#hera gs
spiritmoodboards · 1 month
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Banner for Hera (Gods' School) which says "This Girl is a Hera fan!" For @casinotrio1965 :D Hope you like this!!
We're closed for now, thank you~
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minyboy · 1 year
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One must let go of the past to hold on to the future.
RIP Tech.
Names, from left to right. Row 1: Emperor Palpatine, Lieutenant Nolan, Royce Hemlock, Halle Burtoni, Slip, Riyo Chuchi, Mokko, Shep Hazard, Gungi, Grini Millegi Row 2: Gonky, Cut Lawquane, Ketch, Caleb Dume, Gobi Glie, Todo 360, Avi Singh, Saw Gerrera, Trace Martez, ES-02, Lula, Medical Officer Row 3: C1-10P, Roland Durand, ES-03, GS-8, Omega, Crosshair, Hunter, Wrecker, Tech, Cid, Cham Syndulla, TK Trooper, ES-01, B1 Battle Droid Row 4: Captain Wilco, Gregor, Dock Worker Sullustan, Nala Se, Echo, Echo Face, Fennec Shand, AZI-3, Serin, Mas Amedda Row 5: Emerie Karr, Eleni Syndulla, Rafa Martez, Bolo, Omega (new hair),Crosshair Face, Hunter Face, Wrecker Face, Tech Face, Rampart, Depa Billaba, Bib Fortuna, Suu Lawquane, Bail Organa Row 6: Howzer, Muchi, Pyke Thug, Clone Trooper, Orn Free Taa, Wilhuff Tarkin, Rex, Lama Su, Cad Bane, ES-04, Taun We, Hera Syndulla Row 7: Commander Cody, TAY-0, Tawni Ames, Benni Baro, Tactical Droid, Mayday, Phee Genoa, Lyana Hazard, Romar Adell, Riyo Chuchi's Guard
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the-firebird69 · 4 months
Genesis G70 Lease Deals | Genesis G70 Deals | Car.com (bing.com)
and are not selling so they lease and try rental companies and tons of them dont sell. we buy them out. convert and make a higher end chrysler. and they use the same chassis and motors. change the body style. and numerate per Chrysler. add a few cars lol yes and make them bulkier and a high end line like cadillac. and some think our invovement will make it worse and we dont. we think we can salvage teh co. and the car. and he says no. and we say oh well and he will meet and so on. we do proceed. need it as part of chrysler. now too.
and there will be several supercars. the old one gs is outdated no. it is not the new coupe the same no. the new one is pricier and the small supercar pricey as heck. diffferent it is like a camero to a corvette and then above it a chevy supercar and we aer mentinoing it. the vette is slow and lame vs outhers. and he says it jump up and over the camero with it and fit it out like it was and we see it it was the fastest and we draw it up now
the c model stays the same body style mostly. remove some fferrari stuff. and chane the hull frame and suspension tires rims to be faster and motor lighten it up and it will be a500 stock.
the :B model we enhcne widen and lowerr and add in the corvette front end signia and it is a curve. will be unbeatable and about 00 stock not too pricey. add one model in between yes. and lowwer the camero and make it look like the maroon one wiht the ferrings our son saw and yes was at a speed shop tons love it he does. she does. and great our first family car. wont fit lol ahhaah
more shortly and yes trump is screwed
and they lose this co now. and has to seel of have zilch
Thor Freya
my call no it is all ours and good on the cars we see it they fell keep falling and out then ok
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and so, very often, is
(see also Jug of Water and Ice Water)
but you knew that. 🙂
can also be
(as well as Blunt or Gina)
And, interestingly enough:
is an anagram of:
Trash EGO/GEO (Belgorod; Georgetown, GY, Geotrans, GEO Truckers, Geo Transport, Geologistics...)
Hog at ERS (Windhoek)
Goats/Gas to HRE (Harare)
As well as:
Her to GAS/SGA (Garissa, KE; Augusta; ASG Business Aviation, AZ)
Got Hares/Heras
Hare/Hera to GS (TianJin Airlines, SpiceJet)
Horse GAT/etc (eg Ciudad del Este, Aerotranscargo, GTA Air, TAG aviation...)
Ghost AER (eg Sochi)
Gator SHE (Shenyang, Sky Express, Brighton...)
She at GRO (Paramaribo, Orenburzhye, Girona...)
She to RGA (Rio Grande, Emerald Airlines, Airest, Costa Rica Green...)
among other things, where Goat, Her and Hera are Horse, Ghost is Lucy, Gator is Krokodil or Weed, Hare is Garbage and She is Girl.
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rank tbb characters
Hera- because
Rex- literally one of my favorite characters!
Echo- he's smart, capable and the moral compass of the group
Caleb Dume
Depa Billaba
Gregor- Legend. Also has guts of steel.
