#hideaway spoilers
princessstabbity · 11 months
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r-yui · 10 months
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Aside from childhood friends info getting lost?? somewhere in translation and didn’t show in English ATL, Dion and Terence’s love being a secret affair got the same treatment. I think only Japanese (implied with ‘I’m sorry you have to pretend to be my servant’) and Spanish mention it.
No wonder Vivian think they are comrades. She and Clive aren’t supposed to know about their relationship.
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fumblemoon · 9 months
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Cid the Second
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kyrienne · 9 months
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“Finally”? How long have you wanted to introduce your wi-I mean Jote, to Clive? 👀
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stay-funky-ponyboy · 7 months
Oh thank god Birdie is alive!
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cascadianights · 8 months
Our Flag Means Death pulling the voice actor for Jane from Tarzan and all the Millenials childhoods, putting her in the most breast-revealing outfit possible in a wild and violent lesbian pirate relationship, and then having her commit a somehow incredibly erotic stabbing and opening up several new kinks in thousands of queers
How dare they
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obsidian-warthog · 10 months
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aeniqmata · 11 months
look at me. you're going to be fine. || patching up wounds || @cidolfvs
The whole mission did not go according to plan. There were not supposed to be that many guards there, nor were there supposed to be wyverns or drakes of any kind here. It was a lodging for Bearers, sold and just awaiting their new masters' arrival before they head to the next hell that awaited them. But when he and Gav arrived at the stronghold... to say that hell broke loose would be an understatement.
Most of every guard was dead, Clive had seen to as much, and had left Gav to find the Bearers. Or so he'd thought, until he heard the other man's cry for assistance. No time was wasted sprinting through corridors following the sound of ringing steel, arriving just in time to interfere with what would have been a death stroke for their scout.
It was however a death toll for his armor, the strength behind the blow cutting clean through his pauldron and digging far enough into his arm to earn a hiss and a retaliatory blast of fire. It hurt, and he could hear Gav fussing over him now that there was no immediate danger.
" 's fine, Gav. " They had more immediate problems. Such as why there were so many Imperial soldiers here. That wasn't to mention the fact that... " There are no Bearers here. Were they already moved, or were we fed bad information? " Clive was more speaking to himself than he was to Gav. He knew the fair-haired man would double check all the information he got. Which meant that all of it was sound. There had been Bearers, and there hadn't been many guards.
It was only when they had emerged from the depths of the would-be-prison that he realized what it was that had happened. Though he didn't get the chance to voice it to Gav before he shouted in agony, unaware of the drake that had been waiting for them to leave. Gav's shout accompanied a roar but no matter how fast he shifted, physically or magically, he wouldn't escape the blow from the lizard that would throw him several feet, knocking him senseless enough that fighting off the thing without taking no small amount of hits.
And then... nothing. At least nothing that made sense. Feelings, smells, sounds, but nothing he could piece together. Too warm and too cold, but a warm presence under his arm and pressed to his side, another wrapped around his waist. Grumbling, about how heavy something was, how someone could help by at least moving their feet.
Copper, a smell he recognized as blood, and he was well aware that it meant very poor things. And while he didn't have much of any ability to think, he understood well enough what all of these meant, and he couldn't help but think about just how entertaining it was that he might actually die before helping Cid with their plans.
The next he knew, it was more pain. His face stung, and it hadn't hurt before hand. His ears were ringing too, but it was more... rhythmic. Repeated? Oh, a name. His name...
"...live. clive... ...ost, look at me. you're going to be fine, but i need ya to stay awake."
He knew that voice, impossibly deep and connected to a hand who knew better than to slap an injured man. But it was a command, and he would do his best to follow it. It didn't matter that the man was asking the impossible, he stayed awake as long as he could. Admittedly it wasn't long, and he could hear the long suffering sigh Cid let out before he was being moved again.
Would that he had the strength in his arms, he would have waved off the hands and slept on the floor. And when he woke, he was more than entertained when Tarja told him that was exactly what he'd mumbled before he passed out again, right before rambling off the terrifying list of injuries that she'd spent the better part of a few days trying to fix.
She claimed that it was the Phoenix's blessing from his brother that was the reason he made it back from wherever the hells they'd been to the hideaway. Clive made a mental note to buy Gav anything he wanted for a good while as thanks for hauling his dying, unconscious carcass across Storm to save what Cid had deemed a useful body.
Speaking of Cid, sitting in an infirmary bed ( strapped to it more like, he'd nearly escaped once and Tarja had all but dragged him back and threatened to break something ) and having a staring contest with the man was not really how he wanted to spend his time. But try as he might, he wasn't sure what it was he should say to the man. Never mind that the Dominant himself refused to say so much as a word in lieu of trying to summon lightning with his eyes instead of with magic.
Clive would be dead where he sat if Cid had any more control over his element.
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" ... using your magic would be more effective in killing me, I hope you realize. When you've finished trying to light me aflame, could you at least tell me what you are thinking? " Humor. That should fix it right? Cid always used humor and misdirection to lighten a mood, he could appreciate Clive's attempt.
He could only sigh, hanging his head after another score of moments of silent staring. He'd be dead within a fortnight, he was sure of it. If not by Cid's hand, then perhaps Otto, or even Charon.
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waloeders · 8 months
gm gang i read an epic ff16 fic last night that was a fix it time travel fic and i. am inspired. may have to adjust kosmos a little ehehehe
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cryoriku · 1 year
nobody in final fantasy 16 can say purple burglar alarm
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tsckcyomi-archived · 11 months
❝ you don’t look well. are you ill? ❞ (for Sir Terence)
@wyvern-flames | tloz: twilight princess (manga) starters
He's been absentminded for quite a while now, fingers wrapped tightly around the pint of ale given to him. Kihel is with the other children of the hideaway, and Terence decided to allow himself some respite. Now that they're taken care of, that neither of them need fear for their life… He can feel the exhaustion, can feel how the journey debilitated him physically and mentally alike. Had Dion not told him who saved him after what happened in the Crystalline Dominion, Terence had not thought it possible to find a safe haven in the middle of the dead lands. Or anywhere in the realm anymore, at this point.
Terence is pulled from his thoughts as a figure appears by his side. Cid ─ or rather, Clive, as he has learned by now ─ stands next to his table, appearing rather worried.
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"Ah... I must admit that the journey here was more strenuous that I'd have liked it to be." Especially with a child that needed his protection. The Akashic lurk around every corner, their numbers rising by the day, and bandits grow ever bolder. Or perhaps, ever more desperate. Terence raises a hand, pinching the bridge of his nose. He does feel rather faint, now that he thinks about it. " ─ My apologies. I meant not to make you worry, or anyone else for that matter."
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nerdychick13 · 1 year
Hello again lovelies! I had to take a break to process everything that’s happened in the villa but I’m back and ready to give you my hot take on the past couple of days. So I saw Roberto grafting on all the girls. Of course Ivy thinks she’s got more of a chance with him than I do but good luck with that! I can’t believe the stare-off between Jamal and Roberto. It looked really charged when I got over there. I wonder if there could be something more in those heated eyes…
Anyways, everybody was on edge for the dumping. I knew I wouldn’t be leaving but I did worry for Grace. She’s such a nice girl and I know there’s someone right for her in the villa. I also knew Amelia would be safe because she just got here. Nobody sends the bombshell home right after she gets in. Oh sorry, I forgot about Meera. She turned out to be such a bitch didn’t she? Oh well, she deserved to get dumped twice, but I digress. Thank God Ivy left! And I can’t believe she would think I wanted advice from her after she lied to me about Roberto’s secret fantasy before the challenge!! I told Ryan he should go after her, but apparently he doesn’t like Ivy enough to leave the villa with her. Shocking I know!
