#half of these are hana but thats ok. i love her
chiisana-lion · 1 year
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luvreyn · 4 years
My Manhwa List (2020) Part 2
2020 just started but a lot has been going on, please stay healthy in these trying times. Hopefully, these manhwas would keep you entertained (like they did to me) and kept you from being too anxious & lonely.
Flirting with the Villain's Dad
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Ack! I'm trapped in this webnovel, "Brigitte Wants to be Happy!" No prob, I KNOW what's gonna happen so I'll just—wait. I'm not Brigitte? I'm her aunt, Princess Yerenika?! Uh-oh. I'm stuck 20 years before the main plot... and everyone in my generation ends up tragically dead! Her parents, dead. Me, dead. Villain's dad, King Euredian, dead. A-ha! That's the key. I just need to prevent the villain from being born... time to break out some seduction schemes and flirt like my life depends on it!
- plot = 5/5 a new favorite!
- art style = 5/5 reminds me of rae x noah art and something else
- characters are all good looking, so aesthetic!
- seriously, this is a gem
- f u n n y
- isekai-sh?
- mc is so cute!!!! 
- ml is so so handsome 
- few chaps for now but so goodd
- i’m so excited for whats in store
- read this pls so we can fangirl togetherr!
- conclusion, a very good manhwa and highly recommended!
Invitation of Mystic Messenger
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The official comic adaptation of the dating-sim game phenomenon has arrived! Hana is usually a glass-half-full sort of person, but lately, nothing seems to be going her way. After yet another fruitless day of job hunting, she finds herself pouring out all her frustrations to a stranger in the street. The kind stranger disappears before they get a chance to exchange names or numbers, however, leaving behind a phone with nothing but a single messenger app. “Can you read this message…?” As soon as Hana logs on, username “Unknown” tells her they know the person she is looking for. Although a little suspicious, she is intrigued. Who was the stranger that lent her a shoulder to cry on? Who is this “Unknown” she is chatting with? To find the answers to her questions, she must first accept a mysterious invitation. Time to get reacquainted with Jumin, 707, Zen, Yoosung, Jaehee and the rest of Mystic Messenger!
- ohmyghad
- plot = ?/5 it only has the prologue but i have great expectations bcoz this is base on a game by the same name (if u dont know it then its ok cause i havent played it either lmao)
- artstyle = 5/5 they look so gooood!
- this has great potential & i’m looking forward to how they’ll incorporate it!
- conclusion, april 12th cant come fast enough! i wanna read it!
Lamia Orphe is Dead
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Lamia Orphe is to become the future successor of the Orphe dukedom but at 22 years of age, she suddenly decides to give up her own title. On the other hand, the 2nd Prince, Aquila Theodore Benzer, has powers that transcend beyond that of a normal human. Notorious for being cruel and merciless as the son of the "desert witch," he competes against his brother, the 1st Prince Ethan Tayler Benzer, to succeed the throne. What lies in store for Aquila and Lamia? How are their fates intertwined with the legendary dragon?
- i cri
- plot = 6/5 because its what it deserves
- artstyle = 4.5/5 
- ml is precious ok he is!
- mc is such a precious bean for wanting to protect her little brother
- this is a gem
- i just wanna cry why do ppl do them dirty huhuhu
- pls read they’re so precious together
- ml treats her like a queen which she deserves
- in this house we dont want toxic males!
- c u t e
- ml loves her so much that its so painful
The Villainess Turns the Hourglass
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After her lowly mother married a count, Aria enjoyed a life full of luxury while harassing her gentle stepsister Mielle. Several years later, Aria is about to be executed when Mielle reveals that she wickedly tricked Aria into building the bad reputation that ultimately brought her to the scaffold. Just as Aria desparately wishes she could change her fate, she sees a curious hourglass that takes her back into the past. Now, Aria can destroy Mielle by using her own tactics against her like a true villainess. The power of the hourglass is on her side... Can Aria take everything from Mielle, or will her actions change the past in ways she couldn't have imagined? Based on the hit novel.
