aphro1dite · 7 days
After my prayers to Aphrodite a few days ago, that very same night an unexpected blessing that has immediately changed my life occurred for me. It had been such a long time since I'd had the mental energy to come to the altar. Thank you, Lady Aphrodite!!
If you're looking for a sign to return to your faith, this is it. The Gods will not spite you for straying, and their blessings show in the most powerful and unforeseen ways. May Aphrodite bless you 🤍 💖
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aphro1dite · 13 days
What to put in your hellenic journal and why it helps
Building a kharis with gods using a religious journal is really helpful. It helped me keep my information and my thoughts related to the Gods organized. It can also help beginners if they are uncomfortable reciting hymns out loud.
What could be put inside it:
Every day write one delphic maxim and write how you interpret it or what you think about it
Make a shopping list for your altar and offerings
Compose prayers
Hymns/ prayers to your patrons and Hestia, Nyx, Helios, Hypnos
Write something as if you are conversating with the Gods.
Important information on deities
Favorite offerings, incenses, and libations of the Gods
Important Callendar events, festivals, and key info on celebration
Quotes from the most famous books of Gods that you relate to or want to remember
Instructions on composing prayers
What afterlife means in Hellenismos
What defines hubris, agos and miasma
7 pillars of Hellenismos and their meaning
Do some drawings for the Gods as a devotional act
Include your personal experiences with the divine and how it affected you
Write down the signs you saw during the week
You can also decorate it with the images of Gods
Delphic Maxims:
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aphro1dite · 1 month
bail funds for pro-palestine activists
a15 bail and legal defense fund (supporting community members criminalized in the us for solidarity with palestine)
university of texas at austin students bail fund venmo @ psc_atx (livestream)
columbia students bail fund venmo @ bcabolitioncollective
as of april 15 ct dissenters (new york and connecticut) need bail funs for arrested activists: zelle: [email protected] cashapp: $BristolAntiRacism (use "april gift" in your memo so contributions can be tracked)
the palestine legal defense fund supports acitvists across the united states
palestine legal defence also supplies free legal support for activists
the national bail fund network may update with local bail fund efforts as events continue to unfold
this list is updated as of 24 april 10pm EST. i'll try to update as i find further bail funds and legal supports: if you know of other funds or if information shared here is incorrect, please reblog with updated info (+ a timestamp) so people can give and access support.
palestine will be free, solidarity forever 🍉 🇵🇸
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aphro1dite · 1 month
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Our Lady Venus, Aphrodite
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aphro1dite · 5 months
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Any moment might be our last. Everything is more beautiful because we're doomed. You will never be lovelier than you are now. We will never be here again.
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aphro1dite · 8 months
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daughter of aphrodite 🦪
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aphro1dite · 8 months
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aphro1dite · 8 months
decided to write another poem about love, as a devotional act to Aphrodite again ♡
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aphro1dite · 9 months
Each day I am reminded of her beauty, her grace, her gifts. A brilliant war strategist, a savior of the pregnant, and a holy mother to us all. Only my sweet Aphrodite could hear my prayers and answer them swiftly. Only she could hear my calls of love and worship.
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aphro1dite · 9 months
I give praise to the Lady of Love: Aphrodite. May she shower us all with her love and wrap us in the warm embrace of her divinity <3
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aphro1dite · 9 months
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💕 Devotional post dedicated to Lady Aphrodite 💕
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aphro1dite · 9 months
random things I associate with Aphrodite:
the sound of a heartbeat. tea sets. birdsong. fruit teas. chamomile. the sea on a cloudy and rainy day. snow on the beach. bees hovering around lavendar. walking into a warm shop on a cold day. cold dawn. the sun. the moon. getting into bed after a long day of cleaning. the smell after you just get out of the shower. perfume. rosemary. pink salt. a light blue. beach curls. the sound of kids playing. expensive cheese. eating cake when it’s not your birthday. dancing to music while cooking. calm, cold days.
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aphro1dite · 9 months
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sing, sing, oh i sing to aphrodite who is  most beautiful! she who stirs the passion of men & god alike! o, to she — i sing! golden goddess with soft lashes, golden goddess with soft arms, i spin and sing and delight in  the bright rose that is you. may i dance with  your grace, lifted up as the foam from the sea  as you were — may my smile be blessed with  delight. golden-haired goddess, bless my tongue to be sweet as honey, bless my fingers to be  delicate and swift, bless my steps so they may  bound forth in soft beauty. glory to she — praise  to she! goddess of ever golden smiles, of fierce  beauty, of spilling laughter and delight. o! may i  love as you love — may i delight as you delight! goddess, fill me with your beauty — may i shine & rise above the wrathful waters of those around me  and delight, delight, delight in the glory that you  have given to me! 
