#he doesnt really 'save' eggman because he wants to... a lot of the time it has to do with
timewontwait · 9 months
<- could go off on a long winded tangent about the way my sonic feels about eggman but i'd be typing all night jdksf
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egg-emperor · 8 months
Your analysis has been really interesting to read through, but ngl the whole mess around text interpretation has led me to ruminate on the fandom's doings a little. This probably will turn into disjointed ramblings, so please bear with me.
What I think is causing this cognitive dissonance is exactly that cutesy framing of some of Eggman and Sage's moments. Like, I don't believe that Sage was intentionally made to soften Eggman up or something, I believe that he can play the "family" act to keep her loyal to him. However, I won't deny that during my watch of a friend playing it, this specific framing left a slightly weird aftertaste, which I now see is what can easily cause so many misinterpretations of the scenes. Like, for example, the memo with Sage's pronouns. After seeing a lot of talk around the memos in general, what seems to throw people off from thinking that Eggman could be just using this as yet another play into her view of him as her father to keep her loyal is "why does he suddenly care about endearing himself to his own creation when he freely disregarded his previous creations". It can be interpreted in character, but there's just a smidge of off-ness that can be hard to wash out for some.
Not gonna lie, I kinda envy the ability of people like to at least mostly ignore the majority of the fandom's shenanigans and drama, cause I think that also plays a part imo, specifically this weird need to somehow ingratiate Sonic as a series to the mainstream, generally non-fan crowd. Like, the onus obviously should be on the people who misinterpret the text and see what's not there, yet these people also tend to be the loudest. And most non-fans seeing it just assume that's what the fandom as a whole thinks, and that's what the text actually is about. After all, nowadays Sonic is all but advertised as "its a kids game for babies so don't think about the story too much, it doesnt make sense in the end anyway", even by fans trying to genuinely recommend the series sometimes. And you'd think that there'd be pushback against this sort of mentality, but somehow, a majority of the Sonic fandom remains almost... defeatist? Like, either they can't argue to save their lives or just passively accept the misinformation. The people actually doing the analysis and all get disregarded as no-life nerds and are told that "no amount of analysis can make a product worth the money".
It's just... I dunno how or why or when it all started going like this, but at some point, the way people talked about media in general just caused immensely screwed. Discussions only seem to happen when someone wants to further validate their pre-established biases about a thing and it all just feels wrong.
Thank you, I appreciate you taking the time to read and consider my analysis.
We seem to feel quite similarly. I'm not a fan of the cutesy framing of certain moments because it's not my thing and definitely makes it easier for fans to misinterpret. The casual fan, especially if they don't catch all context in the memos and apply them to the scenes to notice the undertones and understand Eggman's side of the dynamic, or if they're the kind who that stuff can appeal to and affect emotionally/they'd rather ignore the more unsettling aspects in discomfort, they're going to get it wrong.
I think the cutscenes mostly have the issue of focusing too much on Sage's side of the dynamic over Eggman's. A bunch of most important details of Eggman's side comes from the memos, which is great from the standpoint of being right from his personal perspective and words, so we get to know exactly how he thinks and feels- but not so great for those who won't listen or piece together what they learned from them with the scenes for needed context.
But Sage wasn't supposed to soften Eggman up. In the story he's still a bad guy wanting to do bad, wishing he could get out of Cyber Space to, and Sage appeals because of what she can do for him, how she's crucial to his survival, supports his desire for world domination and shows undying loyalty. The way some moments are framed as cute doesn't take away from it, a unhealthy dynamic can appear as cute and wholesome with unsettling undertones.
Ian Flynn pretty much describes it that way by saying you're supposed to feel happy for Sage but Eggman is a bad person and warming up to it for all the wrong reasons. It's intentionally more complex than what the loudest people who love and hate it are saying. I can see what Flynn means because all the pieces are there in the actual game for me to point out and analyze. They just could've been emphasized a bit more.
All you need is the memo where he talks about liking how Sage is loyal and efficient and accepting the father role because it can emphasize his genius and the pride he can take as her creator, then apply it to every interaction and you can see it. Eggman can play the act to appeal to Sage's desire for that dynamic and praise her actions as a way to further encourage her for her loyalty and efficiency, all for those selfish benefits.
It's how manipulation works and Eggman absolutely can and will play up the part with these conditions for the benefits, he's done similarly in the past. It's intentionally not done in the common verbal and physical abns!ve way like he does most commonly with his other creations, it's more emotionally manipulative. It makes the most sense for how he wants to further encourage her good work and loyalty, not lose it.
I can get why you felt that way. It's part of why I had the wrong idea of Frontiers Eggman's at first and it ruined my first experience playing it. The cute framing of certain moments, combined with fans taking these scenes and latching onto the misinterpretations from the moment it dropped and drilling into your head how they think we should think and feel while ignoring key details that disprove it, made me believe it for too long.
But had I not seen the misinterpretation and paid attention and did my usual analysis, which I closed my mind to in my first playthrough in ignorance, I would've caught on a lot faster. Just like how knowing what I know now after properly analyzing it then going into Final Horizon and avoiding what fandom was saying, made my experience more pleasant and let me think and interpret for myself. The fandom is still mostly to blame.
Yeah, the cute moments can give the wrong idea when you don't have all the context. But the context is in the game to piece together and understand why it's happening in a way that works for Eggman's character. I also think while he is of course playing the act, it's also framed cute as it is because we're seeing it more from Sage's side in the scenes, as it's a very different vibe in the memos where it's actually Eggman's side.
Maybe always being able to see the worst in Eggman (positively and affectionately lol 🥰💜) helps but I only see the memos as unsettling now. His creation starts to appear as more of a person to him so he thinks about how he can use it to his benefit by taking pride in his impressive scientific ability to create something so life-like as an artificial creation over the unimpressive traditional organic way he scoffs at and expresses aversion to.
He says if he created life it'd be "loyal and perfectly effective", which is fucked up thing to look for in your child, and says it's specifically because he's the genius creator/father, giving himself all credit and taking pride in her accomplishments as a reflection of his genius. It's selfish, egotistical, creepy, everything a parent shouldn't do. I can see what makes it unsettling in all his words. So many things are wrong with him I love it 😋💘
I really don't have much of an issue with that memo. It's one of the most misinterpreted but it's simply where he starts to realize that almost the whole time he's been calling her a "she" instead of an "it" like the program she was created to be. He actually starts just five after first mentioning her, in memo 13. He subconsciously sees her as a person and refers to her like such that fast due to how human and life-like she is.