- plot = 5/5 
- artstyle = 3.5/5
- a villain that acts like a villain? check
- f u n n y
- i love manipulative mc (its aria btw)
- aria’s plot and schemes to get back at her backstabbing sister is entertaining
- promising &  full of potential
- cant say much bout ml cause he hasnt made much appearance yet
- interesting concept!!
- conclusion, a new fav!
This Witch of Mine
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In these times, if you're too good or bad at something or simply too beautiful, you're called a witch. The truth is deeper than everyone realizes. Up against dark intentions, an outcast young boy and a mysterious witch will need more than just magic spells and incantations; they’ll need each other.
- why u do this to me author sunbae!
- seriously i just wanna cry after i read this 
- plot = 10/5 because thats what it deserves
- artstyle = 4.5/5 kinda reminds me of lamia orphe’s art style
- a gem
- personal favorite
- i cri
- a rollercoaster ride!
- all characters are lovable & humane
- spoiler: “youre miserable because you love me more than you love them”
- i love all the male lead & mc ok
- male leads (bcoz they’re many) treats my girls so well i just wanna
- a touching story about love & friendship
- i think this often overlook but READ THIS
- conclusion, a super duper highly recommended series that touches you!
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pocmuzings · 3 years
💘 + hana & suraj 😌
wipes sweaty shaking hands . .. . .
where they first met and how : at school ! not entirely sure on grade . . but definitely like . .  middle school . . fresh high school ? hana had just moved , and she saw suraj was in her class and o wow she was smitten she thought he was BEAUTIFUL
how long their ‘flirting’ phase was before feelings got involved : their actual FLIRTING flirting stage was mainly just hana shamelessly hitting on him and staring at his ass . . so what . i think that lasted.. like a year and a half ? before she chilled out a little , and stopped just idolising him and began actually TALKING to him . and then it was still a lil flirty but it was actually like ‘ oh . . oh this guy has thoughts and is smart and thoughtful and sweet and not just a Hottie with a Body . . ‘ 
who fell for who first ( if applicable ): i think hana fell hard initially but it was legit just infatuation and her thinking he was hot . . i think from there . . they both kinda fell for each other ? once they started getting to know each other and working on school projects together . hana figured by then that he was way out of her league , so she’d kinda just given up and was happy just be Friends ? so she never even CONSIDERED suraj might like her too . 
where their first date was and what it was like : oH THIS ??? IM NOT ?? IM NOT SURE ? i feel like when suraj first got his license he probably picked her up and took her out somewhere , and brought her flowers he’d nervously ripped out of his neighbours yard . . and like . he tried to take her to a nice dinner but maybe his car stalled ? she spilled something on her nice skirt ?? it was a disaster lowkey , and ended with them in a carpark of a 7 / 11 sharing a bag of skittles and holding hands probably and it was . . an amazing date . hana didn’t even care that everything ‘ technically ‘ went wrong . 
who asks who out and how ( with a sign? spelled out on a cake? just a simple ‘will you go out with me’? ): AHHH THIS IS HARD TO ANSWER ?? because there was a lot of dancing around it . a lot of uncertainty and jealousy and saying ‘ ha ha we’re just friends ‘ . i truly  don’t know who would have . . made the Move finally and asked out who and how ? i feel like it could have been suraj , but hana misunderstood and thought it was a Friendship thing , too . 
who proposes first: OH IT WAS SURAJ AND WE ALL KNOW IT  . i feel like hana maybe murmured it one night , them half asleep , her face smushed into his neck , like ‘ i wanna marry you ‘ , but it was suraj who literally had the Plan and the idea and the whole set up and he asked her and hana was both surprised and not surprised and SO HAPPY
if they keep / kept their relationship secret or let everyone know right away : they didn’t really , in fact if anything they kept their relationship secret to EACH OTHER . like everyone else kinda knew they were into each other but they were both like . . ha ha . . nah . 
where the proposal happens and how ( kiss cam at a baseball game? on a hillside surrounded by ducks? at a disney park? ) : god u guys are really testing me today . . umm i feel like it was on new years and it was a little cliche , and hana and suraj were hosting a lil drinks together and had dinner with her parents beforehand and yeah . . ok . . suraj definitely did the thing with the Ring in the Glass , and him on his knee just as the fireworks went off . hana probably was laughing and crying and pulled out a ring SHE had for SURAJ in her purse and they’re both dumb idiots in love !
