#hehehehehehe. i cannot wait until i finish writing these stories in full and can share them with you all >:)
mymarifae · 2 years
do you have information anywhere about your stories they sound cool
ABDNFJFNG YOU THINK SO? FROM THOSE BAD SUMMARIES? well i am flattered ^^ i don't have info already listed anywhere or anything but i can give you a more coherent idea of what they all are about >:0
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1. By the Sins of Our Youth
It's been one year since Michael died.
Drew tried; they really did. But the world is bent on reminding them just how much it resents their existence. They know when to throw in the towel. It's time to follow in Michael's footsteps.
In Heaven or Hell, we'll see each other again—your last words to me, your last promise. I'll be holding you to it, my friend.
It should have been easy and instant, but things get complicated when the white wolf appears. He calls himself Amos, and the gift he bestows upon Drew may as well have been plucked directly from their worst nightmares.
Amos has no intentions of letting Drew die. At least, not yet. He offers them a deal: they do a small favor for him, and he removes the immortality curse and they'll be free to end their life—if they so choose after all is said and done, he says, as if they'll change their mind. And of course his definition of a "small favor" is "the restoration of magic in humanity." Infuriatingly, Drew has no choice but to go with the wolf's whims.
So with a bitter heart, they set out to gather the items and people on Amos' magic-restoring list. They traverse the borders of limbo, and they wander through the places long forgotten, long lost, long abandoned.
They discover an underground world that humanity turned a blind eye to when the last bit of magic snuffed itself out from our bloodstreams, something that runs deeper than Drew could have ever imagined. And it's so strange; it's almost like this new world doesn't hate them quite as much. It's almost like...
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the random 20 year old and sparkledog in question. btw.
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2. The Witch's Apprentice
There's nothing remarkable about Sophia Tiller.
She's simply boring. Her only interest is her backyard garden, and her only friends are the bugs and the birds that occasionally stop by for a visit. She never quite learned how to talk to others. Her teachers can never remember her name. Even her own mother is ambivalent towards her presence.
On her sixteenth birthday, she dreams about a man with pointed ears and stardust in his eyes.
On her seventeenth birthday, that same man falls through her chimney.
"Miss Sophia," he says once he's recollected himself and brushed the ash from his wild dark hair, flashing her a shark-toothed grin, "are you ready to become my apprentice?"
On her seventeenth birthday, Sophia's life begins for the first time.
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sophia :) aka, the Wrong Kid. also spoiler: thistle's nature as a multi-eyed amorphous blob has nothing to do with the plot and i plan on never elaborating why she is the way she is. smiles
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3. a boy and his cat
The old woman laughs and laughs, and laughs. "You've gone and gotten yourself attached."
With an indignant flick of its tail, the cat hisses, "I have not."
Bracken is afraid to blink.
He doesn't talk about it. Because no one would believe him.
But when he blinks, reality will sometimes—shift. He blinks, and his best friend's blue t-shirt is bright red.
He blinks, and the coffee he poured forty seconds ago has turned into hot chocolate piled high with whipped cream.
He blinks, and he has a little sister. Her name is Avery, and she's seven years old. He's never seen her before in his life.
Through all the disorienting shifts in reality, Bracken has one constant, one comfort: a little tortoiseshell cat. The cat is always there. No matter how drastically Bracken's life changes, he finds it lounging outside his bedroom window night after night, waiting patiently to be let in for its daily dose of pets and treats.
He's taken to calling it Velvet.
One day, he's on his way to school when he sees Velvet sitting by the door of an odd-looking store that definitely did not exist yesterday.
Miss Berry's Curios and Trinkets
Sourced 100% Ethically From All Around The Known And Unknown Universe!
Something compels him to skip school and follow the little tortoiseshell into Miss Berry's shop. Who knows? Maybe he'll find a cool birthday present for Avery. Unless he blinks her out of existence, of course.
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bracken and his. "cat." i lied apparently btw i guess he's 17. not 16. i forgor 💀
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