#hiro and publimon
koushirouizumi · 2 years
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cwgames · 2 years
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Another new Digimon I haven't seen before is call Publimon.
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jadeazora · 2 years
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More death, bigger story too. The skydiving instructor is collateral, and it also tried throttling the other instructor and launching another attack on Kiyoshiro. 
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douglasanondr · 1 year
With the the newer Ghost Game episodes out for a while now, it has become abundantly clear that Espimon is gonna go to Hiro and not another Kid. While I get where some of coming from, it would have been neat if the friends got digimon, especially for protection cuz my God do they need it. For me, I find it just as cool to see Team Lirurun get what is essentially secondary partners. 
Plus it gave me this cool idea,
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It might not actually happen, I think they’d just stick to 2 per tamer, but it would be SO COOL if this happened. Can you imagine them approaching the big bad, 3 Megas each, that would be badass as all hell. 
While yes, I do believe this is a stretch, especially teaming Clockmon with Kiyoshiro, and while it is a big stretch, considering how Ghost Game operates it’s not that farfetched. With this show being episodic, it focuses more on the characters themselves than the actual plot, meaning more interactions among the tamers and other Digimon, especially the reoccurring ones, and so with more interactions it means more time to bond amongst themselves, so while it’s a stretch now, it might not be in the future seeing them team up like this.
Hell, next episode is looking to be a Ruli focused episode that also prominently show both Mummymon and Airdramon, so at least one of these teams are gonna happen, even if it’s just for one episode. So it wouldn’t be all that surprising if the other teams decided to show up later on too.
Not to mention with how Ghost Game takes inspiration from multiple forms of Digimon media (even Appmon with the Publimon episode) wouldn’t be cool to reference the Story Games by having each member have 3 main Digimon they can utilize.
But like I said, while this would be insanely cool to see happen, it’s very unlikely, I don’t even see it happening at all, I think they’ll stay with 2 each, but the thought of the bond between Team Lirurun and the Digimon they’ve befriended being so strong that they can use 3 of them each is amazing, and also like I said not that far off. 
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citrus-cactus · 2 years
Digimon Ghost Game #45 as a Celebration/Homage to Appmon
As promised, here is a post in which I attempt to detail all of the elements that I noticed in Ghost Game episode 45 that seemed like a reference or allusion to Appmon. Which, let me be clear right now, I do not view as a bad thing. I think it's awesome; a deliberate choice to celebrate Appmon's 6th anniversary and assert (once again!) that Appmon is 100% a main-line Digimon series.
It seems to me that DGG’s showrunners placed several Appmon Easter eggs in this episode, and while I acknowledge that I may be reading a bit too much into it, I wanted to be comprehensive, so you get everything I noticed, no matter how small and possibly coincidental.
This post is going to contain minor spoilers for Appmon episodes 51 & 52, so proceed at your own risk.
First, the obvious. Publimon is apparently a brand-new digimon who is very obviously derived from Reviewmon and Kosomon (both featured most prominently in Appmon episode 11). 
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Publimon’s MO (writing news headlines about accidents that take place in the future, and then engineering circumstances around the subjects of those headlines to ensure they become true) and motivation (doing it all for attention/likes/clicks/engagement) was basically that of an Appmon Monster-of-the-Day: a manifestation of real-world technology which, when infected, runs amuck and tampers with humanity’s relationship with that technology (often while drawing parallels to additional real-world issues, including over-reliance on certain apps/computer systems, deepfakes, flame wars, etc.). “Fake news” was a pretty nascent term when Appmon debuted in 2016 and (I don’t think) explicitly inspired any episodes, so it’s interesting that Ghost Game touches on this concept (Hiro to Publimon: “You’re just fabricating events!”). In that way, Ghost Game gets to update the list of human/technology topics that Appmon was so diligent in referencing six years previously.
Some additional (potential) Easter eggs regarding Publimon: although I don’t know anything concrete about how his design and attacks were codified (if it was by Toei/DGG staff or Bandai… presumably the latter), it is also interesting to me that Publimon uses multiple keyboards in a way that is very reminiscent of Rei’s “Double Hack” and “Triple Hack” assists to Hackmon, and the attack in which Publimon enlarges those keyboards and attempts to smash a target between them is reminiscent of Sakusimon’s trap, also from episode 11. 
