#his name is jun and everyone loves him (even niragi)
bts-story · 1 year
masterlist / previous chapters
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The way to Ninomaru Gardens was not very long. It only took about ten minutes of walking before you came to a small garden full of flowers and bushes of all kinds that colored the ground with the colors of the rainbow. You could have easily marveled at the beauty of the garden if only the fatality of the game didn't weigh so heavily on your shoulders. 
"According to the map, the flag should be located on the bridge that crosses the pond, right there," you pointed toward the path that led to the green, muddy pond that lay before you. 
The pond was large and swampy and indeed, in the middle of the bridge that crossed it, was the opposing team's blue flag, guarded by the old man with the loose hip. You frowned at the sight of the man. If you were them, you certainly wouldn't have put that player there to guard the flag. He was slow, tired and you would never bet on him to hold a fist fight. 
"Okay, let's go over the plan one more time. Jun, you're going to step in front of the old man to draw him away from the flag," at the call of his name, the man stared you straight in the eye, his head nodding up and down to support his understanding. "Me, I'll sneak up to the flag and Ann will stay back to cover us if needed. Is that clear to everyone?" 
Shyly, the man raised his hand in the air, like a student asking permission to speak in the classroom. "Uh...once the gentleman is far enough away from the flag, I... what do I do?" 
"You keep him at a distance," Ann explained, simply. 
"Yes, but... how?" 
"I don't know, be creative. Your only job is to get him away from the flag. The rest, you figure out on your own." It was a firm and perhaps a bit aggressive answer, but time was running out and not a second should be wasted. 
"The red team's flag has been stolen. The advantage goes to the blue team." 
"What?!" It was hard for the thirty-year-old to keep the surprise from his mouth and you exclaimed aggressively, demanding silence instantly. 
Firmly gripping one of the hunting knives in her hand, Ann called back to order, "This doesn't change the plan. Stay focused." It was hard enough for you not to think too much about why the flag had just been stolen. You were just as surprised and somehow a little bit annoyed too. You wondered what the reasons were that Niragi and Chishiya had not been able to defend your base. 
If the blue-haired girl had stayed at the bridge, the one with the braid had gone to your prison and the old man was there, in front of you, then it meant that the foreigner and the bearded sportsman were the ones who had gone to break into your camp. So it was a two-on-two fight, and you knew that Chishiya was not a very athletic guy but he was stealthy enough to defend himself. As for Niragi, he would have given anything to avoid this catastrophe, even if it meant hurting one of the opposing players if necessary.
"Ann is right, we must act quickly. They still have to return to their base, the game is not over." you added before rising from the foliage and leaving in the direction of the other side of the bank. You could hear Ann whisper a word of support to the man as he took courage before stepping forward and out of the shadows. 
You didn't have a chance to see how this part of the plan was going, you had to get to the other entrance of the bridge quickly. And when you got to the other side, you pursed your lips as you saw your teammate trying to draw the old man away from the flag. You were too far away to hear what he was saying, but it seemed to work. The man struggled to keep up with the young man and you were amazed at how easily he abandoned his post. 
Once you judged that the man was far enough away, you dashed across the dock, the sound of your shoes crashing heavily on the pond-wet wood. The blue flag was in your hands, and as you pulled the stick out, you saw the blue-haired girl take her place at the entrance to the bridge, from where you had passed seconds earlier. 
"The blue team's flag has been stolen. The teams are tied." 
The teenager had her arms crossed over her chest, with a smug, satisfied look on the end of her face. You wondered if this was part of their strategy, if her position on the first bridge had been a deliberate choice, as if you absolutely had to see her before you could move on. It was smart, if you knew she was there, you wouldn't wait for her here. 
The other side of the bridge was still crowded with the old man and Jun who was trying to draw the old man further away. But he was not fooled, apparently, and going back little by little, it turned out that you were finally trapped. There was no way out, and Ann wasn't coming out of the bushes. What the hell was she doing? 
Now was the time to come out of hiding. This was now the 'case of need', why wasn't she coming? 
The blue-haired girl was moving dangerously close with every step she took, and the only way to escape her was to jump into the water. So stepping over the wooden railing, you secured the flag in your hands before diving into the pool of green foam. The water was just as cold as the river, just as dirty and just as disgusting. Still, you tried to swim as fast as you could as the teenager leaned over the railing as if superpowers could help her bring you back. 
