#hobo moniker
thelowlandbench · 2 months
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karlstad · 3 months
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feels like words under hobo monikers has been totaly wiped out of modern history, mayby even as long as through out mars 2024 :(
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Moscow, Russia 2014
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xaviergalatis · 10 months
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popculturelib · 10 months
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Interesting Find of the Week: Hobo Camp Fire Tales (1911) and Mother Delcassee of the Hobos: And Other Stories (1918) by A-No. 1
Hobos are a kind of migrant worker who travel around the country looking for work. They particularly make use of freight trains to move between cities and towns, an act known as "trainhopping" or "freighthopping." The peak hobo years in the United States were between the American Civil War and World War II, when trains were easier to board and itinerant labor more in demand.
Leon Ray Livingston (1872-1944), also known by his moniker "A-No. 1," was a hobo author who wrote around a dozen books about hobos and hobo life. As "America's Most Celebrated Tramp" -- as he called himself in the title of his first book -- A-No. 1 created an important record, albeit an embellished one, of a people and culture that was often excluded from written histories.
Here, we show the covers of the 2nd and 9th books in A-No. 1's writings on hobos, as well as the back cover and back endpaper of book 9. Note how the endpaper claims that hobo life is a "horrible existence;" towards the end of his life, A-No. 1 spoke against going on "the Road" after his negative experiences. This is perhaps why the back of Mother Delcassee features William Tyler Page's "The American Creed." Transcripts are below the read more.
If you're interested in reading more about hobos and hobo life, check out these other books in our collection:
Around the Jungle Fire I: A Collection of Original Hobo Poetry (1994) by Oats
Beggars of Life (1924) by Jim Tully
Boxcar Bertha: An Autobiography (1988) as told to Ben L. Reitman
Hard Travellin': The Hobo and His History (1967) by Kenneth Allsop
The Hobo: The Sociology of the Homeless Man: A Study Prepared for the Chicago Council of Social Agencies (1961) by Nels Anderson
Tales of an American Hobo (1989) by Charles Elmer Fox
The Browne Popular Culture Library (BPCL), founded in 1969, is the most comprehensive archive of its kind in the United States.  Our focus and mission is to acquire and preserve research materials on American Popular Culture (post 1876) for curricular and research use. Visit our website at https://www.bgsu.edu/library/pcl.html.
Transcript to the back page of Mother Delcassee:
The American Creed "I believe in the United States of America as a government of the people, by the people, for the people; whose just powers are derived from the consent of the governed; a democracy in a republic; a sovereign nation of many sovereign states; a perfect union, one and inseparable, established upon those principles of freedom, equality, justice and humanity for which American patriots sacrificed their lives and fortunes. I therefore believe it is my duty to my country to love it, to support its constitution, to obey its laws, to respect its flag and to defend it against all enemies." -- William Tyler Page
Transcript of the endpaper of Mother Delcassee:
A List of the Books On Tramp Life Written by ->A-No 1<- The Tramp Author The First Book Life and Adventures of A-No. 1 The Second Book Hobo-Camp-Fire-Tales The Third Book The Curse of Tramp Life The Fourth Book The Trail of the Tramp The Fifth Book The Adventures of a Female Tramp The Sixth Book The Ways of the Hobo The Seventh Book The Snare of the Road The Eighth Book From Coast to Coast with Jack London The Ninth Book Mother Delcassee of the Hoboes Each title deals with a different phase of the horrible existence that is nowadays voluntarily led by more than three hundred thousand chronic hoboes, so that everybody, especially restless youths will find the contents of each volume an everlasting warning against the road. The Author has carefully avoided the least mention of anything that would be unfit reading for ladies or children. A complete set of these moral and entertaining Books should be in every home.
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doctorhouse5343 · 2 months
Dream : *about to charge at the newcomer*
Hobo Heart, who was raised for illegal cow fighting, gaining the moniker 'Cupid' because he always aimed for the heart when he'd charge : *stares while eating peacefully*
Hob : *holds his mate back*
Johanna : *questioning life choices*
Cow! Boy trio, coming to you all soon (The first chapter is being written, yay!! *sparkles and glitter*)
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urbs-in-horto · 9 months
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From Wikipedia "Washington Square Park has been the geographic center of Chicago public speeches. By the 1890s the park acquired its Bughouse Square moniker. Soapbox orators waxed on topics ranging from gender relations to Communism. It served as a home for soapbox orators on warm-weather evenings from the 1910s to the mid-1960s. Like Speakers' Corner in London's Hyde Park, Washington Square became a popular spot for soap box orators. Artists, writers, political radicals, and hobos pontificated, lectured, recited poetry, ranted, and raved. A group of regulars formed "The Dill Pickle Club," devoted to free expression. For years Washington Square orators appointed their own honorary "king." In its heyday in the 1920s and 1930s, revolutionary left soapboxers were occasionally joined by poets, religionists, and cranks. In 1959, the city transferred Washington Square to the Chicago Park District. In 1964, Life featured an article saying that it was a meeting place for cottaging among homosexuals. Six years later, it played host to Chicago's first Gay Pride March."
