#hashtag asbestos
folkpunk · 2 months
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tears over beers
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ovul8ing · 1 year
Catgirl pheromones have asbestos in them
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It is my sworn duty as an Arknights fan to fill up hashtags for things like #Texas, #gravel, and #asbestos with pictures of anime girls
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kramlabs · 10 months
“Nano particles are the new asbestos “
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eragonpaolini · 2 years
fuckin lady chainsmoking in the courtyard means I can’t turn on my cooling here and it’s like 85F
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keyofjetwolf · 3 years
Bonus Question Answers! (live action heat 2)
I asked a silly question! You gave me incredible answers. SO VERY MANY INCREDIBLE ANSWERS. Now, I present my favourites, but pity me, because it was SO HARD.
If your answer is listed below, you’ve earned an entry in a random draw to win a GIFTENING liveblog OF YOUR CHOICE
Q: What is your favourite Least Known And Probably True No Really I Swear Jet Wolf Fact?
* Once ate a sweater in a blind rage between chapters of the manga  -- Achi  [TRUE, except it wasn’t just one]
* Jet Wolf is Neither A Rock Nor An Island -- @amberlilly [YES EXACTLY DON’T LISTEN TO THE LIARS]
*  Jet wolf's liveblogs average both .05 scenes per minute but at 1000X the words per scene. With roughly 75.5% of those words being in the hashtags alone. (And we wouldn't have it any other way.)  -- forgottenfae  [I haven’t done the math, but that sounds about right!]
* The trigger word for her agent activation is "McElroys"  -- Holligay  [HAHA I HATE YOU GO TO HELL]
*  Jet Wolf's is a secret agent, fighting against a netherverse's plot to take over the world via toilets. She secretly saved Doc's life that night, but no one will remember it as anything but just a drunken toilet punching. -- @kumeko  [THANK YOU FOR RECOGNIZING MY TRUE HEROISM THAT NIGHT]
* [redacted]  -- lott  [I didn’t post what you said because it was too sweet and I got all, like, with feelings and shit and it was gross]
*  Jet Wolf knits to grind for DEX increases, eventually this will give her perfect balance and the ability to pick pockets  -- Nax  [Any day now! Come to me, sweet stat increase!]
*  Despite the obvious answer, her fursona is actually a purple plush cat  -- Revieloutionne  [Everything about this is wrong in every possible way, amazing.]
* Jet Wolf is actually six tiny Jet Wolfs in a trenchcoat. When released they will chant 'Usagi loves Rei Usagi love Rei loves...' to infinity until gathered again. -- @somebitofeverything  [Do not underestimate the might of the Six Tiny Jet Wolfs]
*  Jet Wolf contains trace amounts of asbestos. If you have been exposed to Jet Wolf and have been diagnosed with mesothelioma, you may be entitled to financial compensation. @thatpreciousthing  [I laughed at this when it came in, and I still laugh every single time I see it, thank you.]
I’ll be drawing for the bonus liveblog around the start of THE GIFTENING 2020 (which will be Monday, 11 January 2021). Each bonus question is another chance to earn an entry! AS WE SEE I CAN ABSOLUTELY AND SHAMELESSLY BE BOUGHT.
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ipglaw-blog · 4 years
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Talcum Powder Lawsuits
Ever since Johnson & Johnson was ordered to pay an eye popping $4.69 billion in damages by a Missouri court in May 2019 (later adjusted to $2.12 billion) the public has had Talcum Powder induced Ovarian cancer on their radar.
These lawsuits came in the same time as the “Me Too” movement, and for many women, they felt like Johnson & Johnson deserved a place in the ranks of accused evildoers like Harvey Weinstein. The #MeToo hashtag went viral three years ago on Oct. 15, 2017, sparking a global conversation about sexual harassment and assault. For many women the parallels between #MeToo and Johnson & Johnson are painfully similar.
A trusted company sold a product they billed as a kind of personal “sanitation,” that has alleged to have tragically resulted in Ovarian cancer and death.
