they weren't helpful. They pushed her, which only made her feel inferior and invalidated her when she tried to confide in them. Not surprisingly, she ended up making some poor life choices, such as shoplifting as a coping mechanism, and was seen as irredeemable by her family when she got caught. Although she's long since then cleaned up her act and got help, they refuse to acknowledge her.
It's still a sore spot with her and I can sorta understand where both sides are coming from. But even now I think Estella should stop trying to get their forgiveness if they keep cutting her down. She could repent all she wants, be the most successful person in the world and all that, but in their eyes, Estella is nothing but a criminal.
The problem however is that they refuse to see her as anything else. When the news came out about Estella buying the mansion, there was also an influx of posts bringing up her past. By now though she's used to it, especially sonce being active on social media - but it can get tiring seeing people dig up the same old all the time.
After all, it wasn't her choice to reveal the not so good parts about her past - the only reason why it's known now is because of certain people who held a grudge against her. Although she has come to terms with her past and opened up about about in hopes of helping others who are struggling, it still sucks that Estella was forced to put herself on the spot like that. Though she did consider that a valuable experience as it taught her to be careful around those who have ulterior motives no matter how lonely you are for some form of connection.
Now with the mansion project being a thing that grabs people's attention, Estella's preparing herself for callout posts, harassment, and all other not so nice aspects of social media. She says it's usually the same group of people stirring up drama so it's sad to say that she's used to dealing with this kind of shit. I hope everything turns out okay - that's why she hasn't been as active lately.
Packaging and delivering gifts has helped her take her mind off the current situation. Since she'll be leaving for a while, her boss has been super generous. The owner isn't bad - which was why Estella stuck around for so long - but he seems to be the kind of person who tosses off their responsibilities to others. Estella is grateful for him as he gave her a chance when no one else was willing to take her and he still wants to help her out whenever he can.
The room started out as a disaster, but Estella quickly got everything under control. There was a lot to package as things have fallen way behind schedule - I can see why. We spent a good amount of time organizing things, which made it a lot easier to get around. After spending the entire morning packaging, it was time for delivery.
Going around delivering packages was a lot of fun since I got to explore the place a little more. Estella says it's one of the perks of the shop, another reason why she stuck around. The scenery's nice to look at and the people are friendly. Part of the delivery service experience is taking a moment to sit down and chat with some locals. It was nice getting to know many of them.
According to Estella, the snowy season is the best time to visit. The freshly fallen snow gives the town a cozy wintery vibe, which adds to the welcoming atmosphere. It may seem a little too far out in the future but Estella's already got clients for future projects once the mansion's done. Even though she'll be spending a lot of time at the mansion in the upcoming months, Honeycloud will always be home for her.
Part of the reason why she says she likes it here is because her friends aren't judgmental about her past. Some of them even have a similar upbringing so they understand what she's going through. It's nice to have a good support system like that. Estella has owned up to her mistakes and she wants to help others as well as prevent them from going down the same path she did. Not many people have the chance to clean up their act like she did so it's not something that she takes for granted. Again, it's a shame that those from her past not only refuse to accept that she's changed, but some take the time to harass or even suicide bait - honestly, I won't be surprised if they would prefer her dead than admit that they might have been complicit in Estella's downfall.
To our surprise, we managed to deliver everything! Then again, with ten people helping out, the task seemed less daunting. There were also no new orders made so that was one less thing to worry about and Estella was able to close shop early.
With some extra time in our hands, Estella gave me and Daisy Jane a more in depth tour of Honeycloud. First, we stopped by her favorite cafe for some tea. Estella usually sits by the window facing the park, ordering a chai latte and spend the evening doodling away on her sketchbook. She does a lot of urban sketching and that's what got her into architecture.
After that we hung around at Dawn Park and explored the gardens. The flowers are unique as they continue to bloom in the snow. Seeing colorful petals contrasting with the white snow is so pretty - it's not a sight you see every day. There's a fountain at the center of the park that's one of the oldest things in the town so it's kinda like a historical landmark. Another one of Estella's favorite places to sketch is the bench near the broken sandalwood tree where she can see the statue from the front.
The fountain has been the subject of many of her sketches because of its intricate designs - it seems like a hard thing to tackle. Estella hopes one day she'll be able to draw the fountain in detail and do it justice.
