#headers burzek
fighterkimburgess · 2 years
New theme because yes I’m back in my Burzek emotions. Header by the amazing @burgesskims, icon by the wonderful @resanoona
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editsbutterfly · 5 years
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like or reblog if you save/use ♡  • like or credits on @semidovelie
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starkvling · 2 years
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burgesskims · 3 years
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matching burzek icons & headers
6 headers, 12 adam ruzek icons, 12 kim burgess icons & 12 burzek icons
640x360px & 128x128px
like/reblog if you use
you can find the headers under the cut!
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kim-ruzek · 3 years
The unit beyond Hank Voight: or how Intelligence should look if/when Voight is written out
Finally, part two. This was very fun to write and I'm glad I actually did it before season nine airs (I'm cutting it late I know!!!). I've had how I'd want the show to do this in my head for the longest time-- although, I'll say, I technically get to the root of this further into the meta, after the second header. So if you don't want to read it all and just my general thoughts, you can just skip on down to that! But I hope you read it all!
In this fandom, as a whole, no matter what ship or characters are our faves, we've all be debating whether or not it's right to still have Voight as the lead, or if they should write out his character.
If we break it down, take out all the nuance and the external and internal factors, I say yes. But if we don't, it's much more complicated than that.
I watch Chicago pd primarily for Burzek, that is why I decided to emotionally exhaust myself with a new show. But I liked that it was set in Chicago, and it lent into all the bad/darkness of Chicago, and not just on the streets, but the cops (even if they can and should do better there, because it's still very much on the side of bad cop propaganda).
And like it or not, Voight is a big part of that. People call him an anti hero, and by definition, he is, but I struggle to like addressing him as such. But the way that he is, his characterisation, it is woven into the very essence if the show, into the unit, into their dynamics and group chemistry.
This is why it's a complicated matter, that should Voight be written out is not a simple question with either yes or no as the answer. Or, at least, not just a yes or a no.
Taking Voight out of the unit isn't like taking out Jay or Kevin, or any of the others. The other team members are easily replaced. Of course, their specific dynamics and chemistries will never be replaced, it's a sign of a badly written character and storyline if it is. But they are, in the grand scheme of things, replaceable. It is as easy as having Jay transfer one episode and introducing a new detective the next. (The only other exception, I should mention, is Trudy. You get rid of Trudy and you'll just get a desk sargeant as a replacement, with none of that chemistry in any way).
Voight is different. He's the lead-- and leads are always harder to move out a show without it crumbling-- and he's the literal leader of the unit. Every dynamic within the show is interlinked through Voight's character even if Voight has no impact on the dynamic. And so you can't just write him out one episode and then introduce a sparkling new sargeant the next-- especially if the sargeant is a pre-existing character.
A lot of this fandom wants Voight gone asap and Jay as sargeant immediately after. That's just unrealistic and honestly it would be a bad move on the show's half to do so. In general, I don't want Jay to be sargeant. Not even for the reasons I'm about to list-- well, not just them-- but for personal ones. However, if it's in a few seasons time, I'd be more up for that, if the show gave time to improving his character-- even if I'd still grumble to myself about it!
As I said, removing Voight's character and immediately replacing it would already be a bad idea because of how much the show's dynamics are mixed up in him. Jay being the replacement would fuck this up even more, because he's already got his own dynamics with his unit.
Jay is definitely a leader type character. He was brought in to be. I could see him being a sargeant, and he's definitely the 'big brother' of the unit, even if they're all around his age. He definitely can have a clear head and is tactical and has that aura that people would be comfortable following his lead.
But he's also ignorant, impulsive and selfish. People say he'd make a good sargeant because of his morals-- but they're very much surface level morals. It's actually why I can see what drew him to joining the military, not just that want to leave, but he's clearly got a good-bad black and white line drawn in his head and this is what makes the military attractive to him.
Jay always thinks he's in the right. And technically, on the surface, he is. But he misses the nuance and he gets very caught up in his black and white view. This is what also makes him impulsive. He mentally, clearly, orders people into the good and bad categories in his mind and then he's pretty rigid in them-- jumping to conclusions.