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Is Publimon that much of a walking, talking reference to Appmon 11?
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(how meta can you get?)
As @shihalyfie pointed out, this episode aired as close as possible to Appmon’s 1st episode anniversary air date (Oct. 1), and, much how Appmon episode 13 "weaponized" the date of August 1, DGG 45 weaponizes October 1, and has some of its action take place then as well. 
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(It is also probably worth mentioning that Appmon #45 did a similar homage to the wider Digimon franchise by having Haru not only admit to playing a Digimon video game, but teaming up with the Agumon from that game! The episode numbering definitely seems like a coincidence given the GG hiatus caused by the Toei hack, but it’s a really fun little bonus that it happened to work out this way!)
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Moreover, DGG45 is structured a bit more like an Appmon episode (or really, a large percentage of several other Toei properties/MotD Digimon episodes that are not based primarily around horror). There is a fair bit of time spent with the main characters and the Victims of the Day outside of DGG’s usually-very-tense horror setting, and the horror itself is brief and relatively light, to the point that Ghost Game’s trademark visual cue (edge-of-the-frame color-separation, which usually shows us when DGG’s MotD is exerting a particularly strong influence on their victim) is, as far as I can recall, completely absent... a strong indicator that Ghost Game is intentionally taking a break from its usual format. Not to mention how very important smartphones are...
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Once the D-Topics are introduced, the inclusion of a three-idol group is immediately interesting to me as well. Narratively speaking, you only need one celebrity (and, once they chose to focus on idols, would have seemed like a nod to Eri Karan of Appmon regardless). If they had still wanted to write the “cooking competition” aspect that put skydiving as a "punishment" for losing on the table, they could have gotten by with two idols (this would have also worked without needing to bring Ryudamon into the Gammamon/Kiyoshiro dynamic, as well as matching the number of special guest stars they had for this episode—see below). But they went with three, which (aside from giving us more time with Ryudamon!) still seems like a deliberate nod to Appmon. After all, when Eri was shown in her day-to-day idol life with any members of the (comically oversized) AppliYama 470, it was usually Alice and Elena– the three of them are even shown in the epilogue in (new) matching uniforms doing some sort of promotion, so them being a trio is very prominent and is the last image you see of Eri’s life as an idol!
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There’s also the fact that the big climax of this episode occurs during a skydiving incident. When Gammamon dove out of the plane and pulled Hiro along with him, I couldn’t help being reminded of Haru’s “it all comes down to this” unassisted jump and accidental freefall that served as the cliffhanger in the penultimate episode. Luckily for both Haru and Hiro, their partners came through!!
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Finally, the addition of some Adventure Easter eggs (using FujiTV as a location, and two of D-Topi’s three idols being voiced by none other than AiM [original Mimi] and Mimi’s voice actress from Adventure: —thanks for that tip @digitalgate02!) brings it full circle. With DGG45, you’re actively watching 24 minutes of a Digimon series paying homage to two other ones. Adventure, Appmon, Ghost Game… it’s all one big beautiful franchise, baby!
Thanks for reading!
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nightfurylover31 · 2 years
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That... was a pretty grim way to end the episode. Publimon was so obsessed with getting his big news out, he ending up getting himself killed. He didn't even realize the danger he was in or how Hiro and KausGammamon were trying to save him.
The tragic thing is, there are people like that in the world. They put themselves in dangerous situations for publicity, and some have even lost their lives because of it. It really hits you how real cartoons and anime can be sometimes. 😔
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izzyizumi · 2 years
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Digimon GhostGame ~ Episode 45 ~ Hiro Amankoawa (on Publimon)
(+ Speaking for an entire Fandom, Probably)
Gifs by @izzyizumi, {Do Not Repost} {Do Not Remove Caption} (Do Not Re-produce without Asking my Permission)
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firstagent · 2 years
Ghost Game #45 Review
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Uneventful is certainly not the word to go with here. Quite a bit happens, and the combination of a whirlwind of moments, the cast being wild and entertaining, and a unique climax makes it a solid enough watch. But the episode’s desire to go big in some key ways gets dragged down by the realization that the show still isn’t committing to making any progress. For all of the development—both to character and plot—we should be getting from all this, you can’t help but look at it all and see little more than wasted potential.