We hung around the park until it got dark. After a busy day of being out and about, it felt nice to sit down, relax, and enjoy the scenery. Even though there's snow, it wasn't too cold - it was more like a refreshing cold, a little chill that puts you in a cozy mood.
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artoutoftheblue · 8 months
I feel like a majority of the queens (mother cats) in the AU would be great friends. Specifically Honeycloud, Butterfly, Leaffall, and Vanilla
Anyways have doodle of Sunnyblaze and Moonstars silly mom
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The list (in order of submitter urls)!
If you submitted your OC, then you should probably be able to find yourselves here!
@2bu - Mason Spectrespeaker
@acromafireair - Lara and Rio Coddsworth (kinda shared entity situation so they're together)
@bookoramaenderteeth - Mavis
@bramblestar334 - Bramble
@candlewitch-cryptic - Slash
@cat-skull - Paxel
@collabwithmyself (submitted with permission by @much-the-millers-kid) -Biohazard
@cure-icy-writes - Tabby (Test Batch 11, Designation Null)
@cure-icy-writes - Elle Chihiro
@dragontoonss - Jade
@element-kitten-klaws - Frozen Teeth
@element-kitten-klaws - Comet Whiskers
@element-kitten-klaws - Exoskeleton (Exo)
@esmaelj - Kitty Heels
@esmaelj - Ginger
@featherfrond - Gull
@flishthedragon - Zoe
@horizontalnobelcat - Apotheosis (Theo)
@hyephyep - Lane (Helane)
@hyephyep - Cherry Lipstick
@j-fashion-wearer-otd - Ren
@kdm13 - Pawtree Purrety
@kjmellow - Kitty the Kitten
@kjmellow - Caitrionia
@kjmellow - Taika Namur
@kratt09 (side @torchflame) - Torchflame
@laceghost (@noct-oracle) - Kat
@lydiahosek - Luna
@malaky-nightm4r3 - Chai
@much-the-millers-kid - Murphy Laud
@mxbrightsky - Clause (rhymes with "claws" :3)
@plaguedbutch - Leafcloud
@plaguedbutch - Briarfang
@rainewintersnow - Mr. Catman
@rainewintersnow - Vivi
@rat-soup64 - Honeycloud
@ratherchaseamouse - Saberattle
@ravenmoodle - Jett Wild
@ravenmoodle - Silver
@ravenmoodle - Grey Wild
@sillysorcerer - Ni'iri
@spacedragonstar - Darkfur
@spacedragonstar - Mina
@spirits-of-kin - Spirit
@sugarsprinkles - Caro
@sugarsprinkles - Tumbledown
@teknoctarkamacska - Jinna
@teknoctarkamacska - Teasel
@teknoctarkamacska - Greenriver
@thunderwhenhepurrs - Bobsyfella
@wickedcityy - Finch
@wickedcityy - Miami
@yosuke-fields-forever - Nico (Nicholas)
@yosuke-fields-forever - Narciso
If you'd like to make changes to your entries (change submitted pictures or add something to descriptions, etc), have your entry removed or replaced, have me not @ you or anything else (which includes me messing smth up) - feel free to contact me via asks or DMs which seem to be functioning again!
The brackets will be out as soon as I figure out the best way to go about them!
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catsofsealandsky · 3 years
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ShellClan is an established clan, the eldest of the clans. The woods they’ve claimed are rich and thick and have supported the clan for many moons. They are seen as the ‘parent clan’ of PebbleClan, as it was a former ShellClanner that parted to make a new clan across the banks. The cats seem to have more sleek and shorter fur, with lighter color variations and a high chance to be speckled/patched. They are the more powerful of swimmers, and are known to be very fast.
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- The leader of the clan is granted the suffix -star and nine lives from StarClan. They are meant to look out for the Clan’s best interest and to work out laws, boundaries and the Clan’s strengths for better survival.
Deputy - The leader’s chosen successor; in the meantime to serve aid and assistance by helping enforce rules and patrols.
Medicine Cat - A cat well versed in herbal remedies, and mental stressors. They speak with StarClan, assist the leader and keep the secrets of the clan. They keep record of sires and dams of litters to prevent inbreeding, as well as meet with other Clans’ Healers during the Half-Moon to share knowledge. The Clan is their family, and they are not meant to have kits. They are forever training to work on their spiritual connections.
