moonheartsfaithcomic · 5 months
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whitelupin · 4 years
The trouble started when Snowstar and Honeystar died. Their power was thrust into the paws of their sons, who were inexperienced and perhaps didn’t deserve the Light as much as their mothers.
With Snowstar dead, a question lingered in Wolfheart’s mind. Did this mean ShadowClan needed another leader to stand in her place? Fangstar was still alive, but they had been co-leaders.
He raised the question at a Gathering, and everything fell into chaos.
There are six contenders for the leadership of ShadowClan. The following page reviews their eligibility, their proposals, and their Clans.
Fangstar is ShadowClan’s current remaining leader. He has not yet lost a life, and holds all four StarClan has given him. He is a direct descendant from Brindlestar, and the oldest option.
He proposes that StarClan give him the remaining life neither he nor Snowstar were granted, and that ShadowClan falls back into a single-leader-monarchy.
Fangstar was born in ShadowClan, to former leader Pebblestar and ShadowClan molly Sagewhisker.
Wolfheart is the first-born kit of Snowstar, who was Pebblestar’s first-born. Traditionally, the role of leader would fall to him, but the presence of another living leader complicates things.
Wolfheart proposes that he take Snowstar’s place and be granted the four lives that she lost. While Snowstar split her time between ThunderClan and ShadowClan life equally, Wolfheart promises to spend all his effort on ShadowClan.
He was born to Hazelstar, ThunderClan leader, and Snowstar. As Snowstar was half-ShadowClan, Wolfheart is 1/4.
Silvertongue is the first-born kit of Fangstar and his mate Nettlefur. She is the official heir to ShadowClan’s leadership according to Fangstar.
She does not believe that she should lead ShadowClan yet, but will take the place of her aunt if it solves the conflict. However, she says that she would serve more as an adviser to Fangstar until her official turn came.
Silvertongue is full-blood ShadowClan.
Summerfur is Wintertail’s first-born kit, and believed to be the daughter of Fangstar.
Summerfur’s plans as leader mostly revolve around the revoking of the hereditary system. She believes that the system has fulfilled its purpose with Snowstar and Fangstar, and that ShadowClan should follow the way of the other Clans.
She is indeed Fangstar’s daughter, and was born before Silvertongue.
Reddapple is only related to the ShadowClan hereditary system very loosely, distantly related to Kelptail, Brindlestar’s son. However, debate has been risen over the actual order of Whitestar and Kepltail’s birth. If Kelptail was indeed born before Whitestar, Reddapple would be the heir to the throne.
He truly does not want to be leader, but understands that abdicating would leave ShadowClan leaderless if he was the true pick. Therefore, he has chosen to make an effort to become leader to properly hand the system back to Fangstar.
Reddapple’s heritage makes him 1/32 ShadowClan. His parents are Copperfrost and Birchtail, both from ThunderClan. Kelptail’s genes come from Copperfrost’s side.
Queen & Talia
Queen is also from Kelptail’s side of the family.
Talia, Queen’s mother, has encouraged her to take power in ShadowClan to make life fairer for cats that live outside the Clans and have no wish to join them. Clan cats often chase away kittypets, rogues, and loners that approach their territory. However, Talia is not eligible for leadership, as she has less than 1/2 Clan blood. She passed her beliefs to her daughter, Queen, who has agreed to participate in the competition for leadership to force the Clans to disband.
Queen has lived her life as a rogue, but her father is Hailfoot, a tunneler from WindClan.
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rosepetals-heart · 2 years
Bumblestripe x Mapleheart
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Hailfoot- black silver classic tabby tom
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Aspenfall- black silver classic tabby molly
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Goldenpaw- black golden classic tabby tom
March '09 - Jan '10 (10 moons)
COD: Greencough
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0 notes
convocations · 6 years
Ok but what if Sandstar pulled a dick move and named him Haileye or something. In all honesty, I always imagined him as a Hailtail, mostly because I couldn’t think of a name edgy enough for him. Loved your story btw, it was very cool!
i made a joke once that hailpaws name would be Hailfoot and it would be like hailpaws name never actually changed and i think about that a lot
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moonheartsfaithcomic · 6 months
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rosepetals-heart · 2 years
Rosestar- dilute silver ticked tabby tortoiseshell
Hailfoot- black silver classic tabby tom
Med Cat
Jayfeather- blue spotted tabby tom, blind
Apprentice: Mintpaw
Senior Warriors
Brambleclaw- black mackerel tabby tom
Squirrelflight- mostly ginger, ticked tabby tortoiseshell molly
Cinderheart- blue spotted tabby molly
Poppyfrost- black tortoiseshell and white molly
Lionblaze- black golden classic tabby tom
Blossomfall- black tortoiseshell molly
Ivypool- black silver mackerel tabby and white molly
Lilyheart- seal ticked tabby tortoiseshell mink point molly with high white
Mapleheart- black golden classic tabby molly
Raventhroat- black tom
Burdockpelt- chocolate silver ticked tabby tom with white
Dawnleap- fawn tom
Alderheart- black golden classic tabby molly
Apprentice: Owlpaw
Downwhisker- lilac broken mackerel tabby tom with low white
Willowwhisker- lilac classic torbie and white molly
Apprentice: Russetpaw
Pearwhisker- cream mackerel tabby tom
Voleclaw- chocolate silver mackerel tabby molly
Apprentice: Cloverpaw
Aspenfall- black silver classic tabby molly
Thymeclaw- blue and white molly
Sprucestorm- black tom
Shadebrook- black molly
Rootbark- chocolate golden shaded tom
Goosewing- lilac tortoiseshell molly
Beechclaw- red silver ticked tabby tom with low white
Wrencloud- chocolate silver classic tabby tom
Apprentice: Rookpaw
Acornblaze- cinnamon classic tabby tom
Herontail- black silver classic tabby tom
Cherryleg- red classic tabby tom
Ferrettail- blue tortoiseshell and white molly
Larkwing- chocolate broken mackerel tabby molly with low white
Apprentice: Starlingpaw
Mallowfoot- white molly
Adderheart- black spotted classic tabby tom
Waspwing- black golden mackerel tabby tortoiseshell molly
Toadwhisker- black classic tabby tortoiseshell molly
Smoketail- black silver mackerel tabby tom
Emberclaw- black silver classic torbie molly
Cloverpaw (8 moons)- cream spotted tabby tom
Owlpaw (8 moons)- black spotted tabby tom
Russettpaw (8 moons)- red classic tabby tom
Rookpaw (7 moons)- black molly
Starlingpaw (7 moons)- black tom
Mintpaw (7 moons)- lilac molly
Daisy- lilac ticked tortoiseshell pointed molly with white
Fogflower- lilac classic torbie molly
Sparrowsong- chocolate silver mackerel tabby molly with low white (3 moons)
Lizardkit- chocolate silver mackerel tabby tom with low white
Lichenkit- chocolate silver mackerel torbie molly
Rabbitkit- chocolate silver mackerel torbie and white molly
Robinkit- chocolate silver mackerel tabby tom with low white
Dustpelt- cinnamon ticked tabby tom
Brackenfur- black golden mackerel tabby tom
Ferncloud- blue silver spotted tabby molly
Sorreltail- black tortoiseshell and white molly
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