if they adopt any pets together : hana would adopt 2000958489 pets if she could , and suraj rlly has to put his foot down or he’ll come home to so many . luckily , most of their lives they’ve lived in apartments so having pets hasnt been a super high possibility . also . . hana is quite careless and has k*lled many , many of their goldfish . . 
who’s more dominant : hana is more outwardly dominant but only because she’s SO loud and outspoken and talk talk talk talk TALKS . but suraj is quietly dominant ? like he’s the one who’ll put his hand out and immediately Everyone Respects and Listens and Shuts The Hell Up . he can command a room very easily if he wanted to . as for s*XUALLY . . hana LOVES when suraj gets a lil . . u know . . commanding in the bedroom . but she is usually the one who initiates it , and then he will hesitate but get iNTO IT. 
where their first kiss was and what it was like: their first kiss was prom ! they both came with other dates and were acting like they weren’t jealous . hana’s date was a dick the whole night so she bailed , suraj’s date left early to go to some party . . it was them two in a carpark lowkey bickering and then . . oh the kiss just Happened !
if they have any matching couples stuff ( mugs? sweaters? pillowcases? ): OH HANA GETS THEM EVERYTHING . they have mr & mrs everything . she got them his & her towels . . ‘ HANAS BOYFRIEND ‘ as a mug to suraj ( for him to take to work so no Woman talks to him dfkjnfnk ) . they also definitely have 3000 matching halloween costumes , and ugly christmas sweaters . 
how into pda they are : neither of them are actually super super pda-y besides a kiss goodbye / hello , and a hand hold . if they’re a little drunk or tipsy , hana definitely snuggles on in and just Holds him the entire night and presses kisses to his neck because she’s Addicted to him . 
who holds the umbrella when it rains : SURAJ LOOK AT HOW TALL HE IS . and he just does it silently . . he takes it and holds it , and ensures hana doesn’t stumble into her 3000th puddle , or accidentally hit someone with the umbrella ( when she holds the umbrella , she always smacks suraj in the face and doesnt even notice dkjnjnfkfn ) 
where their usual ‘date spot’ is ( if applicable ) : i don’t know if they have one atm ? it was their rooftop for a while probably , in their old apartment complex ? thatd be date night usually . currently ..  they’re pretty happy just having dinner together every night in their house in general ? 
who’s more protective: hana is definitely protective because she doesn’t like the way suraj’s family treats him , mainly . like he’s not a PUSHOVER per se , but he isn’t very confrontational and ppl sometimes take advantage of that , and around his family she KNOWS they hurt his feelings and she really really doesn’t like that  
how long it is before they sleep together ( can be as in ‘had sex’ or as in ‘shared a bed’ ): platonically , they share a bed a bunch of times before they become ‘ them ‘ . hana’s parents let suraj stay over literally whenever , and they have a Knowing look in their eyes and would tease them about ‘ leaving the door open ‘ ( and hana would groan very loudly whilst suraj would stammer out a ‘ no - i - never . . ) . the first time they had sex was also in hana’s bed lets be honest . it was careful and gentle and both of them laughing nervously and moving slowly and taking Care of each other . 
if they argue about anything : they don’t really argue with each other until they moved to mystic and things got Strained slightly . hana started acting quite obviously distant and it started stressing suraj out . other than that . . they argued maybe once or twice about surajs brother ? it was never anything TOO serious but it was a little bickering about how hana didn’t trust him and wished suraj didn’t hold out hope for him , and suraj defending himself and his brother . it’s never been anything too ugly ?? 
who leaves more marks ( lipstick, hickeys, scratchmarks etc. ) : hana . she leaves hickies on suraj any damn day . she also definitely comes to his office and will put on a fresh coat of lipstick and kiss him stupid ( and hand him her panties before stepping out ) because she just LIKES seeing him all flustered . plus she . . maybe likes that people KNOW that its HER with suraj . 
who steals whose clothes and how often : oh we know hana wears his clothes constantly . she loves them . they smell like him . she wears them as pyjamas , or sometimes as a lazy sunday brunch look . he’ll be like ‘ babe did you see my ralph lauren button up - oh “  and there she is on the kitchen bench swinging her legs , grinning at him . 