Eleni Syndulla- lovely and a rebel? Cham's a lucky guy
Suu Lawquane- no explanation needed
Omega- she's a sweet child
Fennec Shand- a badass
Trace Martez
Wrecker- he's a good older brother and he's the least whitewashed batcher
Gonky- he waddles
Cham Syndulla- a little intense at times, but his morals are in the right place
Cut Lawquane - good father, imho
Rafa Martez
Saw Gerrera- I think he's an interesting man
AZI- kinda annoying but means well & is helpful at the right times
Gobi Glie- morals in the right place
Tech- I HC that he has ADHD like me
Todo 360
Captain Grey
Avi Singh- I like his name
Jek and Shaeeah Lawquane- good kids
Bolo and Ketch
Cid- terribly antisemitic character, but I think her heart's in the right place
That one random rebel working for Saw who Crosshair shot
Hunter- he exists
Roland Durand- nice cheek bones, my guy
Cad Bane
Orn Free Taa
Nala Se
That one Pyke guy
Lama Su
Admiral Rampart
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triscribe · 6 years
Armed Forces of the Republic Alliance
I think this is gonna be the finalized version, although with me that’s never a guarantee... Anywho, this is the basic military layout for my Star Wars AU Invasion of Youth, in which Palpatine’s take-over was botched, and the galaxy wound up splitting pretty evenly between his Empire and Padme’s Alliance. As this happened while the clone armies were in the process of learning about/getting their biochips removed, quite a few Jedi still died in Order 66, leaving both their ranks and those of the free troopers significantly diminished. Afterwards, the Alliance restructured the military to allow for volunteer soldiers and retirement/job transfer options for clones unwilling to fight their brainwashed brothers. The Jedi Order underwent revisions too, eventually settling into a three-branch system: those who focused on helping the Order itself, those who went back to the old Peacekeeping ways, and those who continued to function as military Generals and Commanders. (Basically, I wanted all my favorite characters to live and have families.) This is by no means an exhaustive list, but it covers all the basics I’ll need in the background of my story... whenever I get around to actually writing it, anyway...
So, without further delay:
FIRST SYSTEMS ARMY: High Jedi Generals Mace Windu and Depa Billaba; Core Defenders
-Sector Army VB/House of the Violet Blade, General Miah Brilt (Flagship Restraint, Venator-class Star Destroyer)
-91st Lightning Corps, Commander Neyo Brilt
-92nd Thunder Corps, Commander Fox Maverd
-Sector Army SC/House of the Second Circle, General Grey Gemase (Majesty)
-705th Crimson Corps, Commander Styles Tracyn
-706th Auburn Corps, Jedi Commander Caleb Dume
-Spectre Airborne Legion, Captain Hera Syndulla of Ryloth
SECOND SYSTEMS ARMY: High Jedi Generals Plo Koon and Luminara Unduli; Mid Rim Protectors
-Sector Army PB/House of the Black Paws, General Wolffe Juss (Resonance)
-104th Wolfpack Corps, Commander Amos Sukern of Naboo
-Sector Army GS/House of the Greensong, Jedi General Barriss Offee (Dawn’s Might)
-41st Forest Corps, Commander Gree Vorpangaid
THIRD SYSTEMS ARMY: High Jedi Generals Aayla Secura and Stass Allie; Outer Rim Patrollers
-Sector Army SS/House of the Starsword, General Bly Secura (Constellation)
-327th Daybreak Corps, Commander Trek Ijaat
SPECIAL FORCES: High Jedi Generals Obi-wan Kenobi, Quinlan Vos, and Anakin Skywalker; mobile scouts/spies/commandos
-Sector Army QW/Quiet Words, General Cody Verbur (Negotiator)
-212th Ghost Corps, Jedi Commander Katooni Tidania
-213th Spirit Corps, Jedi Commander Petro Vroomti
-Sector Army DS/Dark Shadows, General Maevip Joles (Repeat Offense)
-808th Danger Corps, Commander Wilde Sal’yc
-Sector Army BS/Bright Skies, Jedi General Ahsoka Tano (Endurance)
-501st Storm Corps, Commander Rex Buirkan
-Torrent Company, Captain Fives Tenair
-502nd Desert Corps, Commander Eteru Firestorm of Tatooine
(Geez, I feel tired just looking at it all...)
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pep-no · 7 years
gs-goldstarz replied to your post “kanansponytail replied to your post “I just found the media Q&A from...”
relieved bc all the tension will go away once kanan is killed off
Tension = awkwardness between two persons who are attracted to each other but couldn’t progress to a more intimate relationship because of many factors.
I see no tension between Kanan & Hera. They’re already comfortable intimately with one another.
Also, Kanan won’t be killed off in SWR. LSG had invested too much effort in creating and developing the character to serve as a launch platform for new stories not directly related to the Skywalker dynasty.
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spiritmoodboards · 6 months
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Moodboard for Hera (God's School) For @casinotrio1965 c: Hope you like~
We're closed for now, thank you!
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divinytieshq · 5 years
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NOME COMPLETO: Genevieve Louise Marguerite Grimaldi, atende por Gen ou Evie.
IDADE: Vinte anos.
OCUPAÇÃO ANTERIOR: Era uma estudante do fundamental quando foi levada o núcleo, também sendo a neta do Príncipe regente de Mônaco.
OCUPAÇÃO ATUAL: É uma sacerdotisa de Afrodite.
FACECLAIM: Lili Reinhart.