You were so focused on your swim that you didn't see the shocked look on her face, as if the choice of jumping into the water was far more dangerous than facing her. But she didn't jump into the water, she didn't do anything to catch you as a smile began to form on her face. 
There were ripples in the water that were not due to the breaststroke movements you were making to get out of the algae that littered the surface of the pond. It didn't take long to notice this little detail, and as you continued to swim back to shore, you sensed that something was wrong. Like... you weren't alone in the water. 
It wasn't another player, no, it was more like... 
Two bright eyes staring at you curiously. Right there, at the edge of the water, exactly where you were heading, there was a cracked skin so green that it blended perfectly with all the surrounding mud. The gaping mouth of a crocodile opened wide to show its teeth and closed so fast that you could hear the water crunch under its steel jaw. 
These were crocodile-infested waters.
Turning back, the adrenaline that coursed through every vessel in your body echoed in your ears. Your heart was beating so hard against your rib cage that it was suddenly almost impossible to breathe. The pond was vast and reaching another shore seemed impossible if there were other crocodiles in the way. 
The flag was still in your hands, which disturbed your swim. The crocodile came after you, its paws used to swim in these waters. He was closing in so fast that you could feel his sharp fangs digging into your flesh before it even happened. You would wait for the pain of its jaw to tighten around one of your legs at any moment until... 
Bang! Bang! 
Bang! Bang Bang!
Shots rang out and crashed into the water and then onto the animal's body, the beast's blood quickly spread into the water. The animal moaned in pain, still eager to tear up its next fresh meal. Another shot, one more, and at last Ann had her hands held out in front of her, a single handgun in her grip as she aimed at the crocodile with remarkable accuracy. 
"Get out of the water, hurry!" She shouted from the water's edge, and behind her, the blue-haired girl was closing in just as quickly, hasty in her attempt to neutralize her by capturing her. But Ann turned quickly and pointing her gun at the young teenager, she fired. 
The girl sprawled against the ground, screaming in pain as the bullet pierced through her thigh. 
"Quick, we need to get back to base camp!" Ann shouted as she helped you out of the water, grabbing your arm to pull you up. Her eyebrow was cracked, blood was running down her temple, and her lower lip was swollen where it had surely been hit. Blood had been wiped from around her nose and her previously white shirt was now draped with mud and seaweed. 
You didn't have time to thank her or even ask her where she'd been and what had happened to her, you ran in the opposite direction, the blue flag still in your hands. Knowing where she got the gun wasn't your priority either, the only thing that mattered was that you were still alive and that you had to do everything to keep it that way. 
Your denim pants were sticking to your skin, and your t-shirt deserved a good spin, but you had to hurry before the other team came back. 
You no longer cared about the fifth man on your team, leaving him where he was, alone on the other side. It was up to him to take his legs and run away (and he was facing an old man, he should be fine in logic), and in any case, that was the least of your worries, at that point. 
Arriving at the bridge that crossed the river, the way was clear, you now had to enter the forest again that separated you from your base camp. Through the trees, a race against time had now begun. 
In the distance, the silhouette of a man with your red flag in his hands could be seen in the shadows of the foliage, followed by Niragi who was running frantically behind him trying to catch up. He easily stepped over roots and obstacles in his path, his eyes focused on the bearded man in front of him. 
Coming to a halt in front of the scene, Ann cocked her weapon and with a determined look on her face, she exclaimed, "Go ahead, I'll take care of him!" 
She took off in pursuit of the other man and you headed back west, toward the impartial residence.
"Jun Masahashi, you have been captured. Please turn yourself in to the blue prison." 
You had to ignore this new information and focus on the obstacles that were obstructing the fluidity of your run. Air was barely getting into your lungs, cardio had never been your strong suit even with the hours of training you did each week. It was one thing to stay in shape, another to push yourself every day to aim higher. 
Another silhouette could be seen through the branches that the sun did not light well. You wondered if it was Chishiya who was dragging his feet, slowed down by his underused athletic abilities. Only, as you walked more and more meters, the build grew and grew and finally, you slowed down your pace until it was too late. 
Your eyes widened. The blood pressure coursing through your veins seemed to increase, enough to cause a pounding pulse in your neck. Suddenly, you couldn't hear a sound, and only the deafening sound of your own breathing blurred your ears. 