And now that Ivy’s gone, I have a clear path to Roberto. I was so hurt seeing him try to kiss Amelia in my bed! He says it was a misunderstanding and he mixed us up in the dark but seriously?! We don’t even look that much alike! Once again, Roberto and Jamal got into a *very* heated argument over moi. I think those two might have some hidden feelings for each other, in which case I would gladly stop grafting them so they can explore their relationship. If either Roberto or Jamal want to make things work with me, it’ll take a lot of convincing. Ozzy swooped in and calmed the boys down. I think he’s moved into first place in my heart at this point. And I’m excited to know he feels the same way about me! I really left an impression on him when I stroked his hair.
Ryan really had some insights to share. Hearing Roberto got two-timed helped me understand where he was coming from. I also like how Ryan put in a good word for Jamal. He’s a good friend and I think I will talk him up to Amelia. Now that Ivy’s out, Ryan deserves a relationship with a woman who’ll treat him right. I was surprised to hear that he was flirting with Grace, but I do feel better about cracking on with Ozzy now that she’s looking at Ryan.
The Good, The Bad, The Sexy was so much fun! I loved seeing Roberto riding that mechanical bull. He’s so muscular, I can’t even form words to describe his hotness!! Roberto does need help with his dancing though. I liked our slow dance together. I hope to show him more moves of mine soon. Jamal wasn’t able to stay on as long as Roberto, but at least he has rhythm. His dance had me wanting more! Ozzy didn’t stay on the bull as long as Roberto, but his lap dance was by far the best of all three! Grace wanted to show up Ozzy by kissing Roberto, so I snogged Ozzy after his dance. Don’t get mad, get even. I dominated that bull, even if I got thrown off at the end. I also gave Ozzy my sauciest moves, sealed with a passionate kiss. I know who I’m picking at the recoupling. Ryan tried to impress Amelia but he needs a lot of help in that department. Poor Lewie has no skills on the bull or the dance floor but he put his heart into it! I was pleasantly surprised when Bella picked me for her lap dance. I wish she had been more serious about it. If she’s throwing her cap in the ring with Roberto, Ozzy, and Jamal, I want her to be as all in as they are. I did tell Grace that she should be worried. I’m coming for Ozzy, and Ozzy clearly wants me more than he wants Grace. I made it clear to Bella I like her, but she’s not the only islander I’m interested in either. But the real surprise was Ryan stirring the pot! No wonder Ivy was drawn to him - he’s a little schemer! I didn’t want to hear anything he had to say, so I let Ryan leave without hearing his hot takes on the remaining boys. I know I want Ozzy, so when Grace said she had doubts about him, I told her not to pick him at the next recoupling. It only makes sense that she should have a partner she feels more secure with. But she didn’t take my advice. She picked Ozzy at the recoupling, so I gave him a little wink so he wouldn’t forget about me. Grace knows what Ozzy and I have but she chose to couple with him again. She could’ve picked someone else, but she didn’t. So we are gonna crack on, even though I’m with Roberto now. I’m willing to play the long game before I get Ozzy officially. Amelia and Jamal felt the need to tell me they kissed. OMG why? I could’ve lived without knowing that. They were properly coupled and I didn’t even kiss him in the challenge. Still, knowing my choice was between Roberto and Jamal has me cringing thinking about him kissing my twin. Ugh, that’s gonna take a while to wash from my brain. Luckily, Roberto and I have the Hideaway all to ourselves. And yes, he tastes as yummy as he looks! Whipped cream suits him well. I had only one thing on my mind that night and it was Roberto’s hot, sweaty body under me. That is until I got the text we’re getting new islanders in the morning. I don’t care who comes in, as long as they stay away from Ozzy. It’s hard enough just competing with Grace over him. He doesn’t even want her and she’s stubbornly hanging on to a failing relationship. Oh well. I’ve got more time to sell one of the other guys so she’ll loosen her grip on Ozzy. Until next time…
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I was thinking about the one shot I’m probably going to write to give more context about information I know that wouldn’t come up in Steve or Eddie’s pov when we get to a certain point of The Things in Life That I Can’t Find
But then I was thinking about all the other related information I have outside of Steve and Eddie’s perspectives and now suddenly I am very close to starting an also multi-chapter fic that takes place in the same world and same time frame that focuses on the Hopper-Byers family side and is possibly just Will’s pov but more likely switching between his and El’s with context on what’s going on with their family and them navigating their dynamic with Will the protective brother but also bitter and jealous of her getting so much attention out of Mike
And the platonic dynamics are what’s making me want to write it, but it would also potentially have El realizing that what she feels for Mike is closer to the way she feels about Will than the way Will feels about Mike with some eventual Byler
And there might eventually be a Ronance one too, but I have to get far enough in the main fic for certain information to come out before I can do that
#Spoilers for future chapters I guess but#Will being her safety blanket while she’s pretending everything’s fine and she’s not terrified to start school and potentially be treated#the same way when she’s able to actually start school and be out of the house is the one shot that started this#But also details before that of how El’s going to end up out of the house before that thanks to Will talking too much about Eddie and#Jonathan complaining about Eddie trying to drag him to see his band and not understanding why while El’s like yeah well at least you get to#go I just have to sit here and here about how great it is and how Max was there and how much fun everyone else is having that leads to#Jonathan talking Hopper into letting him take her just to the Hideaway for one night if he doesn’t let her out of his sight and brings her#right back after (but spoiler alert: Hopper’s showing up there pretending like oh he was going to bring Joyce there#on a date anyway like ten minutes after Jonathan and El and Will show up together anyway and he convinced absolutely no one)#At this rate watch me write a Ronance centered version of it too because I sure know plenty about that side of things too#But I have to wait until after the main fic gets to a certain point so that something can be known before we get their povs#Some burns are going to be slower than others and if I do end up doing Byler it would be the slowest#Jargyle will be the fastest and Argyle hasn’t even shown up yet#Mine
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faragonart · 3 months
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"...They declaired you a heretic, too, haven't they?"
headcanon below (HW spoilers)
In the game where the WoL finds Ysayle in the heretic hideout, my headcanon had Ridel chased down by suspect Ishgardian soldiers while on his mission to seek out her hideaway. They were no sooner laid low by his "Moonshadow"- something he had yet to understand or control... and Ysayle had come upon the aftermath...
(It also was the reason why he, Alphinaud and Tataru were tried for herecy upon his return...)
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pinkkittysaw · 8 months
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title is based off the song hungry like the wolf by duran duran
halloween night of horrors masterlist can be found here!
pairing: werewolf clive rosfield x f!reader
summary: your lover always disappears on the night of a full moon every month and you’re determined to figure out why
word count: 8,331 (don’t perceive me 🫣)
content: NSFW (minors + ageless blogs DNI you will be blocked) minor plot spoilers, monsterfucking, teratophilia, knotting, blood, choking, established relationship, slight dumbification, minor breast/nipple play, oral (f!receiving), unprotected p in v, creampie, size kink, manhandling, belly bulge/pushing, spit, slight overstimulation, multiple orgasms, scent kink, scratching, biting, one spank, hints of degradation, praise, pet names (sweetheart, darling, love) reader is wearing a dress
* i want to give a BIG thank you to @strawberrystepmom for answering all my anatomical questions and helping me through my writing process! she also has a werewolf fic of her own if you want to check it out ^_^
a/n: AND I LASTED TEN ROUNDS LIKE A FREAKKKKK LIKE A GGGGGGGGG. this was inspired by the beach scene with clive and jill, iykyk. I WILL NEVER BE NORMAL AGAIN THANKS TO THEM!!truly did not expect this to get as long as it did but ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
recommended listening for this fic is MONSTER by lady gaga
divider by @/benkeibear
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Waves crash at your toes from where you stand on the shoreline, and the fire you made from scattered kindling on the rocky beach crackles in the background, its golden flame shining bright against the navy blue sky.
