cxnscience · 2 years
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@headinjurydog​ said ; He is just going to sniff at the cricket. Usually they bounce when he touches them with their cold nose. That’s always funny. So he hopes this one has the same reaction.
Unfortunately, this one has a malfunctioning fight-or-flight instinct. One that’s always hardwired to ‘fight’. Rather than a quick hop away, the dog is rewarded with a sharp bop on the nose from a miniature umbrella. 
Guess he caught him in a cross mood. That or he really doesn’t appreciate the cold - and the fact that now his vest is damp. 
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“Do you mind?” Then, at least, he really does hop away, though only a few inches to give himself some space. “Most folks tend to prefer a hello before gettin a big ol’ nose shoved in their face, you know!” 
Besides, he’s got places to be! He hasn’t got time to stop for every random critter that wants to play - granted, cats tend to be the worst offenders in that regard, but dogs can be plenty disruptive, too. 
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skippr · 3 years
Skipper cocks a brow at the disheveled canine, with a grim scar atop of his head. It was clearly the result of the dominant species. Man. Humans. 
Up in the nearest amur corktree. Curious for a penguin ,as flight was not compatible with his build, but liable that the Scottish terrier had never seen on his kind before. The avian suspected that perhaps this mutt was out here in search of food, he was certain that they could perhaps come to an arrangement yet rushing into this would evidently lead him to being supper rather than an ally. So he waits for an opportunity. 
Not too long after a beartrap seemed to trigger. SNAP. Well that was not the opportunity he had expected but now this mission had turned into a rescue mission. The trap had been hidden in the foliage and at this point it was undefinable how much of the canine’s leg was caught. 
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The commando jumped down from his position, hurried toward the latter animal but maintained distance for now. He was unsure how he would react if he was suddenly in a stranger’s company at his most vulnerable. ❛ Easy now, canine. I’m here to help. ❜ His voice was stern yet assuring.
/ @headinjurydog​​  💣
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lloronala · 3 years
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@headinjurydog​ said:  Whines because the skulls on the ground freak him out.
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❁ ❁  “ Está bien, está bien---they’re just silly tíos that need to be more careful.  ” She pats his head & attempts to pull him away for his own sake.
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hatesdangling · 4 years
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The hyena giggles, looking at the small thing wandering about the savannah. What even was this thing?! All he knew is that it certainly seemed lost!
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kingmxfasa-a · 4 years
Is Snitter friends with Mike Pence?
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skelemos · 3 years
Approaches closer with a whine because he is worried about the two skulls on the ground. He licks over both of them before resting next to them, ears hanging low.
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Skeletal arms inch across ground , scratch behind Perrito Perrito’s ears , once , twice . Eyes flick around , discovering scattered bones close by , and flung way out of sight . A puzzle indeed , too complicated to solve for minds fogged from the accident . ‘ Perrito Perrito , we’re good , we’re good ! ‘
‘ This isn’t the first time we’ve been scattered , ‘
‘ Or the last . ‘
‘ Imelda will knock our cabezas off again when she gets over the shock , ‘
‘ Of nearly being run over . ‘
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canon-fcdder · 4 years
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That mouse had the same smell. Was it from one of those cages they knocked over? No, those were rats. First instinct would be to eat the tiny creature; with the tod gone and the dogs starving to a point where one could see their ribs, it would have been the better choice. But such a tiny creature wouldn't make him full. Besides, if he came from a whitecoat place? Who knew what they put into him. "You smell after them. The whitecoats, I mean."
- ✩ { @headinjurydog​ } ✩
{ ☆ } Most rodents would likely be frightened at the sight of a dog, especially of the terrier variety... but Pinky is not like most; in many different ways. Turning his head as he clings to a plant, having been scurrying up it despite the needle-like pricks covering its hard surface, he simply looks at the intruder with a friendly smile. Blue eyes riveted on the other’s face, they are big and bright with something akin to either innocence or ignorance... Maybe both.