O nascimento da primogênita de Pierre, o príncipe herdeiro de Mônaco, era uma das coisas mais esperadas daquele ano. O casamento rápido dele com Desirée L’Amour, uma condessa de um lugar que muitos nem lembravam o nome, havia dado o que falar — até porque Louis, o príncipe regente, não se posicionou contra este relacionamento relâmpago —, mas agora todos celebravam a chegada da mais nova Grimaldi. Era comum se dizer que Genevieve parecia muito com sua mãe, tanto na aparência, quanto em seu jeito. A pequena princesa sempre foi delicada em tudo que fazia, extremamente amorosa com seus pais, e possuía uma graciosidade que atraia o povo de Mônaco.
Certo dia, quando tinha completado seus dez anos, voltava da escola com sua mãe, entretanto, quando o carro chegou no palácio, não havia nenhum sinal de Desirée e nem de sua filha. O desaparecimento, considerado como um sequestro, chocou o mundo inteiro, abalando completamente a família real. Buscas continuaram por anos e anos, mas não chegaram a lugar nenhum. A morte presumida de Genevieve e sua mãe nunca mais seria esquecida pela população monagasca.
O motivo, entretanto, para tal sumiço ia além do que os mortais podiam explicar. A prematura mente de Genevieve ainda tentava entender tudo aquilo, logo após de acordar de uma soneca, que não era apenas filha de uma deusa — Afrodite —, mas também deveria lutar para que a mesma sobrevivesse. Se esse era o objetivo dela então, porque escolher uma criança como sua campeã? A verdade, porém, era que havia uma maldição sobre os Grimaldi, jogada pela própria Afrodite junto de outras deusas, mas, após ter gerado Genevieve em uma noite de prazer, não queria que sua filha sofresse tal maldição. E foi por isso que a levou para o Núcleo, pois, embora não tivesse certeza, pensava que se a levasse até lá, a maldição seria anulada, ou menos pesada.
Foi por isso que Genevieve desistiu no meio da competição, por causa dos conselhos de sua mãe — e também porque não conseguiria avançar muito. Porém, mesmo que tivesse saído cedo, a Grimaldi presenciou a violência em um nível extremo, algo que a faz ter pesadelos todos os dias, algo que faz a garota tremer de medo ao ver qualquer discussão começar.
Logo após sair da competição, Genevieve temeu o pior, ficaria desamparada? Como iria viver naquele mundo desconhecido? Em Mônaco, qualquer coisa que quisesse ela teria, mas agora ela era um ninguém. Felizmente, Afrodite havia pensado nisso, e pediu para que uma de suas sacerdotisas acolhessem a jovem Grimaldi e a criasse para também ser uma sacerdotisa.
Embora o trabalho de Genevieve atualmente é, literalmente, adorar a sua mãe, ela ainda a recente muito por ter tirado um futuro normal dela. Todas as noites a garota olha para o seu relicário, vendo fotos suas com sua família quando mais nova, fotos de Mônaco, fotos de um passado que ela amava e de um futuro que ela nunca vai ter.
Possui um relicário dourado com o seu monograma real (dois Gs maiúsculos, sendo que um deles está invertido horizontalmente, com uma coroa em cima) entalhado no centro. Dentro do relicário, ficava uma foto sua quando bebê e uma dela com seu pai e sua mãe. Não se lembra quando recebeu tal artefato, porém sempre carregava consigo. Quando chegou ao núcleo, o interior do relicário agora mostrava o objeto que a pessoa que o via mais desejava, e, para Genevieve, continuou sendo as mesmas fotos de antes.
SEDUÇÃO: A principal habilidade de Genevieve, que tornou-se completa quando ela atingiu a maioridade, é basicamente a habilidade de incorporar pensamentos em outras pessoas de maneira sensual, subliminar, de modo que eles acreditam que estão fazendo suas próprias escolhas.
MANIPULAÇÃO DE EMOÇÕES: Outra habilidade que Genevieve tem é de conseguir controlar levemente as emoções de outras pessoas. Por exemplo, ela pode fazer com que alguém que esteja triste no momento se sinta um pouco melhor emocionalmente, ou que alguém goste do que está comendo. Entretanto, fazer com que alguém se apaixone está fora das habilidades da mesma.
A muito tempo atrás, Francesco Grimaldi tomou a Pedra de Mônaco vestido de monge, e, após ter o poder em mãos, o homem enlouqueceu, matando os quais iam contra eles, heréticos e mulheres que considerava bruxa. Uma dessas mulheres  — a própria esposa de Francesco — era filha de Hécate, e, antes que morresse, pediu a mãe para que amaldiçoasse aquela família. Então, a deusa junta de Afrodite e Hera, que simbolizavam o amor e o casamento, jogou uma maldição nos Grimaldi: que eles nunca encontrassem felicidade no casamento novamente. Dizem que a maldição foi bem sucedida, e que os relacionamentos aparentemente bons daquela família era apenas uma farsa. Porém, Afrodite acabou por desejar um homem da família, e, numa noite de prazer, uma filha foi concebida. Temendo pelo futuro da garota, a deusa do amor decidiu por acompanhar ela durante dez anos e a levar para o Núcleo, esperando que a maldição não a atingisse.
