#hob hating shakespeare is my favourite dreamling trope
notallsandmen · 1 year
Reading up on Christopher Marlowe, and found out that he died at the mere age of 29 under mysterious circumstances: during some kind of brawl, Marlowe was stabbed above the right eye, killing him instantly.
Marlowe was considered the foremost dramatist in London in the years just before his mysterious early death in 1593 (4 years after the Dream’s and Hob’s meeting in 1589), after which Shakespeare succeeded him as the pre-eminent Elizabethan playwright. Are we sure that Dream merely commissioned two plays from Shaxberd and not just, you know, asked the Corinthian to shiv his strongest competitor? 😂
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gabessquishytum · 1 year
for the ask game: f, i (lol. lmao,), m, s, and for my own evil purposes, w
Omg hiiii 🥰🥰
f: share a snippet from one of your favourite dialogue scenes you've written and explain why you're proud of it
“You imagine what it would be like to be my first. You wish to corrupt me. And I must say, I find the idea… intoxicating.”
Hob, shaking slightly from either arousal or embarrassment, sets his hands on Dream’s bony hips. He pulls back an inch or two. “You don’t have to do such a thing for me, dear heart. I love you as you are.”
“And you will love me like this. I demand it.” Dream pierces him with a look, hot and icy, and presses his thumb back in between Hob’s lips as if to silence him. “I would have you take care of me, as you care for your protégés.”
I like this one from 'so let me teach ya' because I feel like it carried the scene forward and conveyed a good combination of desire and emotion. It was important to me for this fic to be a love story as well as a sexy one and I feel like this dialogue helped with that!
i: do you have a guilty pleasure in fic?
You already know I'm a horny little bitch lol. I have too many guilty pleasures. I really like dirty talk and teasing in fics, especially a bit of humiliation or slut shaming. I feel like dialogue in a smut scene is so important! I also love body worship of any kind, particularly if it involves a bit of mean dirty talk at the same time.
m: Got any premises on the back burner that you'd care to share?
Yesss, absolutely. There's the next Size Kink Series fic which is going to involve throne sex and a lot of, uh. Cleaning up. I haven’t started it yet, but I'm excited. I also want to gear myself up into writing a longer fic where Dream and Hob take a road trip around Britain and ~discover their feelings~ along the way.
s: Any fandom tropes you can't resist?
I love fics that are AUs of books or movies. Like I ALMOST started writing a dreamling Sleepless in Seattle au fic before I realised that I would probably never finish it. More specifically for the sandman fandom, I love the Hob Hates Shakespeare thing. Cracks me up every time.
w: do you like more general prompts, or more specific ones?
I love love love any kind of prompt, but particularly the very specific ones where it becomes like a collab between me and the prompter. I love knowing other people's specific thoughts or desires for the characters because it helps me write better stuff! I love it when somebody pops into my inbox and just gives me the most amazing, dirty, delicious prompt imaginable. It warms my heart!
Thank you SO much for asking, my sweet sweet anon <3 today has been rough and I needed the pleasant distraction of your questions!
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