#hilarious commentary on fandom tropes and calling out how creepy the stalking was
noonslullabies · 1 year
A short quick question to my mom about the phantom of the opera, and she's for phantom/Christine.
She's a big fan of Michael Crawford's Phantom.
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the-e4b · 7 years
Ephrom Josine’s Answering the E4B Supplement.
As promised, I decided to add my fully conscious two cents to his video and DP’s following post: https://the-e4b.tumblr.com/post/160459745605/the-e4b-well-dp-you-asked-and-he
I see Mr Josine has taken an interest to my art. Honestly, I know I can do better though, I’ve got some microns to enhance the line art and as for the Killing Joke, I think you should see it and if you can’t see it... Pick up the paperback! This is considered one of Alan Moore’s greatest hits.
But pleasantries aside, we’re here to discuss what I’d have to say about the video. I mean I don’t know if the song break was really necessary if you were trying to offer any other criticism, as for looking like Voice of Reason, I modeled the SifFroPony off of you and the fact you’d look a bit like Voice of Reason is rather coincidental.
Also, SifFroJo isn’t really an attempt at making a “May-may” (don’t try to force the joke)... that’s what you call yourself at the end of every video. Your outro has always been “I’m SifFroJo and goodnight!” If anything you gave that to us.
Golden Fox calling you out wouldn’t be crying: It’d be tranquil fury with a hint of resisting the urge to swear. Then again, considering what MisAnthro said in the comments of his Ben Saint rant, he’d just avoid the situation to be the mature man and block you.
Golden Fox, I’m sure would try to talk it out with you, if he ever caught wind of you and the crap you’ve been saying. You’ve always encouraged your haters to talk things out but you manage to back out whenever you feel someone proves you wrong about your God Empress bores you with weak arguments.
As for mentioning Jerry and you, well here’s an explanation:
When we report on Jerry, it’s not because we have an “obsession” against him. He pops up on our blog 24/7 not because we have some sort of sick obsession or are stalking his channel/tumblr blog, hell I refuse to go to his tumblr or even his channel because I wouldn’t dare come close proximity to his content. But besides that…
It’s because he’s the most controversial individual in the fandom. He ends up becoming our focus because of his constant comments about the show, the people involved, his reviewing associates who he insults and burns bridges with, and arguably my favorite, enforces his opinions like the gospel.
In fact, the only reason we cover Peets is because our audience is the one that’s been supplying us with news for us to work with and the reason is that Peets is the most controversial Brony in the community. I mean there is a reason most of our Peet Posts do have a submission tag under them.
As for you…well you bring that upon yourself.
You got yourself involved in your blog by coming in and commentating on a community you obviously have no interest in or even drag us into your videos or twitter posts. So that should be self explanatory for you. You’re really your own worst enemy.
Also, hating Golden Fox because “his content is garbage” is not an answer, since you don’t tell us why his content is garbage. If you were to actually say why you dislike his content, I’d actually see why. But knowing you, you’d just say “Oh his content is garbage because it’s garbage”.
Also you made your dislike for Golden and Toon clear, you answered an ask on him on your tumblr where you clearly took the video he did about bullying out of context to make him look bad. And ya know, your comments on Golden also make that clear. SUBTLY is not your strong suit.
It helps to explain why you hate a certain individual’s work, can’t really ride on the lazy “I hate him because he sucks” train forever.
You still didn’t answer why you’re interested in brony reviewers when you show little to no interest in them. And no the “I find it amusing” comment doesn’t mean you’re interested in the fandom, you’d have to be invested in the fandom. If you were truly invested in the fandom, you’d take your time into seeing why a show about multicolored horses learning about friendship took the internet by storm, you’d actually watch the show and see how the series works (Granted you did state you were involved in the fandom and saw the show, but judging from how you talk and mention the fandom, it wasn’t for a long while, so I can assume you just watched the show and didn’t pay attention to the fandom’s behavior.), ect ect ect. Being interested isn’t the same as being invested, let alone the “I find it amusing” thing.
Yeah, I think in order to understand how story driven reviews work, You’d have to understand the format of the show which might explain the constant warbling of “I DON’T UNDERSTAND WHAT’S GOING ON!!” throughout Golden’s DPDOMS analysis. You have to do research! Since you’ve been out of the fanbase for a long time, you’re dangerously out of touch with things.
“But you’re obsession on Lily Peet is not creepy..”
Refer to above for that.
To make it clear, we run the blog not for followers or “views”, we do it to discuss and give our thoughts on people on the fandom that give it a bad name, I can assume you weren’t around when this blog discussed people like JawJoe, Chad Rocco, and a slew of others who made the fandom infamous due to disliking the fact the show changed after the third season into something they didn’t approve of. So no, we’re not like that group you mentioned, we’re just a simple discussion blog :P.
Yeah, you caught us right when we were remodeling because the original people we showcased who complained about how Season 3 was the worst and Twilight was a Mary Sue because she had wings finally matured and moved on... most of them did anyway.
So your reasoning of constantly making snarky comments towards Bronalysis reviewers…are because they did arguments and call outs to Jerry Peet because of his behavior.
That has got to be the most laziest reason I have ever heard in my life.
I get defending someone you’re into is something you’re passionate about but there’s a difference between defending…and white knighting. You are legit admitting to white knighting Jerry just because Vida and other members of Analysis did videos calling out Jerry’s videos. If you feel their arguments are faulty, actually go into detail as to why they’re faulty. But again (I keep using that phrase a lot with you…) knowing you, your ‘detail’ would just be saying “Their reasons are faulty because they’re faulty!”. And keep in mind, Vida and others don’t call Jerry out just because of his opinions, but because of how he executes and enforces them. He gives people snark if they dare disagree with him, he moderates his comment section just to avoid any criticism or disagreements (and it isn’t to filter out spam bots mind you), and even goes as far as to use the “PEOPLE Misgender ME!” spiel.
I refuse to call Jerry by his female name because he doesn’t deserve that respect. He needs to earn it back, like how he did that stupid “Earn the Respect’ hashtag. I don’t respect assholes who abuse their friends and refuse to take the responsibility of abusing said friends and I especially don’t respect assholes who think artists don’t deserve credit for their hard work and go call them “One-trick ponies” because they had a right to call them out on their bullshit.
But anyway, while you did provide an answer, it was lackluster at best so. You didn’t go into full details as to why you dislike Golden Fox and even then, it came off as petty since you just dislike for that one review and even then, you contradicted yourself with saying how you liked his retrospective on Season 4 (even quoting the TV Trope page). As for why you’re into calling out Analysis…well that’s just white knighting. You admit you dislike the arguments they made against Jerry, but you don’t go into why they’re ‘poorly written arguments’. You just say they’re “bad”, similar to you saying Golden’s review of DPOMS is “terrible” despite never going into detail why. Your arguments as a result are hallow.
And then of course, there is you accusing us of being “obsessed” with Jerry, which I found hilarious considering you admitted your commentaries on Bronalysis was because “These people said things about Jerry that I don’t like!!!”.
For once, I have nothing to add. This is pretty much what I would say.
I’m JoJoMo and goodnight.
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