Somewhere in the show’s mid teens, when Ruli’s character was muddled and in need of some direction, it was clear that something had to give with Mika and Aoi. Either they confront her with what they know about Angoramon, or something bad happens to them to give Ruli a little trauma to deal with. Well, something bad certainly happens to Mika and Ruli certainly had the right reaction to it, but did anything seem character altering? Now, with Ruli standing out as the most reckless of the trio, something potentially reining that back in would be a nice twist to shift the landscape a little bit. In a broader sense, so would Gammamon revealing himself to three minor celebrities in front of a throng of people. Someone in that crowd has to realize holograms aren’t supposed to be that interactive! That’s a paradigm shift that could add a few story complications.
The climax certainly went in a direction nobody could have predicted, from idol guard duty to a skydiving bit, but it was at least a different, exciting way to battle the enemy Digimon. The lack of any reconciliation for Publimon is plenty shocking, especially when his commitment to making sure his predictions are accurate makes him better than half the internet. That outcome bothers Hiro, a nice consistent reaction, and he again ponders the nature of the Digital World. Combining this wistfulness with Publimon clearly looking and acting more like an Appmon and it should cast a real ominous tone leading to a new story arc. But by now we know it won’t be, so the ending gives way more to frustration than promise.
Initial Grade: C+
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vermilionvector · 2 years
Digimon Ghost Game EP. 45
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I didn't expect Kiyo to be capable of this, but in hindsight, maybe he was. He's an otaku after all.
Kiyo was prepping himself for the upcoming show with his facorite idol group, D-Topics, and influencing the innocent Ryudamon and Gammamon to join his cause. At the same time, mysterious and malicious news were widespread, but the contents were nonsensical garbage, or so everyone thought, until on the date that was specified in the news, they actually happened, and they were nothing but misfortune.
Kotaru, Hiro's friend, injured his arm after tripping on the floor. Mika, Ruli's friend, was hit by a truck, but luckily she survived. Kiyo's head was about to be smashed by a flower pot if not for Espimon's intervention. The news were true, but why could it foresee what was going to happen? Just as they were pondering, a new scoop popped up: the D-Topics were going to die next.
Kiyo and the gang rushed to the press conference on the next day. While attempting to talk to the idols, Gammamon, using his baby energy, flew through the crowd and just introduced himself to them, who thought Gammamon was an AI Hologram. Anna, the youngest of the idol group, like everyone else, immediately cuddled Gammamon. Hiro and the gang offered their protection to the idols, to which they agreed. The cooking show went on with Anna almost droppinga knife on her foot, with mysterious hands almost dropping the spotlight on her. But with Jellymon's intervention, they couldn't do it. Nevertheless, Anna lost the cooking competition, and as a punishment, she had to, and I could not stress this enough: Do a 4000-meter skydive.
Nonsensical punishment aside. This allowed for one of the most interesting setups in the show: a full scope aerial battle. And it's time for Kausgammamon to shine again. The perpetrator this week was Publimon. He craved for online attention, so he fabricated the news and made them come true by his own hands. After a long fight to protect and rescue Anna from diving to her doom, Publimon, ironically, was too focused on attacking to not pay attention to his own parachute and to his own demise, despite Hiro's attempt to save him.
On the walk home, Hiro wondered why Publimon was the way he was. Even Angoramon mentioned that his motivation was rare in the Digital World. Then, Hiro finally asked the golden question:
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I hope it didn't take us until EP. 50 to go to the Digital World.
This could very well have been Kausgammamon's debut episode. The will to save Anna could trigger the evolution. But the conclusion was a bit too violent for our protags, especially Hiro, who'd have tried talking everyone out at that point in time. He might not be prepared for Publimon's death yet.
Also, Gammamon showed a lot of growth this episode. He volunteered to protect someone else. Not that he didn't show this trait before, but it was only for the main gang. He even dragged unprepared Hiro to jump off the plane with him lol. I hope this stay consistent. Innocent, cute and reliable Gammamon is the best.