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the-firebird69 · 5 months
 Audioslave - I Am The Highway
and we knew too. a wast of time losers. now we see it. tommy f too a losser a complete loser.  and it is on but ok. they are not doing well dont know it.  lose shortly are too small.  an fce macs one good thing.  and theysay it they harmed us for a long time we take some of them with us.  and that is what he knows you to be cork. and good. and we fight hear it. ours. true we fight htem and we  hear him hollar ok....good. brad says.
and after the weakening they shall. do the right thing.  as we say. and it is.  thye were wrought misfigured to do what hte do a bit.  however. see it. shiops and more. and macs re frustrated yell hate stuff.
and true too yes we hear it wyes ok good job to a degree whow much can we really do. and ok.now we try. and open it up soon. and per  plan. brad sasy.
really he needs duds money and they all try to shut it off to run it. we do this hit them. now and hell money in  a few banks even b of a and we use it. take themd own.  says good idea i put a few gs in there. and as a backup and put it al in the safe on one piec of paper. and good we say.  now we see it. a few g’s does it and we follow it.  and now it is apparent we have a problem here these are in te way. see it in the usps and they are absurd and yells and screams no. and we fire on them shortly.  and for real. get them out.  need to and out of the five areas.  and hit. hard. and fully. we want all five and the rfirst five.  and yeh bunkers too must go and slwo these are slow.  aer at it though. and opeened about ten percent more. they all at about 40% f full operational ability and in the midwest other middle areas only 30%.  and we hit shortly help out. tons see it hit who. they advance. we use it now.
Thor Freya
we use it now all of it thier attitude here they are losers and stike need rea and stuff and mines now. tons of tem need damongs and a must
Hera all captains in all team captains in meet now i call it he agrees. and it is to push it and safelly
we met no good idea. need it. the car show did not happen.  and ok a war so these need it theywll see the oafs. and they buy them too. need it now
Thor Freya
car shows are on we will hav e our own now we see it
Nuada Arrianna
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the-firebird69 · 7 months
(1) Bradley Gt Sunday morning Drive - YouTube
andworks on utube not yahoo and so ok tons use google.
and they see it it is in the fine print. no it is easy tos ee tryiusing it.
now this is cool fast ok. up to one eighty and more they say two hundred and a standard old but the new ones are a lot faster. tons of kits now
and they are at the city gold and platinum and more and now. hit it ok. and are hit a lot and by macs. s ee it too we use nothing expect it all dump our funds and factoreies are stuid kids. he hates it. now we etry.
and they shall. lost it today and wer e mad spraying needed. and tons say it we shall die if not. and ready
not yet but shall and we will and mac says it. tons need it and demand request and shall submit rquests. tons obbugs ok
Thor Freya
gs ths iscoool but he is under duress. but he is under diress bugs at him. at night wake hm and lots of times. we use it ok. need them to spray now we send in teams
and we shall ok but ok need this fixed
we do it yo lie and always
are at it now
ok need it out and your in the way you faggots he is suffering and willw ork and for himself. now we try
and he hits we hit. and him.
we put a hit on you now stan b ig mouth. and you shall pay for this horrid place. you moron.
Zues Hera
i see it can move so i try more o your funds
andw e take you harware as normal. to weaken you and use others as normal.
Zues Hera
and we see i correct his verbage and im a joke so what i die anyways
and any in the way and you the quasi empire shall fall soon regardless. are weakening. tons of you die and in the fight now. are at you now and are numerous. y8ou hit here their bases adn areas of operation. tons. and most of you morlock live in squalor the macs why and theis empire half assed version. we see youi dont believe us. your at it and down there and are outnumbered all over. morlock crush you. flatten you. and they are whimps in this fight and arena. they saw it and go after your hardware . and tons of it. they are at ten bases in the west trying. and they seek you out. yoiur hardware why you are hard. an learned it. see it now. ten of the very large no are large though. five are major refuelling statinos and the ohter five minor. and we shall hit you stan. you have to get through it. ok. you fag. and missy too what a fn bitch a losser. phave himpay no. and she was steamed. they infight but shit and he is a target. and tons say it this is no fun. and cant see macss. so what. we take your stuff in the fight use it, it is perfuncory, mandatory needed. you make it needed. you too stan cant do a roof it is over a year, and gross shithead squaloer is your goal shit in the front yard. you fn suck. he will seek alternate housing report you heat your fat ass up. though you may be dead by that time. cut in half, back. kill kill kill and are hit and out. and we know when and where. no not skellig. you shall lose all your fleet. becoe a rebel vs your own idiots. and be scourned. ask for his help ad he sahll say it hadns are tied. sorry. and you lose the house. a new landlord ok ahhaah lol right it is sherry and you blow up jason ok. and then she hits you. you boil with hatred. so. your an ass.
tons are at your bases now. since we typed this. tons at trump. he fell islent the spaz. what losers. and yeh ok a sprots car with garth how pathetic. and walked in hulking. his idea too. and is a fool. was arrested along iwth most of you cowards by mac. he hats youf fn losers
tons are at the cities. tons. its a blood bath. and ten foot conduits found going to the countrysde to houses. tons of them. too. and small bnkers below and a few cables. to a router. and your dumb ppl ok and it is in clusters of houses. yes. hides it well tons of you see it they were deadly. we are too. and yeh we do this too. hahah lol
Thor Freya he says whoah way to soke them and youmake it worse have him itch we hit you losers
tons of yours are out stan and we hit them here. tons say it too him. need the house his apartment there and turmp too hit him. tons do. and are after teh key and see why john remalard wants it. to take the apartment use the threat.
and tons see it they did not use robots are dumb. hated. by all and us. she is a cunt. and tons see it. works with garth the traitor and ass to our son. we hate you garth your an imbicile. does not have anything together and is shit. lowly as he is, is what he is. lots of the tards are but he iss hit and the black mac they see it. too late and oh no.
on hawaii 50 now we use thi stans attacks. hit. and pull his stuff now.