He's got a good heart, but he doesn't take much time to stop, think and learn. Like with the racial issues prevalent and blm, he's only got a surface understanding and he does not make any effort to get a deeper one. Mainly because he doesn't realize-- because he thinks a lot of himself, in his black and white view. He is "good" and he cares that people suffer and therefore he thinks he understands.
He does not.
Say what you want about Adam-- and I'll be leaving my own personal biases out of this-- but even if you say he has a worse understanding than Jay, he's better because he makes more of an effort. He gets that he doesn't understand, and he's brash and vocal when he shouldn't be, but he also listens. And he tries to learn, he really, really does.
Jay doesn't. And Jay's also from canaryville. He went to Catholic school, Catholicism was clearly very prevalent in his life growing up. His father was an emotionally closed off man. He went to war. He's got his own biases but he's got this basic understanding and thinks that's that.
It's not. And it's barely okay with his current position in the unit, and it would be definitely not okay if he was their leader. Especially if he did what the greater part of the fandom wants, and leans on Hailey. Which let's face it, he would, because Jay doesn't think he has anything to learn and what he may think he does he thinks he can do it on his own, that he doesn't need to ask Kevin for guidance.
And yeah, Kevin is "only" an officer (and I'll get back to this point). Jay's got the higher role. But Kevin has been a black man, living in Chicago... Oh yeah, all of his life. That trumps promotions and titles, especially when Kevin has also been a cop for a lot of his adult life and has raised two kids in this racially charged city.
And then there's the fact that-- and most of this is because the show refuses to show the team bonding-- he's actually quite isolated from the team. We rarely get to see his supposed friendships with them, and this would affect how he can lead them and how they can follow. The dynamics would be off and it would be filled with conflict and, at times, be like a herd of sheep without their shepherd.
So, Ree, you ask. How should the show move on from Voight?
The show has been incredibly short sighted when it comes to Voight. He's been a problematic character from the literal start, and now we're reaching a point that a lot of the fans want him gone. And since the most vocal are the upstead and Hailey stans, I do believe the show will be thinking of ways to do this.
In my opinion, this should've been built up from season five, from when the reform storyline began. Instead, the show just shaved some aspects away from Voight's character.
He has changed a great deal, has grown a lot. I don't see what happened with Roy as a sign he can't change, because everyone's journey has back and forths. Especially when Voight likes to have control when people are hurting his family, he sees himself as their protector, but not as a bodyguard, but as an executioner.
And so I think the show will do two things to eventually write him out-- either promote him, or have him retire. But even this isn't simple and needs a lot of build up and work.
The show should've seen that Voight's days are potentially numbered and set up things so it's easy to slot his exit in place. For example, they should've kept consistent with having a captain in the precinct, even a lieutenant. This would have pre-existing roles for Voight to slot into easily, so they can still have his character around but let other characters get promotions or take on more work.
This would also help set up for retirement. Because even if he just retires as a sargeant, we already have other leader characters in the show for the others to bounce off-- instead of just introducing someone new. This would also help a sargeant Jay storyline, because then he'd have bosses to report too, making it very much seem that he is just the next link in the chain and would help balance out those dynamics.
Although, in a way, I don't blame them for not having foresight in season five. For other reasons but also-- because back then we also had Antonio and Al. We had a more layered and diverse unit. Instead, now we have the dad and the five children. Antonio would've made a good next sargeant, especially if we introduced a lieutenant role. Because I can see him aiming higher and helping to groom Jay into his replacement. Especially if Al was still around as a nice wall to bounce off, although it'd still be okay if we didn't.
Antonio would also be a good stepping stone because he had well developed relationships with every member of the unit. Well, apart from Hailey, but if they went down this route, they could've nurtured a dynamic there.
It would've also helped if they replaced their characters when they wrote them out. I get why they didn't. Al leaving made the partners even numbered, Rojas was after Antonio. And I wonder if covid affected their ability for season eight. But it's still the massive problem-- they keep trimming the fat, when it's unnecessary and not believing that maybe they should fix that.