The not so subtle message to women was that “down there” was a place that if not cared for by Talcum Powder would result in shame and embarassment. J&J preyed on women’s worst fears and now they are fighting back.
Black and Hispanic Women Targeted
What makes this sad saga even worse is that after Johnson & Johnson had evidence that talcum powder was harming women they re-focused their marketing on Black and Hispanic women and continued to sell the product.
Many women of color have told stories of talcum powder being a ritual handed down from mother to daughter.
This ritual of talc use was no doubt encouraged by J&J distributing samples of its baby powder to churches and salons throughout the black community. Johnson & Johnson continued this practice and targeted marketing despite the knowledge they could be putting women of color at risk. Now women are mobilizing and making their voices hear, and IPG Law Group is here to help.
FDA Issues Warning on Talc
The danger of talc in baby powder dates back to the early 1970’s and is linked to asbestos, a known carcinogen, that can be found in talc. In 2019 Johnson & Johnson prodded by the FDA, conducted a voluntary recall.
The FDA stated in October 2019:
During talc mining, if talc mining sites are not selected carefully and steps are not taken to purify the talc ore sufficiently, the talc may be contaminated with asbestos. Asbestos is a known carcinogen.
Suffered from Ovarian Cancer and Used Talcum Powder?
If you or a loved one has had Ovarian Cancer and used talc for personal hygiene you owe it to yourself to act. Learn your rights, and get the help you need. IPG Law Group specializes in advocacy for the under-served and exploited, and we will stand with you in this fight.
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cdmscotland · 5 years
HSE launches search for acts and messages of kindness towards Britain’s builders
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Members of the public are being encouraged to share messages and acts of kindness for those working in the construction industry, in the run-up to Valentine’s Day.
Using both #WorkRight and #WeCare hashtags, the public are being encouraged to tweet the Health and Safety Executive (@H_S_E) with the little things they do for the construction workers in their lives or send in anonymous messages to strangers just to show they are cared for and appreciated.
HSE hopes that by builders seeing these messages, even if they’re from a stranger, it will encourage them to reflect and take workplace health and safety more seriously.
This drive comes at a time when the regulator is currently inspecting construction sites across London in relation to the management of asbestos with inspectors specifically looking for evidence of construction workers knowing the risks, planning their work and using the right controls when it comes to working with asbestos to protect them from exposure.
HSE’s Andy Gay, acting chief inspector of construction said:
“We are hoping the acts of kindness will remind builders to use the right controls and protect themselves from asbestos because there are people out there who care and would be affected if they became ill or developed cancer later in life.
“Asbestos remains one of the biggest risks to construction workers’ health with 3,500 people from the industry dying each year as a result of work-related cancers, linked mainly to asbestos exposure. Our inspectors are out visiting sites at the moment to ensure employers and workers are taking the necessary steps to protect against asbestos exposure.
“We must ensure all workers are protected and are not made ill or killed by their work. Everyone should be able to leave work and go home healthy to their families.”
Follow the campaign on Twitter at @H_S_E, on Facebook via @hsegovuk and @SaferSites. You can also join the conversation by using #WorkRight and #WeCare
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jayefeather · 5 years
Renters share their housing horror stories - including mould-infested rooms, collapsed ceilings ...
Mould-infested rooms, asbestos, collapsed ceilings and water damage causing havoc - fed up renters are rallying together to share their horror ... from Google Alert - water damage https://www.google.com/url?rct=j&sa=t&url=https://www.dailymail.co.uk/femail/article-6486187/Australian-renters-share-housing-horror-stories-hashtag-rentinoz.html&ct=ga&cd=CAIyGmM1ODA0ODI0ZWVkYWI2OWU6Y29tOmVuOlVT&usg=AFQjCNF7q4An7FmasC4vjtm3eRMFfcn-8A
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paulconqueso · 4 years
The alkaline tang
of metal                        drips                
as I take baby sips
from cup filled by faucet,
& let it coat esophagus,
setting up residence
in this bird-cave            chest.
