#he also was judgmental of dudes that date way younger women so wonk wonk I don’t have a chance
my crush asked me if I was a cheerleader when I was in high school and I had to admit that I didn’t even go to high school <3 just normal girl things
#it was because I mentioned pom poms and bringing in my old toy ones to cheer on my friend#we were sitting on the same table#I asked if I could move his backpack so that I could sit down because I was tired and had cramps and he so sweetly said ‘yes of course!’#and moved it himself which is the bare minimum of decency but like he just was so soft spoken oh jeez#I told him that I wasn’t homeschooled because of any weird religious reasons#and he jokingly said ‘tell us about the flat earth Natalie’#just some very normal things that gave me butterflies today!!#he also was judgmental of dudes that date way younger women so wonk wonk I don’t have a chance#and he imitated a raccoon and ate candy like Warren Beatty ate that carrot in bugsy#just to make me laugh <3#and I took off my pants again today and he didn’t even flinch because he’s already seen me naked oh silly Natalie#also I was modeling for my friend and he took some test shots while I was talking incessantly about Clint Eastwood go figure#and he was concerned about my lack of sleep! and he said that he hated that some dudes had made me uncomfortable!#and he HARSHLY judged the middle aged man I was trying to have a thing with when I was 19#and uh uh uhhhh#what else#you know I really should just keep a diary like a normal person#whatever anyway it was a nice day even without him because I had fun with my friends even though I was dog tired#also the boy who asked me out before is messaging me and he BEAMED when he saw me today but idk that’s also just how he smiles#so maybe it means nothing#personal
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