You sigh, staring into the dark ether, hoping and praying for an answer to your troubles. The cold water laps at your feet, manifesting a shiver in your spine that flows throughout the rest of your body. Grumbling, you glare back at Metia and the full moon with disdain, acting as if the two of them were in cahoots with each other, taunting you. You huff, shoving your arms to your sides with clenched fists as you continue to bitch, arguing with the moon and stars above.
"You're not even going to help me? Even though you're the cause of all this?"
Your index finger is shoved into the sky, pointing directly at the hunk of rock that floats within it, and it's not long after that gust of wind blows through you, billowing through the skirt of your pale dress, causing it to fly in right your face, a protest of sorts in response to the little tantrum you were throwing.
You fold the fabric back down onto your legs, holding its hem while letting out a snide, "Well, I hope the two of you are enjoying yourselves," before you turn your back in defiance and slosh through the ankle-deep water toward the fire, choosing to settle down on your bed roll for the night.
You shouldn't be surprised. All your prayers turned out to be for naught; it'd be foolish to think that this time would be any different.
You pout and pull your knees to your chest, settling your cheeks on the joints of your legs as you stare into the fiery embers, the sand scratching the skin between your toes as they curl into the seashore. You had long since forgone your sandals, as keeping the granules out of the material proved to be a losing battle.
"This was such a foolish idea," you mutter to yourself, choosing to reflect on the actions that brought you here.
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You and Clive had been courting for several months now, and in that time you began to notice a particular pattern he developed. During the three days surrounding every full moon, he always disappeared without a trace, unable to be found anywhere in the hideaway.
It wasn't uncommon for Clive to be away from the hideout; if anything, he was probably away from it more than he wasn't, always coming to someone's aid. As long as they roamed the lands of Valisthea, he'd be there.
But after three separate occurrences of him disappearing around the same set of circumstances, it began to look less and less like a coincidence and more like a habit. The first two times he "vanished," you had attributed the cause to "business as usual," assuming he was off assisting the curse breakers or aiding in the transportation of recently freed bearers, but the longer the two of you stayed together, the more prominent his disappearances became. 
You had confronted him about it once, apprehensively inquiring if he had taken on another lover during his time away. You heard the tale of his time in North Reach before he, Cid, and Jill eventually set their sights on destroying Drake's head. Maybe he'd found a courtesan at The Veil on his returning trip to Sanbreque after word of Isabelle needing his assistance came in.
He immediately shot the notion down, sympathizing with your cause of concern. He reassured you that you were the only one for him, and you believed him, of course. He's been nothing but loyal and devoted to you throughout your whole relationship so far. Even Jill stepped in and vouched for him at one point, stating that "cheating was far beneath him" and that he "treasured you more than anything else in the realm."
Yet he still didn't do much in providing an actual explanation for where he was going, stumbling through an excuse about the Mothercrystals and needing to stay away for your protection, but the risks of danger hadn't stopped him from brainstorming strategies with you before, so why now all of a sudden was he coddling you like a child? If not a secret lover, then what else could be hiding from you? Not even the collection of books residing in the Shelves provided an answer as to why your lover would disappear for three days time every full moon.
The longer this went on, the more you assumed everyone was just taking the piss out of you. Sure, most people in the hideaway were often busy with their own assignments, but you couldn't have been the only person who noticed a similar pattern of behavior, right?
You took to asking people around the hideout if they noticed a change in Clive's demeanor, with most of them stating that he'd been acting as he usually would, nothing out of the ordinary, while some others, mainly Tarja, thought it'd be funny to get a bit cheeky with you, commenting, "Wouldn't you be the one to notice if he was behaving strangely?" She means no real offense, so you try your best not to get frustrated with the more empty answers you're handed. It wasn't their fault that your lover was so cagey about his whereabouts. It's not like they were his keeper, as he was the one everyone answered to. You even took to inquiring Otto about it, though it didn't prove to be any more fruitful as he spat out the same Mothercrystals excuse as Clive did.
Your last and final hope was Jill. She had known Clive the longest—since they were children; if anyone were to have insight on what was going on with him, it'd be her, but you're met with similar responses as Clive and Otto. An apprehensive look crossed her features when you asked her if she knew why Clive was disappearing each month or where he went. She simply shrugged her shoulders, shook her head, and stated that she hadn't noticed anything strange going on with him, which only proved to make you more suspicious. 
Having had enough of the unanswered questions, you decided that the (not-so) smartest thing to do would be to take a little trip during the week of the full moon and not tell anyone. Was it a bit selfish? Desperate? Yes, but you rationalized that if you disappeared during that time, Clive would have no choice but to come out of hiding and look for you, thus leaving you free to discuss his whereabouts. It definitely wasn't the most well-thought-out plan you've ever come up with, but the lack of transparency was beginning to drive you mad.
The next few weeks were spent making preparations for the trip ahead in secret, taking on extra assignments to save up gil so you could spend a few nights at an inn. The night before your departure, you decided to take on all outstanding alliant reports on the bulletin while everyone was asleep so that you could circumvent a scolding from Otto about skipping out on your duties when you returned.
Early to rise the next morning, you gather a small pack of your belongings and shuffle off toward the pier before Clive awoke, careful to slip from his gentle embrace so as to not rouse him from his slumber. You glance down at his sleeping face, taking in how peaceful he looked while resting.
You gather your pack and make your way toward the boats. The sunrise on the open water is a stark contrast to the scowl that Obolus greets you with so early in the day.
"Good morning!" You beam, your smile shining brightly in his direction, as you carefully step onto the ferry.
"Someone's rather chipper this morning," he snickers, preparing to set sail in the blighted waters.
"You could say that," you respond, taking your seat on the wooden boards as the vessel starts to bob in the water and glancing back as the hideaway comes to life, everyone beginning to start their day.
When choosing a destination for this little excursion, you soon realized that there was only one correct choice, so you set your sights on Rosaria, having expressed wanting to return there to Clive before, so if he truly knew you as well as he claimed, he'd have no trouble finding you.
The majority of your time was spent at Martha's Rest, helping her out with the ever-growing cray claw population that seemed to be terrorizing most merchants traveling in the area. It was peaceful, with most nights spent exchanging tales with the locals over pints of ale.
On the day before the full moon, Martha half-joked about keeping you stationed with her, finding your company to be most pleasant, and though you couldn't make any promises, you assured her that you would stop by whenever time allowed.
It was only on the night of the full moon itself that you decided to take to the sea. The salty air and crash of the waves gave you a sense of tranquility unlike any other. It was almost as if you could sit back and forget all the horrors of the world around you.
As you draw swirl patterns into the sand with your finger, you begin to wonder if Clive will ever find you. Maybe he never even realized you were gone, and you'd be forced to return home with your tail between your legs, not having gotten any closer to the answers you so desired.
Unbeknownst to you, though, Clive was actively on the hunt, having noticed your disappearance shortly after your departure that morning. The space beside him in bed was cold and empty when he awoke. Though confused, he didn't think much of it; sometimes people are being sent away as reinforcements without much notice.
His day went pretty much the same as normal, though an underlying discomfort lay deep within him, wishing to share details of upcoming plans with you but being unable to.
It's not until you don't return that evening that he begins to get antsy. Deciding that he doesn't want to come across as overly possessive, he manages to hold his tongue, only voicing his concerns about your absence that night at the ale hall during supper, his dining mates recounting that they haven't seen you but to "not fret as you were probably just sent away on an overnight assignment."
He nods, taking some solace in their words as he sips from his mug, washing down the food. They were probably right; you were just off helping someone somewhere, but knowing that doesn't make his restless nights go by any easier, leaving him to toss and turn in his sleep without you.
