#having a solid background to draw from makes roleplaying so much better AND easier but I am so fucking bad at it
blujayonthewing · 2 months
there's a bewildering phenomenon where friends-- my DMs even, sometimes-- imply that I'm a Twenty Page Full Paragraphs Backstory Guy, and I very sincerely do not know how or why this happens when I have fifteen dnd blorbos whose backstories are all 'uhhhh they did. things. and they like stuff. and now they are here' like I am a simple idiot and the world's worst 'NO story ONLY concept' bitch are you KIDDING ME?? you've SEEN my backstory! you KNOW this!!!
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beanmaster-pika · 7 years
1, 11, 17, 18, 19, 22, 30, 32, 41, and 46. Have fun~!
Thank ye!
1. Do you listen to music when you write?
Very rarely. I work best with silence or ambient noise, like the hum of the computer or rain hitting my window.
11. Books and/or authors who influenced you the most
Whatever I’ve been reading lately, usually. It feels like it drags when I read something slow, it flows quickly when I’m in the middle of lighthearted fanfics, and I feel like Ourliazo’s KHR stories have really impacted my writing.
17. What writing habits or rituals do you have?
I don’t know if I’d call it a habit, but I like using clacky keyboards and writing during the nighttime. I feel like it helps my creativity.
18. If you could collaborate with anyone, who would it be, and what would you write about?
Probably @dapokemonmadster or @braxtonmonek. Madsta’s writing is really energetic, and it’s a good flow to be caught up in! We roleplayed OCs together for a while a few years ago, which was pretty fun, but 
we couldn’t keep track of the time within the story for the life of us, unfortunately, so I feel like that might be a problem in actually writing. As for Monek, there was a KHR Pokemon AU we were brainstorming a couple months back! It never really took off, but I’d really love to make an honest go of it someday.
19. How do you keep yourself motivated?
I project jump a lot, which is probably a part of it. From this WIP to that one, scribbling down ideas here and there, outlining segments… Unfortunately the downside is I never finish anything 0w0>
22. Who is/are your favourite pairing(s) to write?
!! I don’t really like to write pairings, per se, not much anymore, but a personal platonic fave of mine is Squalo and Yamamoto from KHR! I love poking at their mentor/apprentice dynamic and contrasting personalities.
30. Favourite idea you haven’t started on yet
Nnnnnnnn either the KHR Pokemon AU or my DGM KHR AU. I do love my AUs.
32. Most difficult character to write
Oh, goodness, there’s a lot of them! I can manage several as background, but very few as the main focus. Of the ones I’ve tried, I suppose… Yamamoto? He’s currently the most convenient choice; his lighthearted personality and the underlying natural born hitman are difficult for me to get a solid handle on. Yknow, I used to hate writing DGM characters, but now they seem like the easiest of my fandoms…
41. Any advice for new/beginning/young writers?
Find a style that fits you. Start with that, no matter how good or bad you or others think it is. Then, when you’re comfortable, start to improve on it. Branch out. Try genres you’ve never given a thought to before; you might surprise yourself. Read a lot and draw from those things. Varying genres, varying authors, and varying time periods—find some you like, and try to emulate the specific parts of their styles that you enjoyed. Writing is heavily influenced by the material you take in. Also, you have plenty of room to grow—some take weeks, others months, others years to get to a level that you deem satisfactory. You might slog on or you might hit an accelerated growth period. Also, if you’re young—your brain isn’t fully developed, and you’re nowhere near full emotional maturity or had a lot of life experience. As time goes on, you’ll find some things will come easier to you, or you’ll understand something better, which applies to newbies as well—you need more time and experience. On the more technical side of things, use said as many times as you please, but don’t forget to try out adverbs, or simultaneous actions, and varied sentence structure. You don’t have to abide by the stiffness they have you write in school; use simple sentences or add as many dependent clauses as you dare. Charles Dickens was famous for run-ons. If writing seems tedious, or the community is making you unhappy, take a break. Try out other things. Read some more. Maybe explore another genre. Fiction is a way to express yourself and go wild. Don’t worry about what other people think; save that for when you’re editing a story you want to get published. Do your best, and believe in yourself.
