#happytheoristdreamer draws
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Blue, Blue, Blue. All day every day. <3
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turtleskele · 1 year
For @happytheoristdreamer Bara UnderFell Sans x Reader: Part Three!
Happy Belated Valentine’s!
The Car Thief:
The girl groaned as the alarm on her phone went off, alerting her that it was time to get up. Granted she didn’t have to go into work until 3 but she was adamant to keep a decent sleep schedule.
But last night had been something else....
She was grateful that she still had her car and phone, but she was still perplexed by the behavior of her would be car thief.
An image of sharp teeth and red eye lights passed through her mind. That look of surprise and...concern, when he had handed her her grandmother’s necklace back.
‘Keep it. You need it more than I do toots.’
She shook herself as she felt her face begin to blush. She shouldn’t be feeling that way for a thief. But the image of that mischievous grin and wink from that night, stayed in her mind. 
She rolled over and looked at the ceiling. He had been...different from what she had expected a monster to be. She had heard stories and rumors about them-mostly slander and gossip, but...it made one wary. 
But despite his gruff presence he put off, he had still been more “human” than most of the humans she knew.
She closed her eyes. Humans were the reason she was in this predicament to begin with. 
She sighed. Well...at least she had a job and a roof over head.
Suddenly, there was a pounding on the door. The girl bolted upright. 
Who was that? How could they have found her that quickly?
She stayed silent slowly creeping to her bag, stuffing in what she could, in case she needed to run. 
The pounding came again. 
Slowly she crept to the window, her bag in hand.
“Hey Sweetheart it’s me! Remember from our little ‘adventure’ last night?”
The girl paused. 
The skeleton again? Why was he back? Unless...
Shit, she knew it had been too good to be true.  His boss had probably had him come back to take the necklace anyway.
She peeked out the window. Behind him sat a big moving truck and a small group of other monsters. 
The girl began to sweat. There was no other way to sneak out. And she was sure she wouldn’t be able to outrun them, especially with the uncertainty of their magical abilities.
She was trapped.
The girl swallowed hard. The only thing she could do was open the door and see what they wanted. And if push came to shove-she wasn’t afraid to fight her way out.
He pounded on the door again.
“Cmon Toots, you can’t be that hard of a sleeper.”
The girl slowly approached the door, took a deep breath...and opened it.
Sans was a little annoyed. He hated being out in the open for too long. Sure it wasn’t a great neighborhood, but he hated drawing attention to himself. 
After he had left her place, he hadn’t slept a wink. Besides the fact that Boss had chewed him out for bringing in such a small haul, he couldn’t take his mind off of what he had seen.
As he had tried to force himself to sleep that night, his mind kept seeing the almost bare room and pile of blankets on the floor. Of course he wasn’t living like a king himself, but at least he had a bed.
Sans had kept tossing and turning. Why should he care? A lot of people were suffering in this damned city-ESPECIALLY monsters. They were still dealing with discrimination and low paying, dangerous/disgusting jobs, that humans didn’t want. 
He had his own problems to worry about.
As he turned over yet again, the memory of the pained looked on her face as she offered him her necklace, crossed his mind. The trembling lips and held back tears
Damn it.
Sans finally sat up. If there was one thing he couldn’t stand, it was to see a woman cry. 
He needed to do something to help her or his damn conscience would never let him sleep again.
And now...he stood at her door.
The small crew he had convinced to come help him out stood watching as he waited. He was feeling his face begin to flush.
Where was she?
Just as he was about to pound on the door a 3rd time, he heard the locks click. Slowly the door cracked open.
“Hey...what’s up?”
She sounded cautious, her eyes flicking from him, to his crew behind him. Sans rolled his eye lights.
“Easy toots, we come in peace I swear. But I brought a few things for you.”
The door opened slightly wider.
Sans nodded, motioning for his crew to open the truck. They quickly had it done and started unloading the contents. The girl had to quickly stand to the side as they brought in....furniture?
The girl stared at what she was seeing in disbelief. They had brought in a small table and chairs and small sofa. 
The girl turned to find him handing her her old tv back. She looked back up at him in awe.
“I think I’ve gotcha a bed too, but that might take a couple a’ days. And don’t worry about cable with the tv- ya should be able to get a few channels now, I had a friend of mine fix it with a mini receiver.”
The girl was silent, not sure what she should say. Finally though she was able to choke out a response.
Sans rolled his eye lights. 
“Don’t think too much into it toots. My boss has been buggin me to unload this crap that we can’t resell. Didn’t know what to do with it until I saw your place last night. Figured you’d get more use out of it than the trash heap would.”
I know it’s not complete but I didn’t want February to completely pass before I posted it. Thank you for being my friend and for your beautiful art! Happy (belated) Valentine’s Day!
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chaomingo · 3 years
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Thank you so much @happytheoristdreamer for your donation! Since you did not specify a doodle request, I drew you a possum!
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yuckydraws · 3 years
May I have a match up please (and thank you)?
So, I always struggle with this but I'm ready to try best!
My likes: Jokes, laughing, funny people, wonderful people, walking, nature, drawing, video games, people watching, relaxing with my cat, wearing over size clothes, and coffee (I LIVE on it. It gives me life!).
