#here's hoping tumblr doesn't make all of my art crunchy
manasurge · 5 months
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After 1 million years, I have finally finished Mourynn's hair timeline!! I intend to do the same for her outfit(s) later as well (as it changes to match her hair bc she wears customized cultural armour) but I'll do those one at a time. Tbh I'm just happy that I was somehow able to achieve the hairstyle I had originally been planning for her since her creation (side-swept/half "shaved" hairstyle) and doing this exercise filled in her character progress changes and eventually lead to what I originally wanted! (also the default swept back hair is surprisingly hard to replicate so uh, I had to figure out something easier for myself Anywho, I have some abridged summary details for each hairstyle/story chapter under the cut to give these a bit more context Edit: I MESSED UP SOMETHING WITH THE TEXT ON THE ICEBROOD SAGA BIT. NOOOOO
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shyanshippingsociety · 3 months
Shyan Shipping Society - NY Fic Exchange 2024
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hi everyone!
can you believe it's our fourth annual new years exchange? we had some amazing fics and art (hosted in our server!) and i can't wait to bring them all to you here! let's go!
doll island by idkspookystuff | E, 3K, complete
So Shane clearly picked up something on the Island. Something that made him hot and sweaty and horny, apparently. It doesn’t sound like any spider venom Ryan’s ever heard of, or the signs of a demonic curse. Although, a curse- “Oh, fuck,” Ryan swears. it's 2016, shane & ryan are on the island of the dolls, and a demonic doll plays matchmaker
satan, you're a nerve-y one by icantturnthisthingoff | E, 1K, complete
After a series of unfortunate events, Ryan finds himself alone on New Years Eve wishing he had someone to keep him company Enter, Incubus Shane
The Sky In The Snow by Charmingwolf | T, 1K, complete
A group of backpackers stayed the night in an abandoned shed deep in the forest. In the dark, one was journaled their adventures until they felt the rumble of a massive creature just outside the thin walls. They looked out the window and saw a huge black thing with scales that twinkled like stars and huge fangs that dripped puddles of dark goo as it walked. That was all they got down before the creature attacked. It tore down the walls of the shed before killing the backpackers and dragging them into the crunchy frostbitten grass. That was 20 years ago. No one has seen the creature since. Ryan and the producers think it would make a great video to go hunting for the creature dubbed The Forest Hill Lizard.
one random night when everything changes by Artemis | E, 1K, complete
Ryan looks for Shane on New Year's Eve and finds more than just the person he was looking for that night. AKA Shane confesses his love for Ryan, they smooch, then they do something about it.
all in! by anonymous | T, 4K, complete
“I bet…," he starts, flashing a grin at Shane's flushed face. "you won’t kiss me on New Year’s Eve.” Ryan watches as Shane instantly runs the numbers on this, through whatever mental calculator he has in his brain. He imagines beeps and whirs, gears turning words into numbers. “Alright, Bergara,” he says, after a moment. Then, he slides his whole stack of chips sitting on the pool table and nods, slow and considering. “I’m all in.” OR: Ryan makes a bet. It escalates from there.
They Got Subway at 2 am by Charmingwolf | M, 1K, complete
After a very silly and kind of sexually charged shoot, Shane and Ryan explore each other's bodies like they have done many times before.
Given the Chance by PlatinumPussycat208 | E, 3K, complete
“It’s…I built a time machine.” Ryan and Shane blinked at each other. The other Shane and Ryan looked at one another, but stayed in the doorway quietly. “Fuck off, Steven. That’s not funny.” Shane’s voice was serious now. “No! I mean it!” Steven cried. “It’s how I’ve been keeping on top of everything here! It only goes back a little! It just gives me more time in the day!” Ryan barked out a laugh. “Oh my god…trust Steven to build a time machine to do more work.” - a fun, smutty fic for the SSS NY Exchange!