It's not til three days go by without so much as a whisper of your whereabouts that he decides to go looking for you, finding one of your undershirts and stuffing the material into the pouch on the back of his belt. He goes out in search of Otto, hoping to find some information in regard to your whereabouts, but it's when he comes up empty in regard to your station that he really starts to panic. He informs the elder man that he'll be out for an unspecified amount of time and to make sure all missives are delivered to his desk upon his return, then storms off to the pier with a look something fierce in his eyes as he demands Obolus take him to where you disembarked. Obolus, not wanting to argue with a clearly pissed-off Clive, rows him to the destination.
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You're distracted from your wallowing upon hearing a shrill howl in the distance. Quick to refocus, you swivel your head back and forth in all directions to try and determine the location of the sound. That's when you see it—a dark figure perched upon one of the nearby cliffs. The midnight sky shrouds the size and shape of the creature, though its piercing azure eyes remain distinct amongst the sea of black, piercing right through you from the tall height. 
Just as quickly as you make eye contact with the creature, it lurches from its spot on the cliff, prowling toward you like a predator honing in on its next meal, sniffing as if it smells your fear and your very blood running cold. Only when it's within range of the fire's flame are you able to tell what lingers in the dark. A wolf. Its fur is as dark as a raven's feather, black like soot, and much different from the standard mix of greys and whites of the usual worgens. Rosaria was no stranger to wolves, but they were never of this magnitude; its body was almost double the size of the usual stray. You're confused as to what it was doing so far out from the greenery; was this a newly created breed? Made solely for the purpose of hunting lost damsels wandering the coast at night?
As it draws near, you're unable to look away, its eyes drawing you into a trance, captivating yet familiar, almost as if you've seen them before.
It snarls at you, its ears and lips drawing back to expose the glint of sharpened canines that await you, its tail sharp and stiff, a warning sign: DANGER! DANGER!
You scoot backward in the sand toward your sword, buried in the sand. The wolf is still approaching just as slowly, its bark and growls echoing off the ocean and ringing back into your ears. Was this how you were going to meet your end? Slaughtered and torn to shreds by a rouge wolf, becoming its dinner, never to be seen again while your corpse decays on an abandoned beach?
You feel the cold steel amongst the granules and unsheath your blade, drawing it slowly as you rise to your feet. You do your best to steady your nerves, your heart hammering in your chest so wildly that you're assured that the beast can hear its drum as well. Though skilled with a sword, the circumstances couldn't be more against your favor; the instability of the sand and poor lighting make it more likely that you'll topple over and impale yourself before ever slaying the creature.
It growls once more, rearing its hind legs, ready to pounce. You brace yourself for impact, taking your best stance as the wolf leaps into the air. You're knocked flat on your back on the bumpy terrain, your sword falling from your hand as the air is strangled from your lungs, your body aching from the collision. It stands over you now, nose to nose with the beast that'd be your undoing. Its drool leaks onto your face; puffs of air are exhaled and manifested into the ether as it breathes in and out. You clench your eyes shut as it leans closer, praying that your death will be swift when you feel...a lick?
The long, fleshy tongue makes a slobbery mess of your cheeks and face as the wolf wags its bushy tail back and forth. This was bizarre, but you'd much rather be covered in sloppy hound kisses than be torn to shreds, so you accept your strange fate while continuing to giggle.
"I never expected to make a friend all the way out here," you coo, giving your best baby voice as you scratch the hound behind the ears.
A few moments later, you're blinded by a bright, pale light, transforming the once yipping black wolf into...Clive? Or at least you think it's Clive. It looks like him, the figure possessing the same crystalline eyes and dark shaggy hair, yet he still looks vastly different, as if he were half-beast, retaining the increased height, bulk, and hair as he did in wolf form. The rounded, fluffy ears and sharpened fangs are still present as well. You don't even realize he's naked at first due to the amount of thick, coarse hair covering his body, only being able to tell when you catch a glimpse of the few more intimate scars that lay between the follicles, reflecting in the flame's light.
He falls to his hands and knees, scampering toward you, pulling you close by the arm for a chaste kiss.
"Ouch," you squeak, scuttling backward as something sharp pricks your skin. He's quick to pull away, and that's when you notice the claws extending from the tips of his fingers, curled and sharpened to a fine point.
"My apologies; I'm, uh, not used to touching people when I look like this." He reaches out to cup your face, frowning a little as you twitch backward at the sight of his large hand. His fingers are gentle as they caress the sensitive skin of your cheek and neck, not wanting to startle you further.
"What are you doing all the way out here? Where have you been? What if something happened to you? What if-?" He begins to question, losing himself in the possibility of what ifs
"Clive," you cut him off, raising your eyebrows to stare at him like he's just grown two heads. He tilts his head to the side, perplexed, while you ask, "Are you not going to explain what's going on with you?"
"You're... a beast."
He sighs, sitting back on his hind with a dejected posture. "This," he gestures up and down his body, "is what I was trying to protect you from."
His eye catches a glimmer upon your flesh, trailing from your bicep to your forearm.
"You're bleeding," he mutters, turning your arm in his grasp to get a better view.
"It's alright," you stammer, reaching up to apply pressure to the cut when he looms over you, extending his head and tongue toward the abrasion, lapping at it quickly. You're taken aback at first, quirking an eyebrow in his direction, but soon realize that this is his means of comforting you, in his own dog sort of way.  His tongue also maintained its wolf-like qualities—long, pink, and rough—yet it didn't feel too unpleasant on the skin. The cool breeze against the wet saliva on your skin creates goosebumps along your body.
He continues to tend to your cut til he's assured the bleeding has stopped and the metallic tang no longer gracing his tastebuds. He pulls back, sitting on his rear once again. "You still haven't answered my question."
"You haven't answered mine. I've seen a lot of freaky things in my lifetime, Clive, but this...this requires an explanation."
A beat of silence passes as the two of you sit in front of the fire, illuminated in its orange haze. A small breeze of wind blows through the both of you, the moon and stars shine down from above.
He exhales defeatedly. "I'm... a werewolf."
You scoff, finding the words a bit silly coming out of his mouth. "I'm sorry, what?"
"It's true.  I was turned that night at Phoenix Gate all those years ago. It was the only way I could've survived." He pauses, lowering his head and drawing his ears back once again. "I never found the person who turned me—I don't believe I ever will. Though sometimes I wonder if saving me was worth it, seeing as it turns me into a monster."
He shakes his head, ruffling his fur, a toothy grin adorning his features. "Never mind that."
"Every full moon, I transform into this beast against my will. That's why I'm away so often. That and well..." His words trail off as his eyes make contact with yours across the fire, scanning your face and body.
"Well, what?"
"Nothing," he smiles, eyes softening as he continues to look at you. "Now it's your turn; what in Founder's name are you doing all the way out here?"
You chuckle timidly, heat flooding your face—the likes of which you hope he can't see as you scoot away from him slightly, wishing you could bury your head in the sand for reacting so poorly.
"It's silly... and dumb," you mumble, trying to wave him off, turning your back toward him in an attempt to hide any further embarrassment. He grabs your hands in his, the size of them eclipsing your own, while he pulls you closer to him.
"It's not dumb, not to me," he says, running a fur-covered finger up and down your cheek. "Besides, it can't possibly be any dumber than me turning into a wolf," he chuckles.
You sigh, closing your eyes in preparation. "I was getting frustrated with the lack of communication, so I decided to just..."
"Run away?"
"Aye." You hang your head low in shame, kicking up a cloud of dust from the sand with your toes, feeling stupid and childish for having reacted this way.
"I'm sorry for not telling you sooner. It wasn't fair to you."
"It's alright."
