#hes 7'4" and has an anxiety disorder
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-sleeps on his stomach
-insanely protective
-really good artist actually
-needs glasses, just is too stubborn to admit that hes practically blind w/o em. And he hates the feeling of glasses inside his helmet
-could beat the shit out of Maine, but would try to be his friend instead
-VERY fluffy hair
-hair is also insanely soft
-it gets super greasy after a day though
-has adhd and autism
-sensory issues + sensitive hearing + bad misophonia = hell for him
-cant eat in the same room as others
-one of the reasons he doesnt like tucker is because tucker eats really loudly
-caboose was forced to stay in the same room as others while eating and had a fit
-he was genuinely pissed about it and almost punched tucker
- he apologized later though
-will take bad physical and verbal beatings and not care, but if you hurt anyone he considers family (reds, blues, etc), he'll go off and you WILL regret existing
-platonic smooches,,,,
-absolutely has a crush on tucker, just is crazy stubborn and would rather die than admit it
-could have gotten into MIT but he had always wanted to go into Harvard so he went there instead
-stupid tall. Like, 6'8 to 7'4 range
-his entire family is really tall
-7th oldest in his family. Hes only related to his older sisters and two younger ones, the rest are adopted or fostered
-used to keep his hair long but it got on his nerves after a while, but his hair is still fairly long
-likes both cats and dogs! Dogs he likes because they're friendly and energetic, like him! Cats because they're soft, cute, and he understands them. Also because they remind him of both church and wash.
-likes hoodies and combat boots
-his favorite color isnt only blue- he also likes black bc it doesnt hurt his eyes
-doesnt like teal/turquoise because it hurts his eyes
-bright colors hurt his eyes a lot, and hes more sensitive to light than most
-went through CSA when he was younger, doesnt like sex or sexual things because of it
-finds the jokes funny but only if they aren't explicit
-has to remind tucker that those jokes make him uncomfy. Tucker tries his best but has utterly shit memory, so he keeps reminders. Also checks with caboose to see if hes comfy with a joke or not
-donut also makes an effort to not make jokes or innuendos around caboose
-caboose once had a pet goose. Dont ask how he befriended it
-doesnt really like his last name but is surprisingly too shy to ask to be called michael or mike
-he's a lil insecure cause he knows hes different and was bullied badly as a kid
-actually that's an understatement he has an anxiety disorder because I said so
-im projecting onto him whoops
-caboose tries super hard to seem normal, and the reason why he talks so much is because he wants people to like him and because hes nervous
-doesnt get social cues or know social norm, so sometimes he can come across as rude when hes not
-hates being treated like an idiot child but doesnt say anything bc he doesnt wanna come across as rude
-likes wash a lot bc wash actually tries to understand him
-wash also is like a father figure of sorts to caboose
-wash is the only one that knows and/or cares about cabooses brain damage
-wash gets caboose art supplies when he can, and caboose is wildly grateful for it
-caboose stims- he rocks back and forth, flaps, and runs his hand through his hair.
-pops his wrists/fingers/neck/back a lot. It's a habit and also he does it to fuck with tucker
-too shy to swear, but if he had the courage, he'd probably swear so much itd embarrass church
-needs like 5 blankets and 3 pillows to sleep. He needs maximum comfort. Also hes always cold
-can sleep anywhere in any position as long as hes tired enough
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