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aphro1dite · 9 months
Thinking of beautiful Lady Aphrodite today <3 Truly feeling her divine presence
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aphro1dite · 10 months
In Defense of Aphrodite! - A Devotional Work!
Hello all, this is a thing I wrote a while back, but now that I have a blog, I figured I would share it! I get so annoyed by people giving Aphrodite flak, and dishonoring her by the words they say. While I understand that most of these individuals are not pagans, or even Hellenist for that mater, I still think it is disrespectful. For those of you who are not Hellenist out there or worshipers of Aphrodite, please understand that she is a goddess, and that there are people who do honor and respect her. So, if you a non-pagan can put yourself in the shoes of an Aphrodite worshiper for a moment, you would see why we are annoyed, and quite frankly why we are angry about the recent trends spreading about our goddess on TikTok.
In Defense of Aphrodite:
What this post with cover:
What she is not!
How she shows love!
How she shows beauty!
She extends herself far beyond just love and beauty!
She is a mother figure!
She is not a monster!
What she is not!
People, pagans included seem to shun Aphrodite. They mock her and belittle her. They assume that because in myth she is portrayed as jealous, sadistic, and uptight, that it must be relative to her true nature. However, this is not, and never was the case. Aphrodite is not a monster; she doesn't "curse women who are compared to her in beauty". She definitely doesn't "take away your beauty if you ignore her". She is totally not the "whore" that modern media has reduced her to. She most certainly is not an advocate for the lesser-known toxic femininity that people often cast her with, otherwise known as a diva. She is SO much more than what people see!
How she shows love!
If you would just get to know her, and begin to be one within her bliss, she will show you her truly loving, caring, compassionate, patient, and unconditional nature. This is when you begin to love her as she loves you. When you get to know Aphrodite you see that there is more to life than just slugging through pay-check after pay-check, that there is more to life than what the media will advertise to you, that life itself is beautiful. Life is her gift to us, and thus we should cherish this gift. She animates our soul, and fills us with wonder, and amazement to explore the world, and to explore life with curiosity. Life is such a special and sacred thing. She cried for Adonis when he perished, but this is not just her sadness for the death of her mortal lover, this is the sadness that she feels when each and every one of us dies! That is how much she truly loves us! She cherishes every waking second she gets with us before it's our time to go. She is love incarnate!
How she shows beauty!
Aphrodite can teach us one major thing about beauty, that is, that it is subjective. Beauty is, and always has been in the eye of the beholder. Beauty is not the caked-up face that society has forced upon most women, true beauty comes naturally. You are already SO beautiful and you don't even know it. Beauty is not reserved for celebrities, or models. Beauty is not the stereotypical body standard that plagues society these days. Beauty is for all! Men, and women alike can rejoice, and appreciate the beauty in themselves, and in our world! There is beauty in us, in the rustling of the trees on a windy day, within the hearts of the ducks swimming gracefully upon the pond, within the eyes of any living creature. Aphrodite is beauty incarnate! If you just look for her, she is everywhere!
She extends herself far beyond just love and beauty!
Aphrodite is the goddess of all love and beauty, but she is SO much more than that. She is also the goddess of pleasure, passion, romance, and desire - none of which are inherently sexual in nature but can very well be sexual in nature if one wishes. she is the goddess of the self; self-love, self-care, self-adoration, self-confidence, even self-discipline - the list goes on. She is the goddess of the heart and is a heart healer. You can vent your sorrows to her, and she will listen, and she will guide you to healing. She will speak to you, be it in your subconscious, or in your heart itself, she will heal your sorrows and your pain.
She is a mother figure!
Aphrodite is a mother too, and if you are one who has a not-so-great mortal mother, Aphrodite will take you into her arms, and openly accept you as her own child - though you are not her blood born child, and most certainly are not a demi-god - she will still take you as her own, especially those who lacked the parental love they needed in childhood. She loves her children very much and will do anything in her power to protect them. If Eros is anything to look at in myth, she doesn't let him get away with Psyche so easily, and I feel that as a mother, she was just trying to better understand Psyche before letting Eros pursue her fully. She wouldn't want anyone to hurt Eros. She gives this same loving motherly protection to all her children. She loves us so very much!
She is not a monster!
As we can see, Aphrodite is not a monster, she is not the vile goddess myth portrays her as. She is lovely in nature to say the very least about her character. She loves all, and wants us to realize that beauty is subjective, and that everyone holds their own beauty inside and out. I pray that Aphrodite blesses and protects each and every person who reads this! <3
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aphro1dite · 10 months
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Spending time with Aphrodite at the altar is the best way to spend a Friday night ♡
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