He cups your jaw, nudging your chin up between his grip so that you're both on eye level, his eyes much sharper than before. "It's not alright, love, we're a partnership. We're supposed to trust each other, and we can't do that if I'm not being honest with you. I'll do better from here on, alright? I promise."
You give him a sickly-sweet smile, nodding in agreement as he pulls you in for a sweet kiss.
"So how did you find me? I mean, I was hoping you would, but still, I'm curious."
"You really want to know? It's quite embarrassing."
"Now I most definitely want to know," you giggle, leaning toward him.
"Well, I uhm..." He becomes more bashful as he continues on. "I tracked your scent."
"I pulled one of your tunics from the laundry bin and used that to help me track you down."
"My scent?"
"Mhm," he grumbles, slowly leaning into you more and more, causing you to fall back on your hands as he draws near. "Your musk is very distinct. There's nothing else in Valisthea quite like it." He gets closer and closer, nudging his head under the skirt of your dress, getting incredibly close toward the apex of your thighs before taking a big whiff. "And oh, so addicting." Your eyelashes flutter in surprise, building heat throughout your body. This had to be some wolf thing, right? He never acted like this before.
You place your foot on his shoulder, pushing him back on his haunches, trying to shoo him away from under your dress with a subdued "Down boy."
He snarls faintly before wrapping his hand around your ankle and pulling you toward him, effectively dragging your body through the sand, scratching up your back, and getting the granules caught in your dress and hair. It'd take weeks for you to wash it all out.
He tugs on your leg til you're dangling in the air, holding you up as if you weigh nothing, yanking you higher and higher til your sweet cunt is pressed against his nose once more. He takes another huge whiff of your pussy and relishes in the scent that fills his nostrils. Your body contorts slightly, your abdomen tightening while you hold down the part of your dress that's fallen in your face, only to see him nosing at your underwear, licking his lips, and staring at you like you were a big piece of meat.
"I can smell you, you know," he whispers, licking a broad stripe against your folds through the gusset of your underwear. You can't help but thrash in the air, your back arching as the width of his tongue reaches every crevice of your cunt in one fell swoop. Oh, this was certainly different, but you liked it.
"I can smell your arousal, Founder, your scent is so addicting." He nuzzles into your pussy again, rubbing his nose back and forth over your clit through your underwear, grinning at your desperate mewls and whines.
"You smell so fucking good," he murmurs and delivers another broad lick to your panties, effectively soaking them with his drool. "And taste even better," he winks. "But your scent isn't the only thing I can sense. Your heart rate has increased quite significantly, as well as your breathing." Partly from fear but mostly from arousal.
another broad lick and a sniff
"You're probably debating whether or not it's okay to be attracted to me while I'm like this."
another lick
"Mmm, fuck," he growls as more of your essence pools in your knickers. "But don't worry, I can make the decision for the both of us." He gives an airy laugh.
another sniff
His claws graze the seam of your panties, slightly unraveling the stitching. "Please let me taste you," he pants. "Please don't deny me your sweet nectar."
"I've gone far too long without it," he mumbles as he begins to make out with your pussy through your underwear, while his claws start trailing over the rest of your body as you continue to hang in the air. Clive was never one to shy away from pleasuring you with his honeyed tongue, but this was a whole new level of desperation.
"Please," he pleads.
"Alright alright, just put me down. I'm starting to lose feeling in my legs." He grins and happily obliges, his tail wagging rapidly as he drops you slowly onto the sand by your ankle. You lean back on your elbows so as not to get any more sand in your hair, and spread your legs wide for him. He gets on his hands and knees, crawling over to you seductively before lifting the hem of your dress over your pelvis, exposing your soaking wet knickers to him once again. 
He smiles down at you, admiring the view of your disheveled state while dragging a claw on your inner thigh, making you shiver before he tucks the nail into the crotch of your panties, tearing them straight off your cunt with little resistance. The fabric is left in tatters beside you when you gasp, your slick folds now fully exposed to the chilly evening air.
He groans as he lifts your hips into the air, throwing your thighs over his broad shoulders as he makes eye contact with your bare cunt, all wet, spread, and exposed just for him. Your bum is in the air slightly as he settles himself on his elbows, his large hands wrapping around the plush of your thighs, his fingers digging into the flesh slightly. He gets on eye level with your pussy, the hairs on your mound drenched from his salvia. You look so appetizing to him that he can't fight off the desire to sink into your wetness.
"Do you want to know the real reason I stayed away all this time?" He asks, bringing his mouth closer to your cunt, nibbling on your inner thigh with his teeth, causing a slight blood trail to trickle down from the skin.
You whimper but nod your head in response.
"Your scent tempts me like no other." His rough tongue laps up the blood spilled from the nick he created, leaving you writhing for more pleasure.
"It'd take everything in me not to mount you right where you lay and take you as my mate." You groan at that, causing a chuckle to escape him while he continues to nip and lick at the skin surrounding your pussy, neglecting where you need him most.
"Clive, please," you whine, having had enough of his teasing and desperately wanting him to push you over the edge with that sweet tongue of his, so after deciding that you've had enough, he gives you what you so desperately crave: a long swipe of his tongue from your entrance, all the way to your needy, swollen clit.
You arch your back while he groans at the taste. Something about being in this form enhances his senses and the pleasure he receives from pleasing you.
He gathers a pool of salvia behind his teeth and spits it on your cunt before he pulls you even further into his mouth, swirling the wetness all along your poor neglected pussy. The change in texture brings you heightened pleasure as his tongue drags along your clit over and over, making you mewl and whine in his hold.
Your hips begin to buck against his face, and he's gentle when he pulls the sensitive nub between his sharpened teeth. Your fingers find themselves in his shaggy hair, curling into the roots, where you give a slight tug, pulling him even closer into your cunt. He groans into your pussy as more of your arousal leaks from your quivering hole.
He detaches himself from your clit, moving down to your entrance, where he laps at the escaping juices. It's like a drug to him, one that he simply can't get enough of, so it comes as no surprise when he wiggles his tongue into your tight hole to collect even more of your flavor on his palette. He pushes the warm muscle further and further in, slurping up every last drop you provide, not letting a single one go to waste. It's such a foreign sensation, but you can't deny the pleasure you derive from it when he begins thrusting it in and out of you, effectively fucking you with his tongue.
"Fuck, Clive," you moan as his efforts hasten, greedy for more of your flavor.
Your hips continue to rut against his face, clit knocking against his nose with every buck upward. You're whining, whimpering, and writhing all over the place while his strong, calloused hands keep your hips pressed against his face. He takes over for you and grinds your pussy all over his face while continuing to tongue-fuck you as you're reduced to nothing but whimpers due to the sensations, your cunt beginning to pulsate around his warm muscle as the whiskers on his face tickle your clit in ways you've never felt before.
His rhythm against you is brutal; your legs are beginning to shake and your toes starting to curl. A slew of pleas fall from your lips, begging him to bring you to your sweet release, and he's always been one to please. He growls out "cum for me" before suckling your clit back between his lips, hard.
You wail loudly as you see white behind your eyes, your thighs squeezing around his head tight while continuing to tug on his hair, slowly bucking your hips as you continue to ride out the rest of your high.
Clive keeps up his efforts on your clit, making your hips jolt as he overstimulates your poor pussy. With a simple tap on the side of his face and a muffled "enough," he lowers you back down again, being sure to cover your exposed sex with the skirt of your dress once more.
"That was..." you begin to rave, lifting your head up to meet his eyes only for your attention to be drawn elsewhere, particularly toward the protrusion from his lower half that's now sticking straight in the air.
Heavens above, was that his cock?
Your eyes are diverted once again as he begins licking his chops, swirling his tongue all around where your wetness graced his face. Poor thing, he always did get unbearably horny when eating you out.
You reach out toward him, wanting to provide some relief, when he backs away, shuffling in the sand.