 Mud-brown sludge
led me
to think I’m unclean
but who fed us that mentality?
 Do we throw babies out             with bathwater?
 I’m from a city where               bodies  drop
& no one stops
to ponder                                  
or worry why—            “Well, they just             die. . .”
 A new ark with no flotation,
just water—water
Filthy sinks afloat
in a wash of despair;
their benefits, ribbons & flag-filtered
profile pics display how such philanthropists
& hashtagging humanists make much of Parkland
or Connecticut—wherever’s      affluent & in the midst  of tragedy.
 This could happen         anywhere else              & be a huge thing
except for
where they don’t care about;
Newark            & Flint              & Irvington
this type of crime happens
every day since rent control      
turned our temples tenements,
placed lead in our curriculum—
it’s a simple system, trickle-down          neglectomics,
 “Let them eat paint…”
 Marie Antoinette Aristocats
shovel shit in boxes & cover-up,
stoic as cancer dolls—asbestos lined halls,
a new age ethnic cleanse like Tuskeege—smallpox,
typhus & cholera—totally not on purpose, tho
you know; the same way white crime
is like white lies;
innocent & victimless
but is it when it cripples kids
before they form full sentences
& suffer permanent brain damage,
making us the statistic they insisted
would perform below standards—Sir, Sir!
Governor          Snyder, Christie;
you won’t do time for this
boldfaced, blatant dis-
regard of those in poverty.
 Dub this ‘the Eugenics Movement pt. 2’,
use children as bargain chips
& guinea pigs & plead ignorance
when CNN comes calling for exposés
on how inaction’s led to death, dismemberment
& war in streets & even deeper pits dug in slums
we can never climb out from with lead slippers on
& Government-issue shovels as the very same System
they built keeps us pent up in the pens they refuse to clean;
travel to, campaign in, take away the basic foundations
of funding for education, protection of housing
regulations meant to prevent gentrification
nests, passed to prevent inner city gaggles          from flocking out,
White Flight is not like migratory patterns
as you know them—when they go,
not one bird returns
except to say how nice
this place once was.
 Alpine Swifts pass out
Brita filters, swear the source
is safe to wade when they never             dipped             toe,
refuse to sip from fountain feeding
this city’s veins quickly hemorrhaging  
each gushing main,        the kind of place
you wouldn’t wait for firemen to crack open
hydrants on ‘cause it might splash back in fray.
 My grandfather was a fire Captain in Newark,
called in to a South Ward five alarm
one May day,                he died
of asphyxiation
amongst the flames
& foundation crumbling,
despite knowing there was
likely no one in there to save.
 He went in anyway.
 & perhaps that’s how we salvage           this,
we go back in
instead of fleeing
when smoke gets thick.
Ashes, like flighty dust-mites    drift      
in droves, a flock of doves
leaving us to squabble
for crumbs
in colonies of rubble
they long forgot about,
but fuck their lack of action—
we’ll stay & face          the flames
devouring our homely place, their ghetto
of a mentality, gulping life like muddy straws
plunged into every pigeon-holed lung
collapsing,        sick as drinks
drunk from birdbaths
where babies    
Water, water,                
& not a solitary drop     of it                  spilled
 Cries & shouts & bodies            
from colonnades—
What bodies?    
