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Forever? Ashley’s Instagram #3
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Forever? Masterlist
Tomorrow is the final part of ‘forever?’ I can’t believe we’ve reached the final part so soon! Trust me it’s going to be a dramatic one...be here at 11am GMT to find out how Ashley and Harry’s story concludes...
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Forever? Ashley’s Instagram #2
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Forever? Masterlist
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Chapter Nine: He’s A Rockstar
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Forever? Masterlist
7th April 2017 “Big day today!” Roman welcomes Ashley as she entered the offices, armed with a box of donuts and a fruit platter, her attempt at making Harry and his team feel welcome. She knew he would be getting the VIP treatment at Radio 1 seeing as Harry was so close to Nick, so she wanted to make sure he felt equally as comfortable at Capital.
“Tell me about it,” she sighed, “Harry was texting me all of last night, worrying about what people will think, but you and I both know how loyal his fans are, he could release a nursery rhyme fused with rap, and he’d probably somehow go to number one.”
“That actually isn’t a bad idea.” Roman chuckled, “Anyway, what time is Harold getting here?” 
“Well he’s on the show at 8:30, so just before that I guess.” Ashley explained.
“Good morning you are listening to the Capital Breakfast show that was Shape of You by Ed Sheeran.” Roman said into his microphone.
“Now today is a very special day in music history, because we have got solo artist Harry Styles in the studio,” Ashley told the listeners, gaining an applause from the staff in the studio.
“Hello, thank you for having me,” Harry said softly.
“We’re going to play the track in a minute, but I have to ask you, how does it feel being a solo artist?” Roman asked him.
“It’s weird, but in a good way, I’m excited for you all to hear it, well Ash heard it last week, when she bought Daisy over.” Harry told him.
“And what did you think of it Ash?” Roman asked.
“She cried when I played it, I think they were happy tears, and Daisy, my harshest critic liked it enough not to fall asleep during it.” Harry explained.
“That’s great, well would you like to do the honours of introducing it Harry?” Roman enquired.
“You’re listening to my new single Sign of the Times on Capital.” Harry soothed into the microphone. Ashley sat quietly as the first few lines began to play, “You aren’t going to cry again are you Ash?” Harry got up, wandering over to where she was sat to give her a quick embrace.
“It’s incredible H, congrats man.” Roman gave him a tight hug, patting him on the back.
“Hiya Jean, how’s she been?” Ashley asked, entering the house of her childminder.
“An absolute angel as always, she’s going to break hearts one day.” Jean led her through to the living room where Daisy was playing with two girls around the age of four years old, “she loves playing with these two, and they love playing with her, we also made some cupcakes today, these are Daisy’s.” Jean handed her a pink tupperware box filled with four cupcakes decorated with piles of sprinkles and smarties.
“They’re lovely thank you, I think I’m going to have to grab her and go today, we’re going to my friend’s for dinner tonight.” Ashley explained.
“Of course I understand, I’ll go and get her for you.” Jean bought back Daisy who was babbling away about her toy zebra, a new obsession of hers. 
“Hello little monkey, have you been a good girl for Jean?” she whispered, taking her daughter and bouncing her on her hip, “We’re going to see uncle Harry, you like that don’t you poppet? Thank you again Jean, I’ll see you on Monday, have a good weekend.” Ashley said as she strapped Daisy into the buggy.
“You too love.”
After a stressful ordeal getting herself and Daisy ready for dinner at Harry’s, Ashley finally arrived at his North London home, Daisy in one arm babbling away, she rang the doorbell which was quickly answered by Harry who was wearing the same black shirt from earlier, with some jazzier yellow trousers. “Hello you two! Come on in,” He welcomed them over the threshold into the hallway that Ashley had always found intimidating, “How are you?” 
“We’re good, but I won’t lie, getting this little madam dressed was stressful,” Ashley told him as she tickled  her under the chin.
“I like the pink of her dress, it matches the album cover,” Harry said smugly, pulling faces at Daisy who was clearly having a great time.
“No one’s seen the album cover yet Harry.” Ashley sighed.