But since Regulusmon is a thing... it won't be long until something terrible happens to him and Hiro...
Oh, one more noteworthy thing, Oct 1st was the 6th anniversary for Appmon's first airing in Japan. And while watching this episode, I have that distant feeling of having seen Publimon somewhere before despite him being a new Digimon...
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analyzingadventure · 2 years
Catching up on Ghost Game, episodes 43-49 Oh boy have I fallen behind, lmao oops
Quick note, since I do want to watch these episodes in one go without it taking forever I might try to keep the commentary to a minimum because. Commenting on shit takes time (since I need to pause, take a screenshot, crop it, save it, add it to the post, write some commentary... It slows things down)
43 - Red Eye
Man this episode is gonna be rough to anybody with a fear of eyes, huh
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So what the fuck is Eyesmon really after? Just? Does he just want to see and know things for the sake of seeing and knowing? Having eyes on everything? Or is he looking for something in specific?
Emma what the fuck were you gonna do with those scissors 8V
You know there’s an Eyes of Nine joke to be made here somewhere
Yeah this episode was fine, nothing great, but not bad, just fine
44 - Rust
So we got shaking buildings, rusty water, limited edition items... Unknown Digimon is stealing shit for the kid in school who redistributes them or something? Anyway Espimon don’t be a dick and steal Gamma’s choco >:(
Ah, so the monster of the week is Jellymon causing problems dfsghfdg
Tiny Antylamon are so fucking cute tho, and funny in comparison to the Lorge Antylamon from Tamers
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That looks so much like a toy it’s so fucking funny (also, the design is interesting actually, like, would an egg shaped, round phone be easier for most Digimon to hold since their hands can be all sorts of funky?)
Oh the tiny bunnies are big bunnies now
This is definitely more of an action episode than anything and all things considdered, it was a nice change of pace! Again, it was a fine episode
Oh wow we still have a few minutes to go lol
45 - Ghost Newspaper
Oh jesus the girl got ran over, oh god
OH THIS IS THE EPISODE WITH THE NOT-APPMON, RIGHT (although I’m really behind I haven’t really avoided the usual Twitter spoilers, so yes I did see all the Digimon who’re appearing in these episodes, although I kinda forgot most of them). And he’s voiced by Kappei Yamaguchi, of course
Man Publimon looks so much like an Appmon lmao
We’re not done with this episode yet but this is definitely my least favorite I’ve watched so far, like, actually kinda boring
Oh shit, Publi straight up just... died. I mean, kind of earned, but, man, brutal
Yeah, meh episode at best. NEW ENDING THO! Cute!
46 - Queen’s Banquet
Oh man, Kotaro’s hallucinating, that’s bad, that’s rough, Hiro please notice, dude’s clearly not okay
Oh man the animation on the new flower Digimon is so excessively smooth
Jellymon, couldn’t you have gone with Ruri soshe wouldn’t have been alone
Oh no the Digi wants to vore Kotaro... time for Digitamamon 2.0
Oleamon, eh, that’s a lovely name
I’m actually happy Oleamon isn’t Digitamamon 2.0, that’s fun and charming. This episode was fine once again
47 - Memory of Eternity
Oh this is the Nanomon episode, okay. Dude’s just... allowing Digimon to linger longer through human bodies?
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Man couldn’t they just go directly to fucking Mummymon and ask him for help?
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Omg he has a lab coat now, that’s so fucking cute
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Mummymon is so fucking cute I’m SO HAPPY he’s a reoccuring character
Oh man Nanomon is TINY
Oh man I was literally just wishing Mummymon would show up guns blazing AND LOOK WHOSE FUCKING HERE HELL YEAH
Oh man... poor Shadramon...
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JKGHFJKHDFJKHDFG don’t scream that’s not polite to your doctor
OH UVER?? I mean yeah he’s there for the egg but also Nanomon?? And another letter to Hokuto, okay
48 - The White Bride
Ah this is the new Mushmon variant eh
Ah random Geremon...
Ah, Ryudamon is in this episode too
Is it weird that these Mushroom Digimon eat mushrooms?
