ahawkinthevents · 4 years
A Change of Pace
Living his entire life as an Omega had prepared Clint for a lot of things. He was used to being gawked at and ogled, immune to the cat-calls and the occasional overly-handsy Alpha who needed a knock on his ass to remember his place. He had worked missions even in the beginning stages of his heat, had suffered countless heats over the years on his own.
But what he wasn’t used to was spending so much time around Alpha’s he trusted, ones that were genuine and protective, kind and gentle with him instead of bossy and demanding. He wasn’t used to having men like Bruce and Thor and the others in his life who didn’t see Omega’s as a hole to fill, but as a living, breathing, fragile being who needed to be cared for and appreciated.
Being surrounded constantly by beefed up, air-head Alpha’s had made muscling through his heat alone so much easier. Now that his biased lumping of every Alpha ever together was impossible, it made the idea of another heat alone in his apartment sound like torture.
He sat at the bar in Stark’s penthouse, his usual hangout spot when the team was all in town. He spun a quarter across the shiny stone bar top, trying to distract himself from the familiar warm ache in the pit of his stomach that told him his heat was days away. They’d be able to smell him soon. This would be the last day he could spend around the rest of the group until it was over.
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benevolentgodloki · 4 years
It was Stark’s turn to ‘babysit’ the resident god of mischief today and, in fact, he had taken a few more turns than others of late. The pair got along most of the time once they began to accustom to the routine that neither of them were going anywhere. Loki hadn’t tried to make any escapes, not when the Avengers had been far more hospitable than he deserved, and presently it was safer here than most other realms.
He wandered Tony’s workshop at an idle pace, largely paying attention to what the man was doing. It could have been risky having Loki among the equipment but with JARVIS ever watchful and plenty of security in place he wasn’t going to touch anything he couldn’t get away with. Besides, his hands were cuffed, which made poking around difficult.
Loki wasn’t an expert in Stark’s fields. The power of numbers was not a language that spoke to him. He did, however, have a nose for impending chaos. Which he sensed was imminently about to erupt in the human genius’s rather pleasing face. When he spoke up, it was with a tone both haughty and condescending. 
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“Are you absolutely certain you want to poke that with that at this particular moment?”
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aceofstarks · 5 years
[[ @heroesbeyondtheninerealms hit the ♥️ for a sinday starter
Tony had been resting his head on Loki's shoulder for quite a while, seemingly content to just be comfortably sat together for a while, one hand on his thigh and one around his waist. But his hand slid subtly higher up Loki's thigh as time passed, until his fingers started idly playing over a seam suggestively near his crotch.
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cap-with-a-plan · 5 years
To The Little Guys
Steve let out a ragged breath as he started to wake. His eyes took their time opening, then Steve rolled over and flicked on his bedside lamp. His hand came up to rub the sleep from his eyes then he sat up and stretched. Taking a deep breath felt somewhat restricted, and he coughed to try and clear it. That was a problem he hadn’t had in a long time. 
He got up to go to the bathroom and jolted when he saw someone else in the mirror: His skinnier self. “What the hell?!” His hand comes up to touch his face while he studies his reflection. How did this happen? Was he dreaming? “J.A.R.V.I.S.! Get Tony!!” He demanded from the AI system.
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irongammatm · 4 years
@heroesbeyondtheninerealms cont from here 
“It doesn’t hurt to try.” Tony mumbled in defeat, looking down. When he was pulled close, he melted into Lokis arms. He really shouldn’t have been making any kind of decisions, especially when he was desperately craving Loki. Having his alpha so close was downright torture. 
“Mother.. Father... Either way I’ve never been the parenting kind of type.” He argued.  He had to admit, Loki was being very sweet. It was getting very hard for him to say no since all he wanted was to make Loki happy. Tony leaned into the alphas touch and looked up at him, staying silent for a moment. He raised onto his toes so he could lay a soft kiss against the gods lips, his arms wrapping around his alpha.
“How about I make you a deal. Let’s do this without any expectations, whatever happens.. Happens. No hopes being built up, and no pressure. How do you feel about that?” 
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serumsoldiers · 4 years
@heroesbeyondtheninerealms cont from here
“The alarm went off.” Bucky quietly complained, not budging even a little bit. “My ass is heavy? Have you not seen your own? You put Beyonce to shame!” He sleepily chuckled. “Blame the arm. This is HYDRAs fault that I’m heavy. Your fault for being comfy.” 
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ametalarmandashield · 5 years
Wings //closed//
Flashes of jealousy always ran through Tony every time he saw someone that could fly. It meant that they had found their soulmate. Something that Tony was quite sure he would never be able to find. He had Pepper but their relationship was rocky, even at its best.
Sipping his coffee, wings tucked snuggly to his back, a soft grumble from his lips as he headed back towards the Stark Tower. At least today he wasn’t being bombarded with paper work. Maybe he’ll finally figure out this project he’s been working on.