“Yeah but it’s great for my natural narcissistic self,” Harry noticed Ashley struggling to take her coat off, “Do you want me to take her?” He asked, before Ashley handed her over, “Shall we go get your mummy a drink Princess Daisy?” Harry asked her as he carried her into the kitchen, Daisy babbling away to Harry, who Ashley had pretty much concluded was her favourite person. Ashley joined them in the kitchen where several people she recognised stood mingling, Lou, his hairstylist, was chatting with Gemma, Anne, Nick Grimshaw and Harry Lambert, people Ashley had met a handful of times. Jeff, Harry’s manager was talking to several people she assumed were from the record label. “Hiya love how are you?” Lou greeted her with a kind hug.
“Not bad, getting Daisy out of the house was a whole mission, I’m sure you know what I mean Lou.”
“Trust me, wait until she’s talking, she’ll want full control of her wardrobe choices.” Lou told her.
“How are things on the dark side Ash?” Nick asked, putting his arm around her shoulder.
“Bright and breezy, Roman sends his love,” The rivalry between Radio 1 and Capital went back years, both radio stations strived to be the number one station for young people, both had succeeded at various points in radio history.
Ashley glanced over at Harry who was holding Daisy whilst talking to his band, “Are you sure Daisy isn’t his?” Nick whispered, loud enough for Lou to hear.
“Positive, we haven’t even kissed Nick.” Ashley assured him.
Before Nick could question her anymore Harry shushed everyone to make a speech, Daisy sat comfortably in his arms, “Firstly, I would like to say thank you all for coming tonight, it means a lot to have my favourite people in one room, I am extremely grateful for you all, I’d like to thank Jeff and the label for all your support with the record, and of course my band for being wonderful people, Lou and Harry for keeping me looking half presentable. And of course mum and Gem, they say it takes a great woman to raise a great man, but in fact it took two, and I love you very much,” Ashley glanced over at Anne who was wiping tears from her cheeks, “And finally my bestest friend of all time, Ash, I feel like the luckiest man that I get to call you my best friend, we’ve grown up together, experiencing life together, and although our lives have taken very different paths, they seem to be running side by side, with the addition of this gorgeous little lady.” 
“To Harry!” Nick cried, raising his glass in the air, everyone following his action.
The party had died down, pretty much everyone had left, except Gemma, Anne, Nick and Ashley who sat sprawled out on the large sofas in Harry’s front living room. Harry entered the room, passing around a bowl of crisps, admiring Daisy who had fallen asleep in Ashley’s arms, “I think we’re going to have to head home soon Haz.” Ashley whispered, “I’d rather get the tube before all the drunks get on it.”
“I’ll drive you if you like,” Harry offered.
“There are two flaws in that H, you’ve had several glasses of wine and champagne, and I don’t have Daisy’s car seat, we’ll be fine on the tube.”
“I’ll call you a cab.” Harry had always been quite protective of Ashley, but ever since Daisy was born he had been even more so.
“I promise we’ll be fine on the tube, if you are really that worried you can walk us to the station.”
And so he did, the pair strolled through the dimly lit streets of North London, Harry insisted on pushing Daisy’s buggy, Ashley held onto Harry’s arm, the warm fabric of his trench coat brushing against her cheek, “It meant a lot to me that you were there today love, both of you.” Harry told her, looking down at her with a gentle smile.
“I was so proud of you today Haz, I wouldn’t have missed it for the world, Daisy adores you, you know that don’t you?” Ashley told him.
“I was proud of you too, seeing you at work for the first time, I can see why they gave you the job.”
“They gave me the job because I’m best friends with Harry Styles.” Ashley sighed.
“I don’t believe that, you were so at home in there Ash, you’ve found your thing.” Harry assured her as they approached the almost empty tube station.
“This is us.” Ashley whispered, taking Daisy’s buggy from Harry.
“Text me when you get home.” Harry instructed her, holding her close to his chest, not wanting to ever let go.
12th May 2017
“Hello rockstar.” Ashley said as Harry opened his front door to see his best friend stood on the doorstep, a big grin on both their faces, she had come straight from work to see him, knowing he would be anxious with all the interviews and meetings regarding the album. Jean being the angel she was had agreed to look after Daisy for the whole day, which made Ashley’s life a whole lot easier.
“So did you listen to it then?” Harry asked her as he led her through to the kitchen, taking two mugs from the cupboard and placing them on the counter before turning on the kettle.