Three memos after he's like wait why am I calling it a she? And wonders whether to call her an it like the program she was created to be or a she like he's seeing her as instead. Then another three after comes the disturbing memo about him creating life, so him establishing whether he's going to call her "she" or not leads to him thinking about how he can take pride and credit in her by establishing himself as her genius creator/father.
It's another of those cases where if context is removed it's more likely for people to get the wrong idea, especially if they're the type to be blinded by the cuteness factor but when you have the context of before and after and considering the important terms of why he values her at all with the she's an impressive life-like loyal and efficient creation and her dad is a genius memo, again it makes sense and is in character.
The "she's the best" line is one of the only parts I'd change, he's far too egotistical to say that about anyone else. It doesn't make sense because the whole reason he values her is what she does for him and the pride he can take in her, literally because he sees himself as the best person ever lol. Just specifying what she's the best of, like of his creations or something would've worked, not making it sound like he's saying in general.
But guess what? Apparently it was changed in Japanese in the translation I saw, to say she was just doing great or something lol. It's a case where I can make sense of it in English as her being the best in a specific area can again give himself credit as the creator as he's intentionally supposed to but the word choice was poor. But every time I felt a line should've been changed a bit, the Japanese version had me covered. XD
Back to the point- it's also important to consider that he's praising her in this memo with the important preface of saying that Sage has been crucial to his survival in Cyber Space and listing the ways she has served him well. It's on the condition of him getting something out of it every time. And in memo 19 we know he wants to take pride in her skill and accomplishments and take credit as her creator, so any praise is self praise.
So I can't be mad at the game, I think even in moments that had some level of cuteness factor to appeal to those into that which certainly worked on them, there was established context that made it work and in character, enough to piece it together and understand it. But some people's minds go blank with the "aww so cute" reaction and desire for it to be simply pure and wholesome so they don't think about it any more to do so.
I've been learning to avoid it just by stepping back from fandom because I'm less interested the more I see the drama and bad takes. Now I only see things if I'm forcibly subjected through someone else putting it on my dash/it's recommended/etc. A large majority of fandom is anti canon and literally admit it so I feel like I don't belong in it as a huge fan of it that enjoys celebrating it in my fan creations and discussions.
It suffers from the simplification and sanitization that modern fandom tends to do now, so they can fit all characters and stories into certain boxes and use them as bases to project fan character traits and concepts onto instead of celebrating canon. It makes it more appealing and mainstream and easier to consume by the crowd that stuff succeeds in appealing to. It's to the point it replaces people's memory/idea of it.
So of course from the outside looking in especially, non fans are going to believe that's what the text actually contains, especially since they get exposure to the fandom's twisting of canon and it's drilled into their heads how to think and feel about it by them, before they've even seen the games themselves. Then they find it hard to shut that out and look at the games alone for what they are. That happened to me with Frontiers.
Then of course you have people acting like the series "is just for babies and inconsistent and not good anyway you shouldn't think too hard about it", as if Sega JP especially haven't shown themselves to be incredibly passionate about the stories and characters they write. It is supposed to be that deep lol. And thinking that deeply is a good thing, as if it's better than just shutting our minds off and consume product.
That's why I've allowed myself to think as deeply as I want about Frontiers. I love analyzing every moment and line down to the last word and detail. Regardless of opinion on the concepts and how they were executed, it was intended to be thought about. I don't think it should be considered micro analyzing and thinking too hard about something ever. I'm looking at it in ways official writers have described it to be anyway.
The mentality is popular so there isn't much pushback. Plus I'm starting to see it in both people who say they don't like the games and those who say they're fans so I feel alienated for wanting to think deeper and seeing there can be more than meets the eye with characters and scenes. While clarification can be important so things aren't misinterpreted quite as easily, it's nice for there to be stuff to think about.
Nobody really wants to debate and discuss now. A majority intentionally oppose learning more about the media or hearing out other people. They take the challenging of one's perspective or a disagreement as an argument and act like it's intended as hate from the other person when that's not the case. They're like "I don't want to change my opinion, nobody can convince me, let me enjoy things how I want", etc.
I myself was a bit ignorant at first on the topic of Frontiers. I was convinced I didn't like Eggman's portrayal but it was all based on what fandom was telling me it was and how to feel when the actual game was actually way different. When I finally took suggestions of new perspectives, then shut fandom out and focused solely on canon with my mind open and willing to analyze it again, I saw it in a new light and enjoyed it.
Now some certainly think I'm a low life nerd, as I've been told "it's nice to be a fan until it "becomes serious" and by people saying they don't care what I have to say as if I have to do exactly what they want- because it's bad to be passionate and wanting to think deeply about something I guess. :P I'd rather be doing that than shutting it down. Canon is cool, analysis is good, being passionate and thinking about stuff is fun.
You really hit the nail on the head with that. I've always enjoyed being open minded, analyzing media carefully, hearing out different perspectives, and having discussions. But I made the mistake myself at one point with Frontiers and I regret it because as soon as I realized I almost became what I was against and changed it for the better, it became a lot more enjoyable again. It's always good to stay open minded!
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axemetaphor · 11 months
my dad got his hands on a copy of Sonic 06 for the xbox and asked me to be his play-tester after having a lot of trouble with that speed level right at the beginning (catching up to Eggman's ship on the beach) and i got as far as the Silver battle before giving up, so here's my notes
DISCLAIMER this isnt an invitation to dunk on the game in the notes of this post alright we've seen enough of that. i dont hate the game. no, really, i dont. i respect everything it tried to be and feel bad for literally everyone working on it because, from what i gather, they were green and facing extreme crunch time. sucks for everyone involved. anyway:
the load times on xbox were VASTLY better, which makes a lot of sense, given from what i know the ps3 has a ... strange way of storing/retrieving/loading data, but they were still pretty long and a little too frequent for my liking. still, probably not anyone's fault, tbqh. i'll have to see if the emulator my dad's working on getting on his PC (finally, he's been trying to do that for years now lmao,) has the same issue to figure out if it's a programming problem or hardware. personally im pretty sure it's just hardware.
