#haru-simp's head canon
heelanat · 1 year
if jiwoong's the rottweiler, who's the chihuahua?
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rynliadon · 4 years
some haru headcanons (what nooo I’m not projecting shh)
haru has some mommy issues on top of his daddy issues
of course he loves his mom, so much, but she can be controlling and patronizing at times and she just. doesn’t understand him.
in contrast, his dad is his BEST FRIEND. he understands haru perfectly, and while haru knows that you’re not supposed to have a favorite parent, his dad is his favorite.
his mom is there to parent him, to tell him what to do and to protect him. but he really feels like he can talk to his dad about anything. like he could do or feel anything and his dad would understand and help him through it.
he’s mildly popular in his village, he’s got a couple of friends he hangs out with when the work is done for the day. but one by one, they get taken by the fire nation for earthbending. he still knows people, but his best friends are gone.
then his dad gets taken. his mom doesn’t blame him (she never would), but she gets even stricter. more chores, less free time, no bending at all ever. without having earthbending, his friends, or his dad anymore, he goes a little crazy. much angst, talking back, etc.
one day he just can’t TAKE it anymore. he runs out to the woods near his village and smashes the rocks around just to get the turmoil in his head to stop. and it works.
he goes out as often as he can, and actually starts to practice his forms and get better. he’s no toph, but he’s better than your average earthbender. it makes the lonely days easier.
then one day the avatar and a pretty water tribe girl show up out of nowhere and his life changes for the better. (you know this part lol)
haru definitely had a crush on katara (or tried his hardest to; comphet is a bitch). badass revolution girl who brought his dad back? if he wasn't gay he'd be simping
he helps his dad and the other earthbenders rid their villages from the fire nation. and it feels right.
after that, he does whatever he can to stick it to the fire nation wherever he finds them. ruining their supplies, taking on soldiers, the works. he doesn’t stray too far from his village though, his mother (and father) didn’t want him to leave home at 15 (I hc him as 15 I have no idea how old he is canonically)
then he gets a letter from katara. well, maybe not katara PERSONALLY, but the letter said that it was from her dad.
he grew out that dumb mustache because one of his friends thought it would be funny to give him really bad fashion advice fkslfjkd
the first time suki sees him she gently breaks it to him that his mustache looks awful. and oh. oops.
he shaves it immediately
toph is his literal hero. he asks her to spar once and she beats him up. he learns as much as he possibly can from her before he has to be separated from the gaang
the reason toph thinks that haru and katara had a secret “thing” is that she notices the crush he has on her lol (or the crush he was trying so hard to have. haru ily). he tried to talk to toph about it a few times but she just went “ew feelings” and threw a rock at him
when they are separated, he goes with pipsqueak and the duke, and they keep doing what haru and freedom fighters were doing before: just generally sticking it to the fire nation
once the war is over, he goes back home. and it’s… okay. he writes to some friends he made (pipsqueak, the duke, katara, toph, teo) and misses having a purpose. his friends back home are great, of course, but they were never in the thick of things in the same way. 
in one of toph’s letters (katara still writes for her in my mind it makes sense) she mentions that she’s opening up a metalbending school! and haru says YES SIGN ME UP
he’s one of the first people to learn metalbending from toph, and she trains him beyond that too, until he’s an earthbending master nearly as good as she is.  
okay i didn’t go into this thinking of haru & toph friendship specifically but wow i love them
eventually he becomes one of the teachers at toph’s metalbending school! neither of them become cops tho bc i said so
basically just. haru is such a cool side character i’d love to see more from him
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geometricalien · 3 years
revisiting Free! episode 1
it’s been around 6 years since i first watched Free! It has been a hallmark of me getting into sports animes- which i haven’t left ever since- and fandoms. Free was so vibrant with hilarious cracks, Octopimp’s dub, the fantastic fanart and fanfiction, and of course the shipping wars. this show holds a special place in my mind, it is drenched in nostalgia and i thought it would be fun to rewatch it! without further to do- lets get into it
THE WATER ANIMATION!?! BEAUTIFUL can’t believe i forgot that
and there’s shark week- oh right I forgot that he would snap his goggles like that, its such a cute little character bit
light hearted music that has me smiling and bobbing along
god i love a good transition, the close up of Haru’s face and besides simply being 10 years older its the excitement and passion hidden behind sullen drawn down eyes and his hair once dancing in the water is left limp and wet metaphorically showing that his passion and love for swimming is gone. there is no more magic
i- Haru you are so depressed oh my god  i completely forgot that that depressing shit was how we started fdjasklfj
ROCK OP HELL YEAH - wait Rin was crying??? as a sidenote the metaphor of character’s surrounded in water and their passion/skill in swimming is beautiful
Makoto proves to be the boy next door that everyone should fall in love with 
“I told you to lay off the -chan” + grabbing his hand to stand up mmmmmm i love a good parallel  
i get one bullet point for fanservice each post  ahahaha animators why did you draw Haru like that i don’t think i ever wanted to lick abs more in my goddamn life
its so cute that Makoto knew what Haru was thinking it really shows how close they are and the way they both reacted makes me think that this type of interaction happens often enough to be a funny bit in their friendship/relationship- or not? “He needs to get a clue.” things to be thunk about lie there
Nagisa has been on screen for 3 minutes and i firmly remember why i love him so much
oh god the promise of a pool can really sway Haru fdsklajf i thought that was just a 50% off thing fjdksal
wooooowww the rinharu is strong in this one
OKAY YEP HARU HAD A CRUSH ON RIN CANON FUCK YALL for context i never had a particular leaning in any of free’s ships- except for reigisa i love them so so so much
huh Rin was the leader of their friend group
GUESS WHOS COMING TO TOWN??? ITS EDGY BOYYY! AND THAT MUSIC! god i’m not going to survive coming out of this show without shipping rinharu aren’t i fjdkaslfj
they really are two comets racing each other pulled in by the other’s magnetism and potential
i’m also not going to make it out of this show without gaining another red head anime boy to simp and adore and kin
they both were wearing swimsuits the whole day??? god they are such rivals who mirror each other and those are some of my favorite ships aka aokaga and kagehina
also i’m haru, at least once a week i take a bath and try to trick myself into thinking i’m in a pool fjdsaklj
“bitch get in the pool!”