Scheming for a Smooch by Impala_Chick | T, 2K, complete
The boys both decide to make a move on each other with a New Year's kiss at midnight. Only problem is, they're both plotting to get a smooch and the other doesn't know it yet.
Their dynamic is... by tasty_littl_snack | G, 1K, complete
Food files from the cameraman's perspective.
With A Little Help From Our Friends by quackers | M, 3K, complete
Everyone thinks they know Ryan and Shane's secret. Everyone. They might be wrong.
thank you so much to all of the incredible creators who joined this event! happy 2024 from the sss mods! we have so many fun things planned so make sure you follow us here on tumblr or join the server so you don't miss out! we hope you had a great 2023 in our server/on our blog and we can't wait for you to continue having a great time in our server in 2024!
love you!
the mods
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cumbercookiebatchs · 3 years
Because why the fuck not
Would you rather..
Be able to get into fictional worlds, but can only come back to reality if you are killed OR be able to bring fictional characters to reality but you can't meet them unless the approach you first?
Meeting your soulmate (platonic or romantic) and not seeing your family ever again OR not ever meeting your soulmate, but live with your family.
Fuck, kill or marry
Sebastian Stan, Alberto Angela, Tyler Posey
Grantaire, Bucky Barnes, Geralt of Rivia
This or that
Jeans or Dresses
Park or Beach
Kisses or Hugs
Apples or Strawberries
Light or Dark
Stay in or Go outside
Singing or Dancing
Sweet or Savory
Long Hair or Short Hair
Make the first move or Wait until someone else makes the first move
Personal questions
What is one thing in your live that you'll do/endure again just because of what it teached you/where it helped you get?
Do you think yourself beautiful?
What's your dream life? (And no, it doesn't sound stupid it's great, whatever you feel like you want to accomplish)
Creepy anons
I once went through your archive to know more about you / your other interest that are not Les Mis
Random questions
What's your comfort food?
Have you ever broken a bone?
Do you own stuffed animals?
When was the last time you ate/drank water? Go drink some more water!
How do you know you're friends with a person?
What's something embarassing that you've done?
I see you're very stressed for your thesis, honey, relaxing is something very important because yes, you want to graduate, but you're not going to enjoy it if you literally work yourself to exhaustation. Give yourself breaks, and keep it coming girl, big thing are coming your way Peach.
Idk? Like the option to send you anon hate? I love it.
I hate you so much. Like, it should be illegal to be so sweet and talented, it drives me nuts. Girl, you're also so pretty it's annoying, could you stop. And you make me want to hug you with your hcs and make me want to punch people who hate on you for your headcanons. Not cool Riri, not cool.
that was sarcasm
Anonymous secrets
I check your blog daily, I love it a lot. I also have your notifications on and I really love when you post.
Anything you want!
Keep being your sweet and kind self, you're a little jewel I am so glad I found you on tumblr. I love you Peach, hope this makes you happy
Okay I'm really having a difficult time putting down in words how happy this just made, I'm - I woke up with my cat purring on my neck and there are birds chirping outside and it's sunny and I've just watered my plants and there are new blooms through my roses, then I come here and I read this and I'm like- this is so wholesome you have no idea of the smile you've put on my face. Like I'm giggling at my phone because of how sweet you are I'm- how can I thank you? Okay now I'm gonna stop stealing your time and I'll start answering, but keep in mind that you're incredibly sweet and also the reason of my smile today and I really really wish I could hug you now 🧡
Would I rather
It depends entirely on the world the characters are living in, but also the character themselves, I think Enjolras would jump my throat if I decided to take him away from his world in the middle of his revolt, but my general rule would be "is their world better or worse?" and if turns out their world is worse I would take them here. Like I'd sell my soul to take Geralt away from all the people hurting him.
