#homeownership be like this
afniel · 1 year
Man okay we have been In The Process of getting a new bed for a bit now and I finally got rid of the old platform the day before the new one arrives...I picked out a company, no big deal, asked for a quote. They gave me a quote for someone else's furniture. I said nah man I have a platform and frame. So they gave me an estimate. I said okay, it's pretty awkward, on the second floor, definitely a two person job. They said yeah that was fine. How about this afternoon? Or tomorrow? To which I said, now hold on, I still need to empty it out. How about Saturday or Monday? They didn't get back to me until Tuesday to say hey let's do it Wednesday, and by that time I was just like, you know what, sure, whatever gets it out of the house.
Wednesday happened (today) and they were scheduled to show up between 10:30-1. So I got up and finalized all the stuff I needed to do still by 10:30. Drawers empty, sheets off because we're keeping the mattress but it obviously had to be moved, hide the unmentionables in a box, you know. Bribe the Boys to go into their cat room and play with a nice treats ball full of freeze-dried chicken. The usual for having a contractor come out. I kinda needed a shower and a proper breakfast or lunch but I figured, meh, they'll be here too soon, I can do it after.
Which of course wasn't the case! They called at 1:30 to say they'd be there at 3:30 and also am I totally sure that it had to be a two guy job? I said yeah I'm sure, it's not something you can disassemble, it's a pain in the ass. So they go, well, okay, I'll find a second guy. Meanwhile thinking to myself that this guy is at least as organized as I am.
Eventually they showed up at 4:10. Yeah. And it went okay after that, but then he was like, well it was really awkward and hard to move, and told me a final cost higher than the estimate. Which means that I ended up breaking into the holiday money my dad gave me to cover it because we didn't withdraw more cash than the high end estimate plus a tip, because like...why would we, right?
This was also the third day in a row that I only slept four hours and I'm starting to feel it pretty hard...the new bed comes tomorrow but thank fuck it's not until well into the afternoon so I can catch up a bit. At the risk of sounding vaguely my age, my back is killing me...but then again it's been doing that my whole life so it's not saying much I guess.
Also the delivery guys with the furniture company are actually really good and I've dealt with them before so I'm not worried, just...fuck man I am tired and want a day without shit happening this week and that's not looking likely yet.
Also also I'm still waiting to hear back from the builder about the fact that the hot water Isn't quite a bit of the time. It worked fine, then it started dropping temp after a bit, and if it weren't a tankless heater I would probably even have some idea what to do about it but it's a very nice tankless so I'm kinda clueless. And we have some broken screens from window and gutter cleaning because they were installed so ungodly tight in the frames that they literally cannot be removed now, which is less than ideal for a whole lot of reasons.
AND WE STILL NEED TO ORDER BLINDS? I didn't even know where they came from until I realized I could just ask my mom? I'm handy enough with objects but processes, not so much!
Houses are one fucking thing after the other, guys. Like it's great but also, Jesus fucking tapdancing Christ.
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communistkenobi · 9 months
whenever right wing people talk about “parental rights” they are talking about property rights. they are arguing for further political and legal enshrinement of their children as their literal actual property
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bonefarm · 10 months
One thing the pastoral fantasy doesn’t tell you about purchasing and working on an old house in the countryside in your spare time is that sometimes there will be a toilet on your porch for like three weeks while you try to find a day off to haul it off.
Just you and the porch toilet and the cicadas, every.. single… day…
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compacflt · 8 months
Fully support your desire to cut down on the extras as they're already so long, but as someone who was also looking forward to the sickfic section and is sad to hear it's been taken out, I will simply have to ask you about it instead! First off the discussion of home in the snippet you shared was delicious - when do you think Mav started thinking of the house as 'their' home? And Ice taking Mav to the hospital has a lot of crunch there around how they're seen and how they act in public, especially if Ice was worried and Mav was kind of out of it. Do you think Ice would have taken Mav in to the hospital if he'd really been spiking a fever and decided he needed it? How would he explain themselves? And I suppose a separate, related question: who are their official next of kin/emergency contacts?
