#have some funky info bout meeee
jekyllnahyena · 1 year
If you get this, answer with 3 random facts about yourself and send it to the last 7 blogs in your notifications, anonymously or not! Let's get to know the person behind the blog!
Hmmmmmmmmmmm three things.
1. I'm from a small ass village with technically other villages nearby, but we have absolutely nothing to do in any of them except learn how to drink. Also, when I say small village, I mean 500 people. Dont talk to me with this several-thousand-people bullshit that some call a village. That's a city, thanks. So yeah, I can drink like a madlad, despite my comparably low tolerance. We're very bored and it's ingrained in the culture.
2. I tend to end up in weird and highly unlikely situations, mostly because of my friends. I'm introverted as fuck with an absolutely abysmal amount of social energy that has only gotten worse with se virus. So its rare that I'd land in a situation of my own accord, but my frens n family take care of that. Highlight would be somehow being invited to a rooftop jacuzzi party of some very rich lad in Berlin. I won't go into the details, but it was a very funky day and I only ended up there because of my best friend, who tends to know everyone, everywhere she goes.
3. I've had quite a few near death moments, where, looking back, had I been a bit to the left, I'd definitely be a goner. And I'm talking car accidents, broken appendix, broken skull kinda stuff, not 'I almost slipped and fell hahaha'. The last one was last year. Went skiing for the first time since I was like 13 and promptly decided to try the second most difficult ski run on the whole mountain cause I'm gonna fall anyway, what's the worst that can happen. I'm very proud to say that I actually managed to go down the first time, without crashing even! The second time I basically faceplanted and had to be flown to the hospital, kindaaaa traumatizing my poor bebe cousins along the way. I got away with a concussion and a few scratches, not even a broken nose or anything. Considering that I was pulling a straight run, because I'm an idiot, and going at least 70 kmh, that's pretty impressive. So yeah, I jokingly say I'm unkillable a lot, but I've proven it quite a few times by now. Got it from my papi.
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