*Tap Tap*
 Have a drink…
 Drown all those voices              out…              
 Burn, baby,      
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michaeljtraylor · 5 years
The Asbestos Disease Awareness Organization (ADAO) Applauds the U.S. Congressional Bicameral Introduction of The Alan Reinstein Ban Asbestos Now Act of 2019
WASHINGTON–(BUSINESS WIRE)–lt;a href=“https://twitter.com/hashtag/AsbestosKills?src=hash” target=“_blank"gt;#AsbestosKillslt;/agt;–ADAO Applauds the U.S. Congressional Bicameral Introduction of The Alan Reinstein Ban Asbestos Now Act of 2019. from RSSMix.com Mix ID 8312273 http://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20190307005732/en/Asbestos-Disease-Awareness-Organization-ADAO-Applauds-U.S./?feedref=JjAwJuNHiystnCoBq_hl-VKYzSbOOqBqjKXH5avoZgn7EmNODbxWaoM2s1g-aVmLnkvYMqDDYxFrLs-oQ2BHQx6VAQCkWafJkCXZOmt4bL2KlRga3O461kEs-I8JDeWRx_CEbz6pDQ0WxfZ2Va5bKg==
from Garko Media https://garkomedia1.tumblr.com/post/183299377529
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garkodigitalmedia · 5 years
The Asbestos Disease Awareness Organization (ADAO) Applauds the U.S. Congressional Bicameral Introduction of The Alan Reinstein Ban Asbestos Now Act of 2019
WASHINGTON--(BUSINESS WIRE)--lt;a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/AsbestosKills?src=hash" target="_blank"gt;#AsbestosKillslt;/agt;--ADAO Applauds the U.S. Congressional Bicameral Introduction of The Alan Reinstein Ban Asbestos Now Act of 2019. from RSSMix.com Mix ID 8312273 http://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20190307005732/en/Asbestos-Disease-Awareness-Organization-ADAO-Applauds-U.S./?feedref=JjAwJuNHiystnCoBq_hl-VKYzSbOOqBqjKXH5avoZgn7EmNODbxWaoM2s1g-aVmLnkvYMqDDYxFrLs-oQ2BHQx6VAQCkWafJkCXZOmt4bL2KlRga3O461kEs-I8JDeWRx_CEbz6pDQ0WxfZ2Va5bKg==
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garkomedia1 · 5 years
The Asbestos Disease Awareness Organization (ADAO) Applauds the U.S. Congressional Bicameral Introduction of The Alan Reinstein Ban Asbestos Now Act of 2019
WASHINGTON--(BUSINESS WIRE)--lt;a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/AsbestosKills?src=hash" target="_blank"gt;#AsbestosKillslt;/agt;--ADAO Applauds the U.S. Congressional Bicameral Introduction of The Alan Reinstein Ban Asbestos Now Act of 2019. from RSSMix.com Mix ID 8312273 http://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20190307005732/en/Asbestos-Disease-Awareness-Organization-ADAO-Applauds-U.S./?feedref=JjAwJuNHiystnCoBq_hl-VKYzSbOOqBqjKXH5avoZgn7EmNODbxWaoM2s1g-aVmLnkvYMqDDYxFrLs-oQ2BHQx6VAQCkWafJkCXZOmt4bL2KlRga3O461kEs-I8JDeWRx_CEbz6pDQ0WxfZ2Va5bKg==
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y4s1-20182019 · 6 years
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Speculative blue dust What is this strange blue material? Crocidolite or better known as blue asbestos is a material that has been used to manipulate the lives of the people by creating a dreamy utopian vision which twisted into a complete nightmare causing deaths and tragedies in Wittenoom town, West Australia. In 1930's blue asbestos was found in the Gorges of Wittenoom where the mines and mill were soon built to extract the blue material from the ground. In total around 150 000 tones of this blue material have been mined and shipped overseas. Blue asbestos was used to produce approximately 3000 different typologies of products used in households such as floor tiles, roof tiles, fire-proof curtains as well as production of WW2 equipment. The material was worshiped due to it’s affordability, great properties of heat-resistance and fire-proofness. The roads of Wittenoom town were all covered in this material in order to reduce the heat in the desert landscape of WA. Later on, the hazardous effect of blue asbestos dust was discovered when miners, their wives and children started to feel the pressure on their lungs. It turned out that the fibres of blue asbestos are extremely small that they get inhaled and stuck into lungs causing asbestosis, mesothelioma and lung cancer. In comparison with other typologies of asbestos - blue one is the most hazzardous since the particles are the smallest. In total around 10 000 people died from the decease caused by this speculative blue dust and 500 Australians are still being diagnosed with asbestos related deseases every year. In 2008 the town of Wittenoom was officially closed and deleted from the maps. The town yet still remains full of this toxic material spread on the roads, airport strip, former locations of the houses and especially Wittenoom mine which is 10km away from the town. The whole story of Wittenoom could be perceived as a collective experiment expressed as a trial on 'Petri plate' taking into consideration two ingredients - human and blue asbestos. Considering all the context and historical sequence of blue asbestos dust journey from mines to all over Wittenoom, Australia and the world, what is the next phase of this collective experiment specifically in the area of toxic wasteland of Wittenoom? Retrospective Odyssey The continuum of collective experiment is aiming to collect the dust fibres from contaminated area and bring them back into the place where they came from - Wittenoom mines - by implementing