it's much easier to steer sonic if you use the camera and his movement, but the camera will still fuck you over. this isnt 06 specific though game cameras are Always hard to wrangle lmao
the animations for this game are so strange... i dont say this as a negative whatsoever. it looks like they were mocapped, which is fascinating to me, translating human proportions onto sonic--it doesnt always work, and i personally wouldn't've made the choice to do that, but it makes me want to study it lmao
the voice acting as well is strange, at least in english; im not knocking anyone's work, whatsoever. i still really love the performances. but i think back to this one tweet i made about silver's intro dialogue where i mentioned that i loved the performance, but the poor guy sounded like he'd done a hundred takes of the audio and was losing grasp of Words themselves (As happens to everybody) and Silver's english VA not only liked the tweet but started following me because of it. this was during the trend of not actually giving VAs context for their dialogue, and not really.. respecting them at all, and it makes me sad to think that maybe they did stick everyone in a box, hand them lists of lines, and make them say them over and over until the director got whatever they wanted--or, on the opposite end, were only given enough time for a single take out of the inherent disrespect for VAs that's present in Many fields
the environments are fucking gorgeous and i was genuinely surprised by how many things i could interact with in the levels. granted, i did get stuck on them sometimes, but i doubt the poor devs got any chance to fix that shit. i liked especially ramming Eggman's Cerberus into a statue instead of the wall and watching the statue completely shatter, that's genuinely pretty cool, they couldve just had it be like the walls, static and unreacting. i also liked how the Cerberus decimated those pillars, but thats mostly because the camera kept getting stuck on them
there's very little active direction in the game, save for the floating (?)s, which can sometimes be wordy enough that ive already fucked up and died before theyre done talking. that's probably on my dumbass though.
collision physics in this game ... sure is. i cant remember if all games from the 2000s were like this given i have more experience with older games (pre-00's) + brand fucken new ones so someone else weigh in on this s'il vous plait.
the pre-rendered cutscenes are still fucking gorgeous. delightful.
so much of this game is such a lovely awkward development-stage kind of thing, like awkward teen years. the homing-attack mechanics make me grateful for the auto-targeting of later games. the way he goes from 0 to 100 is in character but hard to play (unwieldy) and makes me glad for the more measured sliding scale of other games. the sprint parts of the game, where youre just steering him, are so fucking cool but i am so fucking bad at them and im glad that in future games the sensitivity of the controls was turned down. it took me some lives to get into a proper rhythm with it, get a sense of just how much of a hair trigger the directional changes were. tails' attacks in this game definitely felt like they could've been much better (throwing the bombs is So difficult to aim, thanks to the camera and how long the animation for it is) and i'm glad they're different in other games--the bombs is a cool idea, just needed to be implemented differently imo
if you knwo more about the development n shit of this game id love to hear it, all i know is they had serious crunch time to release the game alongside the ps3 as its flagship game and had to cut a lot of steps from the process/cut a lot of corners. i attribute a lot of its flaws (and "flaws") to that tbqh. sonic 06 is not a bad game, it's a game that was failed by its circumstances. i dont know fully, im just an animator, i have never in my life made a proper video game.
also this may just be me but i have a theory that this game was meant to be like the Shadow the Hedgehog game, and not rated E for Everyone after all. the darker storybeats (sonic's murder, elise's death, silver's future etc) all feel like they'd have been better-executed at a level closer to that. it feels To Me like they were developing the beginnings of this game (script, designs) in tandem with the endtail development of ShTH, and when it received pushback for the guns, swearing, and violence, they panicked and had to neuter the story. i have a lot of respect for what the game COULD have been.
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spiritwinding · 4 years
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for the duration of the classic games, sonic was Incredibly reserved. talked to no one and only used sign language when necessary, had no social life outside of talking to flickies and other woodland creatures, just was Completely isolated from people. he was SUPER close to his parents, and having them die made him essentially swear off of. talking to people. to steal lyrics from wicked: 
too long i've been afraid of losing love, i guess I've lost well if that's love it comes at much too high a cost
meeting tails and his relationship with him is what made him talk and start to accept friendship back into his life, that he Needs companionship and can’t get by on his own and that a life alone is a miserable one, but it was a gradual process that spaned the adventure games and sonic heroes, so here’s a rambly post about some of how sonic went from a hermit to the VERY anime friendship guy he is in sonic forces!
sonic is pretty prickly and easily irritated in adventure 1 and is still stuck in his Cool Lone Wolf kinda ways? avoids amy very obviously, openly says shes weird, frustrated with knuckles, very dismissive of tails etc. at the same time when he gets separated from tails when they crash in sa1 he’s genuinely sad and concerned for him, and prioritiizes how chaos would feel if locked in the master emerald while still rampaging. he very clearly cares about people, he’s just. distant and has kinda bad people skills. during sa1 sonic starts to realize he needs to listen to his friends and be more tolerant with them, though (amy stopping him from destroying gamma, how theyw oulda probably noticed birdie had an emerald if sonic hadn’t blown off amy so quickly, everyone bringing the chaos emeralds at the end), and he starts to? get along better with them? calls knuckles buddy in sa2, definitely gets along better with amy, puts a lot of his faith in tails when he gets shot out of the ark, AND fights with shadow at the end, is much less prickly in sa2 and just in general starts to embrace this group theyve kinda scrapped together
speaking of sa2, though: shadow! sonic has always had a short temper depending on the situation, but particularly in sa2 he didnt take kindly to a) being accussed of shit he didnt do and b) excUUse me how dare you copy me? like me?? still, he was definitely intrigued by shadow, and sonic is Painfully curious by nature, not to mention the whole affinity for chaos energy thing. kinda lilke a pull to the stuff. i also think sonic GETS aloof grumpy characters, because even if he wasnt ever grumpy, just short-tempered and kinda irritable, he was definitely aloof, and gets what it’s like to struggle to connect with others when you’re afraid of losing them. throughout the game they both come to respect eachother, and ultimately the fight they have at the end is. the first team fight sonic has? he has to put his trust in someone in the battlefield, really learn how to keep an eye on himself AND whoever hes fighting with, which is different than not hurting civilians for example. they both constantly ask eachother how theyre doing and sonic suggests to shadow that he needs to rest and that he can tag in. like regardless of everything that happenned during the game sonic cares about shadow, and whether by necessity or otherwise, trusts him to fight alongside
so when shadow, someone sonic probably considers somewhat of a friend, who was fighting with him and who sonic wanted to keep a close eye on, dies when he’s right next to him AND super sonic it doesn’t Feel Great. sonic felt responsible for shadow falling, for one, and for two, that’s someone he cares about dying. again. when thats what he wanted to avoid by essentially dissappearing from society: he didn’t want to lose people. of course losing shadow si very different and less painful than losing his parents, but it’s a reminded of what he’d been running away from all this time, and what he’s potentially going to go through again if tails, knuckles or amy die, too.