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koreabuyandship · 3 years
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koreabuyandship · 3 years
Etude House - Buy Korean Cosmetics Online - KoreaBuyandShip
https://koreabuyandship.com Korea BuyandShip Services​ Korea buying service​ KoreaBuyandShip offers Korea parcel forwrading service and Korea buying service. Our Korea buying service is simple. you can send us any Korean website link you want to shop from. Also item description, size or color and quantity you want to buy. You can submit Korea BuyandShip order form. Then we will send you an invoice for you to pay for items. Once the invoice is paid, we will start buying your requested items. We will send you photos with shipping cost invoice once the items arrive at our warehouse. You can pay the invoice by paypal or transferwise. fee is different by paypal and transferwise. Once the invoice is paid, we will ship out your package next day with tracking number provided.
KoreaBuyandShip offers Korea buying service. You can order from any Korean online stores with KoreaBuyandShip. All you need to do is to send us Korean website link, size or color and quantity. You can submit Korea BuyandShip order form. Then you will receive an email with your order details. Also along with an invoice to pay from Korea BuyandShip. KoreaBuyandShip will buy on your behalf from any Korean stores. Then your items arrive to Korea
korean buying service fee Our Korea buying service fee is 10% (minimum $5) by Paypal and 5% (minimum $5) by TransferWise. You can use Paypal to make a payment by debit card or credit card. Paypal supports different currency options for payment. It is easy and convenient to pay by Paypal by 2~3 clicks. Transferwise also supports debit card or credit card payment. Also bank transfer. Once you register TransferWise account, you will have an bank account in each countries. This is perks of TransferWise. Transferwise supports low transaction fee for buyer and seller.
Korea package forwarding servcie once you use our korea buying service, you can ship your package to the address you want. We will ship your package domestically or internationally.
Korea warehouse service ( free korean address ) You can use our korean address to shop from weverseshop. we can examine your items and ship to you.
Shops we buy from :
Top Korea Major Shops NAVER Coupang GMARKET 11 STREET AUCTION 29CM INTERPARK 10 X 10 ELANDMALL CJ ONSTYLE Hottracks GS SHOP TMON 1300K AKMALL HALFCLUB LFMALL Gaze Shop Myulchi Shopping Go To Mall Today's House otc comma
Top Korea Major Department Stores The Hyundai H-Mall Shinsegae Galleria AKMALL Lotte On Hyundai Duty Free HI MARt
Weverse Shop  SM Town Store Korea buying service K Six Music Duckzill Synnara Record Joen Music With Drama Lezhin Store Starship Square K POP Store Ktown4u Play Jelly Aladin Music Kyobo Music Interpark Music Yes24 Music Blackpink YGLOBAL YG Select Made Edam Yes24 Global
Top Korea Skin Care Brand
COSRX Etude Krave Beauty Missha 3CE Amore Pacific Apieu Banilaco Beyond Belif By Wishtrend Beauty Of Joseoun Cetaphil COSRX CLIO dAlba Dr. Jart Espoir Etude Estee Lauder Hanyul Hera Holika Holika Huxley innisfree Klairs Krave Beauty LANEIGE Missha Manyo Factory Nunc Nature Republic Nature Collection Olive Young One Thing PERIPERA Round Lap Sidmool SkinFood Sulwhasoo Tonymory the Face Shop The Saem The Body Shop Sephora APERIRE
Top Korea Make Up Brand
Hera Etude Espoir Clio S2ND MAC Too Cool For School Clinique YvesaintLaurent Estee Lauder Sulwhasoo Tonymory Jungsammool Dinto The N.B.P For the people RIVAGIRL Inika orgamic Innisfree Maychic
Top Korea hair care brand
J - Soop  Dr. Seed Dr. For Hair Milk Baobob Skinzen Beauty Airport Moremo Dr.Top Pedisen Dr.Olga Soonsoolab Dr.Banggiwon Envin Kundal Spasis CFC Lab Dano Clinic Raon Park Jun
Top Korea nail care brand
Ohora Zinipin Konad Diami Ohora Dashing Diva Let Me Gel Nail Life Nail Funny Saracen Beauty Moa Gelato Factory BaeBae Beauty Danji Nail Boutique Korea Angel Nail Danmi Konad Nail Zone Nail Nara Diami Blanc Blanc Zinipin