different levels of experiences. In order to achieve this goal, certain neighbouring intelligences are introduced in the area. Every movement of human, animal and especially wind moves the dust and spreads the particles creating toxic environment for all living forms. In order to capture the presence of moving dust particles the grid of sensors is introduced into the area. The sensors are small weather stations that include 3 typologies of sensors: anemometer (wind speed sensor), wind direction sensor and dust sensor. All collected data is then converted into 3D layer of 'dustscape' tracking and sensoring the real - time movement and presence of the particles. The data is visualised to the person by using Virtual Reality glasses or Augmented Reality glasses accordingly to their status, accesibility to information and location. Who are the people to whom this is addressed? Homo Scepticus - the 'non-believers' - 3 residents (Loraine, Mario, Peter) who refused to leave contaminated town and do not believe in the toxicity of the landscape. They still enjoy soltitude of living in the abandoned ghost town close to the nature. In order to survive they had to create their own ways of living there by pumping their own water from the ground, using electricity generator, growing their own vegetables and planning every shopping since nearest town is 120km away. Homo Nostalgicus - nostalgics / sensitive ones who used to live in Wittenoom or have any other relation with the town. The community consists of at least 1600 people who share their knowledge and memories of their previous dreamy lives in Wittenoom in closed group in 'Facebook' called ‘Lost Wittenoom’. Homo Curiosum - toxic tourists / curious travellers - the crazy ones who come to visit the ghost town and share their experiences in social media on 'Instagram' by using hashtag #Wittenoom. Approximately 40 000 curious travellers visit noxious landscape of Wittenoom every year. Homo Agoraphobic - remote travellers / settled ones who do not visit the actual site but explore the ghost town on 'Google' maps and obssesively read all possible articles in relation with the place. Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality experience is addressed to all those typologies of people accordingly to their location - virtual or physical, unlocking and revealing different typologies of information according to their status. How does the voyage of the traveller in the noxious landscape of Wittenoom look like? 1. Arrival. The person travelling to Wittenoom has two roads to enter the site - East and West entrances where firstly a traveller is ought to enter the 'Gate' structure where the car has to be left. 2. Filtering. A person has to enter the filtering corridor where the clothes should be removed and a suit with which a person is allowed to explore the area behind the gates is put on. 3. Protocol. In the filtering corridor person is ought to listen to the declaration of new definitions in the toxic wasteland. MONUMENT - not permanent but rather temporary, mobile, adaptable to locations and emotional levels accordingly to each spectator. Not physical but digital, psychic. ENVIRONMENT - is still toxic. INFRASTRUCTURE - a form of liberation and creativity of an individual to choose the paths of movement and creation of clusters although the general sequence of retrospective odyssey must be followed. At the end of the corridor a person must sign the protocol by palm scan - a reference to aboriginal cave art. 4. 'Mobile nomadic shelter'. In the 'Gate' structure person receives mobile nomadic shelter - 'Wittenoom walker' - with which he can proceed to explore the area. 5. Free-walking / 'Particularities' festival. Person can freely walk wherever he prefers to explore the traces of the lost town or participate in ‘Particularities’ festival on the contaminated surface of airport strip. The goal of the festival is to dance-off the dust from the surface and collect it. 6. 'Lungs'. During the free walking journey at the area a person is collecting the dust on the way. At the end of the valley, above the mines of Wittenoom the 'Lung' structure is situated where a person enters another filtering system - 'dedustification' Phase 1. 7. Collection - pressing. The collected dust is transported to pressing machine and pressed material is stored in the mines. A person is allowed to explore the mines, after that comes 'dedustification' Phase 2. 8. Solar chimney. From this point person can travel to 'Solar Harvesting' structure which is the place to experience the levels of air freshness and harvest solar energy in order to gain power to maintain all the elements. 9. Baloon voyage. The air from solar chimney is used to inflate the hot air ballon which is the last part of transportation. From this point human can travel back to the entrance 'Gate' structure and complete the journey. All together the odyssey from one point to another is oriented in a way to reveal different levels of toxicity, different parts of history and raise different emotions by telling a story of lost noxious landscape of Wittenoom touching every typology of humans accordingly to who they are and how they are related to this very specific location of this athropocene.
