mostlymantis · 7 months
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got a new girl from a friend on discord today! (she is on the right) her antennae are slightly fried looking so i named her crouton. she is a hierodula membranacea i6 nymph! I put her next to gummy my hierodula majuscula (poss i4 as the seller told me but maybe i5) male for comparison. the majuscula definitely have buggier alien eyes lolol. crouton is very chill in comparison to him but that may also be because she’s a female mantis. (also be careful holding two mantis close to each other, in this case ik what i was doing and only had them out simultaneously for a moment so it was fine but they can try to eat each other)
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rattyexplores · 1 year
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Giant Mantis Ootheca
Belonging to the Giant Rainforest Mantis, if you can believe it.
Hierodula majuscula
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laneybeetle · 7 months
Clover the Giant Asian Mantis! <3
Hierodula Membranacae, sub-adult female
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Got her set up in a new enclosure! Still need to add some more pieces for her to climb on, but I'm pretty happy with how it's looking so far.
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jack-of-all-inverts · 7 months
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Hierodula membranacea
Giant Asian Mantis - Adult Male
I love the color green that he turned out to be! He was yellow as a nymph. Now he's an i9 adult male!
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unhingedlesbear · 6 months
I LOVE HERR I'm back from college now so I can finally stare at her for hours.
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She is SO majestic
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tigersorange · 5 months
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i got my first digital camera! i still only have vintage lenses from my pentax for it but here’s some crouton pics anyways
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mantischildren · 1 year
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its been a really long time since i posted pictures!!!
senior citizen but she can still hunt by herself :')
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korurichocolat · 1 year
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Hierodula patellifera
Asian mantis
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cyanocoraxx · 5 months
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sentry selfies 🤳 ✨️
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neonbutchery · 1 year
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javik updates:
- he just molted to an i5/i6 and he's getting so big now! also I'm starting to question if he's actually a she, because now he's old enough to be properly sexed, but I'll guess when I handle him tomorrow
- i recently made a new enclosure for him! i know that to people who don't own a mantis it might look cheap but it has everything he needs (humidity, branches and mesh to climb on, etc). you can see him climbing on the pics above, and here are some images of the enclosure itself:
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mostlymantis · 7 months
Meet my mantises!
Cardamom ♀ Sphodromantis Kersteni - i6 poss subadult
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Cardamom is my baby my cinnamon apple my everything. She has three legs due to somehow getting her leg caught on a plastic plant and twisting it (I believe this is a freak accident and, in general, plastic plants are safe to use). She is also in my icon!
Cinnamon ♀ Creobroter Apicalis - i6 or 7 presub or subadult
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Tiny, fiesty, stunning. Cinnamon is only about 1.5 inches long even though she is almost an adult. Creobroter species tend to be small, but the Creobroter Gemmatus I kept in the past was larger than her.
Gummy ♂ Hierodula Majuscula - i4
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He is rude and he does not like me but he is Very cute, the most classically alien looking of my mantises. I am hoping that with some handling he will become more tame as he will be very large as an adult (possibly up to 4in long).
Dogwood ♀ Popa Spurca - i4
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She's stic. Can I make it anymore obvious?
Ash, Maple, Hazel ♀ Phyllocrania Paradoxa - i4
Sumac, Cypress ♂ Phyllocrania Paradoxa - i4
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I'm not putting pics of all of them here but here are the two boys. I love all of them, ghost mantises are really fun and beautiful and easy to keep, albeit the males are finicky to feed. I am going to breed them once they reach adulthood and may have babies available to purchase in the future.
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laneybeetle · 2 months
I love how Praying Mantises self-clean like cats.
Same! It's so cute, mantids really do remind me of cats.
Here's some shots I have of miss Orchid preening <3
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charanchula · 2 years
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Some of my new men. 
Aphonopelma Seemanni (Costa Rican Zebra, or more well known as the stripe-knee tarantula) - this poor kid (I think it might be a female) was all scrunched up on her back in the cup she was shipped in and freaked out as I unpacked her into her new house. I’ve left her alone all day, and she’s finally starting to look a little more relaxed.
She washed her face earlier on, it was adorable.
The mantis is, as you can see, hierodula majuscula, the giant australian mantis (or chazwozza mantis, apparently) - wayyyy smaller than I thought he’d be, so now I have to wait a couple of days for the taller cups to come so I can make him a more suitable enclosure than the large sweet jar I DID have set up for him.
Sad news, my Phiddipus Regis/Isla Juventus jumping spider, escaped from the MicroZilla habitat almost as soon as he got in and now he’s lst somewhere in my room. I saw him on the corner of my TV, but was too slow to catch him - I suspect he’s inside the TV. I’m hoping he’ll reappear at some point, I’m just so sad - he’s beautiful, he has a ridiculously blue mouth.
I’ve left catch cups lying around so that I can - hopefully - drop one on him when I find him again.
In other new baby news, the Ybyrapora diversipes (Amazon Sapphire Pinktoe) sling is gorgeous, and a little bigger than I anticipated, which is good in this instance.
The Avicularia Metallica is the spit of my previous Avicularia Avicularia, and I don’t know if it’s just my head telling me it’s so, but it actually does look more metallic.
The neischnocolus sp panama is maybe the teeniest tiniest sling I’ve got.
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unhingedlesbear · 6 months
Beckyyyy becky bekcycbekycbekycbekcyyyyyy
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biiig Beckypost
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onenicebugperday · 2 years
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@masterkfox submitted: My little buddy Key Lime Pie (H. Membranacea F). I sent you a picture back when they were a tiny nymph. They're 14 months old now and for the last two months we've been road tripping across the country together. I wasn't sure how well a mantis would do on a road trip but I found ways to keep their stress low and they're doing just fine. They've traveled 2300 miles so far!
I’m so glad they’re doing well!!! And having a great time on the road trip with you. I hope you are buying them some souvenirs to remember the trip by
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liberalbum · 1 year
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