how they cuddle ( spooning? facing each other? ) : they definitely swap ‘ big spoon / little spoon ‘ positions a lot . or they sleep holding hands , on different sides of the bed , but always touching in some way . 
what their favourite nonsexual activity is  : honestly . . just being around each other dfjkfnfn i know thats so cheesy but its true they love each other so much. their ABSOLUTE favourite thing to do is literally just talk about their days ? or like . cook for each other in the kitchen , or share music together , i feel ? just smth where they can be in their Space but not necessarily have to fill it with anything
how long they stay mad at each other : NOT LONG AT ALL !! barely anytime at all ! except . .One Time in the future when they have a huge blow out and theyre both utterly miserable , but all other small indifferences and ‘ arguments ‘ literally last an hour max . hana just can’t be mad at suraj bc he’s SO sweet and lovely and understanding she just . . always crawls back and knows shes the one being unreasonable 9  / 10 times . 
what their usual coffee / tea orders are : hana always gets a ridiculously bright, overly sugary, coloured drink , or always tries something new ( trying to make her way through the menu ) . i feel like suraj is either more of a long black , or cappuccino guy , or a tea drinker ? 
if they ever have any children together : oh ho ho . .   THIS . .  .woweee . . no, they do not ! not yet . . i want to say ? ?  mayhaps . . 
if they have any special pet names for each other : ‘  babe ‘ ‘ baby ‘ ‘ sweetie ‘ . hana calls suraj ‘ su ‘ sometimes ? 
if they ever split up and / or get back together : they . . split up exactly ONCE . and they get back together because they literally can’t live without each other. the split up isn’t anybodys fault per se , either . its that hana has suddenly a lot of trauma and memories resurface and she doesnt know how to deal with it , and suraj tries to help and it TERRIFIES her and causes this distance and rift between them and then she just thinks maybe he’d be better off without her , so she gives him back the ring and cue them both being utterly MISERABLE . they find their way back together though . they always do . 
what their shared living space is like ( messy? clean? what kind of decor? ) : despite hana being very messy and all over the place , their living space is quite minimalist and clean . hana’s work space is an explosion of materials and colour swatches and scrapbooks , but the house as a whole is neat and tidy and i feel we mainly have suraj to thank for that 
what their first christmas / hanukkah / etc as a couple was like : they spent half the day at hana’s parents , and half the day at suraj’s , then spent the evening / night together . they mainly enjoyed coming back home to each other tbh ? suraj’s family is . . Difficult , and hana tries not to stay around them for too long bc she sees them Drain suraj . 
what their names are in each other’s phones: hana’s name for suraj is probably  ‘ BABY 💕🥰💕🥰💕🥰💕🥰💕 ‘ she probably renamed herself in suraj’s phone too , to like . . ‘ LOVE OF MY LIFE ‘ and he never changed it back dfkjfnkfn 
if they have any ‘couple traditions’ ( buying a new mug for their collection every year? baking every friday evening? ) : their tradition is usually having dinner together every night ? no matter who cooks or what they buy . or even if hana is working late on wedding stuff , suraj will come sit with her and bring her her dinner still . they also send each other Silly Goofy selfies every now and then , just randomly throughout the day 
who falls asleep first and who wakes up first : it really depends on the day ! during the week i think suraj usually falls asleep first ? and hana just rakes her fingers through his hair , because she usually works late and stuff , and tbh she loves when suraj is asleep bc hes a big golden retriever cuddled up to her . but everytime they watch a movie together , hana definitely falls asleep first and misses EVERYTHING  . as for waking up first , i feel like this must be suraj ? because hana loves sleep and also she doesnt sleep very WELL and sometimes has nightmares . 
who’s the big spoon / little spoon : they honestly take turns ok , there i said it . 
who hogs the bathroom : hana literally for every event . she loves makeup so much . she’ll be doing it for two hours , suraj sitting on the bed fully dressed being like ‘  baby i’m not pressuring u but uh . . we’re half an hour late to our own wedding dinner rehearsal ‘ dfkjndfnjk
who kills the spiders / takes them outside : THEY’RE BOTH DECENT AT THIS ? they both take the spiders outside . if its a particularly big one or scary one . . it goes to suraj though . hana PREFERS if suraj does it , but if he’s not around she’ll try her Best . 