“I did.” Ashley knew that holding off on telling Harry what she thought of his album was sure to make him squirm, as important the opinions of the label and critics were, Harry only ever seemed to care about what Ashley thought.
“And did you like it?” He asked.
“I cried, again.” she sighed.
“At which song?” He asked.
“All of it, the whole way through, my eyes were puffy when I got to work I think Roman thought something was wrong.”
“So which was your favourite song?”
“Now that is a tough one,” Ashley replied as he handed her the cup of tea, “I’m going to have to say sweet creature,” 
“Good.” Harry smiled.
“The thing is I��ve known you for twelve years, and I can tell who pretty much all the songs are about.”
“Is that right?” Harry smirked, raising his eyebrows.
“Two Ghosts, well that's obviously Taylor, Only Angel is clearly about Kendall,” she told him, “One thing I did want to ask you was, you didn’t write Kiwi about me did you? You know, the whole I’m having your baby, it's none of your business thing.”
“No, that one’s fictional,” Harry assured her, before she could question him any further they were interrupted by a knock at the door, Harry disappeared to answer and a minute or so later returned with Jeff, “You’re worrying me Jeff, its not like you to arrive without warning.”
“It’s probably just as well you’re here Ashley, this involves you somewhat,” Jeff explained, “We should probably sit down,” He led them over to Harry’s large dining table, “The press have put two and two together and made twenty five.”
“Jeff what are you on about?” Harry asked, clearly baffled by Jeff’s spontaneous visit.
Jeff pulled out his laptop, opening it to reveal an article titled ‘SHE’S HAVING HIS BABY AND IT IS HIS BUSINESS’, under the heading there were pictures of Harry and Ashley from the release date of Sign of the Times, pictures of Harry pushing Daisy’s buggy whilst Ashley held onto his arm, and pictures of them hugging at the station, as the article continued there were pictures of Harry and Ashley going way back, they were insinuating that Harry’s public relationships had all been an elaborate cover up for his real relationship with Ashley, “So they think Harry is Daisy’s real dad?” Ashley whispered.
“It looks that way,” Jeff sighed “And for legal reasons I need to know whether she is Harry’s daughter or not.”
“Harry is not Daisy’s father, for fuck sake her father may as well have been a sperm donor, because thats how little involvement he has had in he life.”
“Do you need me to make a statement?” Harry asked.
“They’ll probably want a comment from you eventually, this will all blow over eventually, but Ashley you might find in the next few weeks that you get heightened press attention, butt don’t say anything to them they could use against you, and if they do anything to harm you or Daisy in any way tell Harry, and he can tell our legal team who will have that resolved for you.”
“Are you alright?” Harry asked Ashley as she stared out of his living room window, Jeff had gone and it was just the two of them left in the house.
“You would tell me wouldn’t you? If you had written a song about me?” Ashley asked, Harry shuffled on his feet, looking down at the floor, not wanting to engage in eye contact with Ashley, “What is it?” she asked him bluntly, she knew full well when Harry was hiding something.
“I haven’t been completely honest, there is a song on there about you.” Harry muttered, “when you said Sweet Creature was your favourite, I said good, because I wrote it for you.” Ashley stood in silence, not really knowing what to think, “You think that’s weird don’t you? I’m sorry, I should’ve asked if it was okay before I released it.”
“I don’t think it’s weird, I think it’s lovely, in a weird kind of way.” She assured him.
“A weird kind of lovely?”
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Chapter Ten: Make A Wish
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Forever? Masterlist
5th July 2017 Ashley woke up to the sound of Daisy babbling away happily in her cot, the sooner she could get a two bedroom flat the better. She climbed out of bed, greeting Daisy with a massive smile, “Hello birthday girl how are you?” She asked, lifting her out of the cot, getting a babble of random sounds back, she had recently learnt to say ‘mama’, something she  had been overusing extensively. “Shall we have a special birthday breakfast? How about some pancakes?” Ashley asked Daisy as she took her through to the kitchen, resulting in an excited clap from Daisy as she put her in the safety of her highchair. She turned on the radio, hearing the familiar sound of Roman’s voice, understanding that Ashley was a single parent he offered to host the show on his own for the day to allow Ashley and Daisy to spend some quality time together. “Shall we listen to some of Uncle Harry’s music?” She asked Daisy as she weighed out the necessary ingredients for pancakes.