so he goes on another ‘vacation’ between sa2 and heroes-- distances himself from everyone else again, both to Repress and also to start to start to go back to the lonely nomadic lifestyle. the thing is, after going through what he did with everyone, tails in particular, he misses them. he misses company, now that he got it again, and realizes he doesn’t want to be alone again. being alone sucks, no matter how much you double down on it.
and tails and knuckles Show Up-- like they find HIM rather than the other way around. they come back, like a boomerang, and all three of them go to defeat eggman again, in an Entirely trio-based game, where sonic learns hwo to be a better teammate, and how to depend on others in a fight again. shadow turns out to be okay*, and at the end everyone refuses to let him fight neo on his own, and he’s? kinda overwhelmed? that he’s gathered people who are willing to support him, and that return like boomerangs, too
he wont be alone, because his friends will always be there to have his back, and he can always count on their help!! superpower of teamwork babyyyy. annd at the end, instead of going off on his own, he TAKES tails and knuckles with him!
sonic at the end of the day needs companionship. he leans towards ambivert and needs a Lot of alone time, and loves his personal space, but he needs to know someone is there to have his back ykno? he loves people, and needs people, and hates being alone like... in life. not like running alone or travelling alone, but just. having no one in his life is almost kinda terrifying. he knows what thats like and is aware he doesnt want to go back to having no one know his name except for the local flickies he saved from eggman.
*note: sonic definitely has unresolved shit from Everything That Has Ever Happened, aside from his parents deaths, because he’s so desensitized to all of it and just.. always Has to function, it isnt a question, and shadow ‘dying’ isnt an  exception. definitely not as bad as other stuff, like the guilt for everyone who DID die, but he never worked through? much of it? because unless it specifically worms its way to the surface, sonic doesn’t know it’s There, and even if he picks up on somethig he won’t adress it unless it’s Baaaaad, and that’s only a recent thing. repress and move on, thaaaaaaat’s life pal. it doesnt help that sonic is honestly seen as Emotionally Invincible by everyone around him, so who would think he has baggage abt somethign that happenned when he was 13? (btw he was 13 in sa2 which is a Yikes!) he feels he failed shadow, particularly because it was. the ‘death’ that happenned right after he also blamed himself when his mom died in his care. he works through the occasisonal thought about it by just! trying his best! not letting it happen again! but again, never worked thru it, never told anyone. someone write this w/ me somehow blease
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superemeralds · 5 years
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ive had my own idea for a sonic movie that would still be live action and a generic child-friendly action-comedy just like the “real” sonic movie is (presumably) gonna be
The main character that makes a duo with sonic for the majority of the movie is a young girl named June.
The overall plot is very similar to sonic x, but altered to fit the time span of the usual one and a half hours movie length in movies like that.
detailed description, explanation of the pictures and character info under the cut!
Through a mal-induced chaos control eggman and sonics friends get transported into the real world. this time space rift causes some really weird stuff to happen and June gets seperated from her dad, who was just on his way to bring her to school.
at first she thinks its cool to meet a talking blue hedgehog in a really pretty nature-y place and skip school to play with him, but soon they notice that they are not alone. Eggmans robots got transported to our world too! June gets captured because she is seen with sonic and therefore identified as a threat by eggmans robots! Sonic runs after her towards what seems to be eggmans base.
meanwhile the dad was transported to a really high place, whihc is bad cos he’s  got fear of heights. Luckily tails and knuckles appear and offer to help him down
both teams start looking for eachother, but get interrupted by various obstacles. June and Sonic get hold off by eggmans schemes, while Dad and Sonics friends stumble upon amy, who just escaped a military research facility. she hoped that cream would be with the others, but it seemed that they had to go back and save her. the Dad used to be a hobby boxer, but since he’s a lawyer he doesn’t really do that much anymore. it surely helped him when taking out those government officials. its funny how a lawyer breaks the law, right? there’s many jokes on that and his character development goes from strict father figure that doesnt allow fun and insists on obeying the law to a wild and free man who does what’s right, even if  he has to break rules. (also he screams “sorry” every time he KOs someone because hes that kinda guy)
June and sonic manage to infiltrate the egg carrier that was transported into our world and set it to crash and render all his stuff useless!
However, the ship is on course for the city which they didnt realize until it started losing height. eggman pretends that he can still stop this if the people are willing to make him their unquestionable ruler, but sonic and june are determined to stop the ship themselves. sonic keeps eggman busy while June is in the command center trying to find a way to make the ship change course and go crash in the ocean.
in the end everything is exploding and falling apart and eggman is fleeing, June managed to change the ships course and runs up to sonic telling him he needs to run, sonic says that she doesnt have to tell him twice and they go.
sonic gets blown to the side by an explosion and trips over debris, making his knee bleed a little (u cant see blood bc this is kid friendly hes just hurt like theres dirt or smth lol) and he tells june to run and not worry, but she comes back and lifts him on her back and is determined to run as fast as she can to get outside
when she reaches a door she screams because she’s scared. they are close to the ground, but not close enoguh to make it alive if she jumped... then sonic hugs her from behind and says “jump on my command” and shes like. no way. but he says “trust me we’re not gonna get hurt if we hit water” and shes like “but i cant swim that well” sonic chuckles “me neither” and then she gets the memo and is all determined and ready and they make it and its magical
they might also have a scene thats a nudge to 06 where sonic is very Positive and gives good life advice.
while everything seems like its perfect eggman is starting plan B of his conquer the others were all alarmed by the crashing egg carrier and therefore came speeding in the modified car tails rebuild for Dad (it can turn into a fucken plane. Dad and June are finally reunited and he thanks sonic for watching after her, and sonics like nah ur daughter totally watched after me shes a hero.
and then they work together to stop eggmans final boss robot and save the city.