46. Do you reread your own stories?
oh heck ye but im very selective bc some of my old writing is *cringes painfully at the very thought*
(^^^^Tying it into the advice column, this is liable to happen as you get better, but take it as a mark of progress and laugh it off. Peace out, cub scouts. ✌️✌️)
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rudra-writes · 5 years
Pellurin Date Night (Part 7)
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Part of a roleplay story with Telurin’s player. After attending the festival, Pallas confesses his feelings to Telurin, but the death knight has concerns that Pallas may have been too inebriated to think clearly.
The death knight had taken the opportunity of a completely passed out Pallas to slip out of bed at some point. There's a glass of water on the nightstand next to the bed, and Telurin is seated at the table, papers strewn in front of him as well as a fair amount of jewelry crafting equipment, the start of another fine chain beaded with sapphires beginning to come together. Pallas reaching for the stuffed talbuk catches Telurin's attention, and he turns to look over at Pallas just as the Anchorite turns to look at him.
"How do you feel?" he asks, frowning as he looks Pallas over and seeing the answer to his own question.
Pallas curls in on himself in a yawn, then stretches outwards, even stretching his small hoofed feet. "My head hurts." He notices the glass of water. It must be for himself, so he pulls himself up to a sitting position to reach for it. "Did you bring this for me? Thank you."
The priest takes a drink, then looks over at Telurin's table, noticing the activity. He isn't certain what the papers are there for, so he asks, "Are you reading?"
Telurin waves off the thanks, and sets down the pliers he was using to work on the chain, stacking the papers and flipping them over before standing and coming back to the bed and his Anchorite.
"Diagrams, mostly." The death knight says, taking a seat on the edge of the bed and frowning at Pallas. "You drank too much last night, I think. Perhaps next time you will listen when I say you should slow down?" The tone is too gentle for a reprimand, and quieter than he’d normally be in consideration of the other draenei's headache.
"Do you draw your own diagrams?" Pallas asks, his interest perking up even through his headache. But Telurin had turned the papers over, rather to his dismay.
Remembering the alcohol, Pallas wrinkles his nose in distaste, and smiles wryly. "The side-effects really are not worth it, are they? What about you, did you sleep well?"
"I do and I did." The death knight smirks, and puts a cool hand to Pallas's head to help his headache. "I hope you can heal it yourself, I happen to know the Anchorite here does *not* hand out cures for hangovers."
Pallas leans his forehead appreciatively into Telurin's cool hand. Sometimes, the undead state of the other draenei's body had its advantages.
Undead. It was easy to forget that, lately. It wasn't as if Telurin's body appeared to be rotting, flaking or otherwise falling apart. The man had an unsettling aura, but the priest had spent so much time in his presence now it had become something that blended into the background.
Pallas smirks at Telurin's words. "And how would you know a thing like that? Have you been inebriated yourself at this inn before?" Then he nods, raising his own hand to attempt to heal the headache himself. Healing with the Light was more difficult when he was under pain or other duress, but such situations had been part of his training as an Anchorite, and were not unknown to him.
Telurin removes his hand and lets Pallas work, leaning back on one hand, trapping the Anchorite's legs. He'd foregone a shirt, and was only dressed in his pants as they were still in the room with nowhere to be. He had guessed, judging from the amount of alcohol that had gone into Pallas last night, and how tipsy he was, that the he'd be waking up to an unpleasant headache at the least.
"At this inn? Yes, though by then I knew better than to ask." Telurin waits to reply until Pallas is finished, not wanting to disturb him while he was healing.
"I am often found in Embaari. This inn has passable coffee, at least, and I've been told the food is good, if you're up to it."  It's a small confession, lightly given, and the death knight is more interested in Pallas's condition anyways.