Major Fashion Shop
Musinsa  29 CM Seoul Store W.Concept Eland Mall Half Club Fashion Plus SSF Shop LF Mall Kolon Mall Kolon Sport I-Style 24 8 Seconds Topten Mall GVG Giodano Mind Bridge Sculptor Concept 1 MUJI Nasty Fancy Club The North Face Discovery Expedition National Geographic Nike Fila Vans MLB Adidas Carhartt Kangol
Top Korea Men's Fashion Brand
Markgonzales Coor Xero B&R The Knit Company East Pacific Trade In Silence This Is Never That Covernat Partimento Jemut Uniform Bridge Soverment Draw Fit Yeseyesee Lafuge Store Ezio LOFI NSTK FrizmWORKS Fatalism Maison Mined L Mood Beslow Branded
Women's Fashion
Mejiwoo Attrangs Chuu Wusinsa 66 Girls ABLELYN Annakids Attrangs Benito Bella Day Berry Joo Bohemian Seoul Chuu Cherryville Clevermall Common Unique Cream Cheese Diagonal Digue Debagirl Dejou Eranzi From Day One Imvely J _Blin J Style KIPOP Lemite Little Black Maysome Mejiwoo Melrosemood MixMix Moco Bling Munani Naning9 Near Wear ODD ONE OUT Seconde Secon Sedy Secret Lable Sonyunara Style Nanda Sappun the Aesoo Ugly Shadow Wusinsa Marhen Breeze Hot Ping Under - vi Shopper Land Zanique Zoo Zoom Xexymix
Top Korea Character Goods Store
Kakao Friends Line Friends Bandai Molang Shop We Bear Bears Nara Home Edition Nara Home Deco Sandbox Store Puca Puca Tocotoco Rain Mall Dinotaeng Buy Kitty Minikitty Gloomy Imungu Jiwon Mall Mo Item Anicube Hong2Kitty It's hobby
Top Korea Stationery Brand
monopoly Second Morning Jamsidarak Thence OKKI earp earp Second Mansion Room Room Te Teum 10 X 10 livework object Funny Made Rihoon Be On D ICONIC PLAY wannathis Sosorowa wiggle wiggle yudaeng 1300K FOREST COMPANY Dudumoon Candle Bada rainmall Sugar Deco WITH YOU Jelly Crew salad market Almost Blue Reve en luna HOTTRACKS ppom ppom
0 notes
koreabuyandship · 3 years
Amore Pacific - Buy Korean Cosmetics - KoreaBuyandShip
https://koreabuyandship.com Korea BuyandShip Services​ Korea buying service​ KoreaBuyandShip offers Korea parcel forwrading service and Korea buying service. Our Korea buying service is simple. you can send us any Korean website link you want to shop from. Also item description, size or color and quantity you want to buy. You can submit Korea BuyandShip order form. Then we will send you an invoice for you to pay for items. Once the invoice is paid, we will start buying your requested items. We will send you photos with shipping cost invoice once the items arrive at our warehouse. You can pay the invoice by paypal or transferwise. fee is different by paypal and transferwise. Once the invoice is paid, we will ship out your package next day with tracking number provided.
KoreaBuyandShip offers Korea buying service. You can order from any Korean online stores with KoreaBuyandShip. All you need to do is to send us Korean website link, size or color and quantity. You can submit Korea BuyandShip order form. Then you will receive an email with your order details. Also along with an invoice to pay from Korea BuyandShip. KoreaBuyandShip will buy on your behalf from any Korean stores. Then your items arrive to Korea
korean buying service fee Our Korea buying service fee is 10% (minimum $5) by Paypal and 5% (minimum $5) by TransferWise. You can use Paypal to make a payment by debit card or credit card. Paypal supports different currency options for payment. It is easy and convenient to pay by Paypal by 2~3 clicks. Transferwise also supports debit card or credit card payment. Also bank transfer. Once you register TransferWise account, you will have an bank account in each countries. This is perks of TransferWise. Transferwise supports low transaction fee for buyer and seller.
Korea package forwarding servcie once you use our korea buying service, you can ship your package to the address you want. We will ship your package domestically or internationally.
Korea warehouse service ( free korean address ) You can use our korean address to shop from weverseshop. we can examine your items and ship to you.