And of course. They're all young. Even when they did bring in others, they're still young. And officers. And that would be okay, if they actually bothered promoting Kim, Kevin and Adam.
The unit's dynamics and feel is already off because of the lack of diversity in characterisation, race and age. And the show is doing nothing to fix this, and Voight should not leave until they have. Especially when against popular belief, history actually shows that Voight doesn't like blank slates, but people whose core characteristics fits what he wants his unit to be.
So: what does life after Voight look like? Well, hopefully, a more racially diverse group, with more age differences, different dynamics and friendships explored, Jay (and Hailey) being called the fuck out on their biases, more out of unit bosses dynamics to stop it being so insular and a happy ending exit for Voight. Because let's be real here-- Voight is not going to be written out by going to prison.
Even if he deserves it because one-- the unit would not survive that and they'd be repercussions for all and two-- realistically, as he was in prison once, the brass would not let this happen because how it would reflect on them.
In this day and age, they'd rather force him to retire quietly than publicly admit they got him out of prison and now is putting him back in. It may not be right, but realistically, they'd cover their ass first.
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igotbellarkeforthat · 3 years
Tagged by these lovely human beans @nathanmillers @immortalpramheda @ninappon @togetherkru and @infp-with-all-the-feelings
1. Why did you choose your url?
2. Any side blogs? If you have them, name them and why you have them
3. How long have you been on Tumblr?
Since July 26, 2014. But I didn’t actually post anything on Tumblr until 2017, I think.
4. Do you have a queue tag?
Yep! ‘i’ll give that to queue’
5. Why did you start your blog in the first place?
I’m pretty sure I came to Tumblr looking for Burzek content. Chicago PD was one of the first shows I got really into, but none of my friends or family watched it, so I looked into Tumblr and now I’m stuck here and will probably never leave. (Jk I love it here)
6. Why did you choose your icon/pfp?
Because the Shadow and Bone series made my Malina dreams come true, and I thought the colors and vibes of this scene were pretty.
7. Why did you choose your header?
I made it myself because Bellarke owns my soul
8. What post of yours has the most notes?
This one from Season 6 of The 100 when I was still young, naïve, and full of hope
9. How many mutuals do you have?
I’m not exactly sure, but there are quite a few of you, and I love you all so much 😘
10. How many followers do you have?
599! Every time I hit 600, it’s a porn bot and I block, so I’ve been sitting here for the last week or two.
11. How many people do you follow?
12. Have you ever made a shitpost?
Haha, I’ve made several crack posts, but all my shitposting goes on inside my head. 🙃
13. How often do you use Tumblr?
It depends on the day, honestly. I usually get in a quick scroll at least once a day, but I haven’t been on here as much since The 100 ended. I will be participating in the newly revamped BFSN every week though. And I’ve been on here for like 2 hours this morning trying to catch up on tag games haha.
14. Did you have a fight/argument with another blog? Who won?
I had one person try to start a fight on a post I made about showrunners needing to respect the critical thinking skills of their audience. I just told them I didn’t need them to agree with me on an opinion I posted to my personal blog, and then they left me alone.
15. How do you feel about ‘you need to compare this’ posts?
I’m not sure what this is tbh. Anyone know and wanna help a girl out?
16. Do you like tag games?
Yes! (sometimes it takes me like a month to get around to them, but I swear I will do them!)
17. Do you like ask games?
I do, but I don’t do a whole lot of them outside of like, BWC, because a lot of times people just don’t see them in the vastness of the Tumblr dash.
18. Which one of your mutuals do you think is tumblr famous?
19. Do you have a crush on a mutual?
No crushes, no. But have I made some of the sweetest, most talented friends and acquaintances and am I in constant awe of their kindness and creativity? YOU BETCHA. 🥰
20. tags (if you guys want to)
@bookwormforalways @natassakar @spacebell and anyone else who would like to!