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daliapuo-blog · 6 years
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Speculative blue dust
What is this strange blue material? Crocidolite or better known as blue asbestos is a material that has been used to manipulate the lives of the people by creating a dreamy utopian vision which twisted into a complete nightmare causing deaths and tragedies in Wittenoom town, West Australia. In 1930's blue asbestos was found in the Gorges of Wittenoom where the mines and mill were soon built to extract the blue material from the ground. In total around 150 000 tones of this blue material have been mined and shipped overseas. Blue asbestos was used to produce approximately 3000 different typologies of products used in households such as floor tiles, roof tiles, fire-proof curtains as well as production of WW2 equipment. The material was worshiped due to it’s affordability, great properties of heat-resistance and fire-proofness. The roads of Wittenoom town were all covered in this material in order to reduce the heat in the desert landscape of WA. Later on, the hazardous effect of blue asbestos dust was discovered when miners, their wives and children started to feel the pressure on their lungs. It turned out that the fibres of blue asbestos are extremely small that they get inhaled and stuck into lungs causing asbestosis, mesothelioma and lung cancer. In comparison with other typologies of asbestos - blue one is the most hazzardous since the particles are the smallest. In total around 10 000 people died from the decease caused by this speculative blue dust and 500 Australians are still being diagnosed with asbestos related deseases every year. In 2008 the town of Wittenoom was officially closed and deleted from the maps. The town yet still remains full of this toxic material spread on the roads, airport strip, former locations of the houses and especially Wittenoom mine which is 10km away from the town. The whole story of Wittenoom could be perceived as a collective experiment expressed as a trial on 'Petri plate' taking into consideration two ingredients - human and blue asbestos. Considering all the context and historical sequence of blue asbestos dust journey from mines to all over Wittenoom, Australia and the world, what is the next phase of this collective experiment specifically in the area of toxic wasteland of Wittenoom? Retrospective Odyssey The continuum of collective experiment is aiming to collect the dust fibres from contaminated area and bring them back into the place where they came from - Wittenoom mines - by implementing different levels of experiences. In order to achieve this goal, certain neighbouring intelligences are introduced in the area. Every movement of human, animal and especially wind moves the dust and spreads the particles creating toxic environment for all living forms. In order to capture the presence of moving dust particles the grid of sensors is introduced into the area. The sensors are small weather stations that include 3 typologies of sensors: anemometer (wind speed sensor), wind direction sensor and dust sensor. All collected data is then converted into 3D layer of 'dustscape' tracking and sensoring the real - time movement and presence of the particles. The data is visualised to the person by using Virtual Reality glasses or Augmented Reality glasses accordingly to their status, accesibility to information and location. Who are the people to whom this is addressed? Homo Scepticus - the 'non-believers' - 3 residents (Loraine, Mario, Peter) who refused to leave contaminated town and do not believe in the toxicity of the landscape. They still enjoy soltitude of living in the abandoned ghost town close to the nature. In order to survive they had to create their own ways of living there by pumping their own water from the ground, using electricity generator, growing their own vegetables and planning every shopping since nearest town is 120km away. Homo Nostalgicus - nostalgics / sensitive ones who used to live in Wittenoom or have any other relation with the town. The community consists of at least 1600 people who share their knowledge and memories of their previous dreamy lives in Wittenoom in closed group in 'Facebook' called ‘Lost Wittenoom’. Homo Curiosum - toxic tourists / curious travellers - the crazy ones who come to visit the ghost town and share their experiences in social media on 'Instagram' by using hashtag #Wittenoom. Approximately 40 000 curious travellers visit noxious landscape of Wittenoom every year. Homo Agoraphobic - remote travellers / settled ones who do not visit the actual site but explore the ghost town on 'Google' maps and obssesively read all possible articles in relation with the place. Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality experience is addressed to all those typologies of people accordingly to their location - virtual or physical, unlocking and revealing different typologies of information according to their status. How does the voyage of the traveller in the noxious landscape of Wittenoom look like? 1. Arrival. The person travelling to Wittenoom has two roads to enter the site - East and West entrances where firstly a traveller is ought to enter the 'Gate' structure where the car has to be left. 2. Filtering. A person has to enter the filtering corridor where the clothes should be removed and a suit with which a person is allowed to explore the area behind the gates is put on. 3. Protocol. In the filtering corridor person is ought to listen to the declaration of new definitions in the toxic wasteland. MONUMENT - not permanent but rather temporary, mobile, adaptable to locations and emotional levels accordingly to each spectator. Not physical but digital, psychic. ENVIRONMENT - is still toxic. INFRASTRUCTURE - a form of liberation and creativity of an individual to choose the paths of movement and creation of clusters although the general sequence of retrospective odyssey must be followed. At the end of the corridor a person must sign the protocol by palm scan - a reference to aboriginal cave art. 4. 'Mobile nomadic shelter'. In the 'Gate' structure person receives mobile nomadic shelter - 'Wittenoom walker' - with which he can proceed to explore the area. 5. Free-walking / 'Particularities' festival. Person can freely walk wherever he prefers to explore the traces of the lost town or participate in ‘Particularities’ festival on the contaminated surface of airport strip. The goal of the festival is to dance-off the dust from the surface and collect it. 6. 'Lungs'. During the free walking journey at the area a person is collecting the dust on the way. At the end of the valley, above the mines of Wittenoom the 'Lung' structure is situated where a person enters another filtering system - 'dedustification' Phase 1. 7. Collection - pressing. The collected dust is transported to pressing machine and pressed material is stored in the mines. A person is allowed to explore the mines, after that comes 'dedustification' Phase 2. 8. Solar chimney. From this point person can travel to 'Solar Harvesting' structure which is the place to experience the levels of air freshness and harvest solar energy in order to gain power to maintain all the elements. 9. Baloon voyage. The air from solar chimney is used to inflate the hot air ballon which is the last part of transportation. From this point human can travel back to the entrance 'Gate' structure and complete the journey. All together the odyssey from one point to another is oriented in a way to reveal different levels of toxicity, different parts of history and raise different emotions by telling a story of lost noxious landscape of Wittenoom touching every typology of humans accordingly to who they are and how they are related to this very specific location of this athropocene.
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cdmscotland · 5 years
Become a #DustBuster and show your support for our health campaign
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Our inspectors will be visiting construction sites across Great Britain to see if businesses have measures in place to protect their workers’ lungs from the likes of asbestos, silica and wood dust. We will specifically be looking for evidence of construction workers knowing the risk, planning their work and using the right controls. Is your site ready for a health inspection?
Become a #DustBuster and show your support to the campaign by downloading our free selfie cards and sending us your photos via the #DustBuster and #WorkRight hashtags on Twitter at @H_S_E, or on Facebook via @hsegovuk and @SaferSites. We will retweet and repost the best ones so get involved!
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