#help man i'm so bored
edgydadster · 2 years
Animation ideas, art ideas, shitpost ideas, aesthetic drawing ideas, vent art ideas, absolute menace to society ideas, all these ideas and yet I'm still staring AT A BLANK FUCKING CANVAS
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unicornpopcorn14 · 1 day
Dazai is drawn to honest characters.
Dazai is drawn to ppl who have a high moral code.
Dazai is drawn to ppl who feel so much so easily.
Dazai is drawn to ppl who are nothing like him...
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skinnypaleangryperson · 2 months
I just hope that I die before it gets too bad
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steakout-05 · 6 months
oh my poor sick little man..... he has a bad fever :(
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i've always had a soft spot for sickfics and i like seeing strong characters get taken care of by the ones who love them most :) craig is making him chicken noodle soup in the kitchen, barry's favourite meal to have whenever he's not feeling well.
bonus: earlier version with ripped sleeves
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i liked the thought of him being all snug in the only piece of clothing he hasn't ripped so i drew the sleeves of his jammies because it was cuter :)
#barry steakfries#jetpack joyride#why does tumblr always compress my drawings grrrgrr#he is sikc :(#i feel like if barry got sick he'd be the type of guy to be like ''what! i'm not sick no waayyy haha''#and then die of a coughing fit immediately after#he'd be very grumpy about not being able to go jetpacking and having to stay at home all day#he'd be like ''what happened to watching cartoons when i was home sick!? this is so BORING''#and craig would be like ''there there its ok you'll live. go to bed barry''#also i love how barry canonically has homely cute flower blankets on his bed#i like to think he's kinda embarrassed by them because he always calls his home his 'secret hideout'#and always talks about how cool it is and whatnot and then you walk inside and it's just. comfy.#only craig knows about the cosier bits of his home he's too prideful to tell anyone else#craig thinks it's nice :)#wait tumblr fucking deleted the other tags i wrote goddamnit#barry would be like ''i'm not THAT sick! i don't need to be pampered! i'm a man i can do it!''#and then when craig drags him home he's like ''ehh... i'm dying craig..... craig tuck me in.....''#he's stubborn but he's a big softie :)#i like to think he doesn't like to ask for help because he feels like it's weak#but at the same time he knows he really needs help because he feels really sick#he may complain a lot and act all fussy but he doesn't resist to craig taking care of him#cause he knows he's gotta let his guard down every once in a while + he's too tired to do it#he's too proud to admit it but he likes being taken care of by craig every now and then :)#ahh how i love stubborn characters who just wanna be held...
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lord-squiggletits · 8 months
The hard thing about liking Getaway as a character is that people are like "why are you mad people hate him, he's literally evil in the text" and it's like. Yeah I get that and I ENJOYED the way he was shown in MTMTE, the problem is that in LL his character got hit with villain degradation/idiot ball and so my beef with his portrayal is that I think it's shitty and underwhelming writing.
But like, it's really hard to debate about that because canon is the basis of the entire analysis, and if your contention of canon is basically "he would not fucking say/do that" then that means a near-complete rejection of canon in favor of headcanon and you can't really "debate" personal opinions in that way.
Anyways, LL Getaway sucked and the most charitable interpretation one could have of how he was written is that he was a victim of JRO needing to wrap up a billion plotlines at once and getting shafted because the mutiny plotline had to resolve really fast. Which is a flaw of LL and a bunch of its characters/plots in general, not me being an "apologist."
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staenless · 20 days
Trying desperately to read sha po lang (I'm pirating it because it's straight up not available in my country) and either the first two arcs are both about smuggling and boats and that stupid fucking monk or at some point I went back and I'm rereading the first arc and I don't. I can't tell. And I'm so bored of this stupid monk and the boats and shit like I'm so sure I've already read this but what if I didn't? Im gonna try reading more tonight I hope they bring the actual roman Catholic pope back cause having him in my gay Chinese fantasy book is so funny. Sha po lang fans send help
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obstinatecondolement · 11 months
Trying to think which of Austen's romantic leads is the most like me and, um:
Edward Ferrars was not recommended to their good opinion by any peculiar graces of person or address. He was not handsome, and his manners required intimacy to make them pleasing. He was too diffident to do justice to himself; but when his natural shyness was overcome, his behaviour gave every indication of an open, affectionate heart. His understanding was good, and his education had given it solid improvement. But he was neither fitted by abilities nor disposition to answer the wishes of his mother and sister, who longed to see him distinguished—as—they hardly knew what
... yeah.