Shops we buy from :
Top Korea Major Shops NAVER Coupang GMARKET 11 STREET AUCTION 29CM INTERPARK 10 X 10 ELANDMALL CJ ONSTYLE Hottracks GS SHOP TMON 1300K AKMALL HALFCLUB LFMALL Gaze Shop Myulchi Shopping Go To Mall Today's House otc comma
Top Korea Major Department Stores The Hyundai H-Mall Shinsegae Galleria AKMALL Lotte On Hyundai Duty Free HI MARt
Weverse Shop  SM Town Store Korea buying service K Six Music Duckzill Synnara Record Joen Music With Drama Lezhin Store Starship Square K POP Store Ktown4u Play Jelly Aladin Music Kyobo Music Interpark Music Yes24 Music Blackpink YGLOBAL YG Select Made Edam Yes24 Global
Top Korea Skin Care Brand
COSRX Etude Krave Beauty Missha 3CE Amore Pacific Apieu Banilaco Beyond Belif By Wishtrend Beauty Of Joseoun Cetaphil COSRX CLIO dAlba Dr. Jart Espoir Etude Estee Lauder Hanyul Hera Holika Holika Huxley innisfree Klairs Krave Beauty LANEIGE Missha Manyo Factory Nunc Nature Republic Nature Collection Olive Young One Thing PERIPERA Round Lap Sidmool SkinFood Sulwhasoo Tonymory the Face Shop The Saem The Body Shop Sephora APERIRE
Top Korea Make Up Brand
Hera Etude Espoir Clio S2ND MAC Too Cool For School Clinique YvesaintLaurent Estee Lauder Sulwhasoo Tonymory Jungsammool Dinto The N.B.P For the people RIVAGIRL Inika orgamic Innisfree Maychic
Top Korea hair care brand
J - Soop  Dr. Seed Dr. For Hair Milk Baobob Skinzen Beauty Airport Moremo Dr.Top Pedisen Dr.Olga Soonsoolab Dr.Banggiwon Envin Kundal Spasis CFC Lab Dano Clinic Raon Park Jun
Top Korea nail care brand
Ohora Zinipin Konad Diami Ohora Dashing Diva Let Me Gel Nail Life Nail Funny Saracen Beauty Moa Gelato Factory BaeBae Beauty Danji Nail Boutique Korea Angel Nail Danmi Konad Nail Zone Nail Nara Diami Blanc Blanc Zinipin
Major Fashion Shop
Musinsa  29 CM Seoul Store W.Concept Eland Mall Half Club Fashion Plus SSF Shop LF Mall Kolon Mall Kolon Sport I-Style 24 8 Seconds Topten Mall GVG Giodano Mind Bridge Sculptor Concept 1 MUJI Nasty Fancy Club The North Face Discovery Expedition National Geographic Nike Fila Vans MLB Adidas Carhartt Kangol
Top Korea Men's Fashion Brand
Markgonzales Coor Xero B&R The Knit Company East Pacific Trade In Silence This Is Never That Covernat Partimento Jemut Uniform Bridge Soverment Draw Fit Yeseyesee Lafuge Store Ezio LOFI NSTK FrizmWORKS Fatalism Maison Mined L Mood Beslow Branded
Women's Fashion
Mejiwoo Attrangs Chuu Wusinsa 66 Girls ABLELYN Annakids Attrangs Benito Bella Day Berry Joo Bohemian Seoul Chuu Cherryville Clevermall Common Unique Cream Cheese Diagonal Digue Debagirl Dejou Eranzi From Day One Imvely J _Blin J Style KIPOP Lemite Little Black Maysome Mejiwoo Melrosemood MixMix Moco Bling Munani Naning9 Near Wear ODD ONE OUT Seconde Secon Sedy Secret Lable Sonyunara Style Nanda Sappun the Aesoo Ugly Shadow Wusinsa Marhen Breeze Hot Ping Under - vi Shopper Land Zanique Zoo Zoom Xexymix
Top Korea Character Goods Store
Kakao Friends Line Friends Bandai Molang Shop We Bear Bears Nara Home Edition Nara Home Deco Sandbox Store Puca Puca Tocotoco Rain Mall Dinotaeng Buy Kitty Minikitty Gloomy Imungu Jiwon Mall Mo Item Anicube Hong2Kitty It's hobby
Top Korea Stationery Brand
monopoly Second Morning Jamsidarak Thence OKKI earp earp Second Mansion Room Room Te Teum 10 X 10 livework object Funny Made Rihoon Be On D ICONIC PLAY wannathis Sosorowa wiggle wiggle yudaeng 1300K FOREST COMPANY Dudumoon Candle Bada rainmall Sugar Deco WITH YOU Jelly Crew salad market Almost Blue Reve en luna HOTTRACKS ppom ppom
0 notes
koreabuyandship · 3 years
Buy 3ce product Korean Cosmetics - KoreaBuyandShip
https://koreabuyandship.com Korea BuyandShip Services​ Korea buying service​ KoreaBuyandShip offers Korea parcel forwrading service and Korea buying service. Our Korea buying service is simple. you can send us any Korean website link you want to shop from. Also item description, size or color and quantity you want to buy. You can submit Korea BuyandShip order form. Then we will send you an invoice for you to pay for items. Once the invoice is paid, we will start buying your requested items. We will send you photos with shipping cost invoice once the items arrive at our warehouse. You can pay the invoice by paypal or transferwise. fee is different by paypal and transferwise. Once the invoice is paid, we will ship out your package next day with tracking number provided.
KoreaBuyandShip offers Korea buying service. You can order from any Korean online stores with KoreaBuyandShip. All you need to do is to send us Korean website link, size or color and quantity. You can submit Korea BuyandShip order form. Then you will receive an email with your order details. Also along with an invoice to pay from Korea BuyandShip. KoreaBuyandShip will buy on your behalf from any Korean stores. Then your items arrive to Korea
korean buying service fee Our Korea buying service fee is 10% (minimum $5) by Paypal and 5% (minimum $5) by TransferWise. You can use Paypal to make a payment by debit card or credit card. Paypal supports different currency options for payment. It is easy and convenient to pay by Paypal by 2~3 clicks. Transferwise also supports debit card or credit card payment. Also bank transfer. Once you register TransferWise account, you will have an bank account in each countries. This is perks of TransferWise. Transferwise supports low transaction fee for buyer and seller.
