#his sexually traumatized ass just like me fr fr
eggrolls-and-fandoms · 9 months
I miss having sex but at least I don’t wanna die anymore is SO Dick Grayson coded it’s insane
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starofhisheart · 8 months
MAJOR SPOILERS FOR OFMD S2 EP6-7 under the cut
Ok, that was A LOT. I have so many feelings but no coherence so i'm gonna do this bullet point form but def not in order, just in order of me remembering wtf happened lol
-IZZY AND WEE JOHN IN DRAG!!!!! Wee John looked STUNNING with that Divine-esque appearance and Izzy had that transmasc drag king kind of thing going on (iykyk) that made me love him even more
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-Izzy singing LA VI EN ROSE took me tf out!!! i'm glad he got to finish it after the *ahem* distractions bc Con's voice is so beautiful I could listen to it forever. We better get it in the album!!! Also someone posted the lyrics translated and i cannot get over the lyrics:
"It's him for me,/And me for him, for life/He told me, he swore to me, for life"
-But not only was he singing the second half had fucking gentlebeard doing the dirty in the next room asdfghjkl which.....was hot, ngl. The passion was electrifying. I'm sorta glad we didnt rlly see it with everything that happened after bc it all kinda left a bad taste in my mouth.
Also Stede Bonnet canonically gets turned on by violence confirmed
Or trauma. Whatever.
-What else happened in ep 6 cause all i can think of is drag and singing and sex-
-oh yeah there was that shortlived sexually-charged torturer who i distinctly recall him being in another scene in the promo so unless that got the cut perhaps he's not dead...?
-Lupete missing all the action cause they were doing the nasty all night lmao so real
-Jim best wingman (gender neutral)
-Stede...Stedey boy, can I call u that? Now i'm gonna say this nicely, but WHAT THE FUCK DUDE? Stede in his white guy w undue confidence era fr. Zheng Yi Sao was so right for what she did truly
-But in all seriousness i feel like this whole thing in ep 7 was such a parallel to s1 but also a very necessary bit of conflict in their journey together that was bound to happen. THey want different things and neither is wrong or right for that. Stede did react poorly tho but like he just had sex w the love of his life, his first man, and Ed the very next day is like "aight i'm out". I'd be pissed too. After killing someone which we know is a big trigger for him historically.
But Ed also had a valid reaction. He's wanted to retire for a while and stede knows this but it hasn't seemed to have sunk in quite yet. He fears that Stede only sees Blackbeard and...its fair of him to have that impression tbh. These are two messy, traumatized dudes who have never had a real relationship and there's gonna be bumps. I hope we get s3 so we can better explore that like Djenks wants.
-Ok back to the fun stuff:
-Izzy barging in on GB and the docking joke. love his cringefail ass.
-the edizzy apology which was so typical of them. i expected it but bc i'd been building it up in my head all week w twitter pals it felt a bit anticlimactic but thats not the shows fault. it was very much in character and if they're satisfied so am i. i always have fic for more
-stizzy commiserating over losing ed pls thats all i've ever wanted!!!!!
izzy: "when i told him i loved him he-"
stede, like he's heard this story before: "shot u yes"
and the look they gave each other after!!!!! stizzy nation how we feelin?!
-izzy being like "stede no" when he was on his macho bullshit w zheng yi sao (also motivated by trauma bc he just lost ed, he cant lose MORE family!!!). i just like how protective iz seems of stede now.
-izzy''s "you're good for him" CRYING THROWING UP ETCETERA
-ed catching 1 fish and deciding thats his life now. adhd realness fr
-the swede whew is it hot in here or is that just jackie's effect on her husbands?
-jackie and ed actin like old friends. swede highkey shading ed adfghjkl
-anyway im sure there's more but i need to rewatch. there r things i wont go into bc its possible spoilers for the finale (tho its mostly just speculation some is based on bts not everyone may have seen). i am looking forward to and terrified for the show to end next week thats all i'll say
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inkushel29 · 5 months
my opps (in order)
my art skills
dead ends on flash archiving
Pen Frens
my 5:20 alarm clock every weekday morning
femboys & traps (sorry some of y'all are weird)
twinks (except Orderly)
people who spam my messages with videos (except one mutual because I'm chill w/ them)
getting started on a drawing
bara (male muscle proportions exceeded to inhuman and horrifying standards)
the NSFW art community
Canihavepromo aka Lottie (I hope she gets deplatformed fr)
any problematic interest artist/animator I really don't like
people who perceive lesbians in THAT way (screw y'all)
BL Yaoi Manhwas
proshippers (or comshippers i have no fucking idea)
finding 0 fanart of shit I like (Ballads of Reemus & etc.)