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angorwhosebabyisthis · 6 months
one thing i was not prepared for when i started this rewatch of sdmi has been for it to finally sink in how absolutely heartbreaking daphne's whole deal is. this poor kid, man
#sdmi#scooby doo: mystery incorporated#daphne blake#abused kid with zero self-worth: casually; gruesomely self-harms in the *second episode* unprompted to get an extra clue#me: 😰😰😰😰#someone help her please actually god#i know it tends to get overshadowed by people being annoyed by the Obnoxious Het Teen Drama and all; and i get it#but like. that's a major manifestation of her *larger* deep-running issues; sexism and misogyny have shaped how she tries to deal with them#and it kind of sits less and less right with me these days that of her and fred#she's the one whose issues get dismissed and ignored with 'i don't care about boring hets so i'm not gonna bother 🙄'#whereas fred's issues which his involvement in that subplot are an expression of get explored and taken seriously#and treated as Tragic Best Boy Protect Him#(which by itself i don't have a problem with! he is very dubious and fucked up but he's also really tragic and likable)#especially since he's a *catalyst for or outright cause of* a lot of the heartbreaking stuff that happens with her in the series#i understand he has issues of his own and the misogyny is a manifestation of his own abuse history; that toxic masculinity has harmed him#but it is a plain and simple fact that he is a misogynistic abuser toward daphne in sdmi. like. he just is. that's a thing#and i think it is. revealing. that of the characters involved in the Annoying Het Subplot(tm)#it's the man who is a perpetrator of misogyny who's considered Worth Exploring the Tragedy of Despite the Annoying Het Subplot#and the girl who is a victim of misogyny; in ways her entire life is shaped by and suffocated in; is fair game to ignore the tragedy of#and the way the most i have ever seen her get in the show or otherwise on that front is#She Deserves a Better Boyfriend and to Be Confident in Herself Hell Yeah Girl Power#and not 'the way this kid's parents talk to her in the car outside the college is a punch in the gut to watch'#........bothers me. it bothers me.#anyway#misogyny cw#abuse mention cw#abuse apologism cw#self-harm cw#SDMItag
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welcometogrouchland · 7 months
Not going to an event because you suddenly got scared vs not going to an event bc you talked to someone and they were like "yeah it's fun but kinda boring and I'm not going this year and neither is anyone else we know" (I'm in hell I'm in hell I'm in hell)
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deetherusalka · 1 year
Like actually regular exercise sounds cool to me but not in the clean girl 💅✨ yoga mat in the sun way, neither in the gainzzz get some muscle swoldiers 🍌 and post for gymbros way neither like running 🧍 changed my way I swear I love marathon and winning way like................... I wanna be strong like my working class family from Slovakia is, the I built my house with my own hands, I carry around trees for wood in the winter and chop it up and I attended whole as garden and field for food and crops, I want to be that bitch that can fight a bear in the forest and crush a skull with her thighs and canclimb a cliff just cuz the view will be sick, walk around mountains all day and just cross swim lake (that's only thing I can actually do) but how do you fucking train for something like this in modern city
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purplesaline · 10 months
There's a fluffy man in my bed
Lance's nephew, Kaz, is visiting for a week or so!
I'll never get over that white streak across his nose. It's not a natural marking. It's because he got his nose stuck in the ex-pen as a puppy and had to be rescued.
Always makes me think of this dude lol
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the-cursed-wife · 2 years
Michiel at the piano 🎶
Original image from Michiel's IG account
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xysible · 1 year
enswap and dramatica are fighting for brain space rn help
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dykegeology · 2 years
Basically all the gay people at my school are either 'let people enjoy things!' mcyt fans or people who are like 'ugh why do the loud gays shove it in everyone's faces they're making us look bad' and then all the gay bars or whatever open at 10pm which is when I'm asleep...
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semij · 2 years
i need a new person to obsess over as soon as possible or else i'm literally gonna shrivel up and crumble like a fucking banana peel
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eurydicees · 2 years
50 for the writers asks: How is your fic-writing going?
a q for an a!
50. open question to the writer 
damn i said remind me to write and u did NOT fall through lmfao. thank you very much for the notifications telling me to write. i am…. trying? it’s going ok, honestly. i just spent the past few hours reading zuko-centric fanfics so like, that’s an L, but otherwise the fic is going alright. i’m enjoying where it’s headed and i’m really proud of what’s been written so far. i’m gonna have a two hr layover in an airport tomorrow, so i plan on getting some writing done then, if all goes to plan. i don’t really know where the story is going next bc i stopped last at a really nice ending point, and idk where to go from there. oops. we’ll see— maybe gonna get some writing in tonight, but i have yet to pack up my entire dorm room to move out and it is 10pm so like. yikes on that. 
i think the most frustrating part of it rly is just that i’ve been trying to work on it as a nano fic and i just haven’t had the time to commit to nano this month, so that really sucks. but i’m gonna keep writing it even after july ends, because i am 14.5k words in and i am committing goddamnit. 
ty for asking!!
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