at some point they all found chaos emeralds somewhere. and sonic can turn super to finish eggman off. yeah that sounds cool.
that also makes him and the others fade back into their own dimension, bc hes Got That Power
in the end its just him, June and Dad iin midst of a park in the city with debris and shit and June is like. sonic dont go we jsut became friends
and sonics like. treasure the memories you make and live life to the fullest bc u only got this one shot and u gotta make the best of it. n her dad is all agreeing and shakes his hand and is like. thanks sonic
and June hugs him and cries but smiles and sonic says nice smile bc im kinda getting emotional writing this all out and then he disappears in a flash of light and in that moment it cuts to the mom on the side of the park in her car with the window down going “what the-” and credits roll
thanks for reading
okay i know most of this was really silly and unfinished but granted i was making this all up as i went on and on about this and like. yea. i brainstormed this in like. 2 horus time completely from scratch, only using sonic X as basis for the plot and the humor of popular and successful action comedies as inspiration for the tone of the movie
as for the characters i just thoguht a carefree girl thats tired of being stuffed into a mold meeting sonic and learning that its okay to be herself and do what u think is right, learning that kindness really is the most powerful thing on earth and that friendships are precious??? hell fucking yeah!
also child character is more relateable than a fucking cop. kids will be able to relate to June, while adults (long time fans most of all) will be able to see their past self in her.
as for the dad, a lot of adults might see themselves in this dad role who just wants the best for his  kid, while being stuck in a boring job that doesnt really fulfil them, but pays the bills and the lifestyle the family has.
I also really wanted characters that you have not seen before. Whenever i see a black dad he has a shaved head and thats kinda boring its just. basic. nothing agianst dads with shaved heads but why is Every Single(black) Dad Bald/Buzzcut? so i gave him dreads because why not? looks cool when he does action shit. whoosh whoosh
i knew i wanted a kid and i knew i wanted a girl. im really fond of puffy pigtails and i decided to go with a black girl just because! it was the very first thing that came to my mind when i was looking for an adventurous girl that wants to go on adventures with a blue talking hedgehog.
plus loving black dads that lov their girls rly rly need rep u_u
as for sonics design, i tried to compromise with the movie’s need for a more realistic sonic by making him overall fluffier to hint at texture, but keeping his core design and proportions.
the same goes for all the other characters.
I’m still very thinking emoji about eggman, I think it would be best to have him be either played by a fat person. Like Really Fat Person to resemble his original design (hes fat okay who cares abt slanky legs) or have him be CGI/partially CGI due to the fact that he’s from another dimension.
and uh. that’s all i have to say for now! it’s 1am and i should get to bed!
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imagine-sonic · 7 years
'every night i will save your life...'
Imagine this. Silver is young and from Sonic’s dimension. and he’s looks NOTHING like him from the games. his quills are down, he has no glowing marks, he’s this timid and shy little guy. very anxious. doesn’t believe in himself.
BUT! he has no powers. how the heck does he get them.
so, Sonic Rush kicks in and the Sol Emeralds s c r e w themselves up and Blaze gets thrown into Sonic’s world. and whattya know SILVER’s there.
(more under the cut this is a long one)
silver’s this ordinary guy. attends school and such. no big deal. But then Eggman Nega chases after Blaze for her Emeralds, and she’s not taking any of that crap
so she kicks Eggman’s butt–but Silver gets stuck in the crossfire.
Blaze saves Silver life.
as she puts him down and asks, “You okay?” he’s just awestruck. Like, holy shit this girl carried me bridal style and she’s so powerful.
silver admires her right then and there, and asks if he can come along. He does.
again, he’s a totally different person before he becomes the gritty, stubborn future kid. silver asks, “what’s it like being a princess? or "look at this book! i love flowers and nature because I never lived in a healthy place when i was younger,.. whats a sol emeralds?” silver just loves asking questions and blaze just likes listening to him. they become good friends.
cut to the end of the game and Blaze is given a pep talk from Sonic about getting help. doesn’t totally help her bullying PTSD but she takes it even though she doesn’t believe it and the duo go fight Eggman to restore the dimensions because PLOT.
silver is cheering for blaze on the sidelines. he really cares about her.
sonic and blaze fight eggman.
they fail.
they failed.
they failed.
silver is just horrified.
he reality he knows and loves just not existing and he doesnt know what to do without blaze. he’s crying a lot. he just can’t seem to stop crying
(god, why is this happening? i didn’t want this. i never did. no nonononono--)
silver doesn’t know anything and he just wants everything to end, not knowing any better he goes to the chaos emeralds–still alive after his life is gonna end.
he’s standing at the emeralds. and he says, “help me. please.”
nothing happens.
silver gets angry, his quills standing on end. his pushing back tears because he’s cried so much, everything hurts, but he has to do this
he starts screaming, “You said that you would grant any wish people asked of you! You do miracles! you didn’t do anything to stop this!”
the emeralds start glowing.
“just do this. give me this wish. i want to go back. i want to go back and meet blaze all over again. but this time, i want to be strong. i want to be just like her…”
wish granted
silver just starts screaming as he’s thrown back in time, but there’s more. the emeralds go near him and burn his teal markings onto his flesh
silver screams and regrets his powers. he hates them then and there
and he goes back and finds blaze
he learns soon that he’s got psychic powers, and his head hurts whenever he uses it at first but then he learns. whenever Silver uses his powers his front quills stand on end and stay that way. he looks like himself soon he gets bracelets to help control his powers, self-teaching himself, but it hurts every time he uses his power.
silver goes to blaze and is very happy to see her. “i fixed the dimensions! we can save the world!”
however, she doesn’t know who he is
‘who are you?“
'silver’s smile just dies. 
”… no…’
from then on, it’s just a cycle.
and he has to keep his knowledge of the a future a secret.
silver falls harder and harder for blaze every timeline, every reset, things are different. and silver just wants things to stay. every single time, he fails. he becomes the bitter and screaming boy we know from 06, that kills sonic out of desperation but nothing seems to work
the thing is, the dimensions always fall apart during nighttime
silver is just trapped.
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Where is are Smart Pretty boy! (Matt Holt)
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(OK!! Since Ive been told to do this by many friends i am! Lets Start With this boi! Let get start shall we~!)