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❝  Oh! Hello there, doggo!  ❞  He replies with a belly-laugh as if greeting an old friend, smile somehow becoming bigger as he more comfortably positions himself on the impossibly-uncomfortable plant.  ❝  Do I? That��s strange...  ❞  What’s a whitecoat? But the thought of asking doesn’t even cross his mind, Pinky accepting this statement as fact.  ❝  I was hoping to smell of honeysuckle and maybe a tinge of lavender. That’s what the old shampoo bottle I found promised anyway.  ❞  Then again, it had been rather old... and covered with equal amounts of muck thanks to being chucked into the forest. 
Shuffling himself further up the plant, he sits atop and kicks his legs,  ❝  You smell like— liiiiiike...  ❞  Nose twitches and muzzle scrunches, Pinky assaulted with all manners of scents thanks to his tampered with sense of smell. It’s a bit... overwhelming actually. Which is why he normally tries to keep from trying to distinguish between them. It’s kind of like his thoughts, now that he ironically thinks about it. Wave after wave of information, some related, most not, crashing and demanding attention all at once... Some might find it annoying. Tiring, even.  
Pinky has learned to just... go with it.
Trees, dirt, flowers, that old soda can a few feet away, last night’s rain, ‘gifts’ left behind by that bird, dog... Lots and lots of dog. A hint of something- medicinal... Sterile... But not in a good way. The kind of way that makes Pinky’s stomach a tad ill if he focuses on it too much. The kind of scents that feel cold— even though Brain has told him many-a-time that you can’t smell the ‘feeling cold’ —and like... like all the lights are off. Like he’s not allowed to eat for a while. Or someone put him back in his cage. Or maybe out of his cage? ... Both instances felt rather similar until he was placed with Brain. 
... What was he doing again?
Shaking his head, he laughs once more at his own ‘flighty’ thoughts,  ❝  You smell like dog! Well, dog and lab... But not the lab that is a dog, but that lab that would have a dog. Or dogs if they’re feeling fancy.  ❞  And the lab he used to live in was really fancy. Lots and lots of animals there... Lots of mice. Although he didn’t get to see many of them. He heard them though! ... That wasn’t always fun.  { ☆ }
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revolutionarytale · 3 years
Is that a young human girl? Snitter stood there, uncertain if the approach or not but the stray did wag his tail a little.
Oh! Molly noticed the creature that was looking at her as she noticed that it appeared nervous, so the girl went on her knee and held her hand out... If she remembered correctly from the book she read and what she heard; this is how you get creatures to approach you.
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Hopefully, it was friendly... Which so far; that seems to be the caste.
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wherethemusetakesme · 4 years
A fox? Snitter tilted his head. Aside from the tod, the terrier had never seen another one before in their wanderings. Snitter barked in hopes of getting the vixen's attention, although remained at a fair distance to show that he means no harm or was a hunters dog. He wagged his tail, barking once again.
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No-- it couldn’t be--
All the same, the vixen stiffened at the sound, almost like a hunting dog’s bark; her ears pricked, all her senses alert. It couldn’t be a hunting dog, she knew that full well, because the last one had left on good terms with her Tod; and otherwise, she’d never known a dog to find its way into the forest. Copper had been the first such animal she’d ever encountered; and, suffice it to say, it wasn’t an experience she was eager to relive.
But it had sounded like--
The bark came again, and this time there was no mistaking it. Vixey spun in place, an unintentionally graceful motion, to face its source; and lovely brown eyes had no trouble picking out the canine a short distance away. Vixey’s heart leapt to her throat.
But, yet--
He wasn’t making any threatening moves? His tail was wagging and, from the little that Vixey knew of dogs, that was a good sign... and, besides which? If Tod had managed to earn back the friendship even of the beast who had attacked them before, then surely that meant that dogs couldn’t be all bad... didn’t it?
Vixey didn’t know; she hadn’t experienced any of them, apart from Copper.
But... she could take a chance, couldn’t she?
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“Oh, um, gee. Well. Are you lost, sir?”
She didn’t move any closer, either; but she at least tried for a smile, even if it seemed a touch forced.
“We, hm. Tch. We don’t often see dogs like you, here in the forest.”
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ouherder-blog · 7 years
@headinjurydog liked for a starter 
       There was a loud commotion coming from the herd that caused Esme’s head to snap up. Something was wrong. The sheep were frantic, running from their pen across the glen. She took off, running as fast as her short legs would take her to try and figure out what was happening.
