#happy early valentine's day to my fellow degenerate furries
hornyflapcat · 4 months
MINE: a poem
This is dedicated to someone, and he knows who he is.
I am a predator.  My thoughts are not chaste. I want it understood- you are my prey.
I give you a valentine. On it, it says "be mine." It's not a joke. It's a vow, a declaration of intent.
It is a promise that I will seduce you,  happily give you things you want, because what I want from you is to be forever in your veins.
I want to fill you,  find the places in you  that nobody knows that nobody can reach.
I want to open them, I want to make them mine. I want to make you mine.
Make no mistake: I am not safe. You are not safe. I am a dragon, and you are my hoard. I am a fox in your henhouse, and you can't keep me out. I am a lion, and you are my pride and my joy. I am a fallen angel, and my goal is heaven on earth for us.
So, here's what I want from you. I want you to give yourself to me, to the weight of my desire.
I want my touch, my gaze, to light you on fire. And no, I don't want it to be comfortable, not always.
I'm safe because I want to be. I'm benevolent because I wish to be. I need you to understand that,  and never mistake me as harmless.
I want my cock, my tongue, my fingers to be keys which open your locks. I want to undo you with my wit and my finesse.
But sometimes? Sometimes I want my lust to be a crowbar. I want to force my way inside you,  open you,  in a way you cannot fathom, in a way that leaves you bare and exposed and mine.
It is my need which will fuck you, my mind, my magic, my history, my sorrow, my passion, my body.
I want to claim you, to own you. I want to keep you safe, and heal you. I want to turn your wounds into sorceries.
I want to devour you,  to consume you with faith and frenzy. And when you give yourself to me? When you're mine forever?
I want you to know in that moment when you are empty and blissfully wrung out, that moment which will live eternally in us- you were wanted you were needed and you were delicious.
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