#hirata akihiro x reader
midnightlee25 · 1 year
Yandere Team-ups: Akihiro Hirata & Yukihiko Iwakura
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If you don't play nice only punishments await
Both love to relentlessly tease or mess with their darling.  
Both mean for a blush way than in tears because if they did ever make their darling cry they would feel terrible.  (They will often gang up on their darling when possible)
Either one or both will always be by their darling and will seem to always show up at the right moment.
They both play their roles very well. Just two kind friends that are just trying to look after their darling.  
Slowly but assuredly they both will scare off all their darling friends until it's just the three of them.
Yuki is the one who will spread rumors about their darling so no one will be near them. He will also threaten others if the rumors don't work or if he just doesn't like the person.  
Akihiro is a lot calmer when it comes to new threats or situations that's not in their favor while with Yuki there is a 50/50 chance that he will react poorly.
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The nico chan "Do you like me?" Was number 48, sorry.
Hirata Akihiro:
“Do you like me?” 
It was an innocent enough question, one that should be very easy to answer, and yet he’s sweating bullets as you look at him. Akihiro knows he won’t be getting out of this one, and he feels almost like a teenager again, squirming under your gaze. Shouldn’t he just take the chance now that it was being presented to him and confess how he felt? 
“Of course I like you.”
Now it was your turn to come up with something to say and you were drawing a blank, head tilting as you looked at him. Your eyes felt like they were directly piercing his soul and he began to rub the back of his neck nervously, feeling like you were some sort of police interrogator and he was about to be put on death row if he didn’t answer your questions adequately enough. Your face, which had remained expressionless for the duration of your question and his answer, suddenly broke out into a smile. 
“Thanks, that’s all I wanted to know.” You turned to leave but he can’t help but reach out to stop you, his heart doing flips in his chest as you turn back to face him. 
“That’s- That’s all you wanted to know?” 
“Did you have anything else to add to your answer?” You asked, sounding much like a school teacher who was baiting him into giving a more satisfactory answer in class.  
You’d cornered him again. 
How long could this song and dance continue? 
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dulcetscen · 4 years
Can I request headcanons of bf!Nico chan senpai please? Both fluffy sfw and nsfw (his kinks lmao)? Thank you!!!!
I… can’t believe that I haven’t written any kink headcanons for Nico-senpai. It’s a crime, a genuine criminal action.
I know it’s been a long time done this was sent in but I hope you enjoy, thank you for requesting. 🤍
Nothing too steamy but NSFW will be under the cut.
At first glance, Akihiro seems to be too lazy and aloof to care for a relationship. But contrary to how he approaches most things in his life, he views whoever he’s in a relationship with as if they were actual royalty
At the drop of a dime, he would do anything for them (within reason of course)
He’s given up on something he loved in the past already, and knew how big of a mistake that was, so when he feels that he’s genuinely in love with someone, there’s nothing that could make him give up on them
His laziness seeps in one way or another, especially when he insists that a night in is much better than going out (and as his s/o, you’d often agree)
He’s secretly overly protective of his partner, and always has some form of a watchful eye on them
Rarely does he get jealous but when he does, it’s so obvious. He’s the King of the cold shoulder, but tends to falter in his determination to use it when it comes to his s/o
“Aki~ you’re not mad at me again, are you?”
He couldn’t resist the poutful look in your eyes or the way you puffed your bottom lip out at him. How could he stay mad at you?
“Not anymore, I guess,” he’d mumble, admitting defeat.
Akihiro is the type to allow himself to get dragged around if his s/o insisted, of course complaining a bit along the way
Ultimately he cares the most about his s/o’s happiness, even if it meant that he exerts a little more energy than he’d like
When it comes to being intimate, Akihiro is a slow lover, possibly due to his laid back personality or the fact that he loves watching his s/o writhe under his touch and attention
There’s nothing else that he loves more than slowly working along his s/o’s skin, his fingertips barely ghosting along it and watching as goosebumps form in his trails
Slow, touchy make outs are his favorite. Cuddled against each other in his bed or the couch, his hands dancing their way across his s/o’s skin, it being so easy to tease and rile them up, it’s what he imagines late at night, and often when he goes long times without seeing them
“Stop teasing, Akihiro.”
