#hell yeah i'm taking canon and embellishing it
lokislytherin · 1 year
writing danizoe friendship from zoe pov as part of valentines day multichapter fic and i'm giving myself feels 🥺😭
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kingofthewilderwest · 7 years
For the shipping meme, what's your opinion on the friendship between Keith and Lance? Do you think they have any romantic chemistry? (Sorry if I'm 'that' person) XD
Oh heyyyyy I’m a Klance shipper! XD *waves hello* My favorite ship in VLD!
Send me a ship and i’ll rate it
vomit / don’t ship / ok / cute / adorable / sexy / perfect / beyond flawless / hot damn / screaming and crying / i will ship them in hell
I think that romantic Klance is an extremely entertaining, enjoyable, and endearing ship. It’s got hilarious and fun dynamics - Keith and Lance are always going to play off one another. But at the same time, it can be sweet and sensitive. Even in canon, we see Lance stepping up to comfort and support Keith about being leader, and we see Keith encouraging Lance about being a part of the Paladin team. They’ve got everything… hysterical nothings, playful back-and-forths, naggings, angst, feels, and comfort. There’s a lot of potential material to build off in the fandom world when it comes to this ship. 
I find myself grinning or in pained feels a lot when I see Klance appear on my dash. Legitimately enjoy it.
That said, my opinion is that Klance canonically is a friendship, is meant to be a friendship, and will always be a friendship. The Voltron creators themselves have said that they did not have the intention of writing or building Klance as a romance. Personally, that’s what I’d prefer in the canonical world, anyway - don’t want canon romantic Klance. So Klance does not have actual romantic chemistry. I don’t get actual Klance vibes when I’m watching the show… I can tell the writers aren’t intending that. It’s just how the fans have built up and embellished it in headcanon territory and the creative burgeonings that fandoms do. As fun as fandom Klance is, and as much as it takes from canon ideas, it’s not canon itself.
The dynamics of platonic Klance are amazing, besides! Absoluuuutely amazing! Keith and Lance’s relationship in the canon world doesn’t have the actual vibes of romance, but that of rivals… turning into frenemies… turning into teammates… turning into Voltron’s respective leader and supportive second-in-command. A story of burgeoning romance isn’t likely to occur for a pair like Keith and Lance, honestly, because their story is about growing respect and appreciation for one another. Rivals-turned-lovers has a slightly different growth pattern than what we’re seeing here. The type of support that Lance is now giving Keith is based upon Voltron team camaraderie and deepened respect for Keith, not underlying romantic affections.
It’s a legitimately good story of growth between these two. My highlights of watching VLD almost always include all the Keith-Lance moments. Platonic Klance is exactly what the story needs, and they’re giving it to us perfectly.
Platonic Klance is SO FREAKING AMAZING IN THE STORY LIKE YEAH!!! I could go on a whole ecstatic analysis about how they’ve developed and grown but… ahhhh… should probably not do that here. XD
Honestly, if we’re looking at a potential ship that has more canonical underlyings, it’s Sheith. Shiro and Keith have a far more affectionate and deep bond for one another than Keith and Lance currently have… than Keith and Lance likely ever will. The way that Shiro and Keith look at one another alone demonstrates that they have strong feelings for one another. And if you think about the first character to get teary-eyed… who was it? Keith, seeing Shiro return to Earth. Who is the only person Shiro halfway opens himself emotionally up to? Keith. Who is the person that Keith desires to see the most when the Blade of Marmora trial is going poorly? Shiro.
Now, I don’t think Sheith is a canonically romantic relationship either, and I doubt they’ll progress it into a romantic relationship. But I do think there is something to be said that there’s more room for canonical romantic chemistry to burgeon in Sheith than Klance.
So yeah! I enjoy Klance as a romantic ship online! I think it’s great, it’s cute, it’s fun, it’s hilarious, it’s adorable, it’s angsty, it’s feelsy, it’s good. But I don’t think Lance and Keith have any actual romantic chemistry and I don’t think they have the potential to develop romantic chemistry. Honestly, I’m not 100% sure a romantic relationship between Keith and Lance would actually work, even hypothetically? Klance online is hoards of fun, but it has this slight feeling to me like “that’s not how it’d actually go,” if that makes sense. The characters are spot on and everything, but it’s not who real-deal Klance is.
But yeah. :3 Doesn’t mean we fans can’t have fun with any of the ships we imagine. :)
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