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Fire Emblem: Three Houses and my Thoughts on the Black Eagles run
At the time of this writing, I've finished, in this order: Black Eagles, Ashen Wolves, Golden Deer, and Blue Lions. So, general thoughts first and then I'll break down each House and what I thought of their routes. All routes were done with Female Byleth. Spoilers ahead, so be forewarned. This part will be about the Black Eagles and my general thoughts.
I love this game. It is such a blast to play through and it's nice actually playing a teacher that has to help their student to get better while also having that slice of life stuff I just love a lot. Please give me more slice-of-life stuff like this in video games. Gameplay is fun, the story is great, and I do not regret buying a Switch for this and Shin Megami Tensei V. I always say that it's ethical to pirate from Nintendo, but given that I was really curious about it, I'll make an exception for my usual "Do Not Buy" policy when it comes to Nintendo.
Now, onto the Houses.
Black Eagles
The Black Eagles are, without a doubt, some of my favorite party members from start to finish and, due to me not hearing much of anything from the fandom about this route beyond "I am Ferdinand von Aegir", I thought it appropriate to pick this route first.
Man, that was one adventure I was not expecting at all!
So, the main goal of the Black Eagles can be summarized like this: A bunch of folks that believe in a meritocracy decide to team up with some evil edgelords to take out the Catholic Church and personally murder their immortal pope, who just happens to be the one the Catholic Church is named after, and can also turn into a giant dragon to wreck shit up. After taking out the Catholic Church, they then backstab the evil edgelords over time. That's pretty much what's happening in the Black Eagles route. I, for one, love this.
Edelgard is one of my favorites and I adore her goals and motivations as to why she is doing this. Taking down the Church is always a worthwhile goal and, while I do like Seteth and Flayn, I'm not fond of Catherine (who is OK with doing really fucked up shit) and Rhea (who just happens to be OK with murder without trials). Is it any wonder that at the route split, I sided with Edelgard and not the Church? Also, a minor tidbit, but the reason why she donned the moniker the Flame Emperor is one that actually flew over my head hard. I thought she named herself that because she wanted to burn the Church down. Turns out, she has the Crest of Flames along with the Crest of Seiros and that's why she's the Flame Emperor. Yeah, that flew over my head. Talk about an obvious miss there. Was clearly having 20/20 Bimbo Perception that day.
Hubert is a goth murder hobo done right. Unlike Dimitri (and we will get to him when I get to writing about the Blue Lions), his murderous tendencies are controlled. There's a purpose for why he does the heavy killing load for Edelgard. He is so loyal to her that he killed his own father for betraying her. That is how loyal he is to her. I loved his character and, unlike another Robbie Daymond-voiced murder hobo, I get where he's coming from. He's also relatively useful in combat and I do dig him as my black magic user for sure.
Linhardt is the healer of the group and I loved him the second with his quick intro: "Lindhardt. Goodbye". Quick, efficient, and shows exactly the kind of character he is. He's the one I relate to the most in the Black Eagles route: I too want nothing more to do than to sleep, shirk off hard work, and study all the time. He was an instant recruit from me when I played the other runs, if only because I didn't want to kill him.
Petra is my main swordswoman and I generally love her story arc, with her being technically a prisoner from her homeland of Brigid. She's sweet but tough and I do like how she tries to learn the culture in Fodlan. She also was a recruit in my Golden Deer and Blue Lions runs, but sadly, she was just mainly recruited, not exactly used often due to the presence of Felix and Yuri.
Bernadetta, my adorable sweetheart! A lot of folks would find her fear of everything annoying, but the second I found out why, I was like, "OK, you are officially under my protection. Where is your fuckhead father so that I can bury his ass six feet under?" I am so disappointed that we do not even get even an iota of a chance to beat his ass in (or at least have Hubert mention killing him). In short, one of the best archers you can have, and while she was recruited in Golden Deer, I actually didn't recruit her in Blue Lions. Well. Fuck.