the reason i got rid of the sickfic is cause all those questions were answered better elsewhere in the extras ❤️
i was kind of annoyed that the house inconsistently appears to be the property of whomever the plot calls for at the moment -> another reason to cut the sickfic
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Yes Ice would take mav to the hospital. it happens elsewhere LOL, maverick is extremely incident-prone
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obviously a fun surfing injury with friends != the sickfic’s ice taking “a friend” to the hospital in the middle of the night for dangerous levels of illness-related dehydration… implies familiarity, intimacy above everyone else… the hospital staff would probably assume they’re together, yes, & i don’t think ice would challenge that at all, especially if he had to make sure all the paperwork was filled out right. just not worth the effort. “is there anyone else we should call for mr mitchell?” / “Um no. Just me.” Yeah i took him to the hospital at 4am bc i love him and im worried about him what r u gonna do about it 🤨 violate his hipaa rights? It’s 2009 gay people exist grow up🙄 hospital staff isn’t gonna tell anyone, so who cares
(Luckily for ice in the sickfic he didn’t have to take mav to the hospital)
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the point of the sickfic was to establish a precedent for one of them voluntarily taking care of the other who is unable to take care of himself, to set up the parallel of maverick taking care of Ice when he Really gets capital-s Sick. but then i still can’t bring myself to write ice actually being capital-s Sick because i have some weird neurosis where i simply dislike thinking about ice (powerful guy) being helpless or incapacitated or, um, dead. so the mav-sickfic isn’t really relevant anymore because i haven’t written (and never plan on writing, besides that one half-assed one-shot) the corollary ice-sickfic. so the sickfic became the Nixed-fic ❌
And according to this wip wednesday snippet, they are each other’s emergency contacts. don’t ask me how that works or how they figured that out, idk. some stuff you do have to talk about for logistics purposes i guess. which is kind of the point of all the house-related/money-related discussions I’ve written throughout my fics—they Have to talk about the logistics because that’s real life. But they don’t INTERPRET those logistics or assign them a normative value.
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for instance debriefing presents (maverick’s) death & taxes as the only two things that ever get them to actually talk to each other lol. logistics become a vessel through which they can talk about their situation without actually talking about it. The state of being each others emergency contacts might be a death-and-taxes discussion—acknowledging permanence without acknowledging permanence
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planetsallalign · 1 month
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It was 73 degrees today, I deep cleaned the porch in preparation for outside time. In another couple weeks the trees will be budding and it will be lush and green in the backyard. As well as hide the neighbors from me/me from them. The side of the porch that faces the next door neighbor has long bamboo shades that can be let down. This year I’m thinking of some sort of sheer type curtain to hang where the front of the porch/door is to block the view of people walking/driving by.
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lizbethborden · 2 months
Ok I'm turning myself straight. Heterosexual......😣😣😣....now! Ok that didn't work. Hetero.........😣😣...........now! Still nothing ☹️
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doyoueverwonderwhy · 4 months
Anyone want to help me troubleshoot the noise my kitchen wall is making? 🙃 I just have no idea where to even start identifying it.
It's kind of similar to the creaking noise the tile floor makes, but more of a meep or meow note - not the beep of an alarm.
And its difficult to figure out because it meeps once and then it's hours/days before I hear it again.
No sounds of movement or anything, pretty sure it's not animal.
It seems to be coming from the wall between the kitchen and bathroom, possibly the space above the laundry chute?
It's new, within the last couple of weeks.
It's sporadic - sometimes it'll go a couple days between times I notice it, and then there was three times today.
It's fairly loud - I can hear it across the main floor, like loud conversation level?
@fatmaninalittlesuit @any other homeowners?
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myriahkamm · 6 months
I've lived in my house for less than a month, and this is the second power outage I've experienced. Super cool. This was a great decision. 😅
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astarfruity · 3 months
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carsonphillips · 8 months
The birds are having a conference in one of my trees today. I don't know what's on the docket but it seems intense
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mybrainproblems · 6 months
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moleshow · 6 months
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the generational wealth comment is such a dodge from the actual issue of CHA's refusal to provide housing for low income groups
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bonefarm · 1 year
Nothing like stepping on a goathead that you tracked into the workshop, while using a circular saw, to really test your survival instincts.
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paradife-loft · 8 months
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skill issue
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cant wait to buy a house one day and have it called homeownercore by someone
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calliopechild · 1 year
self-destructive behavior: this millennial is scrolling through homes for sale on zillow
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