"You don't...you don't need to do that..."
"In fact, it's probably best that you didn't."
"Are you sure? It looks like it hurts..."
His cock looked a lot different than usual. It was angrier, meatier, thicker, longer, his whole shaft red in color instead of the pretty pale yellow tone you're used to, and it was hard, so incredibly hard, with precum leaking down onto the sand below. You've never had anything like it before, but you knew you wanted it, and you wanted it BAD.
"It's alright, I can take care of myself when I turn back, besides, if we do this, I won't be able to stop myself, and I- I don't want to hurt you." He attempts to cover himself up from your wandering eye, but that serves to only work against him as he whimpers every time he bumps into his erection, his teeth digging into his lower lip.
You crawl toward him slowly, your hands and knees sinking into the sand as you move forward. "I trust you, I know you won't hurt me." You settle between his legs, dense, dark, coarse hair covering the base of his cock. "Let me make you feel good too," you mumble, grabbing his shaft with your hand. It's hot to the touch, with way more veins, the base more rounded and bulbous than usual. You pump him up and down slowly as he mewls and growls against your touch. 
"This is your last chance," he huffs. "I won't be able to hold myself back." 
"I want you just like this, Clive," you lean in, pressing a wet kiss to his lips while you continually stroke him. "Don't hold yourself back," you whisper, smirking against him as the two of you kiss some more, both beginning to pant into the other's mouth as the excitement builds.
He emits a low growl and picks you up by your hips, planting you down on all fours in front of him. The hem of your dress is torn by his claws as he lifts it over your bum, your cheeks on full display. His hand comes down with a swift SWAT to your ass, leaving tiny abrasions on your skin from his nails. Your body propels forward from the impact as you squeal, your pussy starting to drool with arousal once again. 
He leans himself over you; his broad body is heavy on your back as it casts a large shadow in the moonlight. You can feel all the hair that covers his legs as he presses into you, the follicles tickling the back of your thighs as he lines himself up with your entrance.
"I'd much rather take you on your back, spread you nice and wide, have you laid out all pretty underneath me like you always seem to enjoy," he murmurs in your ear, trailing his hand from your thigh to knead at your breast through your clothes.
"But unfortunately, your choice of locale for throwing this little tantrum prohibits that sort of thing."
"We wouldn't want sand to get where it doesn't belong, hm?" He removes his hand from your breast and interlocks his fingers over top of yours, where they've sunk into the sand. Though his hand is so large, he might as well be clenching his fist around your own.
He sniffs your nape, then presses a kiss to the back of your neck. "I'll be as gentle as I can til you're ready for more, alright?"
"I'll make this as pleasurable for you as possible," he coos. When he notices your body shivering, though he's unsure if it's due to the cold or nerves, he runs his free hand up and down your side in a soothing manner, in an attempt to help calm you a bit. He plants a sweet kiss and a lick on your cheek, and it manages to pull a short giggle from you, which he smiles at.
"I'm ready."
With your fingers still interlocked together, he carefully begins to insert himself, and it takes all of his will to not buck his hips and go balls deep inside you. The hug of your warm, wet walls on his weepy, swollen cock is almost too much for him to bear.
You bite your lower lip and grunt as he pushes in, feeling like you're being torn open from the inside out. He can sense your discomfort; your heart rate skyrocketing due to the pain. He's quick to move his other hand from your side to your clit, rubbing smooth, soft circles on the bundle of nerves with the pad of his fingers.
His ears pull back at your discomfort, and he nuzzles his nose into your neck further, trying to soothe you through more licks and kisses to your neck.
"I'm sorry, sweetheart," he whimpers, and your heart all but breaks at the sound.
The ministrations on your clit start to overtake the burn of your nethers and you encourage Clive to keep pushing in further. It's a prolonged effort, with him moving in short increments every so often til he was as deep as you could allow, stopping just short of the bulb inflating the base. He was already quite well-endowed, having little to no trouble bringing you to sweet bliss on his cock, but this was a whole new world. His cock felt like it now resided in your guts and that your guts were now in your longs. His girth, the likes of which you've never felt before. Your cunt strangles him with everything it has; every bump against your ridges fills him with pleasure.
Once he's as deep as he can go with minimal resistance, he brings you over the edge by playing with your clit. Sadly, there's not enough prep in the world that would make taking him an easier feat, but he's hoping that the now relaxed muscles in your cunt will make the whole experience more pleasurable.
He continues to coo and coddle you as you come down from your second orgasm of the night. The squirm of your smaller form against his fills him with amusement. There's something so primal about him mounting you like this, caressing your soft skin while making sure to comfort you through lots of kisses and nuzzles as he whispers words of affection in your ear. You're pretty sure your cheek is going to be rubbed raw by the end of this.
"You're such a good girl," he murmurs in your ear. "You're doing so good for me."
He stalls his hips while you gather yourself, collecting your thoughts as you try to bring yourself back into the moment. It's only when you give the go-ahead that he starts to move, taking care to make sure that this part is done with caution as well until you're accustomed to any sort of rhythm with his size.
Your fists dig deep into the shore as the veins of his angry cock drag along every single bump and groove inside you.
"Fuuuuuuuuck," you growl between your teeth, squeezing your eyes shut tight at his slow and methodical thrusts. You knew he was just making sure you didn't get hurt, but it felt like him going this slow and deliberate might actually kill you.
"Clive, you can move a little faster," you pant.
"Are you sure? I don't want to-"
"Yes, I'm sure just-" you clench down on him harder, hoping that will drive the point further. "Just please..."
"Alright then," he mumbles, settling his face on your shoulder, his big, bulky body still encompassing you. He moves his hand down to your hip, where his thumb draws soothing patterns into your skin while his hips start to rock back and forth. It's a slow rhythm at first, which admittedly you're thankful for, knowing that you'd probably regret telling him to go all out once you're forced to waddle to the infirmary and explain to Tarja why your nethers looked the way they did.
It takes everything in you not to groan out in pleasure, and after noticing this, of course, Clive goads, gaining a more steady rhythm, his pace quickening with every passing second.
"There's no one else here but you, me, and the stars, love."
"You can be as loud as you want." After heeding his proposal, you let out a loud moan into the open air, which echoes softly over the ocean.
"That's it," he praises, licking a stripe on your neck. It's not long before you feel the coil winding in your belly once more, signaling your impending orgasm. You attempt to reach down toward your clit when Clive smacks your hand away, replacing your fingers with his own as he rubs fast circles on the pearl.
He's grunting and huffing in tandem with your moans, the two of you fucking like wild animals as his hips snap in quick succession against yours. His cock glides against the soft, spongey spot deep inside you over and over with no end in sight. Your toes curl as your cunt squeezes down on him even harder than before, screwing your eyes tight as you brace yourself for the impact of your oncoming orgasm. The weight of his cock makes you see stars as you reach ecstasy once more.
"Fuck," he groans against you, digging his face deeper into your neck, inhaling the scent dripping off you from your sweat, your body lunging back and forth as he continues to fuck you. You presumed this would be the finale, but soon realize you're dead wrong as he grabs you by both hips again and sits back on his heels, effectively spearing you on his cock as your legs are spread wide over his thick, hairy thighs.
His claws come out to shred at the material of your bodice, ruining the fabric of your dress and making it so your tits bounce wildly with every powerful thrust he delivers underneath you.
Your body is akin to puddy at this point, your head resting against his shoulder as he bounces you up and down on his cock. His fingers come down to pinch at your nipples as you writhe against his body, the cool evening air making them hard as rocks while he plays with the rest of your body to his own enjoyment.
It's not long after that you find yourself on the brink again as you succumb to becoming his personal fleshlight, his thrusts unrelenting while he whispers more sweet nothings into your ear, his fat cock bullying your sopping hole. The crashing waves are the only sound capable of drowning out the squelch of your cunt from him fucking into you so well.