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                               Her brown and blue eyes scanning the fields for what was causing the havoc. Doing her best to herd the sheep back into a tight knit group to be driven into their pen. As she sped across the grass the corgi finally spied what she assumed to be the cause. A small white and brown spotted dog crouching just behind some bushes. She kept her eyes fixed on it as she did her work, ready to make a break for it if it chose to try and leave. Esme had to talk with it and figure out why it had done this.
      When the dog’s job seemed to finally be wrapped up she made her way slowly over to the stranger. Trying to not come across as angry though her fur was bristled at having to redo what she had worked so hard to do that same morning. 
            “Hey! What are you doing yur?” Esme asked.
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mandysxmuses · 7 years
Armadia was typically very cautious around animals. In her opinion, they were blameless creatures that acted purely on instinct. They weren’t like humans. There was no malice nor guilt nor right and wrong, only their instincts.
But it was because of that she so often killed them. Her fear of getting close to anything (though she would never say she felt such a thing as fear) was so strong. Killing them as soon as she saw them was far more merciful than forming an attachment, only for an enemy to rip them away from her!
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“Fear not death.” She raised her hands up and prepared to summon her scythe, but it was when she truly got a look at the dog that her train of thought shot off the rails.
What... was on its head?
Oh, oh, that was not the result of some accident, no. That was a human. Someone did that to it. Someone did that to the dog. Humans always abused the weak. They loved to hurt animals. It was part of the reason she couldn’t afford to bond with one. Too unsafe. Humans were too cruel. Someone did this ...
“... Who did it?” Armadia snarled to the dog, as if it could possibly talk back, She began advancing toward him, hastily, repeatedly whispering more to herself than anything, “Who did it, who did it, who did it...” 
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yarnfulofhair-blog · 7 years
@headinjurydog​  ❤ ‘d
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ღ;; -- “Hey pup, I know yer pro’lly scared ‘a’ me. Looks like ya been through some really bad things. An’ I know ya can’t understand me but I don’t wanna hurt’cha. In fact I got somethin’ for ya. It ain’t much but ya look real hungry. I just wanna help ya.”
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skeletonwithabowtie · 7 years
@headinjurydog liked for a starter!
Jack being lost isn’t a rare thing, but it’s still a bother. He had been investigating some of the different types of ivy and fungi in a forest and strayed a little too far from the graveyard. The skeleton was currently standing by a lone tree, taking in his surroundings as he attempted to gather his bearings.
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kingmxfasa-a · 4 years
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“Snitter, is it? Welcome to the Pridelands. Please feel free to stay as long as you like.”
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-throws in url-
Do I Follow Them?: 
Why Did I Follow Them?: 
Rena is the first close online friend I ever made through the RP community. There was a period of time where I wasn’t RPing on Tumblr since I was trying to get my life together, but Rena still uses the Tumblr platform to RP, and I missed RPing with her, and I started to feel like I had more of a sense of balance with things, sooo here we are now!
Do We Role Play?: 
Yes, we do RP together on various accounts. :3
Do I Want To Role Play With Them:
Um, yeah!!
An AU Idea For Our Muses:
It’d be interesting to create an animal verse for Red and see how that alters her interactions with Snitter.
Also an AU verse where Red adopts Snitter and Rowf and lets the Tod wander about and visit them would probably be really cute.
A Song For Our Muses:
I found this :3
Do I Ship Our Muses?:
What I Think About The Mun:
Rena is such a great friend!! She's a bit of a grump (:P), but she’s funny, sweet, understanding, and can be adorably passionate about things. It’s also nice that we both have a special interest for animation (^^). I’m so glad to have met her, and it’s amazing that we’ve kept in contact for so long (4-5 years, maybe??).
Overall Opinion:
Not only is Rena is an absolutely wonderful person, her portrayal of Snitter is so interesting to see as someone who has watched Rena to develop and grow as a writer. She's able to catch Snitter’s erratic mindset and his language very well, and you really want to reach out and hug the poor little fellow. I’d recommend for everyone to check out her blog (and give her follows pls).
Blog Rate: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9.5 | 10
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scmi-god-blog · 7 years
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it’s a dog! Maui kneels down and holds his hand out for the canine. “Hey buddy~” he certainly hoped the dog was friendly, or at least nice enough not to bite him.
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