Majestic and imposing, stood a brown bear at least three meters tall. Right there, a few meters away from you, he was holding up the lifeless body of the man with the dark skin, torn to pieces. The animal's bloody maw looked at you curiously as it launched a fierce claw into the inert flesh of its victim. 
"Don't move." Niragi's calm voice echoed behind you as every muscle in your body froze. You didn't know when he'd turned back, you didn't know why he was there instead of stopping the other jerk with the red flag or why there was a fucking bear in the forest or even a crocodile in the pond.
As far as you knew, the palace gardens were not a zoo and there was absolutely no reason for wild animals to roam the imperial gardens. 
However, there was a crocodile in the pond and a ten-foot brown bear right in front of you. 
A branch snapped somewhere behind you and the bear roared groggily, or perhaps it was the deafening sound of its victim's bones cracking under the firm weight of its animal grip. "Back away slowly." Niragi ordered in a soft voice, as if the sound of his voice might launch the bear after you at any moment. 
You had to get that damn blue flag into your base camp enclosure at all costs or it would be game over for your team. However, the threat of the bear that was still savoring its fresh meal with ferocity created the possibility of not even having the chance to win this hellish game at all. 
Lifting one foot, you balanced for a few seconds before putting it down behind you, turning back. The mud on your wet shoes creaked in the wind as you took another step backwards, just as quickly and gently. 
One more step, and a hand encircled yours, Niragi's warm, fearless skin contrasted with yours, frozen from the water, and feverish from the fear that filled you.
Breathing in, breathing out very slowly to try to calm the frenzy of your heartbeat, a pressure built up around your hand and Niragi whispered, "He's hurt, see?" Indeed, now that you were looking at the bear's body and not his jaw, you noticed that there was a lot of blood mingling in his brown fur, in the middle of his thigh and on the side of his hips. Was it wounds that the opposing players had inflicted on him during their encounter, or was it a previous fight that had mutilated him like this? It was impossible to know, but what was certain was that if he ever came after you, it would slow him down greatly. "Take a good look at him. As soon as he turns his gaze to his food, we run. Got it?" 
You nodded.
Inhale. Exhale. 
Staring. The heart that resounds. 
Bang! Bang Bang! Bang! 
The deafening sound of gunfire pierced the forest air, and the bear roared fiercely at the disturbance. His eyes fell on your two figures, his gaze hungry with the worry of being robbed of his meal. The bear's mouth opened and then closed, as it charged in your direction. 
"Fuck, run!" 
Your hands separated and your feet began to run. You didn't know by what miracle this had happened, but the good news was that you were running as far as your legs would allow. With your body still soaked and your clothes sticking to your skin, it made running much more difficult. 
The soles of your shoes were sinking and sticking in the mud, the water dripping from your shirt was trickling down your back and several strands of hair were whipping tenaciously across your forehead. 
You had to make a left, then a right, dodge a branch, don't stumble on the root straight ahead. To lower yourself under a huge branch, to run, always to run, to slip, no, to catch up just barely. Still running, still breathing, still straight. The flag, Niragi, the bear, the shots. The crocodile? No, a branch, a root, a crushed tree. A fox? A boar. 
The sound of the animal's shattering footsteps behind you. The silhouette of Niragi a few meters to your left. Running, running, running. 
"Kento Kiochi, you have been captured. Please surrender to the red prison."
The animal was getting dangerously close, and you were definitely not going to get a second's peace in this world of savages. There were no branches, roots or leaves blocking your path, but somehow you plunged headfirst into the muddy forest floor. Your forearms snapped open at the impact, and the side of your head slammed against the rocks that littered the ground, the flag slipping from your fingers. 
You could taste blood in your mouth, and the wild animal that suddenly covered you with all its imposing glory. Its claws were as wide as swords and its mouth was a bag of sharp teeth. The bear was dark, big and tall, with a face like a death mask hanging from a bone. Its eyes were like holes and its lips were dry, thin waterfalls. 
It was hard to focus on a way to escape, as the bear loomed like a storm hovering over your head, casting a shadow over everything else. There was your hunting knife pointing at your thigh, hidden in your pocket. But the beast was roaring fiercely and you knew that it was already too late, that the small weapon would do little to counter the danger of your opponent. 