Mr. Matt Holt since Season 2 is so close (like 2 days away from when i’m writing this! Much hype!!) we haven't seen much of this boy and if you like me you got ideas of what has happen to him or you don’t and that ok but that not how i am!! I GOT 3 Ideas what the Voltron team might do with this pretty little man!
1. He in another Fucking castle!!
So if you guys are like me and grew up with Nintendo, then you know Mario and Peach, so you know the whole "she's in another castle" joy and i think this is a likely thing that could happen to Matt because the Galra is huge. They've been around a bit and we have seen the slaves in episode 3, you know.......
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^These guys or girls.... aliensssss yeh know ^
And i get the feeling it will not take long for the Galra to find out that Voltron is looking for Matt and Sam and to be honest, if i was zarkon i'd be a ass and try to move Matt and Sam around as much as i can so its harder for Voltron to find them. So i think if the Voltron Team did do this we wouldn't be to upset about this i mean this can show off more races and more of space and let be honest we want that as much as we want to see matt alive and safe and this could be good if done right! ;3
2. He one of them.... Maybe???
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He's ONE OF Them!! You heard me; i think it's highly possible for matt to be brainwashed. I mean have you not seen all the evil matt art, you cant miss it, but honestly i think it could happen!!! We seen hagger do some crazy shit like making giant robeasts out of little cute aliens (now all im thinking is eggman.. you know... right?) so she's someone not to mess with really, so i dont put it pass her to do brainwashing when i think about it. It scares me because Matt is smart so he would be a big fork in voltron plans and of course the ANGST (i know how you all like your angst... i do too) it would be painful to watch Pidge and Shiro go head to head with him and be hurt seeing him like this, but we have to remember that Voltron is aimed at kids so there will be a way to get Matt back and save him from the brainwashing! but it would be like a first time meet. You see, Matt can be saved. It would be bits and part here and there and it would take a lot; and then getting your hands on him to be able to change him back... i feel like it'd be so so hurtful for pidge like really, i dont care what you say about your brothers or sisters you dont want to watch them suffer and not be themsevels and hurtting you as much as they can when they are not themsleves... and for shiro seeing his friend (coughboyfriendcough) not being himself, saying stuff he doesnt mean, it not a fun time because you'd have to break them to bring them back to their senses, so they can take back control! i feel like this would be a great way to go, but also know it'd be pulled back a bit because it's aimed at kids..... ;-; b
3. Scared and a Slave
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SOOO we all know that Space dad is not going to die (lol ill fight you on this i dont care he not dieing it be a waste of good bara tiddles and a character!) but fom what ive seen from season 2 trailer and clips he not being kill or taking and that kinda where i got this idea from. what if Shiro (and this can would this one of the other paladins or Allura or Coran) does get taking back in to the garla again and being move and runs in to Matt and he (more angst) is a broken shell of a person he scared be been a slave he been broken and for him there is no way out there is not where that is safe and we have them trying to get matt out building him back up and see how dark the garla can be (again this is aim that the kiddos) it be really cool but would suck for voltron because he would be able to form till they got them back or if it was coran or allura it would be a bit different but not by much because no man left behind right.
4. They not going rid of him!! 
SOOO, we all know that Space dad is not going to die (lol ill fight you on this, i dont care, he's not dying. it'd be a waste of good bara tiddles and a character!) but fom what ive seen from the season 2 trailer and clips he's not being killed or taken and that's kinda where i got this idea from. what if Shiro (and this could be one of the other paladins or Allura or Coran) does get taken back in to the Galra again and being moved around, runs in to Matt and he (more angst) is a broken shell of a person. He's scared, having been a slave, he's been broken and for him there is no way out. There is nowhere that is safe and we could have them trying to get matt out, building him back up and seeing how dark the Galra can be (again this is aimed at the kiddos.) It'd be really cool, but would suck for voltron because they wouldn't be able to form till they got them back, or if it was coran or allura it would be a bit different but not by much because no man gets left behind, right.
His name is Sam Holt!
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I didnt talk about Sam Holt (Matt and Pidge’s Dad) a lot because i dont really have much hope for him.... sadly i've seen my share of movies that take an older man and kill him off because he's not useful and im not saying Sam's not useful because he is useful. He's smart, he's part of the garrison, but his age makes me think otherwise because really, think of it like this, if you have two highly smart humans, but one is much, much older than the other, would you take the older guy that will do anything for some space peas, that doesnt look like he could fight or would get hurt easliy or die sooner (etc etc)... Why wouldnt you take his son that's just as smart; maybe he's still learning, but that means he can learn how to fight and yes, could get hurt, but bonuces back from it easier and faster then the older one. In my mind it's easy. You take the younger one and get rid of the older one; there's no need for him besides using him till he's nothing or just tossing him, so i feel like the only route for Sam is the Galra using him for all his mind has in the middle of nowhere, at a lab or just sending him off and we never hear about him unless Matt or someone says something.... ORRRRR to make me sorta happy because i debated this with a friend and she had this point that if they did save Sam he would go back to earth and be a helper for the garrison if they will listen. So they also could be something like that.
Those are my thought and stuff and yes a lot of person are thinking the same thing or maybe post it already but i wanted to put my out because my friends said i should and i felt like it too, anyway that what i feel like could happen to Matt and a little on Sam Holt.
My ask box is alway open so i would mind hearing what you guys thing or your ideas!!! Feel free to say something i dont mind chatting~!
i have other Voltron Theories that i might post up here for shit and giggles if you like them then cool!!! ^w^ b
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mobianstrip · 5 years
sonic forces me to analyze the game
this is by no means a full, in depth review of sonic forces. however, since im working on a Forces au i think its only fitting to talk about my personal gripes with the game. just to be clear, i dont hate sonic forces by any means! there are some really neat concepts about it that i enjoy, which ill include my thoughts on as well! though with that said, theres a lot about it that could have been dealt with better. this post is gonna be a bit long and messy, sorry!
now i cant speak for what the gameplay controls itself are like since i havent actually played it with my own hands, so my primary focus will be the story and general format of the game. everything under the cut!