Caspar is fun. I like him. He's impulsive, brash, and just the fun of the Black Eagles. And a decent brawler too. A shame that he's actually sidelined in both my Golden Deer and Blue Lions runs due to Balthus (in the other three runs) and Raphael (in the Golden Deer run).
Dorothea was my Gremory (when I reached that class) by the end of the game and while she's a decent mage, she does get outclassed by both Hubert and Linhardt in my Black Eagles run. I do love her interactions with everybody, so that was fun. Definitely worth having, if only so that you don't separate her from Manuela.
I figured to add Jeritza here as he's exclusive to the Black Eagles, Crimson Flower route: He's OP as fuck. That man can take a hit and keep going. Also, another murder hobo, and given the reason why he went murder hobo, I can only say this: He was doing the Goddess Sothis' work on taking out his father and the rest of the Bartels out. I do not feel sorry for Baron Bartels for thinking he can even try... *that*. Ew. Gross as fuck.
And I saved the man, the meme himself, for last: Ferdinand von Aegir. He is not just a meme, he's an awesome character and by far, my favorite himbo in all of Fodlan. He was my Dancer in this run and may I say that he looked amazing in his Dancer outfit. Not to mention that I just loved how he interacted with everyone. Billy Kametz's performance as him is nothing short of excellent. Fun fact, I actually listened to his duet with Robbie Daymond in a "This is totally not Hubert and Ferdinand we're singing as *wink*" song and I did not get the context of it at first until I played the game. Now afterward, I get the context. And I aimed for that Hubert x Ferdinand ending because I like how they contrast each other. He also was an instant recruit and while he didn't get used as much in Golden Deer or Blue Lions, he's still a favorite and I did not want to fight against him.
In short, Black Eagles are 10/10, would play this route again, and will always side with Edelgard. Down with Megalomaniacal Dragon Gods. Will get to writing about the other routes soon.
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regioonlineofficial · 3 months
STRAAT Museum in Amsterdam presenteert een grensverleggende groepstentoonstelling met Hobo Moniker-kunstwerken. Deze tentoonstelling is gecureerd door Moniker Art met ondersteuning van de Moniker Foundation (Londen) en het Massillon Museum (Ohio). De tentoonstelling zet iconische kunstenaars uit de moniker-traditie als buZ Blurr, Bill Daniel en andere visionaire makers in de schijnwerpers. Moniker: An Origin Story Moniker: An Origin Story is een tentoonstelling die de geschiedenis en invloed van Hobo Monikers op street art en graffiti-cultuur uiteenzet. Grensverleggende kunstenaars buZ Blurr en Bill Daniel staan centraal met origineel werk en iconische foto's. Ook worden er 37 stalen boxcar-panelen getoond uit de collectie van het Massillon Museum, met unieke moniker-kunstwerken van andere kunstenaars binnen de traditie. Collosus Of Roads walking away door Scot Phillips - Beeld: Streetartmuseum N.D.S.M. B.V. Opening in STRAAT Museum De grote opening van de tentoonstelling staat gepland voor zaterdag 9 maart 2024, 18.00 - 21.00 uur. De tentoonstelling is geopend voor bezoekers vanaf zondag 10 maart tot en met zondag 28 april 2024, en kan worden bezocht met een regulier toegangsticket voor het museum. STRAA Museum zal ook een onderdeel van de tentoonstelling tonen in de grote hal van het museum, waar een kolossale Bill Daniel-foto van buZ Blurr wordt toegevoegd aan de permanente collectie.
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thelowlandbench · 1 month
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karlstad · 4 months
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originalchicago · 1 year
bughouse [buhg-hous]
noun, (slang)
an insane asylum.
"Bughouse Square" didn't start out as a gathering place for "kooks". It was a cow path with a well that farmers used to water cattle. Now its a cool little piece of serenity not too far from busy Michigan ave and Rush street.
In 1842 , the owners of the three acre parcel donated it for use as a park. Located across Walton Street from Newberry Library at 901 N. Clark Street in the Near North Side of Chicago.
They stipulated that it be called Washington Square Park, one of four present day Chicago parks that use the surname Washington. (the others being Washington Park, Harold Washington Park, and Dinah Washington Park) It is Chicago's oldest existing small park (renovated a few times) and a registered historic landmark.