A stone crashed into the side of the animal's mouth, and it roared at the shock it received. A second stone, then a third and Niragi was a few meters away, throwing and hurling everything he could find around him. Offering a warning with its paws, the bear almost forgot about the figure at its feet as it charged at whatever was attacking it. 
"That's it, come here Winnie the Pooh. Come here, little one," Seeing that the animal was finally coming after him as it tripped over his bloody thigh, Niragi started running with all his strength.  
The shadow of the beast gave way to the sun sneaking through the foliage of the trees, and it took a second to catch your breath. 
Niragi was insane. He was totally reckless to attract the beast like that, he had no more chance than you to escape it. And you could never forgive yourself if anything happened to him. So, getting up with difficulty because of your trembling legs, you went after them, grabbing the blue flag that was on the ground. 
There was the bridge ahead, the one the blue-haired girl was supposed to be guarding. There was no one in sight, of course, and Niragi ran the few yards of the structure, while the bear was still roaring ferociously behind him. It had been slowed down by its wounds, and thank God, that had probably saved Niragi's life. With its long legs and its imposing size, it would surely have made only one mouthful of him if it had been in shape. 
You didn't have to think about what to do next, that's why you jumped over the rock, a few meters away from the bear and dived into the cold water. It was quite foolish if there were also crocodiles in the river that you had not seen the first time, but it was either the crocs or the bear. The choice wasn't easy, but you still had to get across that damn bridge.
There were no crocodiles in sight and as you walked the few yards to the other side, Niragi was waiting for you at the water's edge, his feet covered by the ricochets. He put a hand around your hip, pulling you more easily to the edge. 
"Wait, wait," Niragi shouted to call out to you, and though the thought that Niragi might be hurt for any reason crossed your mind, you came to a halt so quickly that you almost lost your balance. 
He was short of breath, his shirt sticking to his chest with sweat from the run and the still unbearable sun beating down on his body. But he didn't seem hurt, and as he caught his breath, he pointed across the bridge at the bear. Frowning in fear that the beast would catch you, your gaze went to the animal standing on the other side of the bank. 
It had stopped short of the bridge, its front paws trying to grab whatever was out of its reach. Roaring, growling, it was as if crossing the bridge was impossible for him. A fear of bridges? Not likely. Abandonment? Even less likely. Prohibition from crossing the structure? Maybe, but by whom? 
A few meters behind the monster, you could make out through the branches of the forest, another bear, barely smaller, joining the animal's side. The two wild beasts roared one last time, circling to find a way through, and abandoning their post, they both returned to the forest, until they disappeared into the shadows. "Are you alright?" Niragi mumbled as his breath returned to a more normal rhythm, looking worried as he asked the question.
But you didn't take the time to answer clearly, as you resumed running, soaked again. "Come on, we have to go!" You wanted to hug Niragi, to tell him that yes, everything was fine even if you were completely shaken, disturbed by everything that had just happened. You wanted to make sure that he himself was not hurt and that he was unharmed, but it was impossible to waste a single second more. 
This part of the forest was much thicker and more difficult to walk through than Ninomaru Gardens. There was always the risk of running into another wild animal along the way, but the pressure this inflicted should not cloud your determination to set that flag on your base. 
You were out of breath and your hair was blowing in the wind, a stitch in your side, but you had to run, run, run. 
Your hair was blowing in the wind, a stitch in your side, but you had to run, run, run. 
The race seemed endless, and it was a mystery why the other team hadn't yet managed to plant your flag in their own base camp. Ann must have been giving them hell, you could only count on her to keep them from getting their way. 
There were snakes in the forest, hellish vipers silently crisscrossing the ground, spiders hanging from branches in search of food, menacing wolves wandering through the trees. The ground was spinning, the wind was chirping. 
There, right there, your base camp. The imperial palace stood proudly under the sun, and for the moment, no danger was apparent. All that was left to do was to snap that damn blue flag onto that base. You knew that Jun, the timid and frail man of your team had been sent to prison and that placing the flag on your base would surely cause his death. It was a material damage that you had to incur to survive. You had promised Niragi, 'If we have to sacrifice other people's lives for our survival, promise me you'll do it'. And you did, you promised. 
Congratulations, the game is now over.  Red team, you are the winners of this game.  Blue team, you have failed. 