Pallas looks up at Telurin after the faint glow from his hand dims and fades away. He smiles, "Better."
He wondered if he was even capable of healing one of the death knight's hangovers. Telurin probably drank enough to kill a person when that happened. //I'll just have to see to it that he doesn't become that depressed,// he thinks to himself.
After a moment, he starts to fidget. "So, um... Last night." Pallas eyes Telurin, uncertain of how his next statement would be taken. "Would it scare you if I said that my feelings haven't changed since then?"
Telurin's expression goes from easy and what passes for open with him to tight. He sighs, which relieves none of his tension and lowers his eyes, avoiding Pallas's gaze.
"It does not scare me, Pallas. I had time to think on it, while you were asleep." He starts with, hand coming to rest on the blankets that cover Pallas's thigh. "And if you feel the same now, well....." He trails off, and puts a hand to his crest, as if feelings, this early in the morning, are giving *him* a headache. "I am not sure what you expect it to change. I have proven my devotion to you, do you need to drag these words from me as well?" A snort, but a soft one, from the death knight, a squeeze of Pallas's thigh, and he shakes his head. //I am too old to play this game,// he thinks, but what he says is, "We will go forward together, my ke'chare."
Pallas immediately looks nervous. So much so, he signs rapidly with his hands. "Don't get the wrong idea! I'm not saying this because I want something different from you, or I want to try to make you feel some way you don't. Or because I need to hear anything. I just... wanted to let you know how I felt." He clutches his talbuk plush to himself. "If I said something like that to you with the intention of wanting something back, I think that would be rather manipulative of me."
"It would," Telurin agrees, reaching out to catch Pallas's hands and soothe his frantic gestures. "But that does not mean people do not do it. Even unintentionally. From you, Pallas, it is a kind gesture, but an unnecessary one. Declarations of love - real or imagined, mean less to me than the actions that those feelings inspire."
Pallas becomes quiet, listening to Telurin. When the death knight finishes speaking, the priest nods, then straightens his back up to wrap his arms around Telurin's neck, nuzzling and kissing under his jaw.
"Even so," he replies, "I'm glad you believe me."
"It's easier to believe when you're in full command of your faculties." Telurin chuckles, bringing his arms around Pallas and stroking gently down his back, comforting rather than provocative. He tucks his chin to catch Pallas's lips with his own, and the death knight’s kiss is similar to his embrace. Solid, dependable, forming around Pallas's lips almost tenderly, meant to reassure Pallas of his own feelings.
Pallas shivers at these tenderly-given reassurances. His tail wags, and he takes his time kissing and feeling Telurin's lips, his eyes fluttering closed.
He opens them again and smiles, his eyes bright and hopeful when he raises them to Telurin's face. He touches a spot below the death knight's clavicle, and remembers, his eyes drawing downward to look, that this was the place where Telurin had been shot, and he'd had to dig the bullet out. And then had sewn up his skin where he had been cut open.
//I never imagined back then, that things would have ever come to this,// he thinks, rubbing his fingers over the place on Tel's skin gently.
There's still a faint scar there, a patch of thinner skin that's nothing compared to the ragged circle lower down, or the long gashes in his side, but up close like this, it's still noticeable, still new with its lighter color and smooth texture. Telurin can feel where Pallas's hand has ended up, and covers it with his own.
"I am glad you were there that day." He says, guessing the Anchorite's thoughts. One corner of his mouth quirks, just the barest hint. "And that you were so forward."
Pallas laughs gaily. "I seem to recall I threw several people out of that inn I dragged you to... Or maybe they left on their own?" His eyes hood, and he wriggles for a moment like a cat about to pounce. "My patient was a very scary man."
"Hmmm..." Telurin sounds pleased to be described as 'scary.' "A joint effort, I think." The death knight reaches lower and tweaks Pallas's tail, hoping to surprise him as he catches that mischievous look.
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