Alphazekko getting cancelled for no reason
my right ear ringing for no reason
MHA fandom
my antisocial ass
my broken bed
scenecore aesthetic and its music
instagram reel comment sections
my autistic ass for making my weirdass posts
Zeebarf for being in the NFT community
down bad mfs in comment sections
tumblr p0rn bots
my goofy ass being scared of showers
Calobi Productions
Alex Emery's Wizard Hunt part 3 not being made
Queers of War for disappointing and traumatizing me
the anime community in general
myself trying to animate on flash cs6 but failing
Spazkid for drawing underage sonic characters and not finishing Nightmare Cops
my chronically online ass
Ipad kids
skibidi toilet (I still meme it)
my forgetful ass
finding out a person I like is an absolute piece of shit
myself again
vent people (sorry)
cutecore aesthetic
Roblox (i still play it tho)
sketchers united/pop jam kids
shitty clickbait youtube thumbnails
youtube kids
rule 34 content on youtube
content farm videos on youtube
Youtube (i still watch it)
myself again for making this list too goddamn long when it didn't need to be
the Pokemon community
people using the Pixar Mom term in the wrong way (a lot)
having to sleep early because my parents tell me to
people who harass others for no reason
Miguel O'Hara stans
myself for forgetting to start/finish shit (not school related)
my fatass self
BookTok/White woman who are obsessed with dark romance books
bad Webtoons
those AI disney mockup posters
MCYT fandom
Countryhumans fandom
TikTok art community
Twitter art community
almost any art community that's shit
l0lic0ns & sh0tac0ns (PLEASE FUCK OFF.)
this list for being too long
Nitrile & his weirdass tr@p obsession (he collaborated with Shadman and drew Mandy from Billy & Mandy as a femboy in a very suggestive way. And sometimes drew femboys that looked like children. So yeah fuck him.)
Zone for ruining The Modifyers and any cartoon in general (they got away with sexualizing minors so idk how y'all looked past that)
my goofy ass for staying up too late
humanizations of non-human characters being skinny white cis young anime boys
my goofy ass for being unoriginal
my goofy ass for still writing on this dang list
Gross people on Spacehey who ruin everything
FNF fandom (kind of)
FNF creepypasta mods (Sonic.exe)
Twitter/X in general
my little brother when he has a tantrum
night terrors
Astrology girls
people who use their autism/disability for a defense mechanism/excuse for when they get called out for something bad they've done
Stamper again (how tf can you be racist and fetishize WOC at the same time nevertheless you're still racist fuck you)
A Small Favor not getting it's chapter 3/final chapter and the story getting reimagined instead of finished
family vlog channels
people who hurt animals for clout
captioning my youtube videos by myself
editing my videos bc its hard
people doing stupid shit for clout in general
MojoMontebon's character Trixie (I don't like her she scares me)
finding out an artist I like is an absolute piece of shit
people who hate selfship/ oc x canon artists (leave em alone theyre just doing what makes them happy)
Your Boyfriend Game
YBG Fandom
the creator of Your Boyfriend Game
redesign vids where the final redesign is actually shit
false allegations
Apphumans community
Fetish artists
ok I think that's it thanks for reading I added WAY too much on this list.
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histronic-gizmo · 1 year
I made this post a while ago, but I changed my mind about creating reviews for all the episodes. This one is completed so thought I'd share it
S1E1 - Pilot
Got all set up for a marathon tonight! Small bowl of takis, a coke, a caprisun, and lights dimmed. Let's fucking go!
I'm gonna do this by reviewing directly after the pre credit scene then do the rest of my thoughts on the episode afterwards.
OKAY, so, the pilot's opening!! I love this scene. I still remember the first time I watched this episode, it was the first thing I ever saw of Rick and Morty. That's a wild ass introduction to a show lmao. The first thing you hear is *RAPIDLY APPROACHING FOOTSTEPS* and then a drunk old man drags a teen boy out of his bed and into a ship made of garbage, I can't-
The way Morty kicks Rick in the face is so funny too. And Rick just straight up lying and passing out after he grabs his flask? 10/10. My jaw was on the floor the first time I watched it. I had to pause it on the opening titles and lay down and ask myself what I was getting myself into lolol
"Or you were out all night again with Grandpa Rick", IT SOUNDS SEXUAL, WHEN I FIRST HEARD THAT I WAS LIKE "AS IN SLEEPING WITH HIM ALL NIGHT???"