You closed your eyes, breathing in deeply as the hellish weight on your heart seemed to lift. Niragi's hands encircled your waist, his hands soft as he slipped his fingers under the fabric of your damp shirt. His eyes looked into yours and not waiting a single second longer, he crushed his lips to yours. He could feel the blood still in your mouth from your previous fall, but he didn't care as he licked your lower lip. 
Niragi put pressure on your hips and your feet left the ground for a moment as he held you tightly against his chest. "We did it, princess," he chuckled incredulously at the difficulty of the game. He rested his forehead against yours, breathing in the air from you. It was impossible to let go, you wanted him against you for so long that it would be hard to do anything else. 
He kissed your lips again, one hand caressing your cheek and then, searching for your soul in the middle of your irises, he tucked a wild lock of hair behind your ear. You stood close to him, so close that you could feel the heat of his body. Your heart racing again as your eyes met and held. 
Red team, we will feed your visas for another eight days.  Blue team, game over.  See you soon. 
In the distance, high above the trees, and at several different locations in the forest, a huge red laser streaked across the sky. It oscillated for a few very short seconds before disappearing for good. "What was that?" you asked as your gaze left Niragi's eyes, eyes frozen in the blue sky now devoid of any eccentricity. 
"Game over for the blue team, I guess..." Niragi explained intelligently, and you wondered by what miracle you had managed to overcome the hell that was this game. "It was a fucking game of clubs." Niragi commented, his fingers intertwined with yours. 
Shifting your gaze to face him, a question largely written all over your face. 
"Games of clubs are athletic games and psychology, challenging your abilities. You have to work as a team to mix trust and skills." he continued to explain without admitting how he found out. Perhaps it was a discussion he had with Chishiya while they were guarding the flag, or it could be a personal deduction. Either way, it was a logical explanation. 
Adrenaline continued to fly through your blood vessels as your heart continued to pound your rib cage as if it wanted to escape. Capturing your lips with his again, Niragi slipped his tongue into your mouth, seeking yours easily. 
He wanted to touch every inch of your body, as if that would be enough to prove to him that your victory was real. As if he needed to feel every mole, every different imprint of your skin to understand that you wouldn't escape him. 
Between each breath, he couldn't help but devour your lips with his eyes, his hands gripping your ass with a frightening grip. Your skin heated easily under his touch which was far from being caused by the sunrays. Niragi grabbed the skin of your neck between his teeth which caused a sigh of contentment to come out of your mouth. 
"Baby, we can't... we can't fuck like that on the grass," you mumbled with difficulty. It was indeed a funny idea to do it there, and the thought that the surviving players of your team might come back here to debrief the game was far too great a possibility to risk. You'd had outdoor sex before, in public, risky places that made Niragi completely euphoric. It turned him on to get caught, drunk on the thought of people's eyes as he pounded your body with his hips, your voice shouting, moaning, wailing.
But with the way Niragi kept biting your neck could make you forget the words you had just said, far from you now the questions you were asking yourself  hovering over your head. You didn't care anymore where Chishiya had gone during the game, you didn't care who or what attacked Ann at the opposing base camp. There was only Niragi, Niragi, Niragi. 
Lifting your body off the ground a second time, you wrapped your legs around Niragi's waist, and he moved to a place you didn't care about. If he wanted to do it on the grass, in the forest, on the palace steps, then so be it. All you wanted now was to feel his majestic presence inside you.
The doors of the palace were open, apparently, as the heat of the sun disappeared. There was a huge entrance, with a red and gold carpet covering the floor and the imposing staircase in the middle of the room. Supporting your body with his hands placed on your ass, legs still around his waist, Niragi climbed the steps of the palace without caring about the impressive decoration. 
He entered the first room he found, and it may not have been the emperor's room, but he threw you onto the soft bed, covered with pillows and thick blankets. Niragi ripped off his shirt with a controlled tug, climbing onto the bed to cover you again. There was a darkness in his eyes that promised the desire to devour you. 
He had this hunger, like an animal before its prey, to take one bite out of you. It was a vision comparable to the brown bear devouring the stranger's matted flesh, as he licked his upper lip with appetite. You always felt like a little lamb when he looked at you like that, close to being torn apart by the big bad wolf. 