My strengths: I never give up! If I set my mind to it, I'm going to go get it! I know what I want! I do my best! I work hard!
My weakness: I'm hard on myself (all the time). I overthink. I worry all the time, even over the silliest things. I'm loud person (not at work, unless necessary). I wear my heart on my sleeve.
My pet peeves: People who bite their nails. people who chew with their mouths open. When dog owners leave their dog's poop on the sidewalk. Passive aggressive behavior, if you have something you want to say, just say it (Just talk to me and we'll be okay).
Bro hook me up!! I mean match me up lol :P <3 <3 <3 
~Submitted by @happytheoristdreamer ~
I match you with....
Nox! (Okay I promise this isn’t because I know you like him-)
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(Tumblr really messes with the quality, click on it for better quality of you’d like<3)
He may be complaining but he’ll enjoy the time you guys are spending together (even if he prefers his coffee from home-)
Okay okay okay, I seriously promise this isn’t because he’s a fav of yours!! I honestly think y’all would be really good together. Nox would completely be drawn by your determination and hard working attitude! He admires you!
You love coffee? Oh ho ho- this little man is a coffee connoisseur, he’ll immediately bond with you over that, and offer some of his luxury coffee. (And since he’s taken a liking to you, he won’t even make a comment if you drink your coffee with cream and sugar)
He will gladly go on walks with you, crack some jokes, and relax with you - he’ll call it “our leisure time”. He won’t admit it but he absolutely loves your cat as well-
You don’t ever have to worry about him being passive aggressive, this man is as blunt as they come. He will blatantly tell you what’s annoying or upsetting him, why drag it on when the issue can be solved? Also no need to worry about the other pet peeves, Nox is a man of manners!
Whenever you’re feeling doubtful, Nox will gladly be your reassurance! However he understands the feeling and if what you need is space, he will respect that. He also appreciates your loudness, he used to get made fun of for his loud voice but now he has someone to be loud with! He doesn’t see you being honest with your feelings as a weakness, he sees it as a strength and it’s just one of the things on the long list of reasons he loves you;)
Here’s a scenario:
You and Nox are just chilling on the couch:
Rus, walks in: ohhhh am i catching my brother... relaxing???
Nox, sitting up straight: NO! We are leisuring!
Rus: i think you mean lazing
Nox: No, I mean leisuring!
Rus: lazing.
Nox: Leisure!
Nox, looking at you for support:
You, laughing: If calling it that helps you feel better, go ahead.
Nox, playing along and fake gasping: I’ve been betrayed by my own mate?! The pain!
Anyways I hope you liked this!! Sorry for the wait, things were a but hectic, but I had fun doing yours bro!!
(Also I used the bhc character design, but I’m sure y’all know that-)
Here’s just the lineart if you want it;)
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This is for my wonderful and lovely friend @shythegreenskeleton​
Thank you for everything <3
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I posted 354 times in 2022
25 posts created (7%)
329 posts reblogged (93%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 345 of my posts in 2022
Only 3% of my posts had no tags
#reblog - 266 posts
#funny - 24 posts
#reblog! - 19 posts
#<3 &lt;3 <3 - 15 posts
#cat - 12 posts
#video - 11 posts
#cute - 10 posts
#undertale au - 9 posts
#ao3 - 9 posts
#art - 8 posts
Longest Tag: 95 characters
#i wanted to draw you something earlier but i couldn't think of anything super cute and romantic
My Top Posts in 2022:
I was feeling romantic and being romantic with MafiaFell Sans is needed &lt;3
16 notes - Posted December 6, 2022
This is for my amazing friend @bobateaboo  <3 &lt;3 <3
Your surprise is early &lt;3
I seriously couldn’t help myself! I’m so in love with Solar!​ I hope you like it and enjoy!
17 notes - Posted November 8, 2022
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I did the voice and the art to match with it. I got my hands on a mic and well...I used a voice mod. I’ve been having a blast with the voice mod XD &lt;3
I can now say some wild stuff in a sexy voice SfsgSGkLGHy!!!!
33 notes - Posted November 9, 2022
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Wizard Sans!
45 notes - Posted October 3, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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I drew this last night on my small phone. The app is called ibisPaint X and it’s free. I wanted to try it out…Drawing with your finger on a small phone is hard as heck, like HUH!?
Still it was a lot of fun! I can draw on the go now 😎✨
81 notes - Posted October 25, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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chaomingo · 3 years
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Thank you so much for the donation @happytheoristdreamer!
yes this was 2 months ago
yes this is super late
better late then never though! (plus it's in a better style now, so there's that)
Thank you so much! I'm so glad you like my drawings and I'll continue to create content I hope people love!
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yuckydraws · 3 years
Nox being romantic please and thank you!