By the 1890's, it had bisecting diagonal walks, limestone coping, picket fencing, and a Victorian fountain in the center. Perfect for "soapboxing", a flamboyant art form used metaphorically today but in the 1890's, public oration required an actual wooden box to stand on. It was around this time that it became known as "Bughouse Square".
A good soapboxer was quick on his feet as well as with his wit, to escape angry crowds and put down hecklers as they often gave provocative speeches on religious or political themes.
A speaker named One-Armed Cholly Wendorf would raise the stub of his right arm and declare "You know where the rest of this is? Somewhere in France. Somewhere in a trench. … Cholly Wendorf's arm is enrichin' the soil that grows the grapes that bring you the best Cognac money can buy."
A good soapboxer after all, also knew how to get the crowd on his side.
Speakers with moniker's like “Cosmic Kid,” Ben “the clap doctor” Reitman, the Sheridan twins (Jack and Jimmy) came to soapbox but people such as Carl Sandburg, Upton Sinclair, Edgar Lee Masters, Clarence Darrow, Emma Goldman, Lucy Parsons and Theodore Dreiser also spoke there.
It was known as a center for free speech, rivaling such oratory landmarks like Hyde Park in London. Artists, writers, radicals, and hobos pontificated, lectured, recited poetry, ranted, and raved much like they do on Facebook today, then they would go to the Dil Pickle. A bohemian club owned by Wobbly John "Jack" Jones, about a block away where they would listen to jazz, recite poetry, rant and rave some more and maybe put on a play while imbibing a drink or two. The club had an orange alley door and a sign that read “DANGER” and two arrows pointing to the club’s entrance with the warning “Step High, Stoop Low, Leave Your Dignity Outside.” It closed in 1933.
"Bughouse Square" had its heyday between the 1920's until the mid 60's.
It had been a major tourist attraction starting in the 20's with thousands of people coming by the busload.
Nowadays, the Newberry Library hosts the "Bughouse Square" debates in July, a celebration of First Amendment rights. They encourage speakers and hecklers alike to join in and speak their mind about issues of the day. They also do reenactment speeches by famous Chicagoans as well and have open mic poetry, music and food.
There is also a memorial tablet which declares the park as "Chicago's Premier Free Speech Forum."
Bring a thick skin.
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schoolartsproj · 1 year
Late January 2023
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There is a train track that goes through Austin that moves freight and Amtrack trains through the city. It is one of my favorite parts of Austin, and I contribute it with some of my earliest memories of my parents driving me up Mopac, and them pointing out the train dividing the two flows of traffic. The train goes over LadyBird and is super cool to see from Butler Park or the bridge connecting North and South Lamar. A train runs through Austin at least four times a day, not counting Amtrack, and can take a full six minutes to see pass from the locomotive (front of the train) to the caboose. The sides of the freight cars are usually covered in graffiti from all over the United States. Sometimes you'll see some really impressive and large work that takes up a whole car and turns the train into a very fast art show.
The tracks make their way down Mopac and eventually into a neighborhood called Allandale before shooting North out of Austin and into flat, flat North Texas. On occasion, the train will stop in Allandale for some sort of maintenance check I assume, and if you're lucky enough to catch it static, you can walk along it and admire the engineering or look at all the art on each car.
I love looking at the art because all of it comes from people from random places across the U.S. My favorite is when I find graffiti from freighthoppers. They usually have some little quote or message to go along with their tag or character that is always entertaining to read. It's really fun to imagine these modern-day "hobos" and "bums" hopping on these giant trains and sleeping on them, hiding from railyard bulls*, cruising through mountains and deserts, and living like a character in some of my favorite Kerouac books.
Ever since my grandpa first told me about his dad hopping on freight trains at age 13 and tramping to Colorado to work at a restaurant on the side of a mountain or whipping through the Chihuahuan Desert of West Texas, it's been a dream of mine to freight hop somewhere West I haven't been and go on some impressive escapade that I can tell my future children and grandchildren about. Although I have been dissuaded by my mom with either an anxious and worrisome expression or an immediate "NO!" every time I mention my hollow plan, I hope to someday fulfill that dream.
*Railyard Bull- Security hired by railyard companies to look out for anyone hitching rides on the train. If they find someone they inform the workers at the next stop or railyard and they kick them off and/or call the police. In older times they were infamously known to beat up freighthoppers and be very aggressive.
(Here are a couple of examples of freighthopper vandalism I've found, which are also called monikers)
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skovsgaardbrowning7 · 2 months
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comeupkid415 · 5 years
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freightzeit · 3 years
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