#he def has no morals as he flares at us often
inkykeiji · 1 year
Fish have no morals
okay the first time i read this i read it as fish have no molars and i was like when you’re right you’re right emma but then i reread it and all i have to say is:
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tell it to this guy
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wavemaker9 · 7 years
other important gta xover shit
Austin and Oliver working together and how good that is? This fucking crew boss that is nothing but pleasant smiles and offers of tea and sweets until you get on his bad side. his right hand man who looks like he'd break if you blew on him too hard but you'll never see your death coming if he's told to take you out. the two actually kinda getting along, as well as austin gets along with anyone anyway, and having pleasant chats over milk and sugar cookies before they start planning a new heist.
Toni’s real good too. Much like Oliver, seems super friendly and relaxed. Talks in an easy, lax tone, full of slang and double negatives and casual cursing. He’s the kinda guy you see in media where someone gets sent to talk to their boss and is all nervous and then the boss is seated at the desk with a huge smile, waving them in, asking them if they’d like any coffee, go ahead and take a seat! Normal Toni is already pretty damn good at manipulating people, he just is genuinely trying to do better so he tries not to do that much and instead wants to be more real about his charm. GTA Toni not so much. He’s not actively like a comic book villain in his badness. He’s still christian, still kind on the surface, but he’s a crime boss in charge of one of the bigger crews in Los Santos. Like Kyle, he doesn’t have any delusions about being pure of sin here (not that normal Toni does either, though, I guess) and he’s comfortable where he is. He has regrets, he repents when he can, but he likes where he is and he’s gonna keep doing this shit. Anyway, straying off a bit, but Toni seeming super chill and warm and nice but also god fucking help you if you give him a reason to hurt you? Mainly I swear I had to have mentioned this before but him getting to do interrogations for info on other crews or planned attacks on his. There the manipulation really gets to come out with a lot of good cop-bad cop but just toni playing both sides and even his bad cop is nice cop just nice as he’s torturing you and asking pleasantly as he twists a knife into a long line of red on your arm wouldn’t it just be easier to tell him what he needs to know? plus just. Again, normal toni does have a part of him from his old days that still loves that violence and blood and everything and that part of him is not so smothered down for gta toni. There’s a reason I put him as Kevin in the wtnv xover and it’s because the further down the bad-person scale you get with toni the more likely he would absolutely decorate the walls in the blood of others, /toni/. I also know I’ve joked about Toni being the nicest of my three boys I write but that was a lie they’re all bad they’re all so bad in their own ways all of them.
Actually Toni & Oliver hanging out sometimes and getting along swimmingly on the surface, but there’s no real connection or history like Toni and Arthur have so Toni will push with Oliver’s crew a bit more and not be so willing to help in dire situations when he wouldn’t be getting much back in return. If someone like Arthur or Francis or Gilbert (and somewhat by extension Ludwig) called Toni up and asked him for a favor in a life or death situation, Toni’d probably do it and just say they owed him later on. If Oliver did, Toni’d probably be negotiating before agreeing to anything or making a bigger deal of how much Ollie owes him, and that’s if he did it at all (though he probably would; doing favors like that helps build the christianly, good guy look he’s got going for the more expendable members of different crews that haven’t seen just how dark he can get; besides, no need to make enemies for no reason. He’s going to get something out of it but he’d really only say no if it was putting his own crew or the crew of someone he valued more at risk).
Ollie doesn’t have any delusions of them being bff’s either though. both get along so well in passing but will 100% talk shit about the other the moment they leave the room. not that toni and arthur won’t do that. but it’s more of a tolerable, less disconnected thing. like the ‘i’m allowed to make fun of ___ because of this relationship we have making it clear i don’t mean it to be hurtful, but you’re not!’ that toni and arthur talking shit about each other to everyone else is part of the game tehy play. it’s just accepted behavior. again, because of the lack of history, none of that association is there between oliver and toni. they smile and hug when they great each other for a meeting, but when toni leaves the room- if oliver leans over to austin and mutters something about how it’s surprising toni can be so clueless as to still not see he’s way past his prime in this biz and how it’s kind of pathetic how he’s still trying to stay in the game? like there’s not really a lot of play to that. that’s not a fun rivalry, that’s ollie 100% talking shit about this guy. and the same for toni taking shots at oliver when he meets gil and francis for drinks that afternoon. basically, to use current internet meme terms) toni and arthur call each other trash, toni and oliver go for ‘garbage’.
after kyle and ivan start like dating, more or less. again, gta kyle still more iffy about the idea of dating, but less for the 'they'll eventually leave me' idea, more just the crew differences make it hard and he's never really 'dated' anyone before. he's had relatively long lasting fuckbuddies and shit, but nothing 'cutesy' like dating, so this is def one of hte kyles where even if they're doing cutesy dating shit, he refuses to call it that. but anyway, they'd both have pretty low morals since it is gta au. gta kyle is i'm pretty sure the worst kyle for tha? there might be worse au's for kyle's morals but gta him's the big worst one i talk about often enough. so the kind of date shit they get up to is just the worst kind of shenanigans. instead of dinner and a show, it's dinner and crashing the heist gil and ludwig's crew are pulling off to shoot flares at them while they try to escape. some of those flares might also be grenades, it's hard to say really- oh. no, no. just saw the explosion, that was definitely a grenade.
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