He’d chuckle, nibbling on your lower lip lightly as his hands continue to trail along your thighs, teasingly ghosting along the inner part before trailing back up your stomach.
“I missed you,” he whispered against your lips, one of his hands coming to cup your cheek. “Let me just hold you for a bit, okay?”
A slow build up and a fast unravel is his specialty, and he loves working his magic on his s/o
Ultimately, he always makes sure his s/o is pleased but not until he gets his fill of them first
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dunk-that-touchdown · 5 years
Craving a little angst here. How about a fight with the babies, Haiji/Yuki/Akihiro and how they’d try to patch things up? Also are you by any chance swamped with requests? Can’t help but think that you are with how amazing your blog is. I have so many things in mind to request but don’t want to spam your inbox and overwhelm you. (*´-`)
Aww! Thank you so much for asking! It’s super sweet to know that ya care, but I’m not swamped with requests at all! I’m a little slow at them since my life’s been a bit topsy turvy lately but I’m doing my best to get em done! After I have this posted I should have about 11 or so request left that I’m hoping to get done soon so I can reopen my ask box!
Haiji Kiyose:
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The fight between you two would have started with you telling him he was pushing himself too hard. Everyday you would watch him running and for a while you were happy to see that he was getting back into it, but it wasn’t long before you saw the toll it was taking on him. After he would come back from running you could see that it was putting too much strain on his knee, redness outlining his scar preventing him from putting too much weight on it. Despite the smile he had on his face, you could see that he was in pain but you both knew that this wouldn’t stop him from running, not when he was so close to getting back to how he was before. When you finally told him your concerns, he didn’t take it in the way you had expected him to. Instead he was outraged, angry at you for trying to tell him to stop when he was so clearly getting better and better everyday. He would hardly let you get a word in after that as he told you that you had stopped supporting him after he had gotten hurt, that you no longer saw success in him after he had been reduced to almost nothing. Even when he saw tears pouring down your cheeks he didn’t stop laying it into you, going on and on about your lack of support. Eventually he would tell you to leave, that he didn’t need someone so negative in his life and soon resulting in you leaving without another word.
It would take him a few days being as hardened as he is, but he will eventually come to realize that he had taken things to far, disgusted with himself for having said all those things to you. His heart would grow hard and heavy in his chest as he remembered how he had made you cry and twisted your concerns and worries over him into something so negative. He would want to fix things as soon as possible, composing himself and setting out to find you to make things right between you both. He would show up to your dorm room, a bouquet of your favorite flowers in one hand and a box of your favorite chocolate in the other and behind him, your entire dorm hall would be filled with gifts and snacks he had bought just for you. Seeing it all there would surprise you, but what would really do it in for you would be seeing Haiji’s tear stained face trying to pull itself together to form a smile at you. Listening to him apologize and call himself a fool for having treated you like that after all you had wanted to do was share your worries with him would make your heart melt, all the anger you had felt for him slowly fading away. You’d have to stop him from continuing to speak badly of himself, telling him that you forgave him and bringing him in for a tender hug.
Iwakura Yukihiko:
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The fight between you both would have been about him being jealous of you hanging out with the twins more often lately and him distancing himself from you instead of voicing what had been bothering him. One day he would just blow up when you said you were going to the arcade with the twins, asking you if you would rather be their little girlfriend instead of his, leaving you confused as to where this outburst had come from. He’d carry on in his outburst, saying that he hated the way it seemed that you would rather be around those two instead of him, telling you how shitty it felt to be lonely even when he had a girlfriend all because she wanted to hang out with someone else. Initially you would feel terrible for making him feel this way, telling him that you had no idea he felt this way since he had never mentioned it before. However, this would only make things worse, for he would tell you that he would speak up more if you just took the time to listen. Hearing him saying that would be almost laughable since he never voiced things that bothered him or talked to you about how he was really feeling. For a while, you both would go back and forth before finally settling on not speaking to each other, both of you going separate ways.