It was the adrenaline of the game that wouldn't go down, that caused pain with every breath, as if the unbearable lack of Niragi's skin against yours was torture. He paused, admiring your skin as it quivered under his imperious gaze. A smile adored his face, a face you had always thought far too angel-like for the vulgarity with which he was fucking you, once you moaned softly, "Please." 
"What?" he whispered softly and he knew full well the hold he had on you, "Tell me what you need, babygirl."
It was too hard to say it out loud, it was impossible to clearly formulate what you needed except just 'Ravage me, destroy me, fuck me'. Niragi's muscular torso plunged down on you again, even though there was no answer. He caught your lower lip between his teeth, crunching the skin to taste your blood again in his mouth. He ripped your top off so hard that it cracked slightly under the pressure, dipping his head into your chest. Your bra twirled easily and you felt the hot breath of his tongue against your instantly hardening nipple. 
He bit, licked, teased and you moaned again and again. You couldn't care about foreplay, there was no need to build up the tension, you had to feel him inside you and fast. You could die, right here, right now, if he didn't hurry up. "Easy, princess," he mumbled against your breast as he tugged at the waistband of your pants, "don't be so goddamn eager." 
He knew full well the influence he had over your body, he knew every square inch of your skin and how it reacted to his touch. Every word he spoke and the low vibration of his voice against your breast caused your pussy to launch hellish pulses through your pants. But you couldn't take it off, not right away, you knew that. It was always Niragi who had to take it off, he was the one who chose when and how things should happen. 
And the more impatient and helpless you were, the longer he took. His tongue traced a path over the skin of your belly, unbuttoning your pants with unbearable slowness. He came dangerously close to your crotch, pulling on the legs of your pants to make them slide down your legs. He pulled his head back over your panties and with a cheeky grin, as if he could hear your heartbeat echoing in your clit, he reached up to remove his own pants. 
Even before you felt his tongue against your pussy lips, you were already missing the feeling. He tugged at his boxers, revealing his proud, erect cock standing shamelessly against his stomach. The vein that traced the side of his cock pulsed too, and climbing up your body to stand above your head, he pushed his cock deep into your throat. 
Your whole body was trapped under his, the flesh of his cock far too big for your tight throat. The tipemperor's ro bumped hard against the back of your throat as he rocked his hips back and forth, seeking to fuck your mouth sinfully. He threw his head back at the feel of your tongue around him, gripping his own hair fiercely. 
His thighs tightened around your cheeks every time you had a gag reflex, causing the air to flow hard into your lungs. It was a position he loved. This way, trapped under his body, he loved having your mouth take him over. It made him feel not only strong and powerful and in control of your body, like one move of his would be enough to suffocate you, like the very idea of having full control over you excited him more than anything else in the world. 
"Fuck!" he sighed under his breath, one hand finding its way into your hair. 
He applied light pressure to your scalp, insisting that he wanted you to take it even deeper. Niragi was always a bit vocal during your lovemaking, and to your ears, it didn't really sound like a sin in the strictest sense, but more like the song of an angel tainted by the filth and perversion of the most impure of demons. 
"Look at you... you're desperate, aren't you?" he commented, his eyes analyzing every reaction your body made through his pelvic movements. Tears were running down your cheeks, where your mouth was spread so wide it hurt. "You want me to fuck you, is that it? You want me to fuck your pussy so hard you can't walk for days? I know you, baby, I know you're a slut..." 
Niragi was the king when it came to dirty talk. And you weren't in the emperor’s room, soiling his bed, but Niragi deserved his place in those sheets and in those premises if the mere fact that he could say such dirty things were allowed. And it made things worse because it hurt. Every word he said caused your clit to swell in a silent prayer that it be taken care of. Without even being touched, your vaginal lips leaked cum that wet your panties and you dripped.  
You couldn't talk with his big cock in your mouth, but the vibrations your vocal cords threw over his skin made him grunt. 
He withdrew from your throat, and the air was finally able to flow smoothly into your lungs. Niragi climbed down your body and grabbed your hair to lift you up; he wrapped his lips around yours again, tasting his scent on your tongue. The metallic taste of his piercing mixed with the blood on your lip, spiking your kiss with a solid, dirty taste. 