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leelee10898 · 6 years
Back to you: Chapter 24 - Colder Weather
Summary: Leo heads to Cordonia to stop Madeline and hopefully get Aria back.  Liam has a health crisis and Aria discovers what Madeline is up to. Catch up HERE As always all characters belong to Pixelberry studios... Except those created for the story. Rating: Mature Chapter/title inspiration: Colder Wether- Zac Brown band
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Tag List: @bobasheebaby @scarlettedragon @alicars @annekebbphotography @speedyoperarascalparty @greyeyedsmile14 @stopforamoment @mind-reader1 @xxrainbowprincessxx @hopefulmoonobject @katurrade @indiacater @bella-ca @blznbaby @blackwidow2721 @liamxs-world @simsvetements @furiousherringoperatortoad @choicesfannatalie @crookedslimecreatorpasta @coldcollectornight08 @laniquelovely @museofbooks @syltti78 @gennesaret
 Leo splashed water on his face, he placed both hands on the sink staring at himself in the mirror of the tiny airplane bathroom. He was tired and run down, dark circles prominent under his bright blue eyes,he looked like shit. His focus was getting to Cordonia and making sure she was ok, he needed to see for himself. He exited the bathroom and sat back in his seat. Leo had been trying all night to reach somebody, anybody, but no one was answering their phone. He couldn’t warn them. He called her number over and over again but it went straight to voicemail each time. Why the hell is nobody answering their damn phones? He looked down at the screen, his thoughts temporarily interrupted by his wallpaper. A photo of he and Aria, the night of the bachelor party. Leo smiling as Aria placed a sweet kiss on his cheek. He stared at that picture until he realized the date. shit, the coronation ball. Damnit, that’s why nobody is answering. He thought to himself. Four more hours until they reached Cordonia.
Liam watched Aria intently, he wanted to make sure she was ok. Praying she was enjoying herself. She had been sleeping a lot, he did not want her to slip into a deep depression. Damn his brother for this. In a perfect world she would want him, but this wasn’t a perfect world, and she loved Leo. “You need to stop staring Liam, people are starting to notice. ” Madeline snapped walking up behind him. “Who fucking cares Madeline” Liam snapped back sitting his glass of scotch down walking across the room to whisper something to Bastian. Anger washed across Madeline’s face as she pulled out the little clear baggie dumping the contents cautiously into his drink, swirling his glass to dissolve the powder. Liam walked back over “Here you are darling.” Madeline cooed handing him the tumbler of scotch. Liam gulped it down in one shot, a smile formed on Madeline’s face that will teach you to speak to me that way she thought to herself.
Aria sat at one of the tables by herself, watching everyone around her having fun. Her best friend came all the way from New York to cheer her up. Granted that may have had a lot to do with the fact that Maxwell had taking a liking to Ellie and vise versa, she watched Ellie laugh as Maxwell spun her around. She caught sight of Hana dancing gracefully with Rashad, she looked so elegant and beautiful. Aria tried her best to put on a brave face but truth be told she was miserable. She missed him terribly, the way he would make jokes about the stuffy older nobles making her desperately try to stiffen back fits of giggles. The way his hand would hold her lower back firmly as they would glide across the dance floor.
