#honestly i probably like other pure rin cards more than the 2 signed ones i picked but it felt wrong to not pick the signed ones
apeshit · 1 year
kururin miracle full combo with all rin cards and rin background
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Mephisto the big bad (notes)
Rambling thoughts....i drank a bunch of Quebec maple liquor.
These things happen. 
So, if Mephisto turns out to be the big bad. He’s probably going to need a new body. I’m convinced Shura might be that body. 
Mephisto is probably going to use Shura’s attachments to Rin and Yukio as leverage. Leverage to get Shura to a sign demon contract with him. Once that happens she belongs to Mephisto. Just like Shiro, that poor sod that came before her.
Shura’s a perfect vessel for Mephisto with a stong body and the ability to take on the powers of powerful demons, plus she has an empty demon sword that can be used as an additional horcrux for Mephisto. He’s already gifted her some sort of magical scabbard and put her in charge of his duties. So it’s already in the works.
But why else would Mephisto choose Shura?
Rin and Yukio could never hurt her.
If Mephisto possessed Shura the boys couldn’t bring themselves to destroy him. Yukio is secretly (or not so secretly) in love with Shura romantically and Rin treats her more like a big sister. A big sister he’s willing to fight to the death for.  
Mephisto wants to develop these complex emotions between Shura and the boys for his own protection. He’s not stupid.
I thought for the longest time he’s using love to save Rin and Yukio. Setting up situations to make Shura feel love for the boys so she will help protect them.  But what if his motivations are much, much darker.
Even though Meph is my favourite character, i’m fully believe him capable of a wide range of distasteful things. The Mephisto/Shura thing could end quite poorly.  What if he’s using love against her to protect himself and protect his legacy in Assiah.
Totally possible.
Who shot Mephisto?
Yukio knows all about the Kamakushi key, not only that but he’s trigger happy. When Yukio gets angry he shoots stuff. Maybe he shot Mephisto out of pure spite and out of revenge for everything he did to them. Mephisto fully expected Yukio to shoot him the first time, but somebody beat him to it.
But was it Yukio from the future?
 Mephisto is surprised, it hasn’t happened before. That being said....it was the shooter he intended. Just from a different timeline. 
Honestly Mephisto shouldn’t be surprised at all. He’s a bastard. Yukio probably felt a lot of gratification from making the shot.
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Once he gets rid of Lucifer and Satan, he can rule over Assiah.
1) Mephisto knew Satan would show up in Assiah when he created section 13. Maybe not at first, but once it happened he had multiple opportunities to change the timeline and rid himself of Satan.
But Mephisto didn’t...
Instead he continued with the macabre and morally destitute experiments.  He needed a force stronger than himself to take out Lucifer. Satan showing up in Assiah was great timing. Satan was his trump card, Mephisto just needs to trick him. (he’s working on that side hustle.)  
On top of that, Mephisto created himself an army of clone exorcists (Shiro, Angel, Abel and probably Lightning). All of these creations are pawns in his game. He wouldn’t hesitate for a minute to sacrifice them. (Luckily Lightning is cunning and just as morally destitute as Mephisto. That might save his ass.)
(Plus, remember Yuri and Shemihaza? They give Lucifer and Satan shit for wanting to kill things in cold blood and choosing who lives and dies. Yet, Mephisto isn’t innocent either. The blood isn’t literally on his hands, but he’s still the ringmaster. He’s no better, honestly. I guess you could say he’s just trying to survive and defeat Lucifer for the greater good. That his sacrifices are justified....but still, Mephisto is capable of some seriously evil shit.
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Other Shitty things Mephisto has done.
2) Mephisto manipulates Shiro, Yuri and Satan into some sort of love triangle to make Rin and Yukio. The failsafe to get rid of Satan when he was done with him. (I don’t know how it exactly went down...but I know he orchestrated it.)
3) Yuri had to go through that horrible birthing process to give birth to Rin and Yukio and then she died in the end. Yuri’s entire situation was tragic and horrible. 
4) Mephisto knew the blue night would happen and hundreds of people would be killed.
5) Mephisto got Rin and Yukio to free Shura from Hachiro’s curse, only to enslave her to himself. That’s so low. 
6) Mephisto adopted Izumo’s sister to takara corp’s CEO and she doesn’t remember her. 
7) Mephisto is the director of a religious school and gave Shima pornography. (Okay...this one does make me laugh.)
8) Mephisto tricked Shiro on more than one occasion. Like..doesn’t this woman look like him? If Meph decided to tranform into a hot woman...this would be her. 
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