“Yeah! Yeah!” Daisy cried from her high chair, before Ashley began playing some classic One Direction out of the speakers in the kitchen.
London was in the middle of one of those heatwaves, the ones where one week it would be chucking it down with rain, and the next it's uncomfortably hot, For this reason Ashley thought it best to travel by bus, rather than subjecting herself and Daisy to the heat of the London Underground. Daisy seemed content though, she was sat on the seat beside Ashley, looking out of the window as they went past all the big monuments and crowds of people, Ashley spotted a heavily pregnant lady sat across from them, reminding her how unbearable she had found being pregnant with Daisy during the sweltering heat of summer, “How far gone are you? If you don’t mind me asking?” She asked the lady.
“Thirty seven weeks, if he doesn’t grow up to be a footballer these kicks will be wasted.” she told Ashley.
“Oh wow, I thought it was difficult carrying this one through summer, but she was born six weeks early.” Ashley replied.
“Oh goodness, how old is she?” She asked.
“It’s her first birthday today, we’re on our way to her uncle’s house for a birthday picnic.” Ashley explained.
“Oh you’re off the radio aren’t you? I listen to the breakfast show every morning, I think it’s wonderful.” She told Ashley.
“Thank you, I’m glad you enjoy it, as you can probably imagine, getting to work in the mornings after getting this little lady ready can be a struggle, but we make it work.” 
When Ashley first mentioned to Harry that she wanted to organise some sort of birthday celebration for Daisy he jumped at the chance to host it, even though the guests only consisted of Anne, Gemma and Linda, he still wanted to pull out all the stops, Ashley’s knock on the door was answered almost instantly by Harry, a massive smile upon his face, like he had just won the lottery, “Hello birthday girl!” He cried, stretching his arms up in the air, which in turn made Daisy smile from ear to ear, Ashley passed Daisy to him, knowing how much she idolised her uncle, he led them both into the kitchen that had been decorated with an impressive jungle theme, green balloons in a vast variety of colours and sizes littered the high ceiling. Whilst on the island in the middle of the kitchen a two tier vanilla and chocolate birthday cake was sat, decorated with figures of jungle animals, also on the island were bowls of crisps and plates of Daisy’s favourite snacks.
“You didn’t have to do all of this H, she would’ve been fine with a cake from tesco and a bag of chocolate buttons.” Ashley sighed as Harry showed Daisy all the toy jungle animals.
“I wanted to, it looks like I’ll be on tour for her birthday next year, and my favourite little lady deserves spoiling.” Harry insisted.
Gemma, Anne and Linda had all arrived shortly after Ashley and Daisy and now the celebrations were in full swing, everyone was sat around the island snacking on the crisps and biscuits Harry had laid out. “Presents! Let’s do presents!” Harry declared, before disappearing and returning with several parcels wrapped in obnoxiously pink wrapping paper. 
“Anyone would think Uncle Harry wanted to be your favourite,” Gemma said to Daisy who was currently sitting on her lap.
“I already am her favourite,” Harry informed Gemma, before miming tossing his hair, he placed the parcels on the table for Daisy, and with the help of her Auntie Gemma she unwrapped them one by one, Harry being Harry had gone all out, the presents ranged from a giraffe teddy to a pair of mini old skool vans, which Harry insisted were a necessity. Gemma treated her to a set of insanely soft pyjamas and a toy elephant, whilst Anne bought her a set of story books and Linda gave her a new dressing gown that looked like a giraffe.
“Thank you so much, all of you, these are such lovely presents, you’re a lucky lady aren’t you Daisy? What do you say to everyone?” Ashley said to Daisy.
“Ta!” she exclaimed, resulting in a mixture of sighs and claps from everyone sitting around the table.
“I’ve got you one more present,” Harry handed Ashley a green envelope, Ashley opened it hesitantly, inside was a picture from London Zoo, “Before I leave for tour, I’ve booked us a tour of London Zoo after they close, so that Daisy can see all the animals properly, and we won’t have to worry about the hassle from photographers and all that.”
“You’re a proper softie Styles,” Ashley said, moving round the island and wrapping her arms around him, “Thank you for all of this.”
