#healer Garroth save me
xerith-42 · 3 months
Alright. Talking more about Garroth losing his arm.
Garroth may be lucky, he is ambidextrous. Atleast in mystreet. So atleast we know he'll still be able to write. But what about fighting with one arm and so forth.
You've said that there will be a way for Garroth to learn one armed fighting, but it depends on if he can and wants to do it.
A few interesting notes here.
->It goed against Garroth's fighting style. I think it was you who made that post about fighting styles, with Garroth just packing any punch. One armed fighting doesn't go well with Garroth's fighting style. Getting used to this will likely be quite difficult. Would his armour be enough to just take all the hits?
And, what does he fight with now? What if he fights with a shield. Being like a shield to his allies. Relying on knocking others back. But this would make him pretty reliant on his allies to do the damage.
->if Garroth wouldn't be able to adjust, what would he do then? Is also a good question. Perhaps something with the medical skills he has in Diaries season 1? So he can still protect people in his own way.
Ooooh, all of these are great points and ideas to explore. That's what's always fun about Garroth's character is that he really can go either way just dependent on the circumstances surrounding his losing of an arm.
Even if he's ambidextrous, I don't think he trained using his sword in his left hand very much. He always trained in sword AND shield, always using them in tandem with one another and never on their own. While he could learn to use his sword and still fight, I feel like Garroth at this point would have enough humility to know when he's beat. To know that his days on the front lines are over.
All the guards and kids he raised and trained are taking care of their villages, and Aphmau in her quest to adopt every wayward guard she comes across is protected by plenty. Garroth comes back to a world that's moved on without him, and realizes he might not ever be able to catch up.
I really like the idea of him becoming a healer instead. Honing in on medical skills that he allowed to fall by the wayside previously and accepting that this is the best way he can help. There's obviously that doubt, the loathing, the lamenting, the whole ordeal of Garroth struggling to accept his new life. But once he manages to step up, take the L, and then work on self improvement, he'd be a great healer. I can see him going to Zoey, Lucinda, Cadenza, literally anyone he knows who knows stuff about potions, healing magic, or taking care of people.
He learns every thing he can to properly care for his friends. And he's good at it because he was a guard for most of his life and therefore knows the most common injuries, major or minor, that his friends need treated. Idk the validity of this happening, but massage therapist Garroth is something I've always loved as an idea.
Like it starts with the gang coming back from an adventure and Travis got a little beat up so he goes to Garroth to get the wounds treated, but Garroth starts lecturing him about his posture and body imbalance part way through. He points out that Travis using a single arm to carry a large sword has meant the other half of his body doesn't get exercised as much and therefore throws off his entire balance and makes him more prone to injury. He not only gives Travis' poor aching shoulders a proper massage they need, but also gives him salve to help with muscle straining, and different stretches he can do to balance out his body anymore.
And even if he isn't a front line fighter, he can still train and spar with people. You can still put a sword in his hand and he can go toe to toe with you and explain in detail why he was able to knock you on your ass despite the physical disadvantage. He can still work with someone to figure out what weapon set is best for the way they fight. And he can, as I said before, act as a vector for other guards to realize how fucking unwell they are. Because Garroth didn't realize how much damage being a guard had done until he got his arm ripped off, and he doesn't want anyone else to be pushed to an extreme like that before they realize that they need more help than they let on.
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