#hanekawa tsubasa x oikura sodachi
animeomelette · 1 year
Post-Owarimonogatari spoilers I guess
Koyomi and Tsubasa would make a terrible couple because Tsubasa lacks self-awareness (at least around the time of Kizu, obviously her character develops later on) and is really bad at communicating her own feelings in any meaningful manner while Koyomi is extremely self-concsious but is also really poor at reading other people
Tsubasa's poor understanding of her own feelings and emotions makes her think she's in love with Koyomi, but the reality is that she's no more in love with him than she's in love with Hitagi. They're both people she is sexually attracted to and they're both friends who mean a lot to her. The difference is that at the very least Hitagi is a good sexual partner for her who doesn't have the same combination of late-adolesence hormone-driven high libido, low-key sex repulsion, and inability to read other's feelings clearly that Koyomi has
In contrast, Hitagi is a very good partner for Koyomi. She's less perceptive of others than Tsubasa is, sure, but she's still a fairly astute woman who more importantly is very aware of how she feels and does not hesitate to communicate that directly and clearly, which is what Koyomi needs more than anything. The bloke doesn't even perceive other people in the urban environment whose existence isn't directly relevant to him right now. He really needs someone blunt in his life
Koyomi sees Tsubasa obviously lusting after him and thinks that his inevitable physiological response to this must mean he's sexually harrassing her, Hitagi sees Tsubasa being obviously sexually repressed after years of living without privacy and thinks "damn, Tsubasa really needs to get laid" and then goes ahead, comes on hard to Tsubasa and then sleeps with her
Koyomi's trouble perceiving what others are thinking or feeling without having it stated to him extremely bluntly a big part of the significance of Sodachi's character. Sodachi is the anti-Hitagi in a lot of ways. She expects Koyomi to pick up on what she is feeling and what she wants from him because it is glaringly obvious to her and she can't conceive of him being as poor on picking it up as he is, which frustrates her because she knows that Koyomi is the sort to view a situation entirely through a lens of trying to actively help or at the very least give advice
Koyomi completely lacks a super-ego where Tsubasa's entire personality has been consumed by the super-ego, and much of her character development revolves around the process of her finally gaining a proper sense of self after eighteen long years of only existing in relation to others, and even then those relationships with others have often been hollow shells of what a familial relationship is supposed to look like, so estranged from her supposed parents that she doesn't even have her own bedroom. In this sense Tsubasa is the anti-Koyomi much as Sodachi is the anti-Hitagi, and that is why I ship Sodachi x Tsubasa
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phantomstatistician · 2 years
Tumblr media
Fandom: Bakemonogatari
Sample Size: 75 stories
Source: AO3
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sejinpk · 7 years
Getting to Know You Meme
I wasn’t tagged by anyone for this, but it sounded fun, so I thought I’d do it.
Relationship status: Starts with “s” and rhymes with shingle. :P
Lipstick or chapstick: I don’t wear lipstick or other makeup, and my lips don’t ever get chapped, so neither?
Last song I listened to: This very lovely version of “Nandemonaiya” from the Kimi no Na wa OST sung by Mone Kamishiraishi (Mitsuha’s voice actress).
Last movie I saw: Kimi no Na wa/Your Name
Favorite color: I think red. That’s a bit boring, though, so I���ll add that one of my favorite color “qualities” is the way that gemstones look (like rubies or emeralds), sort of translucent, with a very deep, vibrant hue. I’ve really come to love the way that purple looks with that color “quality”.
Top 3 shows: This is a little tricky, because some of my favorites I like about equally. I guess maybe the best way for me to answer this is like so:
Kara no Kyoukai and the Monogatari Series
Mushishi; if I can include non-anime stuff, this is probably a two-way tie with Inside Out
Yurikuma Arashi and Fullmetal Alchemist (2003); possibly a 3-way tie with Kimi no Na wa (if not, it’s a very close runner-up)
Yeah, that feels right. Let’s go with that.
Top 3 characters: This should be easy!
Tsubasa Hanekawa (the Monogatari Series)
Tsubasa Hanekawa (the Monogatari Series)
Tsubasa Hanekawa (the Monogatari Series)
What? That’s cheating, you say? Oh, fine. *pouts* :P
Tsubasa Hanekawa (the Monogatari Series)
Shiki Ryougi (Kara no Kyoukai)
Three-way tie between Ginko (Mushishi), Tomoko Kuroki (WataMote), and Deishuu Kaiki (the Monogatari Series)
Top 3 ships: I don’t really ship, and the romantic relationships I root for are typically the canon ones. So the closest would be:
Shiki X Mikiya (Kara no Kyoukai)
Kaiki X Money (Kaikimoneygatari)
Sodachi Oikura X Happiness (the Monogatari Series)
Well, @miyamanga​ already did this, so I can’t tag her. I guess I’ll tag @b1689q and @ronriii. As always, please don’t feel obligated to do this just because I tagged you. :)
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