Turning the corner as his phone rang, Tony reached for it and just in that moment he hadn’t taken notice the taller man in front of him. Hot coffee splattered down the front of his jacket and his phone clattered to the ground.
Tony stood there, disgruntled, he hadn’t exactly gotten a good nights sleep and this was just another nail in the coffin. Feathers bristled, eyes going to the ruined cup of coffee in hot s hand and his cracked phone screen before meeting the man’s eyes.
“Just another beautiful morning,” he murmured.
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crowncdlegends-aa · 4 years
@heroesbeyondtheninerealms cont. from here (x);
When Peggy awoke, Steve wasn’t in the bed next to her. That simply wouldn’t do. She pulls on one of Steve’s shirts - which comes down mid-thigh on her, and she can smell coffee brewing, so she makes her way into the kitchen to find him. She grins, pressing a kiss against his jaw. “You know, if you come back to bed, I can think of a few ways to wake you up better than that coffee,” she murmurs, hoping to entice him.
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mommaloki · 4 years
🍫 quietly hand over a treat/food item (Tony and Loki?)
Loki looked at the offered box of chocolates before looking at Tony. “Are these for me?” He asked in a surprised tone as he took the box.
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themechcnic-a · 5 years
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He grumped, well that entirely depends on the person who describes it tony would not call it being grumpy even if his dad is telling him he has to act like a grownup, he doesn’t know what else to act or even how to adult. But Rhodey was away--- Of course, he was. Sighing. That didn’t stop the fact that Tony looked slightly like he needed to have a shower. That also doesn’t change when he’s not heard this kind of enthusiasm coming from his father, torn between ignoring it and wanting to check it out because he’s never--- What? Curiosity though won out eventually.
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ahawkinthevents · 4 years
“I do not remember ever having this many hickeys. But I do not mind. Too bad they will not last long.” (From Thor.)
Clint laughed from the bathroom, returning to inspect the work he’d done on Thor’s neck. “We’ll just have to keep them fresh then,” he teased, grin wide. He moved to join the god, hands finding golden skin and hard muscle. “Might need to take a sabbatical. I bet we could get Stark to approve it.”
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benevolentgodloki · 4 years
@heroesbeyondtheninerealms​ from an ask to save reposting it later!
Thor had been watching Loki lately and well.. both of them could use some fun and relief. He gathered blankets, pillows, favorite foods, movies, books, anything he could think of that would make building forts enjoyable. “Looooooki! Come and join me! I seek for us to have some fun and relax together.” The god called in a sing-song voice. Maybe they could enjoy each other’s company like they did when they were young.
Having been buried in the plot of a book, Loki was reluctant to tear himself away, especially if it meant there was a likelihood of having to talk about feelings. At the same time, he knew it would only eat away at him to spend time with his brother if he ignored him and carried on. His need to be close to Thor was a much more frequent thing since effectively coming back from the dead and having lost so much.
With a sigh he cast a bookmark spell and made his way into the living room where he found Thor surrounded by piles of soft fabric and assorted entertainment.
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“Oh, no, you can’t be serious.”
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aceofstarks · 5 years
"Hey. Not now. Busy." Tony was barely dressed, wearing just a t-shirt that certainly wasn't his and boxer briefs, and was elbow-deep in a mess of robotics that seemed to be scattered over every available surface. The music was loud enough that it was certainly going to generate complains from his neighbors.
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aestarc-a · 5 years
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   “Are you seriously quoting Star Wars right now?” 
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irongammatm · 4 years
This was it, Thanos was finally being defeated once and for all but at what cost? Bruce’s life. Tonys suit was damaged beyond repair but he still managed to get it to fly over to Bruce quick once he had realized that Bruce had done the snap. 
“Bruce!” He called out, trying to catch the other mans attention, things did not look good at all. He could already feel their bond going away and that was never a good sign. 
“Don’t leave us Bruce, please. Stay with me.” He begged and pulled the other man close to him. “Please don’t leave me.” He murmured into his neck, trying his hardest to hide back the tears that filled his eyes. He couldn’t tell if Bruce was dead or alive but he was still hurt and that’s what mattered to him. 
“I got you. Help is on its way.” He promised in a shaky breath. 
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serumsoldiers · 4 years
“Alright, the meeting is going to start in ten minutes. Who would I be if I was actually on time?” Tony smirked and looked over at Loki. 
“Please promise me you’re not going to do anything to piss anyone off or you know... Give away who you really are?” He pleaded, taking Lokis hand in his. “If they find out, we’re both screwed. I will try to refrain from asking for anything, but if so, I do have a back up that will have coffee and anything available so you don’t have to do anything else other than carry things in.��� He explained, looking over at the room nervously. This would be the first time the team would meet the girl he had been going on about and it wasn’t introducing his new interest to them that he was worried about, it’s what is said that scared him. 
“Why did I ever come up with this idea.. Talk about risky..” 
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