#he cries when someones mean to him hes not exactly the king of the commonwealtg
kockatriceking · 1 month
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whole buncha sketches of Llwelyn Winters, my Fallout OC. he's not any of the protagonists, he's just your average friendly travelling trader who sells delicious food and other scraps. a regular guy, apart from his albinism
...well, he can transform into a Deathclaw. that's probably not so average, actually.
Llwelyn's parents weren't vault dwellers- born and bred Wastelanders, his father was a trader while his mother was a hired gun. They stumbled across Vault 298 when on their travels, seeking refuge from deathclaw attacks.
There they met Dr Rald. The Dr was the last of the Vault Dwellers of 298, but not through luck- no, he engineered their deaths. He had experimented on each and every one of them, mutating them beyond viability, in a quest to create the ultimate survivalist. Somehow he convinced Llwelyn's parents of his noble goals, and his mother agreed to be experimented on.
It would be her demise.
Llwelyn tore his way from her womb when he first transformed. The young Deathclaw then turned on his father, and would've killed the Doctor if he hadn't sealed the medical chamber's doors against him. But was Dr Rald rightly horrified at his actions? No. He was simply in awe that at last his creation had worked- he had created a perfect survivalist, the perfect predator- a Deathclaw that could disguise itself as a human. He continued to experiment on Llwelyn, the child growing up under an influx of chems, radiation, and bioengineering. Making him faster, stronger, tougher, giving him the regenerative abilities of a lizard, the heat-sensing ability of a snake, and of course the all powerful strength of a Deathclaw. There were drawbacks, of course. Llwelyn's snow-white skin being one of them. His albinism makes him not only highly distinctive, but affects his vision poorly and leaves him vulnerable to bright lights. The other setback was the pain of transformation- staying in the human form hurts, aching bone-deep pain that's unaffected by chems. He's immune to them all by now anyway.
Unfortunately, the Doctor was not a particularly pleasant parent, and his own personality is what caused his demise. He frequently forced Llwelyn to fight and kill other Wasteland creatures, from radroaches to dogs to fellow deathclaws. Eventually he began bringing in raiders. Traders. People. All to "test" Llwelyn's strength, his loyalty, his weaknesses.
He finally decided on Llwelyn's 13th birthday that he was old enough to truly test his mettle in the Wastelands. Believing Llwelyn sufficiently broken, and would never leave his father figure, he arrogantly didn't use any kind of preventative measure to stop the youth from leaving.
The moment Llwelyn stepped outside he was gone.
The Doctor hunted him. Of course he did. Posters and bounties for the snow-white deathclaw still can be found in the settlements around Vault 298. It was described as a legendary beast, a powerful monster nigh unkillable with its rapid regeneration and quick thinking mind. He wanted it caught alive- but would pay handsomely for its corpse. He also offered a bounty for his wayward runaway son, a simpleton who just didn't understand the dangers of the Wasteland. Many money-hungry glory hunters sought the albino deathclaw. None ever made it back. The hunters slowly dwindled even as the money grew. Nobody wanted to fight something so horrific as that. The Doctor grew desperate. Too old to hunt Llwelyn himself, without the aid of Wastelanders he had no chance.
Until someone finally answered the bounty call.
Llwelyn himself.
Now 20, the boy's time in the Wastes had changed him. He'd met a kind lone wanderer who'd also escaped a vault and who offered him company in the empty lands. The kind stranger taught him everything about the Wastes, taking on the boy as a wayward son. They'd parted ways with much sadness but also many happy memories, and now Llwelyn returned alone to finish his own personal quest.
He killed Doctor Rald.
Free at last from the good doctor's influence.
The rumours of the white deathclaw never stopped, despite it never being seen. It's said it was the one that tore apart Dr Rald, the man offering its bounty, as some kind of retribution.
Whatever the story, it's something the lonely trader isn't interested in telling. He's just come to the Commonwealth and is far more interested in selling his wares to the people of Diamond City than silly stories about scary monsters. No, it's not odd that he sleeps outside of the protective walls of Diamond City, in nothing but a simple tent. Plenty of people survive sleeping rough. Raiders and radscorpions and super-mutants and ghouls aren't that common. No, he's never seen nor heard any Deathclaws about. They don't commonly reside near Diamond City anyway. It's probably just rumours and imagination. Yes, he's heard about the band of raiders found ripped to shreds nearby. Probably just super-mutants and their hounds. Nothing to worry about. Incidentally, would you like to buy his new stock of guns? Still smokin' hot!
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