Makoto lookin finnneeeee talk about dripping with good looks bum dum tiss
“I’ve forgotten what it was that I saw.”  --- Rin’s indignation oh my god... that’s... that’s oh my god. that was a gift Haru okay? and you have the balls to say you forgot. like? if Hinata said that to Kageyama about his sets or about the view from the summit or something. or if Kagami said that to Aomine?? fists would be flying
episode 1 is done and yes i do officially ship Haru and Rin fjaklfj 
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sodomygf · 3 years
got tagged by @degenerate-perturbation to talk about Women and i was like man. i never remember shit off the top of my head. then i wrote down some women on a sticky note and managed to sort it all out. not really a list of my top ten favorites as much as a list of Girls I Enjoy. Women I Appreciate.
1. Sera - Dragon Age. sera my beloved. she’s my absolute favorite dragon age character and the fact that a fringe group of weirdos are so insistent upon hating her only makes me love her more. she’s adorable and i think about her constantly. singlehandedly makes inquisition my favorite game. i’m down that bad.
2. Meg - Hades. HOT. i liked meg from the moment i saw her and i will fully admit that a huge part of it is me finding her attractive. i also just really like her and zagreus’s dynamic. i like these two exes feeling out their relationship after one comes to grow into himself as a person.
3. Sumi & Chizuru - Rent-a-Girlfriend. since these two are from the same trashy anime i figured i’d just slap them down here together. on a personal level, i really like sumi because her design and personality are soooo cute. and she’s super sweet. on a meta level i like chizuru because she really is the only option for that simp boy we’re all meant to project on. she’s literally the perfect girl. i adore her.
4. Risa Koizumi - Lovely Complex. mostly on here because lovely complex is my comfort show. risa is peak dumbass representation and i like her so much. i think about her and otani all the time. also i just like that lovely complex is an anime that frames risa as more of a pursuer than a passive figure in her love story. it’s nice.
5. Haru - Beastars. this rabbit FUCKS and there’s nothing you can do about it. i think haru being like, canonically promiscuous and into that because of the power it gives her as a #short queen made me experience some sort of Gender. and also just surprised me because i figured it would be a bev marsh situation (another Woman i like who did not happen to make the list) but it wasn’t! what a legend. i have a whole playlist about her, actually.
6. Sabran & Ead - Priory of the Orange Tree. love this book. these lesbians made me so insane. the tenderness of That One Scene that lives in my head rent free... man.
7. Kazusa - O Maidens in Your Savage Season. all the girls in the series are good but i personally projected onto kazusa. i also projected on hongo, but in a sort of negative way. when women have self image issues my brain is like wow.... relateable.
8. Eleanor Shellstrop - The Good Place. i’ve been meaning to rewatch the good place forever because i just really love the whole show. eleanor is one of those characters who really charms me with humor and her growth as a person makes me kind of emotional. and since i’m talking about her i guess it’s pertinent to say. i really really love chidi, so she probably would’ve gotten the spot due to chidi proximity regardless.
9. Maru - Stardew Valley. this science girl is so underrated. we’ve been married for 2 years and have 2 children on my main save, and i thank yoba for this every day. she’s so sweet and smart and charming.
10. Entrapta - She Ra. i like women who are smarter than me. entrapta is my favorite character in the whole show because of that and her questionable morals. i love a queen who will do anything in the pursuit of knowledge.
11. Violet - Violet Evergarden. bonus because i haven’t really stopped thinking about this sad sad girl since i started watching the show with ed. we’re not at the end yet but honestly it’s got so much in it that i like and violet is part of that. her slowly growing to recognize and understand her own feelings (and suffering) moved me, a curmudgeonly little guy. also i think she is an allegory for jesus christ.
honorable mention.
Daisy Tonner - The Magnus Archives. everyone has to have their fucking hot takes on the cops from the magnus archives and it’s like can you people shut up. saw a long ass post about if it’s moral to write daisy as butch or femme and as a certified black person who does not like cops i wish you people would stop being so performatively woke about this podcast and i hope the fact that it’s officially ended will help you all heal from terminally online disease. also i always pictured her being really hot. i love a morally objectionable fake woman.
talk about women or Else. (there is no else. just if you want to rant about girls i guess) @weredilf, @hyperactiveadhd, @co27, @tazwikia, kathryn if you’re reading this it won’t let me tag you’re blog but you’re also included. begone.
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