#henry bolet jr.
aimmyarrowshigh · 28 days
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MLMay 2024: 100 Slash Drabbles
018. Espionage - Henry Bolet Jr./Ned Nickerson - Nancy Drew (HER)
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drewlyyours · 1 year
ND #17
Henry Bolet Jr. - Jamie Campbell Bower
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Renee Amande - Pam Farris
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Lamont Warrick - Caleb McLaughlin
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Gilbert Buford - Morgan Freeman
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I guess I do come across as a little... needy sometimes
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heygrrrlratpiss · 8 months
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The people of instagram did NOT like this one
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sorry i’m absolutely losing my mind about that one post you made about henry bolet jrs voice actor because first of all that is a TERRIBLE photo of brian and second of all do you want to hear stories about him? he’s a queer autistic high school drama teacher, playwright, actor and of course voice actor. i watched him fall to the ground after getting stabbed by a balloon sword once. i tumbled into him playing a theatre game once and there was a solid five second pause where i was just like defying physics leaned up against him while putting no weight on him before i fell over and died on the ground .
1. I’m so glad you liked that post
2. Dying because like that was the only photo I could find of him but apparently I did not search enough?
this is the best news you could have ever given me, I love the stories you have shared I am dying and I am always down to hear more. He sounds iconic and if you are still in contact with him please let him know that he’s my hero and I thank him for putting so much depth into like 3 pages of voice lines he is my hero
This is new lore and I don’t know how to act I am completely normal !!!!!!
But seriously he sounds like an icon and thank you for reaching out and sharing!!!
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netclash · 2 years
if people still indulge in the existence of henry bolet jr., his voice actor is k. brian neel, who is also my school’s drama teacher !
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mrshenrybolet · 7 months
in which a smile overpowers Rachmaninoff at sunrise
in a moment, in a library, in a ray of sunlight, Henry Bolet Jr.’s life is changed.
Henry Bolet Jr. absentmindedly gazed bleary-eyed at the sunrise emerging through the oak trees outside the library at Emerson College. He closed his literary theory textbook, marking the page with a coffee receipt before pushing it aside. Removing the headphones playing Rachmaninoff, Henry leaned back in his chair, giving his eyes permission to glaze over in the soft sunlight.
He was acutely aware of the expectation for him to be enamored with the night based on his elected appearance; his ink black hair, tattoos, and usually black attire were one thing, but he supposed that his tendency to keep to himself didn’t help matters much.
But Henry couldn’t help feeling drawn to the quiet, golden haze of sunrise that pricked through the night. Perhaps it was a welcome contrast to the ceaseless whisper of his seemingly endless inner darkness.
He knew he couldn’t logically blame Death for his childhood reality of abandonment by his parents to a life of lonesomeness.
And yet…
He couldn’t reflect on that for long, lest the ceaseless whisper give voice to a foreboding murmur — and he didn’t dare admit the blame aloud, in a quiet fear of retribution from the blamed party.
Though his Uncle Bruno had provided financial support through enrollment in boarding school and summer camps — and, when what Henry considered wit faculty had considered disrespect one too many times, military school — he had never been able to provide the emotional support and personal connection that Henry craved.
But here, Henry had a few friends, although not more than he needed fingers on one hand to count. Ned Nickerson was Henry’s best friend, though Henry knew that he was not Ned’s. No, Ned had extensive family, friends, fraternity “brothers” — if you were the type to take that seriously.
Henry felt a jolt of envy behind his navel, followed by a pang of shame that his jealousy led him to begrudge his best friend his support system. The bite of knowing that he wasn’t worth enough for people to bother staying in his life turned his stomach. But Ned stayed.
For now, came the morose whisper from somewhere inside him.
Preoccupied, he thoughtlessly chipped at the black nail polish on his thumb while watching the gilded rays of light wash across the library stacks.
Ned also had a long-term girlfriend, though she seemed to disregard him too frequently than he felt Ned should feel comfortable. Henry wasn’t sure how he felt about Ned’s girlfriend — was it Dani? Sandy? Henry had never met her, as it seemed she couldn’t be bothered to actually come to visit his friend. He recalled Ned reaching out to Henry on several occasions when he had gotten stood up on important dates; Henry figured Ned must have known that he wouldn’t have social plans himself and would be willing to listen to his heartache. Despite his seemingly callous exterior, Henry truly cared about his friends, a sentiment he hoped was communicated through his actions, as words were not his strength.
From somewhere behind him, Henry heard a rustling that gave him a start. The blissful tranquility that his headphones had brought had deceived him into the illusion of solitude until now.
“I didn’t mean to startle you,” a disembodied voice called out in hushed tones. A figure emerged from behind the stacks, long legs striding towards him with ease. Henry blinked in an attempt to get his eyes to refocus. More distinct than what he could discern visually as the figure grew closer was the intoxicating, woodsy fragrance wafting off her sleek hair as she stepped in front of his desk.
“You’re Henry Bolet, right?” that velvety voice crooned. Henry’s own voice seemed to forget how to function, whether it was from lack of sleep or relative shock at someone actually approaching him, and he simply sat looking up at her, his mouth agape.