Medicine Cat Apprentice - A Medicine Cat Apprentice is formally chosen from a kit who shows good potential and ability to learn, or a young apprentice. It has happened that an elderly Medicine Cat chooses a good learning Warrior, but it is considered bad luck. These cats spend numerous moons training to obtain the skills and memory of their mentor. Medicine Cat Apprentices are not seen as a full adult until given their full name when they have completed their training, and are not allowed to have kits.
Warrior - Cats who have undergone moons of training to fight, hunt and contribute to the Clan in their best sense. Their names have been chosen based off one of their outstanding skills. Unless sick or injured, Warriors are the last to eat. “Senior Warriors” are cats of a certain age who have proven their responsibility countless times.
Apprentice - Given the suffix -paw an apprentice is a cat between 6-12 moons on average training to become a warrior and contribute their life skills to the clan. Apprentices are not allowed to eat before Elders or Monarchs, and are often given the less lovable chores.
Monarch - Monarchs are fully named adults who are nursing their kits until their kits are 6 moons old or otherwise ready to start training. There are also “Monarch Warriors” who tend to camp, assist the current monarchs or help watch the kits and have found they best contribute to camplife this way.
Kits - Cats too young yet to start training, given the -kit suffix.
Elders - Cats who have retired either due to injury, old age, or sickness. They make up a council of wise cats to assist the leader.
Previous Leaders:
Pearl (abandoned the clan)
Dawnstar (stepped down) 
Previous Deputies:
Shelly/Shellstar (Pearl, Promoted) 
Clover/Cloverfur (Shellstar, Promoted) 
Foxstorm (Cloverstar, Promoted) 
Barleystorm (Foxstar, killed by rogues) 
Gorseface (Foxstar, Promoted) 
Honeycloud (Gorsestar, Promoted) 
Loachstorm (Honeystar, Promoted) 
Mistleaf (Loachstar, Died of illness) 
Blacktail/Blackstar of PebbleClan (Loachstar, left) 
Stonetalon (Loachstar, Promoted) 
Cougarthroat (Stonestar, Promoted) 
Dawnfang (Cougarstar, Promoted) 
Volestream (Dawnstar, Promoted) 
Tansypelt (Volestar, Promoted) 
Mottleleaf (Tansystar, Promoted) 
Fawnfang (Mottlestar, Passed kitting) 
Elmface (Mottlestar, Promoted) 
Honeystorm (Elmstar, Killed by PebbleClan) 
Volewhisker (Elmstar, Died of sickness) 
Buzzardflower (Elmstar, Promoted) 
Jayface (Buzzardstar, Died under mysterious circumstances) 
Crowfang (Buzzardstar, Promoted) 
Thistleheart (Crowstar, Died under mysterious circumstances) 
Dawnheart/Dawnstar (Crowstar, Promoted) 
Rushflight (Dawnstar, Stepped down) 
Sorrelstripe (Dawnstar, Promoted) 
Buzzardfang (Sorrelstar, Stepped down) 
Cougarclaw (Sorrelstar, Promoted)
Previous Medicine Cats:
Hook/Hemlockheart (Died searching for a cure to the plauge, taught via StarClan) 
Hollyfur (Died of illness)
Lilyfoot (Died of old age)
Mousenose (Died protecting kits)
Smokefoot (Died of old age)
Firewhisker (Died defending the medicine den)
Diverwhisker (Died of stress)
Mallowstorm (Died fighting illness)
Eelskip (Killed by wolves)
Skunkbelly (Died of illness)
Mangledfoot (Moved, became Acornflower of SeaClan) 
Previous Medicine Cat Apprentices:
Holly/Hollyfur (Hemlockheart, Promoted) 
Lily/Lilypaw (Hollyfur, Promoted) 
Mousepaw (Lilyfoot, Promoted) 
Smokepaw (Mousenose, Died fighting illness) 
Firepaw (Smokefoot, Promoted) 
Diverpaw (Firewhisker, Promoted) 
Fennelpaw (Diverwhisker, Died fighting illness) 
Mallowstorm (Driverwhisker, Promoted) 
Eelpaw (Mallowstorm, Promoted) 
Skunkpaw (Eelkskip, Promoted) 
Mangledpaw (Skunkbelly, Promoted) 
Tigerpaw (Skunkbelly, Mangledfoot, Promoted) 
Allegiances Cougarstar Art by @cleos-warrior-rp-hell​
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warriorsredux · 4 years
What would you rename Honeyfern and Poppyfrost?
