#he's all ( ˆᗜˆ ) on the outside
elalalune · 3 months
question, does Shanks ever get jealous? What happened? And who was/is he most jealous of
Probably when Buggy talks about his life in the above world? 🤔 He's jealous of Buggy's friends from there and since this Shanks can get very possessive, he might not like it when Buggy shows any indication that he wants to leave.
I'm thinking of making Alvida, Mohji, Cabaji and Richie be part of the above world instead of wl so Buggy does have a reason to want to go back (he really would stay for the gold and jewelry though)
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y0ur-val3ntine · 2 months
waving . 💙 , 💜 , and i cant see what the emoji for it is but the 'do they act different once they realize they're falling?' one for scout !!
HAIIIIIIII ( ˶ˆᗜˆ˵ )!!!
🩵 do they both act different once they realize they’re falling for the other? maybe stuttering or fidgeting or daydreaming more often?
Vale didn't act much differently after realizing their feelings for Scout. They were the first one to fall for him tho. Maybe a bit more awkward approaches but still kept their flirty personality, increasing the jokes and flirts when the right time came.
Scout, on the other hand, became WAY more awkward, he started to limit some of his interactions with Vale, not joking anymore and keeping up some sort of "work formality" in his own words (most of his jokes and snarky comments came out in the heat of the battle, but outside of that nothing more than a friendly pat on the back and a "good job.... buddy"). His daydreams going from Miss Pauling to Vale made him confused at first, but after a while, he got used to it and started to do it even between matches<3
💙 do they pine and yearn for each other quietly, or can they not stop talking about the other to their friends/family?
Vale keeps their feelings quiet most of the time, not trusting Soldier enough with them. Only Engie, Pyro and Demo have had the chance to hear Vale talk about how Scout loves Pauling so much and how they're a fool for being in love with him (Pyro in a playdate in their room, Demo one night out at a bar and Engie one time they were helping him out (Vale Pybro))
The moment Vale left the room, it was time for Scout to talk, everyone (except Soldier) heard him talk and ramble about them at least one time. Either also whining about Vale liking Pauling more than him or just the fact that he questions his sexuality with the way Vale presents themselves, most of the deep and emotional stuff being kept to more close people (Engie and Medic (after some anesthesia post surgery) and later Heavy (Medic it's a gossipy bitch))
💜 how do they confess? is it a grand gesture or in a more mundane moment?
A mundane moment!!
It was after a fight, both coming back all dirty and tired. Vale proposed to hang out to drink some sodas on the roof of the base, and in the middle of the stargaze and the jokes, an "I love you" slips from Vale, wich then goes to Scout. They left the roof and after they both calmed down, talked it out on Scout's room<3
(Hope it's not wrong to say, but like- they were fuck buddies sooo some "I love you"s were said from time to time, but both of them only heard it as some empty declaration, they were both yearning for each other but were too dumb to say anything)
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imnotgoinganywhereok · 2 months
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Happy Easter, everyone!! My 12-yo dog almost passed away, my dad's cancer might be back (try to get biopsy report in Poland on time challenge), and it's generally a very fucking bad time for me.
Baltazar once again did the one thing he knows when shit goes bad: visit his parents and brother in Henford-on-Bagley, where time seems to have stopped and the carefree cottage life never ends!! Now that the lab staff is in the middle of moving to another facility, he has plenty of time to spend at home. So, he cooked a huge serving of pumpkin soup with his servo, grabbed the children, and they all left to visit their family. Mantella and Serafin were ecstatic!! ( ˶ˆᗜˆ˵ )
The visit was very much a blast. The family dogs got more pets than they'd dream of (courtesy of Mirage), Hieronim could spend quality time with his nephews and nieces (which were fascinated by seeing a "good version" of their dad), and Baltazar had a change to wail and cry about his troubles to his parents. Everybody won there!! Even the alien-alien branch of the family came over to abdu- I mean, hang out with the group. ⋆。°✩˖˚⋆。˖°⭒🛸⭒‧.˚
Despite the cloudy weather and brief moments of light rain, the whole meeting took place outside. Everyone ate the soup in the garden, and Mirage was allowed to inspect and learn about the plants Serafin's growing - you can't pull away this passionate Servo from gardening!! Then it was turn to relax in the jacuzzi (the children were especially eager), and as the last activity the whole family watched a movie in the garden. Bal was surprised this DIY-TV still works!! All in all, the tension in the Owl house eased, the pressure subsided. Let's hope it stays that way for a long time!!
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