He knew his eyes must be fatigued from studying through the night. Yet he ignored their strain, reveling unblinkingly in her striking beauty, more powerful than the brilliant, near blinding beams of sunrise shining behind her, enveloping her in a golden halo. He could faintly hear the ending notes of Rachmaninoff’s Piano Concerto No. 2 in C Minor play from his headphones that lay on the sun-strewn desk in between them.
Henry knew he would never be the same person again as she gazed down at him with alluring siren eyes and a coy smile that took permanent root in his heart.
“Call me Summer.”
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purplesimmer455 · 8 months
This a random as heck post/update:
So, after thinking I was a Lesbian for sure, I've discovered this year that I'm actually Pansexual. It was mostly after mulling about it for a long time, and having a billion crushes on people* that I realized it. (my brain is very derpy and puts me in crush mode at any moment). 😊
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mrsbolet · 2 years
"henry bolet is in college trying to become a teacher" is a cute headcanon, and it's going away in my lore file.
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I'm bored and this may be a controversial take, but I kinda don't give a shit about Henry Bolet Jr.
It's like he's an interesting character and all, but there is no point to ever seeing him again. I don't hate him. But if we literally never see him again, I'll be fine.
I don't really care about Ned's pity friend who has already served his purpose.
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Down in New Orleans, an artifact known as the "Whisperer", a glass crystal skull believed to grant the one who possesses it with immortality, but not in this case when the last one to obtain the rumored unearthly artifact, Bruno Bolet, is found dead. Meanwhile, the artifact remains missing.
Is his death merely a result of his own mortality? Or is time not the only cause of concern?
Head down to New Orleans for rainy nights and warm gumbo to track down a missing artifact and possibly a murderer.
Cody Fern as Henry Bolet Jr.
Bruno's great nephew, who he had taken in when Henry's parents had died, but with all that time Bruno believed to harness from the crystal skull very little would be spent with Henry, who in Bruno's passing was left to tend to the estate. With a somewhat detached nature to the situation, is it possible he is hiding guilt? or is he simply numb to grief?
Danny Glover as Gilbert Buford
Dr.Buford discovered the body of his late friend, Mr.Bolet, in which he determined the cause of his death natural, Meanwhile he possessed the knowledge that his friend claimed to hold the key to immortality, while harbouring secrets of his own. Did he use his medical position to falsify his cause of death for his own ticking clock?
Catherine O'Hara as Renee Amande
The Housekeeper, who spent a great deal of time in Bruno's presence. With a proclivity for dabbling in the other worldly, and tending to her garden, did she unearth Bruno's secret?
Daniel Curtis Lee as Lamont Warrick
Runs Zeke's Curio shop, with an eye for antiques and strange items. Is it possible the crystal skull caught his eye? Or perhaps it would attract the eyes of buyers to his shop.
7.DOG 10.SHA 11.CUR 13.TRN 15.CRE 16.ICE 17.CRY 22.TOT
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francie-froo · 1 year
if her interactive was actually smart theyd bring Henry Bolet Jr back. like THATS the only acceptable way of bribing the fandom and id be so ready to be bribed 🤓
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wheresahorseshocks · 4 years
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character aesthetic - henry bolet 💀
(another one. because we love him)
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drewlyyours · 2 days
do you have a fave queer nd ship?
I honestly have always loved Rose Green x Abby Sideris (our fav bed & breakfast lesbians) from MHM because I ALWAYS (even 11 years old me) thought they were together, in no way do those two come across as just friends. Also, the absolute legendary vibe of the logical bill-payer and free-thinking fortune teller. Plus, I feel like it’s black cat and golden retriever energy but Abby is the dog and Rose is the cat.
Some less obvious ships…
I do love Deirdre x Nancy’s dynamic and ALL content that comes from it but to me, Nancy and Deirdre don’t always fit. HOWEVER, Nancy x Maya Nguyen would be my pick. All of The Final Scene is just Nancy screaming at people trying to get her girlfriend back. I wish we saw more of her. Nancy would be supporting her journalist girlfriend, and they BOTH go off and do amazing things, so neither is left back at home (no offense Ned)
Henry Bolet Jr. (CRY) x Ned Nickerson !!!!
Tex Britten x Mary Yazzie (it’s giving t4t, I adore them) (SHA)
At this moment I’m kinda feeling Joe Hardy x Dave Gregory (SHA). Midwest boi going on far off adventures but falling for hottie ranch hand with a heart of gold.
Lori Girard I would also headcanon is Trans, and her painful toxicity belongs with Tino Balducci. (TRN)
Also Letitia needs a wife.
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heygrrrlratpiss · 2 years
Henry would really be into a dark academia type of fashion I just know it. I can see him owning lots of darkly colored knit sweaters and pairing them with one of his (many) white button ups, the collars peaking out from under. Slacks are also his go-to, along with different dress shoes such as penny loafers and oxfords
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The director yelled “cut” but K Brian Neel heard “Cunt”
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netclash · 1 year
brian/henry’s VA thinks you guys are fucking insane, but not in a bad way.
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