#honestly i probably undersell them as a caregiver
hillsofuhhtennessee · 6 months
Velvet von Ragnar whump HCs going both ways because they’re cute in both roles.
-Velvet can be an uncaring asshole who’ll sell you to satan for a corn chip, but if you’re useful and valuable to them they also definitely enjoy “playing mommy” to sick underlings
-You WILL be cuddled, kissed, stroked, and held close until you fall asleep on their lap.  Velvet is incredibly physically affectionate and will provide literally any kind of massage or touch desired.  
-probably the type to incessantly offer you food and make sure you eat
-If on the go, there’s a high chance of being wrapped in one of their huge coats 
-it’s probably harder to get them to leave you alone vs baby you because their parental instincts are shockingly strong if you manage to trigger them.  It can get downright obnoxious if you just want to be left alone but they’re humming and holding you and trying to get you to have another popsicle.  
-while generally very busy, in the off chance they do have free time they’re easily entertained and will curl up with you to watch TV or something
-has no actual medical training but honestly can be nice to have around if you have a cold or other minor ailment since they’re well-versed in home remedy/low tech things for that.  They’re also completely unfazed by gross things and bodily fluids LOL
-high likelihood of being wrapped up in one of their big coats or fluffy robes, especially if you’re smaller.  I like to think they value soft/smooth textures in fabric for linings and more casual clothes and a lot of their stuff is very heavy and cozy and be wrapped in.  Velvet is also probably fond of cute robes and jammies for lounging around in general which brings us to…
-Velvet is probably pretty durable if we extrapolate from Gene but does enough stupid crap that they inevitably will get hurt/sick.  They try so hard to hide real weakness or pain but if they’re really wiped it’s hard to hide it.  Probably leans on the side of “I’ll deal with it myself/it’ll resolve itself” vs getting medical help for most things unless it really goes south or is something acute like falling off a dam.  I think part of them does secretly enjoy being coddled if they feel safe enough around someone, though.  
-The main signs that something is wrong that they can’t hide are lethargy, avoiding touch, poor appetite, poor color, or looking thin/worn.  Velvet is naturally excitable, wiggly, and tactile, and is very warm-looking and full-bodied physically when in at least decent health.  When one of those is gone something is definitely wrong.  
-Physically injured, they can be a total ass to deal with.  Hyper without an outlet to burn it off, agitated that they can’t do things, incessantly flirting with literally any nurse (or antagonizing them), and often pissed at who/whatever hurt them (or whatever dumb thing they did)
-If genuinely exhausted or incapacitated though… that’s when they can be surprisingly calm and gentle.  When that tired, they’re more mentally stable, very comfort-seeking, and too wiped to lash out.  They’ll often be mostly nonverbal and just gesture and nod, especially if their throat hurts.  
-physical touch can calm and coax Velvet into doing a lot of things.  It’s comforting for a lot of milder ailments and a bribing them with a head scratch or cuddle will convince them to take their meds or eat.  Tummy rubs are also a secret cheat code for getting an angry/anxious/otherwise emotional Velvet to calm down because their moods and belly are SO closely linked and affect each other.
-If you become known as a free back/foot/etc rub dispenser in their mind they’ll start getting demanding FAST though
-In rarer cases where they really don’t want to be touched they’ll still seek pillows and blankets to curl up with.  
-They still hate feeling vulnerable.  They tend to treat caretakers more like teddy bears and want them to be the little spoon or sit on their lap still.  They’re pretty shameless about bodily fluids and being gross as long as it isn’t something humiliating or too much of a sign of weakness. 
-they love being bathed by others, but again, will usually end up trying to flirt with them unless REALLY tired.  Then they’ll just silently enjoy the tactile stimulation and lean into it
-Can be tough to coax into eating if they don’t want to, but once they get at least a nibble in of something they’ll definitely eat more than enough and aren’t picky at all with food.
-they have a lot of cute jammies and robes to lounge around in.  
-They get scruffy and scuzzy really fast when they don’t have the oomph to clean up every day and hate it.  If someone is willing to do it for them, they’ll probably cry.  
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