 “Ok cut the crap, what is wrong with you? ” Olivia crossed her arms as she sat down next to her. “I’m fine, really.” Aria turned her head away avoiding Olivia’s judgmental stare. “Either you’re going to tell me willingly what happened between you and Leo, or I will force it out of you. ” Olivia threatened. Aria sighed, she knew Olivia wouldn’t let it go. “I seen Madeline kiss Leo Accidentally, his door was cracked open and I peaked in.” Aria blurted out. “Mmhmm, and did Leo lean in? Or put his arms around her as well?” Olivia questioned. “Well, no. Not that I seen.” Aria admitted. “You know Aria, you are a smart girl, usually, but you are being incredibly stupid” Olivias eyes met Arias. “Do you not know how much he loves you? Sure Leo has a reputation, but for as long as I have known him he has never looked at a woman like he looks at you.” “No I guess I never really thought about that. I know he claims to love me, then why kiss Madeline.” Aria tried to argue but she was finding the words hard to find. “Why would he? He wouldn’t Aria. But Madeline, She would kiss him. Think about it.” Olivia grabbed Arias hand. Aria sat back in her chair Fuck she whispered. A smile formed on Olivia’s face “my work is done here.” She patted Arias hand as she got up making her way to Drake. He wouldn’t kiss her, not intentionally. Aria thought to herself. But Madeline Aria shook her head Madeline would kiss him. She should have pushed the door open, she should have given Leo time to react before she ran off and left him. Oh god Leo, the letter, what have I done? Her thoughts consuming her, the sound of Liam’s voice pulled her from her thoughts.
Liam stood in the middle of the floor. Aria stood up and walked to the edge of the carpet. “I would like to thank everyone for coming tonight, I have an announcement to make.” Cough cough “excuse me.” Liam apologized. Lady Aria.“ Liam held his hand forward. Aria smiled and walked forward taking his hand. "I would like to introduce our  newest duchess to court, Duchess Aria Hale of Valtoria.” Liam beams as claps fill the ball room. Aria smiles and curtsies. As the applause dies down Liam continues on with his speech. “ I would also like to make another announcement. ” cough cough cough. Liam clears his throat. “I seem to have something caugh-” cough cough cough. “Liam?” Aria placed her hand on his shoulder in concern. Liam erupts in a fit of coughs and he collapses on the floor.
 “LIAM!” Aria screams as she kneels down next to him, checking for a pulse. Madeline runs over falling onto the floor. “Liam? No no no, nooo, you cant die, no to much, I gave him to much, no.” Madeline panics. Aria turns her head to much? She thinks to herself. Her focus shifts back to Liam, his pulse was erratic. Bastian clears the women from Liam as a team of medics rush in, getting him onto the stretcher rushing him to the Hosptial. 
“Hale! hale what happened?” Drake rushed over to a distraught Aria. “I.. I don’t know he just, he was coughing, and he collapsed.” Aria stammered. “Ari,Ari are you ok?” Ellie ran up wrapping her arms around Aria. “Physically yes. But we need to get to the hospital, Drake, Olivia please. ” Aria begged. “Yeah of course Hale, lets go. ” Drake started towards the door. Aria gave an unsure look between Ellie and Maxwell. “Don’t worry little blossom, I will look after my little petunia.” Maxwell assured her as he wrapped an arm around Ellie. “Hana are you coming?” Aria asked, Hana nodded her head and they met Drake in his truck.
Once at the hospital the group had to wait for Bastian to come and give clearance. “How is he Bastian?” Aria whispered. “He will be ok, hes stable, and he has been asking for you Duchess Aria.” Bastian informed her as he walked them down the long halls of the hospital and into a secluded area. Her heart was in her throat as she opened the door and walked into the room. “Liam?” Aria meekly said as she walked over to Liams side. His eyes lit up, “Aria, you are here. I wanted to make sure you were ok, the last thing I heard was your voice, you were worried.” Liam sat up in the bed. “Of course I was worried Liam, I do care for you. We may not be together but that does not mean I will stop worrying about you. ” Aria chuckled lighthearted. “Yes, I suppose not. ” Liam gave a half laugh before continuing “The Doctors are waiting on some lab results but, I will be released this evening as long as we do not get negative results. ” 
“Thats wonderful news Liam. ” she gave hid hand a reassuring squeeze. A knock came to the door “your Magisty I have your results.” the doctor announced as came into the room, Aria excused herself giving Liam a moment alone. A few minutes the doctor came out to address the group. “ The king will be ok, he was a little dehydrated and had some signs of exhaustion but that was not what bothered us.” “Well, whats wrong doc?” Drake demanded. “You see the king had high amounts of scopolamine in his system.” He continued. “Whats that? scopadolpadoo?” Maxwell tried to pronounce the drug name. “Scopolamine, is a drug that can be used to make people susceptible to persuasion.” The doctor said looking at Maxwell, trying to keep a straight face. “So its a mind control drug.” Olivia blurted out, everyone turned to look at her, their mouths agape. “What? She looked puzzled. "Well,yes scopolamine, or devils breath they call it as well, can be used for mind control. ” “ wait, what did you just call it?” Aria stood up, the name sounding familiar. “Devils breath.” The doctor repeated. As if she were having a vision, the memory of the conversation Aria over heard Madeline and the strange man had in the hotel that day. You’ll have the devils breath tomorrow. It hit her like a ton of bricks, It was Madeline, she was the cause of Liam’s black outs, of his odd behavior, Madeline was poisoning him. She needed proof if she was going to take her down. “Hey Drake, I need a favor?”