Getting back together would take a bit of time since Yuki is a pretty stubborn guy. For a while he would think that he was the one who was being the victim here and that you were in the wrong, but eventually he will come to realize that wasn’t the case at all. He would feel so bad for having things spiral out of control like this, wanting nothing more than to see you and hold you in his arms. Eventually he will end up texting you, telling you that he wanted to talk, but only to have you ignore him. He had even tried calling you, but was only ever sent back to your voicemail. Having you ignore him like this would send him in such a panic. He would be frantic, telling himself he had really screwed up one of the best things that have ever happened to him over some petty fight, but he couldn’t end things like this. With tears in his eyes and shoulders slumped, he would come to your dorm room, trying so hard to keep his crying at bay but failing so miserably. Seeing him like this would make your heart shatter but you held your ground, waiting for him to explain why he was here. He would tell you that he wanted to talk, to say sorry and get you back between his sobs. Only then would you let him into your dorm room to do so, wrapping your arms around him and listening to him as he apologized to you.
Hirata Akihiro:
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Fights between you and Akihiro are next to non-existent so I really don’t see this getting too angsty for him. Overall, Akihiro is a pretty calm dude, usually being one to voice when something upsets him but never making too much of a big deal out of it. If there is ever a problem between you both, he would be quick to squash it right then and there, not wanting to have bad blood between the both of you. However, if a time does arise where you both are mad at each other and refuse to speak to one another, it will never last long and will never cause any serious strain to your relationship.
When he is trying to patch things up between you both, he usually does so in a way that makes it seem as though you both were never arguing in the first place. He will find you either in your dorm room or out somewhere on campus and talk to you calmly and addressing you lovingly like he normally would. He wouldn’t necessarily annoy you by being overly chatty or affectionate either. He just lets things flow naturally and if you don’t reply to him, that’s okay, he’ll just ask you a question or two every now and again until he gets a reply out of you or will pop a few jokes here and there to hear you laugh. If he is really fishing for your attention, he will buy your favorite food and pretend to eat it before saying that he can’t finish it and will simply wait for you to ask him if you can have it, giving him a window to talk to you and get you to stop being mad at him.
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d0llhousess · 4 years
Hiya! Could I request some dating headcanons for Yuki, Nico-Chan Senpai, and Youhei from RWTW please? I’m surprised someone is actually writing for this anime!
Thank you for so much for requesting! Also, the lack of writing for RWTW actually encouraged me the most to create a blog. We just need more content about the best boys! I hope you enjoy these!
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Yukihiko Iwakura (Yuki)
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Let’s be honest here, you probably wouldn’t like him, at first. He’s quick and sharp with his words, prone to bickering, and overall his outer shell is just a bit harder than others.
The two of you would probably meet through a mutual friend, and it takes multiple meetings and outings for you to warm up to his quick-witted nature, but once you do, it’s game over. 
Not only does his smarts intrigue you, it’s his determination. It’s just simply admirable how when he puts his mind to something he always completes it.
Your relationship would be filled with playful banter, the two of you would definitely be the couple that has to debate everything. Honestly, to strangers it might be exhausting but to him and you, it’s exhilarating. You just love the way his eyes light up when you provoke him, and he loves the way you can counter him in a split second. 
Your dates are of the traditional sense, such as going to dinners, zoos, amusement parks, etc. He would snark you about it of course, but he would love doing these things with you. It made him feel giddy to have a partner to do things with, yet don’t expect too much PDA from him. 
His love language is definitely gift giving  as he is not the best at expressing his emotions. It might not always be grand gifts or gestures, but he’ll always bring over your favorite snacks or drink when he sleeps over. Or if he sees something that reminds you of him, he gives it to you. 
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Akihiro Hirata (Nico-Senpai) 
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Honestly, you would wake up one day and realize somehow you managed to get into a relationship with an actual teddy bear.
Seriously, if anyone asked you how the two of you got together, you wouldn’t be able to answer because one minute the two of you were friends, and the next you were dating Nico.
This is not to say that he moves fast with relationships; No, he just has a way of making others around him feel at ease and open up. 
The two of you wouldn’t have “traditional” dates per say. If you are into that sort of thing, he would try and make a compromise--but honestly he’s just content with spending a night in with you in his arms. 