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katiecassidyicons · 7 years
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like/reblog se usar ou credite no twitter @camdicepatton
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burgesskims · 3 years
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Burzek Headers & Icons from 9x6
as requested by @adamruz​
9 headers & 5 icons
like/reblog if you use
you can find the headers under the cut!
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burgesskims · 3 years
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Burzek Header​
6 headers
640x360 px
like/reblog if you use
headers under the cut
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fighterkimburgess · 2 years
Some people on here really need to take a chill pill.
I don't even know how more prominent blogs like yours deal with some of the these anons who obviously don't take the time to read what you post or just get to know your blog.
The fact that I’m now considered a prominent blog just makes me go “what the actual FUCK” but also yeah I am now and oof that’s very very weird.
But yeah it’s like people see one post and that’s it they think they know me. I’ve been pretty open about my multishipping, and honestly I’ve been in a burgstead mood for writing long fics recently because of how Burzek are on the show. But I’ve written how many thousands of words for them? How many multi chapter fics? I post nearly obsessively on them.
It just kinda hurts that people see so little of me when to send me an ask they have to go to my blog and see my “but I’m not leaving” header. Like, c’mon.
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kim-ruzek · 2 years
I've officially changed my blog title to an ✨ iconic ✨ sharpwin quote because I just love them way too much and updated my bio to include them in my list of otps because they are my life at the moment. I'm really fighting the temptation to just change my whole blog theme to sharpwin, so hopefully the title will help stop that urge sdrfgghk although I am sad that I have to break from my burzek only theme. I still need to decide if I'm going to make a side blog cos if I do I'll change the title back to burzek. But if I don't, even though it upsets me that my theme isn't consistent now, it'll probably stay like this and I'll be fighting the urge to change my header bc I so want sharpwin on my blog
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kim-ruzek · 3 years
Your header!! What ep is that from?
From 5x12!!!! The episode where Kevin is kidnapped also known as one of my favourite episodes ever.
Adam is spiralling bc they don't know where he is and Kim comforts him. The hug itself is only a few seconds long but ugh. It's one of my favourite ever burzek moments!!!!
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burgesskims · 3 years
Love the backgrounds of your Burzek headers. Where did you find them/how did you make them?
Oh thank you so much!! Honestly just on google. Just googled Halloween vector backgrounds and you should be able to find some! As far as making them I used photoshop. Just found the scenes I wanted and cropped out the background then dropped the Halloween background behind it!
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boxycons · 3 years
oi, pode fazer headers de burzek (kim burgess e adam ruzek de Chicago pd) sem psd por favor? obrigada ❤️
feito, mo! 
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burgesskims · 3 years
tagged by @adamruz
1. Why did you choose your url? Because Kim Burgess is amazing
2. Any side blogs? Nah
3. How long have you been on Tumblr? OH GOD since like 2011? 2010? I took a break for like 4 years during college but i’m back. I started this account may 2020.
4. Do you have a queue tag? No, but i need to get one 
5. Why did you start your blog in the first place? Idk felt the need for a personal blog
6. Why did you choose your icon/pfp? I mean have you seen Kim Burgess? She’s adorable.
7. Why did you choose your header? Burzek is my love.
8. What’s your post with the most notes? This Burzek post that I stupidly posted on my rp blog and not my personal blog
9. How many mutuals do you have? no idea
10. How many followers do you have? 121. just a small blog doing small blog things
11. How many people do you follow? 101
12. Have you ever made a shitpost? nope
13. How often do you use Tumblr each day? A LOT
14. Did you have a fight/argument with another blog once? Don’t think so.
15. How do you feel about “you need to reblog this” posts? Dumb i’ll reblog if i want too.
16. Do you like tag games? Sometimes.
17. Do you like ask games? Yes! I don’t have enough followers for that but I do like them.
18. Which of your mutuals do you think is Tumblr famous? I have a few that i’m just like wow. You picked to follow me? me?!!
19. Do you have a crush on a mutual? Nah
Tagging @kiddstellas @jamiescotts and anyone else who wants to do it!
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