ill start by saying that in hindsight, i think the general premise of the game is actually really neat (had the war framing of the plot not been so overly glorified and bland. more on that below). eggman taking over most of the world is very reminiscent to the initial circumstance of mobius in the early archie sonic publication. it seems especially reflective of the comic in the fact that sonic forces takes place on a planet setting more akin to that of Mobius than that of Sonic’s World/Earth, the difference being the lack of human beings aside from Eggman. while this does somewhat bother me for the fact that it paints an inconsistency with the setting, im also all for the planet being strictly Mobians + Eggman again tbh. the concept of sonic being on earth populated by humans, complete with a mock version of the united states, never really settled well with me. it always felt like just a means to make sonic more relatable, which is true, but not done because it made anything more interesting. a problem that then arises is that the origins of shadow and silver/blaze would be radically different or at least would need some retcon alterations to make sense...but thats a topic for another day
overall, looking past the inconsistency with the setting and its implications, i enjoy how the premise of the game feels like going back to the basics. but even the premise still has its problems...which is never a good sign, and this point practically sealed forces’s fate of inconsistency: the theme of war and how it frames the story is so, so poorly written
starting with whats presented at the beginning of the game, sonic is captured by eggman as a prisoner. if the writing had just left it at that, fine. however, the exposition goes on to say that sonic has been there for six months being tortured...and that tails has completely lost it. again id be fine with this - the theme of war is a darker one so these two events would make sense in this circumstance. however, that tension is just totally lost in a matter of a few episodes. you rescue sonic who is just as cheery and jokey as ever, somehow able to fight a boss despite being supposedly locked away and tortured for six months
of course i understand that its not like they could give sonic ptsd and make him look tortured and weak and so on - but why even mention the torture thing at all? the same problem is apparent with the first cutscene with tails. tails is hardly given enough time to seem like he has "lost it". i will say though that tails WAS given a bit more of an emotional response to work with than sonic overall. particularly when tails is about to be attacked by chaos, and he ducks his head in fear and calls for sonic to help him even though sonic isnt there - i actually enjoyed this small segment bc it does reflect some of what was said about how he reacted to sonics capture (aside from also being across the planet...for seemingly no reason except bc he "lost it" and to get him away from the main group so that classic sonic can appear)
frankly speaking from these two points alone, the games tone just feels kind of confused. its obvious the writers wanted some parts of the darker theme of war...and its also obvious that going all out wasnt gonna be an option bc of the nature of sonic as a character and franchise being about more lighthearted, easier to relate to stories about sonics heroism. which im fine with that being the case; sonic is a hero and more importantly a mascot that profits off of kids being able to relate and look up to. my issue is simply that the premise of this game makes consistent writing kind of doomed from the start if the writers are trying to appeal to both the kids AND older fans. they cant go to the lengths necessary to adequately build the narrative. cant go too dark, cant go too lighthearted, and not finding a balance between to two gives you a confused and bland story 
on that note,  i personally find the theme of war to be...uncomfortably glorified and unchecked (adding to the tone confusion and blandness). sonic forces is named so because...yknow. armed forces. armies. the whole point of the game is that theres a war going on and youre on the good guy side. i mean its not as if youre fighting against other living creatures, just infinite and eggmans robots, but still. i think what put me off the most is the first comic with the soldier cat. after they save the day, the last lines are "I'll do better. I'll be better. I'll become a real soldier and a real hero." now slap that as the tagline to a united states army corps commercial and suddenly its really...sour tasting
war is just one of those subjects that i think needs to be handled with a bit more care. i mean think about it: the primary gimmick of forces is that you get to make your own character, to be the sonic version of yourself in this world. the plot of the game is that theres a war, and your character joins the resistance to defeat eggman. this game is pretty blatantly glorifying the idea that joining in on a war can make you a REAL soldier, a REAL hero. to some kids, that might sound pretty cool. but theres no nuance to it whatsoever, nothing thought provoking on the subject. no one steps back to be like ‘its good to do good things but wars are tough and not fun, and being a hero isnt everything’. none-a that
now do i think a sonic game could get it into a childs head that they should join the army for real? no, not necessarily. i think its possible, but i think that would also be due to a larger issue of military glorification present in modern culture in general (especially in america). mostly i just find the implications at play with glorifying the theme of war in conjunction to the avatar gimmick to be in poor taste and also entirely avoidable because...
i dont think the war and army framing even had to be a thing. not only is it just so sloppily done in general, with that fact that the supposed soldier forces on the Resistance side are literally never seen on screen except for some dialogue boxes in one episode and the rest of the time only being mentioned through other characters, but i seriously think never saying the words “war” or “army” and not including literal soldiers would have worked just as well and even been the better route. they could have just been like yeah heres eggman taking over the world, heres the resistance fighters that have come together to stop him, they are opposing forces and you play as your avatar to stop eggman - and just leave it at that. it wouldve made the glorification of war less obvious and the handling of the topics at hand appear less confused, appealing to a more lighthearted tone rather than weighing it down with frankly out of place hints to a darker subject of war
finally i wanna talk about the story as it relates to how its told through the game. the plot itself is fairly standard - eggman starts war, captures sonic, takes over planet. you rescue sonic, and together you fight eggman and infinite and ultimately defeat them. thats all good and well even if its cheesy sometimes. the REAL problem is how its executed. a lot of the exposition is given not through cutscenes, but through spoken dialogue with text box subtitles over the episode select screen. and it just feels so...stiff. it doesnt feel like world building, it just feels like being forcefed information with no substance behind it
i get that fully rendered cutscenes throughout can be expensive and time consuming, but shoot id take in-game rendered cut scenes at least. (like in sa, sa2, shadow 2005...) anything that could have provided the world building with a bit more ground to stand on would have been great. sure, there are levels to traverse which look cool...but they dont provide any sense of scale, they dont tell us what the area is like, and more importantly, you never see the other characters who are supposedly on the battlefield "alongside" you in a couple episodes. the storyline from the exposition along sounds like it could be an epic journey - but the way its told with the given game mechanics (i.e.: stage-based gameplay with no open worlds to explore) leaves a lot to be desired
i feel like the stuff explained in the comics should have just been cutscenes or exposition or something to pad out the game a bit. the comics are so short anyways so why just put it in the game? maybe not the first comic about the rando soldier saving the day or w/e...but the comic with silver and knuckles fighting chaos? the comic about infinites origins? all of that could have easily been included. at LEAST the comic with shadow was part of the DLC...but even thats just so gimmicky. they provide important background to the main plot of this game so i really dont understand why it was sidelined to comics and not just included from the beginning
the tension that the exposition already fails to build up is brought down even worse when coupled with the confusing timing of the stage complete screens, where you get your completion rank and see what new character creation items you unlocked. listen, i know immediate gratification for completing the level is important and all...but i swear, having these screens between the end of a boss fight and the cutscene showing what happens to them after being defeated seriously impairs the flow of the game. maybe having it there allows for the cutscene to load up in the background to improve efficiency, but personally id prefer seeing a loading screen as the break between a boss fight and the following cutscene after it and THEN the stage complete screen to finish the sequence off. the boss fight end cutscenes arent that long anyways for the most part, so its just nonsensical to have the stage complete screen interrupt the action when theres only a two minute scene left to it
i cant stand how streamlined forces is to the point of the main plot. what happened to games that actually take the time to explain stuff, show us extra bits to the story and how they connect? and even when forces' does explain SOME stuff, its through audio/text only dialogue. nothing visually interesting, just...dialogue. and then its off to the next level. forces' feels very bare bones honestly. the story is supposed to feel big and epic but it just wasnt given enough to bring that feeling into fruition. this is probably the only thing that saves forces’ from the war glorification issue because the game simply fails so miserably at telling a compelling story due to poor writing and poor formatting that the war stuff gets lost in the mix - and thats just sad
all of this brings me to my conclusion. fuck i wish sonic forces was a better written and executed game, because i do think it could have been so cool. i really like infinite as a villain, in both his design and personality. yeah hes kind of a whiny, edgy bitch - but he had potential. and its really gonna suck if this game killed off all that potential in one fell swoop
(then again, thats why we have fan content and aus :3)
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superemeralds · 5 years
yes. a big sonic fish dropping his opinion on the Thing.