Speaking of nights in, Quality time and physical touch is definitely his love language. You’re that couple that is somehow always seen together despite having different schedules. Seriously, He’s just content with being in your presence, no matter what you’re doing. He also seems to always have his hands on you no matter what. Whether it’s to simply hold your hand, he just likes being close to you. 
He’s probably your number one supporter. He’s the type to listen to his partner no matter how exhausted he is, if you need an ear, he’s always there to lend his. (Honestly he probably would know you better than you know yourself)
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Yōhei Sakaguchi (King) 
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You’re probably close friends before the two of you began to date, and honestly, if you hadn’t confessed, the two of you probably would’ve just stayed friends. 
Not because He didn’t like you, no on the contrary, He probably was the first to develop romantic feelings. It’s just that he has a tendency to overthink, internalize, and self-depreciate. So he’d most likely talk himself out of asking you out. 
Yet, when you came to him with flushed cheeks and sparkling eyes, confessing that you had romantic feelings for him, and that you wanted to date him, he was sure he was stuck in a dream because of how ecstatic he was. 
Your relationship develops at it’s own pace. You might reach ‘milestones’ slower than a typical relationship, but there is never a moment when King lets you feel underappreciated or unloved
TBH his main love language might be Words of Affirmation. So while he isn’t the best at completely opening up to others, he knows how it feels to fall into the pattern of doubt, so he wouldn’t want that to happen with your relationship.
Shares every bit of Trivia he learns with you. As it is one of his main hobbies, he would definitely just randomly message you with little facts throughout the day. It might seem weird to others, but to you, it’s just a sign that you’re somehow always on his mind.
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midnightlee25 · 1 year
Yandere Reactions: With a darling that is already in a relationship
Kakeru Kurahara:
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To say that he isn't a happy camper is an understatement. 
He doesn't trust their partner and will make it known to his darling that they should watch out for them. (Even if his darling and their partner have been together for years.) 
He is going to somewhat ask the others to help. 
He is going to watch them like a hawk because one slip up and he will make sure they will never see the light of day again. 
Then again, his darling’s partner isn't going to last that long no matter what they try to do. 
Yukihiko Iwakura: 
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He is going to get rid of them as fast as he can. 
It doesn't matter how long they have been a couple he is going to tear it apart. 
Making them look bad, putting suspicion in the relationship, getting in his darling head about how they aren’t a great match or how the person isn't really that great of a partner. 
He is going to use everything he can to break them up. (Made up or real.) 
And who else but him to pick up the pieces of his darling's broken heart? 
Akihiro Hirata: 
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He hates the situation so much. 
So, from day one he is playing on how to break them up. 
He believes their partner is up to something terrible. All they want to do is hurt his darling and he will be damned if he lets that happen. 
So, he starts to put things in his darling’s head. Just little ‘hints’ to simply help them see the truth. 
Maybe he has some ‘evidence’ that backs up his claims that they really are a terrible partner. 
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dulcetscen · 4 years
So much kazetsuyo love recently lol I guess we all miss our boys, can you do milk tea, coffee, chai tea and Russian caravan tea for nico-Chan senpai and then lemon tea for Yuki?
I’ve noticed! I’ve missed these boys too so I don’t mind. I can’t believe it’s already been a year since the show ended! 😱
Hirata Akihiro
milk tea; what are their kisses like?
- oof lazy and languid, but lazy in a good way where it just makes you feel warm and nervous with butterflies
- I think Hirata is a slow kisser where he would start off with soft pecks then eventually lead into a genuine kiss, hand cupping your cheek or neck
- He also loves it when his you initiate the kiss, like he could be sitting or half laying down and you over to plant one on him 🥰
coffee; do they get jealous easily? how do they show it?
- He doesn’t get jealous easily, so you know that when he is it’s something that’s built up over time
- I don’t think he’d be one to come out and admit it openly/willingly. He’d show it by becoming a bit short with you, especially as time goes on. He’s never outrightly mean though, and instead distances himself from you, doesn’t seem as interested in hearing about your day - especially if it has something to do with the reason why he’s jealous
- Eventually he’ll break and mention something about it so that you’re able to put two and two together
- He’s kind of a big baby, but he’ll never admit that to you or anyone
chai tea; how do they spice up their relationship?
