#have been my favorite personal Headcannon for a verry long time
Theory Time.
So ever since I read the short story about Lance's disappearance and got to see what Ban's kid actually looked like, I've had this theory...
What if... Lancelot... Is the reincarnation of Rou?
And while I'm so far the only one with this theory specifically, There have been others to point out the similarities.
Exhibit A
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Exhibit B
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Add in the fact that King, Upon meeting Rou, Mistook him for Ban.
And the fact that Oslo was a reincarnation of Rou, Proving that Rou could Reincarnate through sheer will alone.
AND the fact that Oslo was blessed by Mael to reincarnate RIGHT before the end of the war! (Which is very close to Lances Conception)
And I believe that we have a whole bag of clues pointing to Lance being the Reincarnation of Rou/Oslo!
"Why did he reincarnate as Ban's kid though?" I hear you ask, "Didn't he reincarnate for Gloxinia's sister because he loved her? Why not just reincarnate as another animal?"
Your right, he did do that. He reincarnated to take care of what she held precious because he felt guilt for having let his rage blind him in his first life, and what she held precious turned out to be King, and by proxy Elaine. And there my friends, is where we find the connection.
While the promises he made in his first life are still important, he fulfilled those promises, he protected what was important, and gained new things he loved in return.
Remember, Oslo was older then King & Elaine, he appeared right after Gloxinia disappeared, which means that he basically helped raise those two, of course they would be important, he was shown to respond when both King and Elaine called to him, no questions asked.
He loved those kids like his own, so when he reincarnated, he probably would've wanted to stay close.
And what can I say? Ban and Elaine got busy faster then King and Diane.
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