And Rick's quote about sleeping and school? Definitely relate. Not in highschool anymore but it was only 2 years ago and it haunts my nightmares fr plus college is hard af
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"Dammit!" "JERRY" "Beth D:" instantly knew their dynamic with three words
Love the immediate introduction to Rick's cynicism with his "There is no god" comment, this ep really set it all down. Which makes sense, it's what pilots do lol
Morty's "rename them...?" comment is underrated by the way, gets me everytime
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Also, the amount of trauma Frank Palicky smashing to pieces must've caused Summer :skull:
I love the type of humor thats the scene with Morty and Frank. It's a bit cheesy and some media overuses it, but I fucking love it!
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Poor Morty, always getting manhandled by his grandfather. I'm sure he likes it though :smirk:
My heart flutters when Rick saves Morty from, you know, almost getting stabbed. He acts like he did nothing, but I'm sure deep down he got pissed, why else would he just leave the guy frozen? He was maaaaad!!
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He totally bumped into Frank on purpose. Look at him, already being possessive over his 14 year old grandson. GRRRR unstable old men, I love them
Here comes my favorite quote from the entire show:
"Oh man, Rick, I'm looking around and I'm starting to work up some anxiety about this whole thing."
And Rick saying that the way you handle new situations is to charge into them like a bull? Manic episode me fr, also just me generally being reckless
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*shoves morty into the danger*
I adore Rick's mad scientist vibes in this early season 1!! Makes me pleased, I love mad scientist and jaded genius Rick equally fr
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I wonder a lot about Rick going into a "future dimension". He said he was there for a while, when he was there for 30 seconds on the screen. Does time move faster in there or something? Cause otherwise, wouldn't he have come back instantly? Hmmm
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POV: ur grandfather asked you to put too large seed up your ass for him
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The 'airport' scene is AMAZING ofc, we get out very first "Don't think about it!" in the series >:]
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Morty getting traumatized everyday :skull:
Now come on Morty, we have to get those seed out of your ass >:[
Rick is forever albert ein-douche to me, Jerry is an amazing angry father / improviser. I'd kiss him. Wait, am I attracted to Jerry? I think I'm just attracted to all the main characters in this show :skull:
Overall rating:
I rate it only 9 because I've watched it too many times to introduce it to my friends so it's hard for me to watch cus I overused it :pensive:
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Now this is a story all about how my life got flipped turned upside down lol fr okay I met this dude on a site called fetlife at 18 or 19 can’t remember but I was a pro kink sex work pro cringe ass mf who wanted a “dom” and met this guy who wasn’t cheating on his wife and within my age range (5 or 6 years older than me) and like we our first meeting he already crossed a bunch of lines but I was in a terrible home situation so I was desperate for some form of human interaction outside of it. He would do stuff that I wasn’t comfortable with and I remember telling him to stop one time and he didn’t and joked that “he didn’t hear me” also another time where he came in me and I freaked out but he laughed bc “he already brought plan b” whatever moving on. I guess we only had sex within the first few moments of meeting him I convinced him to get a job and eventually I was ready to leave my shitty home life so he convinced me to move to FL with him. Worst mistake of my life lol.
He was unemployed and the only way we could make money was me stripping which was traumatizing bc fun fact stripping doesn’t just involve you stripping. He found out I was doing more bc I was drunk and confessed (I started drinking heavily when I started this ‘job’ but he started feeding me alcohol before the fact I was 19) but at the same time was mad at me for not doing more bc and I quote “if I was a girl I would take that money and do whatever it’s just a job” so there’s that. I eventually quit bc I was raped and I went without a job for a time which caused tension so I found another shout out to Chili’s. Btw all the money I earned from stripping was a down payment on an apartment so we could move out of his mommas house.
She’s an enigma I won’t get into. Eventually we moved out of FL bc we had no prospects and shit really got bad. I was p much pimped for us to earn a few bucks and he resented me for shit I wouldn’t do so I did what he wanted. I want to add that during my stripping time in Florida I also was a “cam model” and he hated when I decided not to record and would manipulate me into doing so. I was afraid and had no family to turn to sooooo lmao. This continued when I moved back home. I was pimped, we fought a lot and he would fight me on not doing anal or my lack of sexual enthusiasm while making no effort to change. There’s probably a lot more shit I could add but this is off the cuff. So yeah that’s the story of me being married. Btw we only got married under the guise that he would join the military which thank god he didn’t get into.
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