God, Honeyfern, you got done so dirty. 
Well, she could absolutely keep her prefix. Honey- covers the warmer shades of brown and gold, and she juuuust barely fits that descriptor. -fern, obviously, isn’t going to work. She is described as gentle and kind, but also fierce in her own way and unafraid to step in the line of gunfire for others. I think she could reasonably fit into the -cloud suffix, since -cloud cats can be just as dedicated to others as they are dedicated to being chill and friendly. So, her name could be Honeycloud, if you like!
Poppyfrost is described as a “pale” calico, which makes me think she’s dilute. Which. Great. There’s like two prefixes for a cat of that color that would work at the lake territories, those being Pansy- and Robin-. She doesn’t really have a nameable trait, unfortunately. Even though it’s commented that nothing fazes her, plenty does in the series after that, so... Pansyfur or Robinfur?
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shinyflareon · 5 years
Long story short, my work has gone to hell and this is in an effort to cheer myself up. 
I found an old google doc from a few years back where I made a big collection of Warriors names. Give me your headcanons for them! Appearance, Clan, maybe a short personality blip, idk. You don’t have to do all of them, obviously, just any names that speak to you.
Under a readmore because, uh, there’s a lot of them.
Acornpelt Adderstrike Addertail Apple-eye Applestar Ashbreeze Ashfeather Badgerfang Barkpelt Beechtail Berryspots Birchfur Blackberry Blackstorm Blossompelt Blueberry Bluesky Brackentail Bramblefang Briarpelt Brighteye Brightfoot Brightwater Brightwing Brookpaw Bumblefur Cedarclaw Cherrycloud Cherryheart Cherrypelt Cherryspots Cinderstreak Cloudfall Cloudstorm Copperfur Dapplefrost Dawnblaze Duskcloud Dustfall Dustwing Eaglewing Falconstar Fallingmist Fawnstep Featherclaw Featherdust Fernbreeze Fernpelt Ferntail Firestorm Firetail Flameclaw Flamepelt Flowerfoot Flowerpaw Foxwhisker Frosteye Frostwing Fuzzyears Fuzzyfire Goldenfur Goldenheart Gorsetail Grasspaw Greyfood Greystar Harepaw Hawkbreeze Hawkfeather Hawkfire Hawkflight Heathernose Heronstar Hollowheart Hollowthorn Honeycloud Honeyfoot Honeyheart Honeywhisker Icefall Icefrost Icystar Ivystar Kestrelflight Kestrelwhisker Larkpelt Leafpelt Leopardfrost Lightningfall Lightningheart Lilyblossom Lilywillow Lionstar Lionstep Lizardtail Longpath Mallowpelt Mapleleaf Marshstep Meadowpaw Minnowtail Mintpaw Mistfur Morningpaw Mosspath Mosspool Mothfur Mousepelt Mousetail Mudsong Mudstar Needlewhisker Nettlenose Nightsky Nightsong Nightstripe Nightwing Nutleaf Oaksong Oaktail Oneleaf Otternose Owlfur Palewhisker Pepplepelt Pikefin Pinetail Plumspots Poppypaw Pouncepaw Rabbitpaw Rainstar Ratfang Ravenflight Ravenwing Redclaw Redfeather Redstone Redwhisker Ripplesplash Ripplestripe Robinheart Rosecloud Rosedust Rowanheart Runningcloud Runningwolf Rushfur Russetflame Sandstone Sedgestar Shadespots Shimmerfoot Silentstep Silverfang Silverheart Silverstar Silverstorm Skypaw Sleekpaw Smallpaw Smokefur Smokeheart Smoketail Snowdrop Snowstar Snowstep Snowstorm Snowstream Sootpaw Sparrowflight Sparrowstorm Speckleleaf Specklenose Spottedpaw Stoneheart Stormflower Stormheart Sunfoot Sunstone Sunstream Swandown Sweetface Swiftfoot Swiftstripe Talonpaw Tangleface Tanglepelt Thornpelt Thorntooth Thrushwing Tigerstripe Tigertail Toadleap Troutbelly Tumblestep Whitestripe Willowstorm Wolfstone Yellowclaw
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Honey is my favorite warriors prefix! Honeyheart! Honeyfang! Honeycloud! Honeyhop! Honeynose! Honeyflower!
i miss honeyfern
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freakpaw · 4 years
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Introducing absolute baby for @maritimeclans! 
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