About the soulmate, this is really though. I'm gonna tell you it I'd choose my soulmate but it wouldn't be without regrets. Like- I'm right now in a bad place with my family and I also desire someone to share my days with, you know the little things like arguing over who has to take out the trash or who put a colored shirt in the white wash, but I also think that living away would tamp things out and I would end up missing my family even if we're toxic for each other. Maybe it would be the best thing though, so I would stop being mad at them.
(1)Fuck, marry, kill
I'd definitely marry Alberto, I always scream "my husband!" whenever I see him on TV. I'd fuck Sebastian and I'm not typing the other thing
(2) Fuck, Marry, Kill
You really broke me here, but even if it would break his heart to see another friend turn against him I would try to kill Geralt, because I'm sure I wouldn't be able to actually do it. I'd fuck bucky and I'd marry Grantaire (would he marry me thoug? Wouldn't Enjolras try to kill me?)
This or that
Jeans, because even if I love dresses I think I couldn't practice my dream job wearing them.
Beach, without a single doubt I've always wanted to be a mermaid.
Hugs, hugs are so warm and comforting, I could hug someone without kissing them but I can't imagine it the other way around.
Apples! The green crunchy ones, they're so good.
Light or dark, this is hard as well. You see one of my favorite things is watch the sun shine through my half closed curtains and light up patterns on the wall of my dark room, it's really soothing! But uhm if I had to choose I'd choose light.
Go outside even if I'm socially awkward, I want to spend all my days outside after this pandemic is over.
Singing because I can't dance uwu
Long hair, I love long hair but I think it's Ariel's fault because her hair were always so pretty floating in water.
I'd wait. I always wait because I'm scared of make a fool of myself, like I'm scared my crush could laugh at me I can't believe someone could be interested in me.
Personal questions
I'd date my ex again. I know this sounds toxic and maybe it is, but going back i would do it again because it made me understand lots and lots of things about myself, what I want for my life, and also that I can stand my ground even if it scares me?
So growing up my concept of beauty has changed incredibly, call it an occupational hazard because of my art studies but I think beauty goes beyond a pretty face, a pretty face isn't what you need to be beautiful. Anyway I can't seem to think this about myself as well (or maybe I do but I don't like myself as a whole) so I think I'm incredibly ugly.
My dream life would be shared with someone that loves me as much as I love them, I want to find a best friend not only a significant other, I want to share my mind with them. And I really really wish to become an archeologist. But even if this doesn't happen it's okay, like I'm gonna try my best but what I really want is to be happy. (thank you because that was my first thought 🧡🧡)
Creepy anons
If you want to know something else you can ask me! 🧡
Random questions
I don't really have a comfort food, I usually just lay down when I'm sad.
I have never broken a bone and I hope it'll never happen because I'm scared of pain. Like, a lot. But I think it's normal.
Yes, I sleep with a stuffed cow, her name is cow, I've had her since I was eight and she's still really soft.
Is it bad I don't remember the last time I drank? I think it is.
I don't know? It's a feeling I think, like, I know I can be myself and not try to be perfect because I know you would leave me or judge me. We're friends if I'm comfortable crying in front of you.
About the embarrassing thing: once I was at a bar. It's our bar, like we always go there and we're friends with the bartenders so I was pretty comfortable. And also a bit sad. And got pretty drunk. Anyway I started talking about my ex while holding the bartender wrist and yes we're friends but not that kind of friends. Embarrassing I would never do it again.
Thank you so much 🧡 I really needed to read this, I'm gonna screenshot this.
I might have melted through the floor a little bit but PLEASE don't punch anyone I don't want you to get hurt.
Also, I'd definitely hug you back as tight as I can. Really. 🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡 And you're the sweet one, look at me I'm smiling again.
Anonymous secret
This makes me really really really really happy, I hope it makes you happy too 🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡
Anything you want
No one, no one had ever called me a jewel like I think I died a little but it's an happy death i died of fluff because you're just- you're so sweet, I'm speechless i have no words to thank you. I love you too and I really want to hug you because I'm shit at saying thank you but I'm so, so happy right now. Thank you 🧡.
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