"Turn around," he commanded firmly and immediately, you ducked your head into the covers, lifting your ass high so he had a perfect view of your pussy that was perfectly outlined through the lacy fabric of your thong. He planted a kiss on one buttock, then on the other, and for a few seconds playing with the mesh of your underwear, he caressed the entrance to your pussy with two of his slender fingers.  
They were immediately covered with your juice, which he enjoyed spreading on your skin. His mouth watered, and another sigh escaped your throat as the wait became unbearable. A hard, powerful hand slammed against your buttock, a cry of pain mixed with pleasure echoing through the room. 
Your hips moved back and forth without realizing it, your body waiting to be ravaged. Niragi's teeth sank into the skin near your hole, and a second slap crashed against your butt cheek. 
You didn't know how much longer he was going to play with you like this, and even though you were dying to feel him whole inside you, you knew that the longer he waited, the more appetizing the taste would be. 
"So? You know I don't like to repeat myself..." Had he spoken? You knew that if you didn't give an answer, the repercussions would be fatal. But you hadn't heard anything, nothing to suggest that he had asked you a question. So how could you answer a question you hadn't heard... 
"Please... please..." you whispered and the pain in your body betrayed the inevitable need you had. 
"I didn't hear you right, babygirl. Say that again..." It was too hard. It was far too hard to make a single sound, to formulate a single word as another slap came crashing against your butt cheek, harder, more powerful than the others. 
With your head in the mattress, your hands clutching the blankets, you could lose your mind for just one of those damn words in your ear. Niragi's fingers wandered to your entrance, and you begged all the gods that could exist, of all religions and creeds to feel just one of his fingers inside you. Tears were streaming down your face so hot your whole body hurt, and you wondered how Niragi could play you so easily after barely escaping death. 
How did he himself overcome the urge to sink deep into you. How could he resist the temptation of lust, so strong, spread out and naked before him.
"I beg you..." the sound of your voice was so faint that he could have mistaken the words for a cry. Niragi planted a delicate kiss on your cheek, then he licked as if to taste your skin and, in the same place, he finally planted his sharp teeth in your flesh. A whimper of distress was heard and finally he stopped playing and stuck two fingers into your pussy. 
But that was not nearly enough. His fingers were long and svelte, and even though you were coating his skin perfectly, it was a sensation that didn't match the fervor with which he promised to ravage you. 
"More... I need... I need -" 
"Yes, what is it? Tell me what you need, darling," Niragi flicked his fingers back and forth, twisting his wrist as his free hand delicately caressed the skin he'd struck with his slaps. But he was excruciatingly slow, and you hated the way he needed to play with you like that. 
You hated the fact that he took pleasure in seeing you suffer, like someone sadistic enough to enjoy the distress of the person he loved. It was demeaning, tiring, but it felt so fucking good. Well, here was another thing you hated. 
"Please, please, just fuck me already, I need you. Please, I can't... I can't... take it anymore, please!" You were crying so hard that Niragi could almost have felt sorry for the state you were in, desperate and crying, with your head in the mattress. 
It was unbearable. 
That fire burning in the pit of your stomach, the way every millimeter of your skin quivered with apprehension, the way your heart was beating that was nothing like the frenzy it had been during the game. It was the same adrenaline, not the same sensations. 
That high that quivered every sense and short-circuited the survival instinct was like an imprint left in the sand. Ephemeral and delicate, but one more thrill, always more. 
The fingers left your entrance and finally, finally, Niragi positioned himself between your legs and introduced his cock. It was hard, it was big, wet and hot. It was all that was missing from your being to feel whole, as if until now it was the last piece of a puzzle that was missing to complete you. 
There was nothing around anymore. Not a single bird singing, not a ray of sunlight burning your skin, no game, no life or death. No sound, no image. It was nothingness, the blackness of an ecstasy so intense that you thought you would lose your mind. 
Niragi was pounding your body with his hip thrusts with a fierce and wild tenacity, like an animal instinct that took over the man. His hands were holding your thighs to grip his grip, growling behind your back. You felt a hand searching between your legs, expert fingers titillating your clit with divine pressure. You could have cum right there, right now, but you knew the repercussions that would bring. 
If Niragi didn't allow it, there was no need for you to upset him. And you could have sworn on the good Lord that offending him was the last thing you wanted. "Don't... don't stop, p-please." 