- Hirata knows that he can be a bit too laid back with things, even his relationship. So when he begins to notice that you seem a little bored or dissatisfied then he’ll make it a point to do more of the things you’ve wanted to do
- He loves a lazy day in but if you’ve been wanting to go out and do something, anything, together then he’ll oblige
russian caravan tea; how experienced are they with relationships?
- I think Hirata has a few serious relationships in high school, but I’ve He got to university his dating life calmed down a bit so he relationship with you is a bit of a new experience for him
- He knows what to do in a relationship but he doesn’t know how, especially now that the two of you are adults
- Thankfully though he’s keen on learning especially if you’re patient with him and communicate what you want
Yukihiko Iwakura
lemon tea; what are mornings like with them?
- Ugh, he hates mornings especially early ones so expect a lot of “5 more minutes” cuddles when you try to wake him up
- He can be a bit crabby too (all the time) so expect to have to bribe or reward him in the morning to get a better, more tolerable Yuki
- He likes to sit back and watch you get ready for the day too, but would much rather have you stay in bed with him until sometime after 12pm
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dulcetscen · 4 years
Aww the tea prompt list is so cute it’s hard to decide. I hope it’s alright I request two? If not feel free to just choose one, Rosehip and Matcha for Nico-Chan please! ❤️
Yes, of course that’s okay!! Thank you for requesting, hun 🤍🥰
rosehip tea; how romantic are they? how do they show affection?
⁃ hmm I think towards the beginning of the relationship, Hirata is maybe a 4/10 on the romantic scale. It’s not that he doesn’t care, but he thinks that you ought to know how much he loves you through the other things he does
⁃ I also think, thought, that he’s really observant and when he starts to pick up on the fact that you may be a bit annoyed/worried that he’s not all that romantic, then he puts a *little* more effort into expressing his affection for you in other ways
⁃ He’s not big on PDA, but he’ll hold your hand or allow you to loop your arm through his while out and about. Sometimes he’ll drop a random forehead/crown kiss on you when you least expect it
⁃ When it’s just the two of you, he’ll be a little more open to physical affection. Even more forehead kisses, he loves when you are somehow laying on top of him, like resting your head on his chest or in his lap he’s always touching you in some way, that’s the main way he shows his affection
⁃ He learns to verbally express it as well, and he does a good job in finding a balance between spoiling the meaning of the word love, and using it often enough for you to know how he feels
⁃ He prefers small thoughtful gifts overtime instead of one large one. He’s the type of guy to buy a single flower and the way home because it reminded you of him
⁃ On a scale of 1-10 he’s now a solid 7
matcha tea; how and when do they propose to their s/o?
⁃ He’ll know it’s the right time when he finally gets his life together, and is stable enough to provide a solid foundation for the two of you, even if children aren’t in the future
⁃ He has the instinct of being the provider, so he would feel like he’s ready under his career and education is all settled and he knows that he could take good care of you as his spouse
⁃ He’d have a simple, but meaningful proposal. Maybe the location where you had your first date or first kiss. He’d use a ring that had special value to you, or if it’s a new purchase he would’ve spent months agonizing over the perfect one until he found it
⁃ He never blushes but that would be the day he does, because of happiness and also because he is extremely nervous
⁃ “I had this planned but I can’t seem to think right now. But... will you grow old with me?”
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dulcetscen · 5 years
Can i request nicotine senpai, yuki, and sugiyama reacting a really cute freshmen offering to be the track team’s official manager?
Of course! I wasn’t sure if you wanted headcanons or scenarios, so I hope you don’t mind me deciding on the latter~
I hope you enjoy them, thank you for requesting. ♡
Hirata Akihiro (Nico-Chan Senpai)
“So you saw us with our fan club tees, huh?”
Akihiro glanced away from you, a nervous smile pulling at his lips and his hand came to play with his loose hanging ponytail.
You’d stopped the third time senior in the courtyard at the end of your morning lecture. At first, he didn’t think you were talking to him, but after a few more times of trying to get his attention he finally stopped to talk to you.
It was a few months into your freshman year at Kansei, and though joining the track and field team as a member wasn’t a possibility, you’d hope to be able to aid them in another way.
“We’re technically not a new team, but this is our first year actually acting like one,” He paused glancing back down at you, “So we need all the help we could get.”