Happy Valentine’s Day!!! 😍❤️💖❤️💖🥰
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He’s a confident dude, but I imagine his first Valentine’s with his S/O he would stress over the type of of flowers they would like
Happy Valentine’s Day! Thanks for the request;)
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yuckydraws · 3 years
Nox, 1D please and thank you 😉💕
Sorry this took so long 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️ but I finally had the chance to sketch!!;)
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A very messy sketch 👹👹
Anyways he may or may not be awaiting your reaction to luxury coffee (he really hopes you like it)
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Here was the prompt pic<3
Also the character design is from BHC
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yuckydraws · 2 years
Happy New Years <3
I just wanted to thank some people who made my year so much better!!!! (Also no pressure to respond to these tags, I just want to show my appreciation - and I wanted to make one of these posts since I didn’t last year)
@und3rwat3r-a5tr0naut - While we haven’t talked much, I’ve enjoyed every little interaction we’ve had through tags and simpage!! There’s been multiple times this year where I went and scrolled through your masterlists cause your writing cheers me up every time<3333 you’re so amazingly kind and you’ve made me laugh a lot and I hope you’ve had a good year!! (Also this is silly but thank you for loving Vant so much, honestly that gave me such a boost of motivation aknsjsjakabam)
@pink-garcie - Bro. Bro!!!! I freaking love our conversations so much and I seriously cherish those drawings you did for me. They hold such a special place in my heart and I’m so glad we became friends!! I hope we have more silly convos to come this next year - I particularly loved the one where we imitated how the guys would text kanajjaakab it made me laugh
@kalquinn - Kansjajakab we haven’t been friends for long but omg I’m so glad we are!!! You’re so kind and funny and you’ve helped me feel so much more motivated to write and I want to thank you for your advice and help!!! Also for the mutual excitement, you’re so fun to talk to!! I look forward to chatting with you more and getting to know more about your boys cause I love your writing so much!!!
@ne-crow-mancer / @ufolane (not sure which to tag) - OMG- okay, we haven’t talked much but you’re literally the sweetest person. Your ao3 comments give me life and that fanart you did of my fic??? Oh my god it’s in my drafts forever and I get to look at it every time I’m working on my stuff and it makes me smile. Your art is amazing and I hope you know just how much you’ve motivated me when it comes to my fic.
@jnpie - I freaking love your content so much. Your art is so perfect and I love how much thought you’ve put into HT Papyrus, he’s so sweet as well as a little food goblin. I love reading your writing about him and omg that drawing you did of me and Sans is so freaking cute I look at it so often cause it’s so sweet and wholesome and funny and slsjkajjaqana. You’re very kind and I look forward to seeing more of your drawings<333333
@mariposawolf - We haven’t talked much but I love your art sm and your tags always make me laugh- I always get a smile on my face when I see you on my dash/notifs <3333333
@happytheoristdreamer - You are the most kindest and most supportive person ever, I swear. Thank you for all your motivation and omg don’t even get me started on your art holy shit I love those drawings you’ve made for me so much and I always enjoy our chats when we have them!!!
@kezibun - Your writing is so beautiful, I loved the edge/reader fic you wrote for me and don’t even get me started on the drawing!!! Gah!! My heart!!! I know we haven’t been mutuals for too long but I wanted to thank you for being so sweet and supportive!!
I also want to thank all my other mutuals and followers!!!! Y’all have no idea how much this blog has helped me and it wouldn’t be possible without all your support. From the bottom of my heart, thank you so much, and I’m excited to make some more skele content in the future<333333
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turtleskele · 3 years
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So I was daydreaming, as I do, and I began to daydream about my OC in a relationship with UnderFell Papyrus. Long story short, that led to the creation of OC children.
After being encouraged by my wonderful friend @happytheoristdreamer , I decided to try my hand at drawing my OC children. I don’t draw much but when I do try and take time I do ok.
So I present to you my OC child: Koren!
He is the youngest out of two kids, and inherited most of his Dad’s physical monster characteristics. As far as magic goes, he inherited his mother’s green magic and his strongest ability lies in defensive fighting; but with proper training with his father and encouragement and practice from his older sister, can also mount a terrifying offensive attack. Safe to say, both of Papyrus’s kids could fight their way out of hell.
Despite being a strong fighter, Koren has a very kind and caring personality and is usually friendly with anyone who is friendly towards him.
But beyond home life, Koren’s greatest love is performing! From a young age, Koren loved to sing and perform for others. He loved seeing how happy his performances made everyone and strived to be the best.
By age 18 he was performing at his high school and and small gigs in the city and caught the eye of Mettaton. Once Koren was old enough to legally work for him, Mettaton hired the young monster for his own show produced explicitly by Mettaton.
Now at age 22, Koren has his own show and has become pretty famous among the surrounding monster and human community.
Koren is also very much a fashionista, having grown up admiring his father’s battle body armor and idolizing Mettaton and his showmanship. Koren’s stage presence is fabulous and always stunning! His off stage presence is still a statement with unique pieces.
Needless to say his entire family, including Papyrus are extremely proud of him.
This last picture was drawn by my awesome friend @happytheoristdreamer of Koren in his regular clothes!
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yuckydraws · 3 years
This is for @happytheoristdreamer , I felt bad that I couldn’t draw Nox for that request (idk why but every time I tried it was horrible) so here’s some very messy sketch gremlin Nox content for you;) I hope you like it!
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I’m sure y’all know but this character design for sf sans is from @bonelyheartsclub ;)
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