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I love this Geremon lmao LOOK AT ‘IM (and ah, this is why the Geremon was here, to be a lil helper, how nice)
Wait don’t tell me the Geremon is actually evil and behind this all, oh no
Chamblemon, eh
Limit Break!
Oh man these Chamblemon are STRONK
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Why does this look like a fake sub screenshot lmao??
THAT?? I??? WHAT???
Good episode, uh, unsettling ending???
49 - The Crimson Harvest Festival
Aaand last episode for now, a Halloween episode! And Witchmon is here, how fun!
So Witchmon is pulling Vamdemon’s shit all over again
I wonder how Mummymon would feel seeing Hiro and Gammamon dressed up as mummies for Halloween lmao
So Witchmon wants a world for just witches... bro just go to Witchelny jdfhgdsfg
Oh she wants a castle? I mean valid but excessive
Please tell me we’re gonna see Pumpmon and get to know how he’s here, I’m gonna be really sad if he got blown away and we don’t see him again this episode
Okay we got to see him again, I’m happy
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WELL, I GUESS WE KNOW WHY GAMMAMON’S BEING STALKED.... Those are totally his former followers
Man, no explanation to how Pumpmon returned, that’s balls
That was a fine episode again, nothing great though, but man... that lore bomb
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cwgames · 2 years
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Digimon ghost game has a new ending theme name "Strawberry" by Kobore.
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jadeazora · 2 years
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Well, it wasn’t a human death this episode, but Publimon fell a few thousand meters determinedly trying to murder a little girl and tearing apart his own parachute in the process.
Also, Hiro still trying to save him despite all that, and Publimon’s death clearly bothering him. It’s a harsh reminder that not all enemies can be reasoned with:
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koushirouizumi · 2 years
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IMGs by @koushirouizumi / @izzyizumi {DO NOT Copy} {DO NOT re-post} (Please ASK to Use)
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"Even truth born from a lie..."
"It {Publimon} is a rare type even in the Digital World." - Angoramon to Hiro
"...Just what kind of place
IS the Digital World?..." - Hiro to Gammamon
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jadeazora · 2 years
I feel like, when DGG is over, I'd like to do a compilation video of all its most disturbing moments.
Some parts I know definitely making the cut are:
Clockmon draining the time of children and putting them on the literal brink of death
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The kids nearly freezing to death from Frozomon's episode
Tsuyoshi burning to death in front of his parents
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The sounds of Arukenimon eating that guy's skull, followed by the confirmation it eats brains, then Gulus burning her from the inside out
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Digitamamon attacking Ruli and the reveal he's taken to eating humans
Asuramon's face-stealing rampage in broad daylight
Kiyoshiro nearly dying from the KoDokugumon/Toropiamon's venom
Kiyoshiro jumping out of the way of a car only to crack his head on a curb. I feel like this is something that could happen to someone irl.
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RareRaremon's zombies, perhaps the worst scene for me being its green goo going into the eye sockets of that boar
The Gyukimon body horror with Hiro's class
The Oboromon stabbing the kids with their swords (there's no blood, but they definitely feel that pain) and the Gammamon jumpscare
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There's so many contender moments from Eyesmon's episode that it's not even funny, but perhaps brainwashing Emma to act like everything's normal and the reveal that eventually, her body will fall to pieces from the possession. (The mental visual I got from that was dissolving into bloody chunks 😬)
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Publimon trying to murder Anna, getting so distracted with its attempts, not noticing its falling to its own death
Kotaro's first experiences with the vines invading his various orifices, and the uncomfortably sexual dialogue Oleamon gets as she intends to eat him.
Ruli, Hiro, and the brides getting mushrooms ripped out of them as they scream in agony.
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Any other suggestions you guys would like to make, or additional moments I'm overlooking?
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jadeazora · 1 year
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What is it with DGG and all it’s very near-miss truck-inflicted deaths? The one that almost smacked into Kiyoshiro in Sepikmon’s episode, the one Eyesmon tried dropping on him, the one that hit Mika in the Publimon episode, and now one that could have grievously wounded or killed Gammamon without Hiro’s intervention!
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