You cum again with a loud cry, your body falling against him as you fully lose yourself in pleasure, becoming weak and limp in his arms while he holds you upright.
"Think you can handle one more?" he smirks.
You nod and mumble incoherently while he stops thrusting, positioning himself on your bedroll to lay fully on his back.
Your legs are spread as wide as possible over his lower torso and hips, your sloppy cunt exposed for all the stars and heavens to see.
You tilt your head slightly when Metia and the full moon come back into view. You mouth a breathless "thank you" to them, as it seems your prayers for having Clive come to your aid were answered.
In your delirious state, he guides your hand down to your lower abdomen, right where his cock lies inside you. He then takes his other hand to the back of your head and eases your neck upward to look at the protrusion, his cock causing your abdomen to bulge out. You go a little cross-eyed at the sight, and he takes your hand under his and presses down on the bulge, which draws out a low whine from you both.
He snarls, "Can you feel how deep I am inside you?" You nod haphazardly, not able to do much else. He chuckles at your disposition and begins to slowly thrust back from underneath you.
"By the end of this, I think you'll be molded to the shape of my cock, your cunt ruined for anyone else." He laughs while you whine and writhe; his slow, languid thrusts not enough to drive you over the edge.
"Awwww, sweet little thing just wants to cum again, huh?" He mutters in your ear, smirking as you mewl, your pussy clenching down on him while he laps up your sweat.
"Alright then, darling, I'll give you what you want," he murmurs, pressing a kiss to the side of your head before increasing his rhythm once more, his bulky arm coming down to scoop underneath your knees and pull your legs toward your chest, allowing him to reach even deeper inside you.
You do something unexpected; in your bliss-induced delirium, you bring his hand that's pushing down on your belly up toward your throat and wrap his thick fingers around your neck slightly. He huffs down at you, his body still hard at work, pounding into your sopping cunt.
"You want to be choked now, do you? This is new. Are you sure this is what you want, sweetheart? I don't want to hurt you." You nod as enthusiastically as your aching body will allow, closing your hands overtop his once again.
"Alright, alright, I get it," he chortles, slowly but surely pressing down on the sides of your neck, reducing the blood flow.
From behind, he starts foaming at the mouth, his thrusts getting more brutal both in pace and intensity. How he managed to last this long is beyond you.
He releases his hold on your legs and moves down to rub quick circles on your clit, his other hand squeezing down tighter as you get closer to release. Your hands come up to squeeze your own nipples, and the edges of your vision get hazy as you start to lose consciousness and feel extreme bliss.
"Cum for me," is whispered in your ears, and all of a sudden, your brain and lungs are flooded with oxygen as you experience the most intense orgasm of your life, letting out nothing short of a silent scream as your body spasms and arches wildly. The rush to both your head and cunt is greater than anything you've experienced before.
Clive keeps thrusting into you as he drives himself toward his own release, the bulb on his cock continuing to knock into you, ever so slightly entering you with every movement.
"Clive, w-what is that?" You rasp, your voice shaky from its extended use over the course of the night. He takes on a much more shy attitude after hearing your question, continuing to groan.
"It's m-my knot."
"Your what?"
"It's a wolf thing; it helps keep me inside after I... you know..."
"It helps with mating, but you don't have to take it if you don't want to."
You shake your head back and forth. "No, I want to. I want to take it."
"Fuck," he growls. "Are you sure?"
"YES," you wail.
"As you wish, darling."
It's a few short, sloppy thrusts later when Clive sinks his teeth into your shoulder, grunting and howling as he stuffs you full, pushing his knot fully inside you while he goes balls deep into your cunt, your pussy swelling and stretching to accommodate the excess girth.
"Heavens above," you cry, your back arching toward the sky as the tip of his cock kisses your cervix, ropes upon ropes of his warm spend shooting deep inside you as he's milked for all he's worth.
You both slump against each other in the aftermath, his hands coming up to caress your body. "We're going to be stuck like this for a while."
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It's sometime later that you're snuggled up on Clive's body as you lay both bare underneath the stars together. His huge body keeps you warm while you twirl your fingers into his chest hair, his mouth coming down to press multiple kisses to the crown of your head.
"So you won't fully transform back until sunrise?"
"And you've been like this for over fifteen years?"
"Mhm," he mumbles.
"Where do you go for those three days? Clearly, you're not at the hideaway."
"Do you promise not to laugh at me?"
"Who do you take me for? Of course, I won't laugh at you."
He sighs, trailing his fingers up and down your back. "I actually go back to Rosalith. I've got a little den set up there."
"How adorable," you tease, making a kissy face at him. "You'll have to take me to go see it sometime."
"I don't think so," he smirks.
"Wha- why not?" You huff, an adorable pout forming on your face.
"Let's just say that I really wouldn't be able to hold myself back in that instance, but we'll cross that bridge when we get there." He presses a sweet kiss on the tip of your nose.
"Okay, okay, last question. Did you really mean all that filth you spewed about why you disappeared all those times?"
"It's partially true. All my senses are heightened, and you truly do become irresistible to me. Not that I'm any less attracted to you normally, but it's...different." He pulls you closer to his chest.
"Though I suppose I was mostly afraid that you'd look at me differently and that you wouldn't want to be with me anymore."
"Clive, I've watched you prime into Ifrit with my very own eyes; do you truly believe that I'd leave you because you transform into a hound?"
"Wolf," he corrects.
"Same difference," you chuckle, raising your head from his chest to peer into his eyes. A lovesick, dopey grin is plastered all over his face when he looks at you, despite his words of insecurity.
"I'm with you no matter what, Clive. No matter the challenges or struggles you may face. I'll always stand by you. I love you, and that will forever remain true," you murmur, pressing a kiss to his lips, and you swear you can see his pupils double in size as he repeats the phrase back to you.
You rest your head back on his chest once again, enjoying the feeling of contentment before speaking out, "We're going to have a lot of explaining to do back at the hideaway, won't we?"
"Oh, most definitely."
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iliektehhaxs · 11 months
Words Unspoken, Actions Taken
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Pairing: Clive Rosfield/Reader (AFAB, female pronouns. no Y/N) Rating: Explicit, 18+, Minors DNI Word Count: 1.9k words Summary: After Clive returns from another mission battered and bruised you finally give him a piece of your mind. He doesn't take too kindly to your words. Read on AO3! Warnings: Dom! Clive, angry sex, elements of degradation, p in v actions, unprotected sex, fluff (if you squint) Author's Note: Hey y'all, the world was sorely lacking in Clive fics, so I'm doing my part to change that. I love this depressed man and his slutty little waist too much to NOT write for him. Spoilers for a certain character's death, so if you haven't gotten that far, don't read ahead. Update: There's a sequel now!
You’re not surprised you ended up like this, quite the opposite in fact. Clive Rosfield, also known as Cid, your faithful leader and the very symbol of hope to every lost soul who found their way under his wing. A beacon to guide them towards a better life, and to change the world for the better. The very same leader who regularly risked his life for the greater good, much to your dismay, without so much as any concern to himself. 
He was already somewhat of an errand boy when you had first met him, but after Cid died it grew tenfold. The hideaway, the resistance, the increase of bearer violence, it was all too much. He told you as much after you found him one night drinking alone in his room, a hushed confession under the cover of night that without you he wouldn’t have made it this far and you’d be a liar if the memory didn’t make you feel some kind of way. Despite that, he kept on shouldering more and more responsibility, to the point that it was commonplace to have him leave for days on end, returning one day only to be gone the next. It was concerning to the other residents, but most of all to you. 
You admired his efforts, truly. It was noble, but eventually it would catch up to him. You tried to tell him as much, but he would just wave you away and reassure you that he can handle himself.