Korea package forwarding servcie once you use our korea buying service, you can ship your package to the address you want. We will ship your package domestically or internationally.
Korea warehouse service ( free korean address ) You can use our korean address to shop from weverseshop. we can examine your items and ship to you.
Shops we buy from :
Top Korea Major Shops NAVER Coupang GMARKET 11 STREET AUCTION 29CM INTERPARK 10 X 10 ELANDMALL CJ ONSTYLE Hottracks GS SHOP TMON 1300K AKMALL HALFCLUB LFMALL Gaze Shop Myulchi Shopping Go To Mall Today's House otc comma
Top Korea Major Department Stores The Hyundai H-Mall Shinsegae Galleria AKMALL Lotte On Hyundai Duty Free HI MARt
Weverse Shop  SM Town Store Korea buying service K Six Music Duckzill Synnara Record Joen Music With Drama Lezhin Store Starship Square K POP Store Ktown4u Play Jelly Aladin Music Kyobo Music Interpark Music Yes24 Music Blackpink YGLOBAL YG Select Made Edam Yes24 Global
Top Korea Skin Care Brand
COSRX Etude Krave Beauty Missha 3CE Amore Pacific Apieu Banilaco Beyond Belif By Wishtrend Beauty Of Joseoun Cetaphil COSRX CLIO dAlba Dr. Jart Espoir Etude Estee Lauder Hanyul Hera Holika Holika Huxley innisfree Klairs Krave Beauty LANEIGE Missha Manyo Factory Nunc Nature Republic Nature Collection Olive Young One Thing PERIPERA Round Lap Sidmool SkinFood Sulwhasoo Tonymory the Face Shop The Saem The Body Shop Sephora APERIRE
Top Korea Make Up Brand
Hera Etude Espoir Clio S2ND MAC Too Cool For School Clinique YvesaintLaurent Estee Lauder Sulwhasoo Tonymory Jungsammool Dinto The N.B.P For the people RIVAGIRL Inika orgamic Innisfree Maychic
Top Korea hair care brand
J - Soop  Dr. Seed Dr. For Hair Milk Baobob Skinzen Beauty Airport Moremo Dr.Top Pedisen Dr.Olga Soonsoolab Dr.Banggiwon Envin Kundal Spasis CFC Lab Dano Clinic Raon Park Jun
Top Korea nail care brand
Ohora Zinipin Konad Diami Ohora Dashing Diva Let Me Gel Nail Life Nail Funny Saracen Beauty Moa Gelato Factory BaeBae Beauty Danji Nail Boutique Korea Angel Nail Danmi Konad Nail Zone Nail Nara Diami Blanc Blanc Zinipin
Major Fashion Shop
Musinsa  29 CM Seoul Store W.Concept Eland Mall Half Club Fashion Plus SSF Shop LF Mall Kolon Mall Kolon Sport I-Style 24 8 Seconds Topten Mall GVG Giodano Mind Bridge Sculptor Concept 1 MUJI Nasty Fancy Club The North Face Discovery Expedition National Geographic Nike Fila Vans MLB Adidas Carhartt Kangol
Top Korea Men's Fashion Brand
Markgonzales Coor Xero B&R The Knit Company East Pacific Trade In Silence This Is Never That Covernat Partimento Jemut Uniform Bridge Soverment Draw Fit Yeseyesee Lafuge Store Ezio LOFI NSTK FrizmWORKS Fatalism Maison Mined L Mood Beslow Branded
Women's Fashion
Mejiwoo Attrangs Chuu Wusinsa 66 Girls ABLELYN Annakids Attrangs Benito Bella Day Berry Joo Bohemian Seoul Chuu Cherryville Clevermall Common Unique Cream Cheese Diagonal Digue Debagirl Dejou Eranzi From Day One Imvely J _Blin J Style KIPOP Lemite Little Black Maysome Mejiwoo Melrosemood MixMix Moco Bling Munani Naning9 Near Wear ODD ONE OUT Seconde Secon Sedy Secret Lable Sonyunara Style Nanda Sappun the Aesoo Ugly Shadow Wusinsa Marhen Breeze Hot Ping Under - vi Shopper Land Zanique Zoo Zoom Xexymix
Top Korea Character Goods Store
Kakao Friends Line Friends Bandai Molang Shop We Bear Bears Nara Home Edition Nara Home Deco Sandbox Store Puca Puca Tocotoco Rain Mall Dinotaeng Buy Kitty Minikitty Gloomy Imungu Jiwon Mall Mo Item Anicube Hong2Kitty It's hobby
Top Korea Stationery Brand
monopoly Second Morning Jamsidarak Thence OKKI earp earp Second Mansion Room Room Te Teum 10 X 10 livework object Funny Made Rihoon Be On D ICONIC PLAY wannathis Sosorowa wiggle wiggle yudaeng 1300K FOREST COMPANY Dudumoon Candle Bada rainmall Sugar Deco WITH YOU Jelly Crew salad market Almost Blue Reve en luna HOTTRACKS ppom ppom
0 notes