i watched the trailers a bunch of times unti li got so exhausted i just ugh.
you will notice i tried to go thru every second and try finding easter eggs but my attention is not enoguh to. Write That Down
if i had t and id be comfortable with my voice id just record audio or do shit in a steam but. yakno :’)
anyways its under the cut.
the movie looks like they asked pen kenders for design advice for sonics model
i absolutely fucking hate his anatomy its bad from any possible perspective and tehres no sugartalking it hes a naked little man with a fursuit head. and that head has a human jaw. somehow.
the cgi on sonic is debateable. hope the movie puts him into the environment a little better with bounce light n shit. (he would probably fit the environment more easily if he was a cartoon)
the overall quality of the movie is standard millions of dollar budged movie. its got explosions and action and over the top cgi and unfunny jokes that somehow make u laugh anyways they tried some really cool stuff but they just. couldn’t execute it the way they’d wish they did (or at least i wish they did)
you WILL be entertained when watching this movie because the actors are doing a great job n the overall execution is okay (not Good but like. passable. think frozen)
generally the characterization of sonic is good from what we’ve seen
eggman is gonna be okay i think, just. different.
love that its probably inspired by SA2 and 06
im trying to be professional with this but if you know me you know this is impossible. i tried.
I’ll do eggman in a reblog tomorrow right now im just too exhausted from having watched the trailer too often
Starts off with the cop whos name i forgot again sittin in his car when sonic speeds thru.
Ofc he doesn‘t believe such a velocity is possible but then he finds an electrifying blue needle in the grass? Okay? How is that still doing sparkly shit when detatched from sonic, and that strongly? I mean I get it but still. Very hmst? Makes one wonder how they explain his power.
Next is the paramound logo but with rings.
Then is a scene of Sonic running thru the woods which reminds me VERY heavily of the sonic fan movie. like RAELLY heavily.
then sonic falls into his... burrow?
notice the stop sign.
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a big biean bag, to cussion his fall probably, and lots of trash. looks like soda and juice and stuff i can’t identify rn. but its a lot of junk.
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he has a fuckton of shoes. all w broken soles bc hes running too fast. (tho its unrealistic for only the soles to be damaged.
and a casette player with a knife on it?
after sonic is seen on a street so we can see his back very well.
then he takes the fuck OFF all with the electricity sparkles. its like the efx ppl were too much into MHA
then sonic breaks the sound barrier and. somehow the entirety of north america doesnt have power anymore. maybe those things arent connected but like. its meant to confuse us and make us think. its probably how sonic came to this world.
then eggman is being an asshole to the military (yay) but hes also like. being the Boss Of The Military Now (nay)
also ofc the villain sidekick is a man of color
THEN the cop finds sonic in a shed.
i would screan too if i saw that in a shed.
then theyre sittin in a van. sonic does NOT have his seatbelt on.
THEN eggman attacks. sonic jumps out of the car to fight him off and save the cop
he does a spindash and flips eggmans car, taunts him and runs back to the cop (very good characterization)
eggman then unleashes a smaller robot car thing
then eggman finds one of sonics needles thats still bbzzzting he even tries to lick it. askjfhksa
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then the scene on the skyscraper thats probably before the gold ring throw
i like that the eggman mechs are all inspired by the 06 aesthetic...
he moves so. slow. in the scenes where hes supposed to be fast.......
they tried to pull a quicksilver but. failed.
i dont like how they used ingame sounds bc. yall removed him fro the game aesthetic. and. do that.
and the. shufflebag scene. im. what. thats. what.
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ok now onto sonics design.
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not even that rainbow flare effect can save the fact he looks like a naked person with a furry mask/headpiece.
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total frontal looks okay. i like the smirk and how deep the eyes are. the nose and the eye thing doesn’t really bother much. he looks like a lil boy that i would like to pet
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why are his hands white though? just give him gloves you heathens..... they look like monkey hands (yuji naka himself made a statement on twitter that he needs gloves)
the proportions are so. hng. the human jaw. n his head attachment to his body..... it works when its a cartoon but like that? it looks weird.
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this angle... why does he have. human lips??? im glad the ears are expressive but. HUMAN LIPS.
why are his eyelids like that.... the peach part is. not enoguh
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THIS THO. this is a good boy. how are they the same model?
and thats where i want to give up bc i dont want to look at him anymore.
hes a naked guy with a fursuit head.
and he doesnt fit into the environment... the shaders on him arent good and they are forgetting the bounce light around him and on him.
but. essentially. yknow. yknow what his design reminds me of?
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same energy.
i wanted this to be professional but im so. tired. i cant anymore ill do eggman another day
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