#hmmmm i think smthn to tack onto the vis nov point tho is that theres plenty of rpg makers that can fit into that niche
odysseys-blood · 1 year
🔥 video games (bonus challenge: just stating dislike of a popular series is banned, we gotta get SPECIFIC in this house tell me what you're opinion is on a series you like, something you think is unpopular)
hmmm i dont think i have any super unpopular opinions abt video games? i'll give u a three part ramble response tho on three different fronts:
most of my dislikes is just personal (like i dont get how ppl are really into stardew it just seems like smthn thatd get boring to me super quickly i hate games that really need a routine and if ur looking at it from the bachelor/bachelorette side also it seems. lackluster theyre all boring basic milquetoast white ppl except for like 2 characters) (or me not liking shooters or team games in general mainly bc im bad at aiming but i feel like ppl playig those games tend to be too high strung and a lil annoying which makes me more anxious/a worse aim)
idk if this one is unpopular either but i dont get the whole clover/alice ship for vlr. like are they close? yeah anyone could see that but i dont think theres any romance to it. i think alice is in a position where shes got too much heart for her job though. having clover do such high stakes missions where shes in danger a lot probably takes agood toll on her but i think thats from the position of her not wanting anyone else and their families to have to go through the struggle she had to with her father and she knows clover has been through the game before and that she has her brother to think about. i also think clover just does admire alice and see her as a companion but more like a mentor than a romantic partner yknow? i mean also ppl can just ship what they want it doesnt have to have a long drawn out reason but to me its just like w/e.
one i KNOW i get teased at a bit for is liking visual novels over other types of game and like. sure w/e im playing a power point we get it. but having the visual with you when engaging with a story makes it hit a lot harder! its not like a show or a movie where you just watch it unfold and cant take it at your own pace vis novels put you in the drivers seat and allow you to experience the story while it unfolds! it lets you make choices and see where you end up! ill even include dating sims in this bc trust me i know theres a ton of lackluster bottom-of-the-barrel sims but i think u have to play a few of those to really appreciate how hard a good one can hit you
Send me a “ 🔥 “ for an unpopular opinion. Bonus points if you include a topic. ( IE. shipping, roleplaying, ect. )
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