Niragi smiled, his breath short and his brain racing. He knew that a war was raging inside you, that you were giving everything you could to hold back that orgasm that threatened to explode at any moment. He knew your body by heart and the way your legs were shaking like dead leaves betrayed the vividness with which your end was imminent. 
It was ridiculous, the way you were completely surrendering to this feeling. That you didn't care how you sounded, or how you looked as long as Niragi kept doing what he was doing. As long as he enjoyed his power over you, as long as you could feel your muscles twitching, your eyes rolling back and you drooling on the mattress so much it was ecstasy.
"You wanna to cum, babydoll?" he whispered in your ear as he leaned in to plant fiery kisses on your back. It was a rhetorical question, of course, he knew how much you wanted just that. He knew that all you needed was his permission to surrender to your body and embrace the way it reacted to Niragi's cock as it continued to fuck, fuck, fuck into you. 
"Y-yes, yes, my God, please," It was so hard to hold back. Way too hard. 
A laugh echoed over your shoulder, a mocking, arrogant rail that enjoyed your confusion every second. "Go ahead and do it," he allowed and he didn't need to repeat himself. Before he even finished his sentence, your whole body exploded with intensity. Your legs jerked, suddenly too heavy for you. The breath in your throat caught and your heart skipped a beat as your climax made you see stars behind your eyelids. 
Your mouth dry and your body bruised, you were completely overwhelmed by the intensity with which your whole body was reacting to this orgasm. Niragi was filling you with all his size, his juices already flowing from your entrance, down on the mattress. A kiss on your shoulder blade, a warm breath against your skin, a caress on your completely sensitive and swollen clitoris. 
A moan of overstimulation escaped your throat, but Niragi's fingers continued to play with your lips. His movements were soft and gentle but it sent electric sensations through your entire body. "Stop, please," you begged breathlessly, too weak to break free of his grip.
But he said nothing as he played with the metal of his piercing, scraping his tongue up your neck to your ear. "Come on, baby, I've known you to be sharper than that..."
You were exhausted. From the game and the rough fuck-making that had drained every ounce of energy you had left. It was too much suddenly and your eyelids were getting so heavy that you wanted to give up this fight and sleep at least until the next game. It was too much, way too much.
"Please, stop," you breathed softly, your head in the mattress as Niragi continued to plant kisses on your shoulders, his piercing scraping your skin repeatedly. 
You could feel him smiling on your skin, you could see him without even turning around. He loved to overstimulate you, to see your body trembling under his touch, on the verge of collapsing. 
He'd barely get the tip of his cock between your lips, and that alone was enough to make you cry out in a mixture of pain and pleasure. It was so much that you didn't know how to react to the sensation, as if suddenly you were no longer in control of your arms or legs, as if every hair and mole wasn't yours but that of a third person who had taken over your body. 
The mixture of your two juices flowed down your thighs, where Niragi continued to caress your lips with the tip of his penis, again and again. A hand came to knead your breast, a bite in the neck, and before he sought your clit with his fingers, he lifted your leg on his elbow to completely get inside you. 
"Argh," it was torture on that level, and if every square inch of your body was in pain, it was so ecstatic that if you died right here and now, like this, naked and ravaged, you wouldn't mind. 
"Fuck, you're so fucking tight," Niragi whispered into your ear, capturing the tip of your lobe between his teeth. 
He continued to fuck you as if he didn't hear your cries, as if that was what was fueling his desire to destroy you. He went on like this for what seemed like hours, until finally, he let a grunt escape the back of his throat and slumped against the bed behind you. Until you lost your mind and fell into nothingness, where the calm and the storm raged. You were falling, falling, falling in a spiral and you weren't sure if you would ever surface again.
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hahaahahahaaahhahaha surprise!!
Look at him, nothing but red flags, but here we are, pledging allegiance
- Nageoire
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May I please get a headcanon for the shirtless guy next to Tatta in the pool scene?
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Shirtless Guy Next To Tatta: He's not just any shirtless guy; he was a backup dancer for Lady Gaga until an untimely knee injury forced him to retire to his parents' sweet potato farm, where he (somewhat accidentally) developed a new rainwater collection and filtration system. Because of this man, the Beach has plenty of safe drinking water—and when he's not overseeing its daily functions, he can be found tearing up the dance floor in the club.
Drop an AIB Character in my inbox and I'll make up a useless headcanon about them.
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