After indulging in slices of Daisy’s birthday cake everyone agreed a walk across Hampstead Heath was necessary, Harry carried Daisy on his shoulders, who seemed to be having way too much fun playing with her uncle’s hair. Anne and Linda strolled behind, chatting about their children, and the adults they had become, whilst Gemma and Ashley walked side by side, “He loves her doesn’t he?” Ashley whispered softly.
“He’d do anything for her, they have the purest little friendship.” Gemma told her.
“I don’t know what I’d be doing if it weren’t for Harry, Daisy and I would’ve spent today watching all the Madagascar movies whilst eating our way through a chocolate cake, but he’s made this day so memorable for her.” Ashley replied as they all found a seat underneath a big tree to provide them with shade.
“You alright up there munchkin?” Ashley asked Daisy, gently stroking her cheek.
“I should probably get Daisy home soon, it's nearly her bedtime.” Ashley sighed,  the sun was beginning to set over the heath, a golden glow dancing on all their bodies, the heath was pretty empty except for a few families and couples who were either enjoying the infrequent summer weather or taking their dogs for a well needed walk. Ashley hadn’t really clocked it at first, but there was a distinctive figure hovering by a tree across from them, being friends with Harry for as long as she had, she learnt to shrug off people loitering near them, assuming they were either a fan or a photographer. But when she caught a glimpse of this person again she realised she did in fact know them, “What the fuck,” she whispered under her breath, quiet enough that Daisy wouldn’t hear, but loud enough that Harry did hear, he glanced in the same direction as Ashley, realising what she had seen. Ashley stood up without saying a word and walked towards him.
“Well if it isn’t Harry Styles’ favourite baby mama,” He slurred, taking a swig of what must have been his fifth or so can of beer.
“What the fuck are you doing here Matt?” Ashley asked him, pushing him back.
“I just wanna see my daughter.” He told her, leaning against the tree.
“No, that’s not happening,” Ashley told him bitterly.
“Why? You scared I’ll see she actually has an uncanny resemblance to that prick over there?”
“Harry is not her dad!” Ashley told him.
“Well then why can’t I see her?”
“You lost the right to see her the day you told me you didn’t want anything to do with her, you know she was born six weeks early? She was kept in an incubator because she was too small, except you wouldn’t know that because you weren’t there, so excuse me for not wanting you to have anything to do with her.” 
“Are you alright?” Ashley turned to see Harry, he had left Daisy in the capable care of Anne.
“Here’s your knight in shining armour coming to your rescue,” Matt slurred.
“I’m fine Harry, can you take Daisy back to yours? I don’t want her seeing this.” Ashley asked him.
“I’m not leaving you with him Ash.” Harry replied.
“How long did it take you mate?” Matt asked him.
“What are you on about?” Harry responded,
“To get her into bed? Didn’t take me too long if I’m honest-” Harry tried to swing a punch at him, but Ashley was quick to hold him back, pressing both her hands against his chest.
“H, he isn’t worth it.” She soothed, cupping his face with one hand, so as to make him look her in the eye, whilst still holding him back with the other.
“If you try and approach Ashley or Daisy again, you will be hearing from my lawyers, do you understand?” Harry asked him sternly.
“I get you big man, I’m not sticking around to deal with you and your emotional baggage.”
The group had now returned back to Harry’s house, Gemma, Linda and Anne were entertaining Daisy with cartoons in the living room, “You didn’t have to step in like that H,” Ashley whispered as she poured him a cup of tea.
“He was out of order.” Harry insisted as he took his mug of tea, “I wasn’t just going to stand there whilst he talked about you like that.”
“He’s not wrong though is he? I didn’t have to sleep with him that night, I just did anyway.” Ashley said, fiddling with the lid on the milk bottle.
“Just because you slept with him that doesn’t make you easy, you think I haven’t slept with people I regret?” Harry replied.
“It’s different for you, a man sleeps with twenty girls and he’s a lad, a girl sleeps with five men and she’s a slag.” 
“You know I don’t think that don’t you?” Harry assured her.
“I know, because you are a gooden, and one day when Daisy brings a boy home I want him to be as good as you, and I think by having a positive male role model in her life like you, she will learn that she deserves someone who if she asks for the world will give her the universe.” Ashley told him.
“Is that you saying you think I am boyfriend material?” Harry grinned.
“Don’t push it Styles.”
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