You’ve seen him fight, you’re well aware of his talents with a blade, but all the training in the world can’t substitute a good night's rest. What happens if he worked himself to death, found himself behind enemy lines and never returned? 
You couldn’t stand to think about it. You worried about him, and in your worry you found yourself growing resentful of his apparent ignorance towards his own well-being. But you held your tongue, forced to keep your emotions to yourself because if nothing else, having him worry about you would only serve to be another item on his long list of responsibilities. You tried, you really did. And then he came back from a mission beaten to hell. Tarja, talented as she was, only barely brought him back from the brink. He was in bed rest for weeks before he was allowed to leave, and in that time your resentment grew to anger. Was it immature? Yes. Did you care? Not particularly. Your attitude change was obvious to anyone in the Hideaway, most of all to Clive, but he figured you were just in a mood, maybe something had happened while he was recovering. In any case, you two were close, you would tell him eventually. It was only after he returned from his latest life-threatening mission that he realized that you were mad at him. Again, you tried to hold yourself back, but when you saw how ignorant he was you couldn’t take it anymore. Words were said, some of which came from a place of genuine care. The others, however… “You’re an idiot if you think I’m going to stand by and watch you kill yourself—” You hissed at him, pacing around the floor of his office. It was there the two of you stood, a back and forth with no end. “I need to carry on his name, his legacy—” He raises his voice before stopping himself to take a shaky breath. “I need to live up to his dream. Don’t you understand that?” “Oh I understand plenty,” You fume. You’re not quite sure where this malice came from, but it was all consuming, ever burning. “Don’t you know that I—we need you here? Alive?” He shakes his head and he says something about his duty and his obligations and you’re completely over it, obviously anything you say is going in one ear and out the other. “Do you think Cid would want you to work yourself to death?” You ask, concern written on your face. “Do you think he’d be proud to see you take no care to yourself?” He doesn’t even look at you anymore, his head bowed. “If it’s for the good of the cause—” You interrupt him before he can say another word. “If you genuinely believe that then you’ll end up dead, and his sacrifice would’ve been for nothing.” The silence that follows is deafening. His footsteps ring heavy in your ears, moving closer and closer. “What did you just say?” The anger in his voice is apparent. You’ve never seen him like this before, a rage normally reserved for his enemies directed towards you.
You probably should’ve stopped, but you didn’t. “I said, if you truly believe that then you’re wasting the chance Cid gave you.” You look up at him unwavering, consequences be damned. He needed to hear this. Clive stood unmoving, an unknown emotion swirling in those vibrant blue eyes of his. “Be careful of what you say next.” And then it broke. The dam holding everything you held back before shattering into pieces and before you knew it you were awash with emotion. “You’re a bastard Clive, if you truly can’t see how you’re hurting the people around you by acting like a complete fucking idiot, then you don’t deserve his legacy or his name.” You wanted him to get mad, wanted him to feel the way you’ve felt for a while now. What happens next is a blur, limbs entangled and skin exposed, but based on how fast the front of your body met the desk, you met your goal. “Couldn’t just keep your mouth shut, fuck—,” He hisses above you, but you’re too far gone to care. You have been for a while, too lost in the feeling of his hands against your hips, his cock dragging against you deliciously. “Just had to keep testing me—” It’s almost embarrassing how easily you let him have his way with you. Your body completely under his control, every gasp of his name only serving to feed his ego, encouraging him to go faster, harder, more, more, more—
“Clive—!” “That’s right, say my fucking name—” If the squeaking of the old wooden desk he’s taken you on wasn’t already a sign of what was happening in the room, the shameless moans escaping your lips would be. “Let the entire hideaway know whose cock you’re begging for.”
You do, without any thought to how loud you may be.
The force of his thrusts are brutal against your backside, your body aching and yet you can’t stop moving, desperately trying to meet his every thrust. It’s hopeless, but he seems to enjoy your attempts at least, a wicked chuckle escaping him as he watches your body move on his own. “Is this what you wanted, hm? To be used like a pleasure girl?” His body is pressed against your back now, the full weight of him blanketed against you. Your breath catches in your throat, his lips whispering absolute filth into your ear. “Upset you couldn’t have me all to yourself? Don’t worry, I’m right here.” His tone is cruel, mocking. “I’ll make sure you never have to worry again.”
He doesn’t stop moving, how could he when you sound absolutely debauched below him, a picture perfect image of sin to be molded by his own hands. He fucks you just as he fights, ferocious, unyielding, unrelenting, finding every single one of your weaknesses and taking advantage of them until you cry out that it’s too much, that you can’t take it, and doesn’t give you a moment of reprieve. A glutton of your own making. He laughs, a sound so far separated from his normal self that you almost don’t recognize it as him. “Come now darling, you were ready to spit venom at me before, where’s all that fire gone?” He breathes unevenly, a hand moving to push your head further down. He’s taunting you, dangling your own shameful display in front of your very eyes. Even if you wanted to respond you couldn’t, the sound of your hips meeting, echoing through the room proved answer enough. “Clive—fuck—please ‘m sorry—” Your body is racked with shudders, whimpering when he runs a single hand down your spine, forcing you to arch even further and have him reach that spot inside you that has you seeing stars. “What was that? I don’t think I quite heard you.” He sneers from above. You mumble into the desk, unable to bring your head up to speak. “I’m sorry, please, can’t take it, too much, pleasepleaseplease—”
A hand around your throat silences you, his lips grazing against your ear once more. “Oh no, I don’t believe that for a second.”
He lets you go, only for that same hand to grab your face, fingers pressing against your cheeks. He forces your tear-rimmed eyes to gaze at him from below, a contrast to the sinister look in his own. “Can’t take it? Too much? I don’t think that’s true—” Another hard thrust has you keening, back arching, a fog of lust clouding your brain. “—I think you’re going to take everything I give and more.” He’s right of course, and you do, graciously. Your legs threaten to give out, shaking, barely holding on, and in an act of mercy he grabs your weakened limbs with a strong hand. Practically a rag doll at this point, he lays you onto the desk, legs wrapped around his body to bring him as close as possible. You can see him in this position, see the way his brows crease and furrow every time you clench onto his cock, the pleased grin that lingers when you grab onto his arms, seeking purchase. It’s filthy. Clive doesn’t think he’s seen anything more beautiful.
To watch his advisor fall apart at his hands, to drown in waves of pleasure begging for more, please, I need more—
It’s addicting, sadistic in ways he never thought himself capable of. He can’t get enough. A painful dance of give and take. He gives pleasure and takes your very sanity with it. He takes and takes until you’ve nothing left to give, until you’re a writhing mess of slurred words and half-mumbled promises. He can barely understand you at this point, your mind far away, but he doesn’t need to. He can understand your body well enough. “Clive, please—” You gasp, nails dragging deliciously against his back. You don’t have to speak, he knows what you want before you do. Without another second of hesitation his fingers move vigorously against your sensitive nub, and if he thought you were gone before the feeling of his deft hands working against your sex send you to new heights. The choked noise that escapes you is downright heavenly. “Gods above—!”
He’d be flattered if he wasn’t so busy fucking you into next week. Sweat clings onto your skin, and for a moment he conjures up an image of an angel, the sheen highlighting you in such a way you almost seem to glow. And then he watches your eyes roll, feels your pussy clench against his cock and you fall over the edge with his name on your lips like a prayer, and thinks to himself that you’re more of a devil than a saint.  Your breathing is ragged, completely spent, nearly delirious with desire.
But nearly is not enough for him.
So his hips still grind against you, and you’re far too weak to resist him, not that you would have in the first place. A give and take, and Clive was always a little greedy.
“We’re not done yet, my dear. Not by a long shot.”
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