“Only one more hour.” Leo bounces his leg in anticipation. He had been sitting in that damn seat for hours, agonizing over everything that could go wrong. He just needed to get there. He cruised the web, looking for any recent breaking news from Cordinia each search returning no information, no news is good news he tried to level with himself.
“I just need you to keep watch Drake. Do you think you can do that without alerting half the palace?” Aria huffed as she picked the lock with a bobby pin from her hair. The door clicked and popped open. “Well I’ll be damned. Remind me to ask you how you learned how to pick a lock later on Hale.” Drake chuckled in astonishment. Aria crept into the dimly lit room, praying Madeline was not there. Madeline disappeared from the hospital as soon as the doctor gave the news Liam had been poisoned. Aria dug through drawers, boxes and bags and found nothing. Defeated she stood to leave, her foot got caught on the leg of a chair sending her into the vanity, her hands hit the top with a loud smack as a hidden compartment popped open. Aria could not believe her eyes. Inside were 5 bags filled with a white substance. “DRAKE” She called out, Drake sticks his head in the door “you ok Hale?” “Yeah drake, call Bastian, I found it.” Aria whispers. She had her, she finally got the evidence to take Madeline down. Aria couldn’t help but smile, a victory finally, if she only knew this was the short game she had played, what Madeline had in store for them next nobody would be prepared for.
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praesaepe · 7 years
ok so its 1:30am and i wanna just list off ow headcanons i have -76 is blind without the visor. just straight up cant see. blizzard can pry this from my cpld dead hands. -hanzo has prosthetic legs below the knees. they were amputated by the clan after an initial attempt to run away post-genji, but after they gave him prosthetics he said “fuck you” and left. blizzard can also pry this from my cold dead hands. mostly the first part because the second part varies by day. -jesse mccree is trans and came out to his moms when he was 13. -jesse mccree has two moms. im not solid on their names but one is latina and the other is native. i need to do more research before i specify tribe but since chu said “sasketchewan” thats definitely where i will be looking. -jesse half joined deadlock by taking a few jobs to help his family make ends meet. they started pulling him in more and used his teenage angst to poison his relationship with his parents, then pulled him away by age 15. they kept him from going back to them until deadlock was busted. about two years after mccree joined blackwatch gabe helped him get back in touch with them. he regularly talks to them even when on the run. he has two younger siblings. -hana has one little brother she loves very much. she fights the omnic in sea thinking of him and her parents. -hanzo and genji were close as children but as they grew older their environment pulled them apart. the elders put a lot of pressure on hanzo and tried to put the same pressure on genji but sojiro had a tendency to pamper genji (canon i believe) and it drove them apart even further. -genji wasnt a morally perfect guy when he tried to leave. he had some issues with the business but he didnt actually believe everything was terrible. he just wanted out because of the pressure on him, especially following sojiros death. -genji is trans. -talon attempted to brainwash gabe over the course of time preceeding overwatch’s fall, using similar methods they used to get widow but more refined. he managed to catch it but let them think it was working so after overwatch feel he took on the mantle of reaper and started working for talon. hed sabatoging it from the inside. masque of red death motherfuckers. -that being said he did have a fuckton of personal issues with jack after overwatch took off. they had been close comrades before but the stresses of command and treatment of blackwatch by the UN started souring it. -gabriel reyes was a goddamn ray of sunshine that knew how to be firm with his men but also how to connect with them and truly earn their respect. he was an extremely good leader, and very calm and collected in all scenarios.
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