You nodded, returning the smile that he gave you with one of your own.
“I don’t know much about being in a fan club, but I do know a little bit about track and field.”
He quirked an eyebrow at you - curious about what experience you could have.
“How about I help out as a manager?”
His eyes widened slightly, bristling a bit at your sudden suggestion. “A manager, huh?” He paused, “I don’t think we’ve ever had one of those.”
You crossed your arms in front of your chest, looking up at him. “Well if it’s okay with you, I’d love to be the first?”
He gave you a nervous laugh, nodding his head in agreement to your offer. “I’d love to say yes, but we’ll have to run it by the club captain first.”
He lets out another more hearty laugh and you try to explain why you thought he was the captain, understanding completely that since he’s the oldest, then it’s a reasonable conclusion to come to.
“It’s fine. Just know that if he does agree to it, you’ve got a lot of responsibilities coming your way.”
“I think I can handle it.”
He placed a hand on his hip, “What’s your name?”
“[ln], [fn].”
He nodded, bowing his head slightly. “Well then, [ln]. Please, take good care of us.”
Iwakura Yukihiko (Yuki)
“No way. I’m not letting some poor freshman girl waste her time being our team manager.”
Your mouth fell agape at his quick witted answer, watching as he turned on his heel to continue his walk home. You stood surprised for a few moments before jogging a bit to get in front of him, catching his attention again as he glanced down at you, his hands stuffed in his pockets as he tilted up a single eyebrow.
“What do you mean ‘no way’? Don’t you guys need the help?”
He shrugged. “The help we need can only come in the form of a miracle. There are tons of other - better things you could find to do with your time.”
You crossed your arms before your chest, scoffing a bit in disbelief. “What other things did you have in mind?”
Yukihiko let out a quiet sigh. “I don’t know. Go clubbing, to a karaoke. You look like you could get a couple of dates, and I’m sure those would be way more enjoyable than watching us all evening.”
“Despite whatever conclusions you came to from knowing me for five minutes, I’m not as shallow and vain as you might think.”
“Maybe not. But I still stand by what I say.”
He walked around you, his hand raising to pull his headphones back over his ears.
“You’re unbel -“
“Listen, become our manager if you want to. I’ll let my captain know,” He called over his shoulder back at you, “Honestly , you being there might give me a good reason to actually show up.”
His words left you speechless, and he knew it. He turned towards you completely, a sly smile on his lips as he rose a hand to you in a wave.
“See you later, Miss Manager~”
Sugiyama Takashi (Shindo)
“Wha - you want to be our club manager?”
You nodded surely, brining the cup of coffee you help in your hands up to your lips. You’d finally caught up to Shindo at your campus cafe, his face buried into the screen of his laptop working on what you presumed was the team’s official website.
“I saw you guys jogging the other night. I used to run cross country back in high school, so I guess seeing you all made me miss it.” You shrugged, smiling up the senior.
You grew a bit nervous at the unmoving view he held of you, his brown eyes darting across your face almost as if he committing your expressions to memory. You quickly added to your words, feeling awkward at the growing silence between you two, “If you guys need the help, of course -“
“We do!” He admitted, his hands coming to pressed against the table you sat at. “Sorry - we need all the help we could get. I just didn’t think that someone like you would be interested in helping a team like us.”
He gave you a shy genuine smile, he eyes closing for a moment before he glanced at you.
“I’ll have to run it by our club captain first… but I can’t think of a reason why he wouldn’t say yes.”
You relaxed a bit, your nervous hold on your coffee cup loosening. You were flattered at his reaction to your offer, but couldn’t help but wonder -
“What do you mean someone like me, Sugiyama?”
His cheeks flushed as he darted his eyes to focus back onto his computer scene. He took a few moments before shrugging, brining he eyes back to yours. “Nothing bad, of course. I’m glad that you’re wanting to help us.”
He took a moment before bowing his head to you. “I really look forward to working with you…”
“[ln], [fn].”
He rose his head to look at you a smile playing on his lips again.
He was genuinely glad to know that the club would finally get some of the help and support they needed.
And even more ecstatic to finally be able to put a name to the face in front of him.
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