stormyykat · 11 months
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this is old but i think everyone should see it now. for me.
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piecesofchess · 1 year
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stormbreaker101 · 2 years
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Pittyober Day 28 - featuring Aquila’s finest hero, Hawkules!
This is a shitpost I’ve wanted to draw for a while. AND I can kinda voice act it. (emphasis on ‘kinda’ lmao) I did the drawing a few days in advance, but the voice-acting right now.
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dailyspiral · 8 months
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day 21 - pittyober day 1, flowers
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that-wizard-oki · 8 months
Some Info on Plunder Hunt
Hey all, saw some folks posting about Plunder Hunt & wanted to share official statements from Hawkules.
First, here's a link to the newsletter about Plunder Hunt for general info.
Second, here's Hawkules statement (via the official P101 Discord) in regards to the feedback we've received thus far:
Begin Quote:
"Real talk.
When a sister company of ours, a game studio of three cool developers, showed us their Pirate game we got excited. We have this really cool chance to help promote the work of people we want to lift at essentially no cost/humanpower to KingsIsle developers. We can share the world that many people know and love and give a neat game a splash of recognizable Pirate101 visuals.
Launch strategy aside.
This mobile game is NOT taking resources from Pirate101. It IS a bonus. A bonus game with familiar characters. A neat option to include in your gaming world if you dig it.
If you don't like it, that's totally cool.
Please don't review bomb an indie studio's first major step into the limelight though. Your feedback on how to make it more fun is very welcome. That small dev team is facing a tidal wave of,,,,, let's call it Responses that is frankly uncharacteristic of this community.
This partnership came from an earnest group thought of "hey this would be cute and neat :D"
Please, please don't let this cute lil game get you upset. It has essentially 0 impact on Pirate101 development.
EDIT: Yes, we know about the ads. We all agree it's a problem. Please standby for news about that…." End Quote
Again I won't speak personally on this because I have 0% involvement with anything reading Plunder Hunt, but it bares repeating: "Please, please don't let this cute lil game get you upset. It has essentially 0 impact on Pirate101 development"
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i know its mostly done to facilitate the player choosing to be a male or female wizard, but im just so happy that they/them is used for the YW :] everyone uses those pronouns for them even the villains and it makes me smile
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burnt-out-wizard · 2 years
I’ve switched to Pirate101 for the time being bc wiz was burning me out and I can now proudly say I fucking love El Toro
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wizzycore · 10 months
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edwardsparkleblood · 9 days
Hawkules(Chris) if you or anyone else lurks wizblr I just want you to know that you can tell me if a Catbeard plush from Makeship is on the way. You can dm me, my inbox is always open. I promise I won't tell anyone. If you need an incentive I'll buy a full year long membership for Pirate101, tell Sam Johnson I'm serious.
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pokerockin · 8 months
Ok gonna go on a quick tangent if I DID return to Pirate101, I’m gonna be mainly focusing on building a crew consisting of Fin Dorsal, El Toro, and Hawkules, and I’ll call them the Beef Brigade
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Just imagining some enemy armada ships boarding mine and just seeing this twinky witchdoctor surrounded by the Spiral’s Swolest is really funny to me
I don’t care that I’m still in Cool Ranch world I’ll make it happen one day (and also Fin Dorsal costs crowns I think)
Honorable mention to Birgus Latro because I know he was the OG bodyguard
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bad101ideas · 2 months
P101 but hawkules is like the charizard from the pokemon anime and won't listen to your orders in combat til he gets promoted and receives character development
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frozenfirecats · 7 months
hawkules shared my “how many genders” thing on twitter which is cool and all but idk if I can handle knowing that actual ki devs are aware of this blog
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piecesofchess · 2 years
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I wasn’t gonna touch this again but in the wise words of Pirate101′s Community Manager:
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stormbreaker101 · 1 year
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dailyspiral · 1 year
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day 6 - i do not feel well so i will spread hawkoro propaganda. be bewitched by my spell
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Fuck it, we posting the Pirateblade101 crossover AU ideas I have lying around. It’s basically the same story as normal Pirate101 but the characters all have access to varying blades. Most of what I have typed up atm is in this post.
How Combat works: Think Pirate101’s battle board system, though with some modifications. Companions have access to the blade stat modifiers, arts, battle skills, and field skills on top of their normal abilities. Specials from the blades become part of the companion’s power list, and upgrade on companion promotion. They function similarly to the guaranteed criticals some companions get, though with the effects of the special instead.
Blade List
Player and General Companions
The Pirate: They can technically have any blade NOT provided by a member of their crew, go wild with it if you write for the AU! However, my default blades would probably be Azami for Witchdoctor, Crossette on Privateer, Newt on Buccaneer, Roc on Swashbuckler, and Herald on Musketeer. Hell, if you put Rex in as a replacement for the player Pirate, feel free to give him Pyra/Mythra. Wanna add the other main characters to the crew? You can do that. Most of the rest of the list is what rare blades I’d give the varying companions.
Bonnie Anne: Vess (mainly bc of the electric element and Bonnie having a heal)
Old Scratch: Vale (her over the top edgy teenager vibe would be funny with Old Scratch’s down-to-earth magic)
Ratbeard: Gorg (Vibes)
El Toro: Theory (to go with Praxis on Sally. One of the Old El Toro’s used 2 blades.)
Monkey King: Non-driver, but is a Blade-eater (ties into JTTW with the whole immortality peaches thing)
Catbeard: Sheba (because the gays)
Gracie Conrad: Poppi (bc it fits her inventor deal) OR Poppibuster
Hawkules: Zenobia (monster hunting duo)
Choice Dependent Story Companions
Kobe Yojimbo: Perceval (purely aesthetic)
Wing Chun: Boreas (hyper man-child meets hyper child motivated by food)
Egg Shen: Nim (Vibes)
Subodai: Wulfric (Hulking big dudes with soft sides)
Kan Po: Ursula (He’d be a supportive mentor figure)
Barnabus: Agate (Big Axe…that’s it.)
Emmet: Dagas (Dagas is an offense support, much like Emmet)
Louis: Finch (Him getting frustrated at the forgetfulness amuses me.)
Mormo: Floren (Mormo doesn’t fall for Floren being manipulative.)
Sarah: Kora (Basically a repeat of Kora’s dynamic with Mythra.)
Gaspard: Perun (Vibes.)
Dead Mike: Kasandra (bad luck/good luck flux and pessimist/optimist duo)
Lucky Jack: Godfrey (Vibes of nice people. Plus pairing a bad blade with a really good companion is funny.)
Birgus: Electra (Big guy, tiny very shocky blade)
Milo: Adenine (she’s the actual brains)
Special Case
Mustang Sally: Praxis (Stole the core crystal when she left.)
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